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Anonymous ID: 27ee9d Jan. 1, 2021, 3:30 p.m. No.12273003     >>2377

The burger bromance between Col Allan and Donald Trump


Andrew Hornery - January 2, 2021


Rupert Murdoch’s most ardent tabloid terrier Col Allan, the former Sydney reporter who rose to be editor of the New York Post and most recently advised on the paper’s coverage of the US election, is tying up loose ends in the United States before he returns to Australia in coming months.


Part of that house-keeping was a very special lunch date indeed: a private audience with one of his closest mates, the outgoing US president himself, Donald Trump.


Allan’s friends report that Trump hosted Allan in the Oval office, where they dined on … wait for it … hamburgers, washed down with a fine bottle of chilled Chateau de Coca-Cola 20…

Anonymous ID: eec554 Dec. 27, 2020, 1:26 p.m. No.12199018  


"Berders" u pravom smislu te rijeci!


Berders na engl su osobe koje i sam.vrag smatra zlima.


Trumo je twitao hamberders umjesto hamburgers.


Rugali mu se…al nekima su pogreske znakovi za daljnje istrazivanje.

Anonymous ID: 1cefa8 Dec. 21, 2020, 10:01 a.m. No.12118562  








Anonymous ID: 885851 Dec. 15, 2020, 11:45 p.m. No.24760  

Here are some COMMS


Speakeasy of secrets: Forgotten tales of debauchery from NYC’s ‘21’ Club

By Michael KaplanDecember 15, 2020 | 7:36pm | Updated


The ‘21’ Club has spent the last 90 years as a magnet for the rich, louche, beautiful and powerful. Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton both stashed bottles of pricey wine in the West 52nd Street restaurant’s cellar (and some are said to still be there). Ernest Hemingway made love to a girlfriend of gangster Legs Diamond on a kitchen staircase. (Luckily, Legs was gunned down before he could seek his promised retribution.) Novelist John O’Hara routinely got blind-drunk and was liable to throw punches at anyone within proximity, while a sad and solo-dining Jackie Gleason insisted on swapping…

Anonymous ID: 2abe42 Dec. 15, 2020, 11:34 p.m. No.12048252     >>8264 >>8290

Here are some COMMS


Speakeasy of secrets: Forgotten tales of debauchery from NYC’s ‘21’ Club

By Michael KaplanDecember 15, 2020 | 7:36pm | Updated


The ‘21’ Club has spent the last 90 years as a magnet for the rich, louche, beautiful and powerful. Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton both stashed bottles of pricey wine in the West 52nd Street restaurant’s cellar (and some are said to still be there). Ernest Hemingway made love to a girlfriend of gangster Legs Diamond on a kitchen staircase. (Luckily, Legs was gunned down before he could seek his promised retribution.) Novelist John O’Hara routinely got blind-drunk and was liable to throw punches at anyone within proximity, while a sad and solo-dining Jackie Gleason insisted on swapping…

Anonymous ID: f52e65 Nov. 28, 2020, 8:50 a.m. No.11818930     >>8939

Just one more way the elites in charge could care less about us, complete disregard for their bread and butter. The consumer and the teams, musicians, artists ect..

The ones there putting on the show….(some performers teams may get a % of concessions sales I know crap about contract details)


Every been to a concert, ball game, other large public event.

$13 beers

$8 sodas

$10 hamburgers

$6 Nachos

How can this not be price gouging one might ask ??

(Even though the sheeple pay it I feel bad for them they were put to sleep)

We remember some gas station owners being fined and arrested after 9/11 for spiking gas prices. Same with others that tried with sanitizer during covid.


In the United States, state laws against price gougin…

Anonymous ID: 1aa966 Nov. 21, 2020, 5:35 a.m. No.11724625     >>4695


<Almost like they are planning something

>Almost like they are planning something

A "Coup" in 2002 perhaps

Digging on this Bush Chavez meeting

Old article from Worldpress.org

Appears to be leftist rag But informative


From the July 2002 issue of World Press Review (VOL. 49, No. 7)

Back, by Popular Demand? How Venezuela's Hugo Chávez Got a Second Chance

Hamburgers, Cured Ham, and Oil


Following the unsuccessful coup d’etat aimed at toppling the constitutional government of Hugo Chávez, a journalist from Spain said last week that “it smells like hamburgers, jabugo (Spanish cured ham), and oil!” Obviously, he knew what he was talking about: the participation ofofficials from the United States,…

Anonymous ID: 2d3e4e Nov. 9, 2020, 5:39 p.m. No.11567148  


If California turns red I'm going to order3Five Guys hamburgers instead of my usual 2.

Anonymous ID: 9f4714 Oct. 28, 2020, 7:29 p.m. No.11333954  

All these flags are making me hungry for hamburgers, pot salad and padado chips, for Freedom.

Anonymous ID: 87d04d Oct. 25, 2020, 2:53 p.m. No.11276133  


>raise money stop global warming.

yeah right, slush fund!

they are running low, they count on public funbding theft and had to pull the GF shit and BLM and now a song or two.

Patriots on stand by to show the hypocrisy me hopes. Planes, Trains and Automobiles.


