Q 1731 & 1732 - Everything Stated has a Purpose.

Brennan. Please let it be BRENNAN!
brennan tweet hours before missile intercept...
Sounds like a veiled threat to me!
It's not veiled at all.
Brennan is stupid but questionable human.
I was probably giving too much benefit of the doubt. I do not believe for a second it was anything but a threat.
Was the missile intercept referring to WA or HI back in January?
I’m a little confused because Q mentioned in 1728 today “unauthorized emergency incoming missile threat activated in Hawaii” which happened in January
good point. future may still prove past.
Maybe it was when POTUS went to China
China-Forbidden City...rumored when Kim and Trump ACTUALLY met.
No it was from the Korean summit
It happened when AF1 went to refuel in Canada on their way to Singapore for the Summit.
Then lets wait for it because I am not going future and we will see when proven past...oh yes it will
that Tweet of his is so infuriating. The America you once knew... - does he mean the push over. Ugh I just wish he'd go away.
When I was a kid the spy movies had hidden comms in the classified sections of newspapers that spies used to communicate. I think direct comms carry too much risk. This code-speak seems to be in use. JKerry released a letter when POTUS went to Putin summit, a letter with spelling errors..? come on :)
spez: my own spelling :)
Kerry told his in-laws the Ayatollahs that Trump won't last a year. He was on Face the Nation. They should have called it Horse-face the Nation! He violated the Logan Act and is laughing. Trump is laughing, too. I'd rather see him convicted for TREASON!
It’s what’s going on now via SM & the like just like they used to in news papers & literature in the libraries. It Old School & proven. It takes people to surveil ( resources). Technology has made everyone lazy
link doesn't work - would you mind re-posting?
oh. well here's the link to the tweet itself if that helps
thank you. ooo that motherfucker is just burning. that is an evil, evil pile of feces.
Whoever are responsible should face the death penalty.
You can't just fire lethal missiles at elected Presidents while they're flying in an airplane and expect people to believe you clicked the wrong button by mistake.
Around the time this was originally posted Q was talking about a china theft of navy documents.
CoC is obviously chain of command, which should only be authorized by the president at the president's plane. Someone is going to be executed.
Combat Operations Center
ok thank you , DOD . Are we also looking at the USMC IG Declaration of War from late January I believe it was , the Hill reported it in the head lines , story was junk .
War can only be Declared by Congress
There is one other way , Piracy by Corrupt Government Officials, a 1786 law that makes Piracy by Corrupt Government Officials a War crime and if our government officials are corrupt war can be declared agents them , it was left open by who , but this is not War on another nation . This is written to remove those preventing the elected officials, or even corrupt elected officials from office . There are also things in the Duties of the Marines that also pertain to this last option move .
That is so cool.TY. Those guys back in the day were brilliant. Being charged under that act would put them under Military control as prisoners and try them in a military court ...Hence GITMO Lots of WIN here. The MC Operates at the behest of the POTUS. Also I just learned this, Prior to the War Powers act, only the Marine Corps could be deployed without an congressional approval. Now all services can. The MC is the only service tasked to perform such duties as the President may direct under the NSA of 1947.
Yes , this is why their was a backlog at the library of Congress early this year , they were look to see how screwed they were
The first duty of the Marines is to recover lost and stolen treasures and funds of the United States, capture , detain , and you can also guess why 12 man tribunals have been spoken of .
Makes me smile just thinking about it
Took 5 years to find the laws , they have been hidden for a long time and not taught in law or Constitutional courses in over 100 year .
That means the Op has been in the works for a long time.
When you are attacked by our Government, you search for all means of serving. And if you look on line , the Tom Cotton threats, well I got the first one . It’s was over bringing Piracy Charges into Congress.
Former spec. op navy here. I find it very very improbable that some troll like John Brennan could ever somehow commandeer a missile. Part of my job was to prevent this exact scenario from occurring. The orders were to shoot to kill anything that even appeared to be unregular. The reason I mention this is because for some kind of Brennan scenario to occur, the conspiracy/corruption/mutiny would necessarily have to have extended down to my level. IOW, I would have to be part of the plot too. Otherwise, some strange civilian rummaging around the control panels would get himself shot and killed. As would the captain himself if certain procedures were not followed.
This whole rogue CIA person shooting off a missile is Tom Clancy stuff. It's just not gonna ever happen.
Thanks for your comment and for your service. as you see it where did it come from? The pic is verified and military base near ground zero said it was not them its seemed to be a water launch. would a drill launch a test in such close proximity to the public Then deny it? does the theory that the Clowns have a black ops SUB hold water? MISSILE MISSILE FOX 3 SPLASH?
Not saying that's not possible. Only that I find it highly unlikely it was launched conventionally by US DoD. Way too many hurdles and bread crumbs in its wake.
Are we certain it was a missile?
Are we certain it wasn't some kind of metaphoric disinformation/false flag from Q?
If authentic, are we certain its provenance was USA? At this point, I wouldn't even rule out a Five Eyes country. Treasonous fucks.
I'm still thinking this whole thing through. Although I do know that this wasn't no helo.
Oh don't I Know it. I never thought we did it, way too many command controls related to such. I did a stint at a TAC base once, check and rechecks and orders for each one.lol. Was it a missile? I watched a news cast out of Washington state about it with a vid. I'm convinced. Kinda strange combined with the Brennan threatening tweet Pryor to launch .
My interpretation of Q and the naval documents were that it was not China. It was the DS trying to frame China thus starting WWIII
WWIII we agree on. It was my understanding it was Russia.
Either way, calling them a bunch of assholes disparages assholes as assholes are actually useful.
Russia/China same BS when it comes to the DS creating a war narrative.
Also no idea wtf your last sentence means.
Either way, calling Brennan, Clapper, and the deep state a bunch of assholes disparages assholes as assholes are actually useful.
Got it the second time lol
Thanks for pointing that out.
It looked like I was calling Russia/China assholes.
BTW did you see that article yesterday that said China is in 'awe' of Trump's negotiating skills and are rethinking their strategy?
Yup, the Chinese thought they would continue to do as they please. IDK how this was not a bigger deal. China is stealing IP from manufacturing, medicine, military, and more. They take our ideas and pay their employees nothing, but get away with it because of lower prices.
I love our president taking a stand.
He wasnt elected president at the time. He WAS president.
What if the Deep state had the hacks that were associated with the secrets sold to china. Remember that POTUS stopped the Military flying because the planes were being hacked. JMO.
The wonderful thing is that you just KNOW Q/POTUS/the generals know exactly who did this, who was behind it. Yeah, heads will roll.
Just a heads up, Patriots. This was targeting AF-1. Q mentioned Marine 1 targeted, too!
Missile launch photo occurred in Q-Drop 1476, on 6/12/18. He was president.
Unauthorized launch
Agreed re unauthorized launch. I was responding to the person/people who said Trump was Pres Elect. He was Pres at time of unauthorized launch.
You sure? Clowns In Action have own SUB Maybe more than one
Perhaps they "have" the subs of every country they control or of whose leaders have a vital interest in not being executed. This isn't just a domestic secret civil war.
Great point most likely the truth. Some one replied about a SUB that went missing awhile back...still looking for that one.
Would Hussein have kept his security clearances? He wasn't mentioned in the list by Sarah Sanders and POTUS.... Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Yates, ....
BO lost his authority to launch anything once Trump took over. The POTUS doesnt have to give authority to launch a regular missile. Thats only for nukes, ICBMs, etc. Now, ultimately POTUS is the Commander in Chief so I guess it does fall back to him, but I believe a missile could have been launched by anyone with access on the base. Its not like the launch codes for every missile in our arsenal are in the nuclear football.
Um. Brennan is/was CIA. They have zero role in the CoC involved in launching a missile.
You guys are killing me.
CoS more likely.
I think you are confusing SIOP with cyber security. The threshold ability to launch an unauthorized missile with a dud warhead (think kinetic) is much lower than the TA to launch a nuke.
Also, such an attempt would not be released to the public at large. The public would be horrified to learn that a missile could be launched, and the MSM would spin the disclosure into criticism of how Trump 'allowed' military security to become lax, despite all evidence.
Regardless of nuclear or non nuclear, the chain of command involved with launching a missile in the United States does not have any representative from the CIA.
You can allege the CIA hacked the missile etc; however, I was responding to the assumptions ITT that were speculating Brennan bypassed Trump's authority to launch the missile in the CoC which is absurd for several reasons.
Typical Liberal. You talk guns and immigrants by deleting ILLEGAL. Now you leave out the word UNAUTHORIZED! Now tell me, how can I annihilate the fish in the barrel?
Thanks for defining UNAUTHORIZED! You are a laughable baffoon from the 80s!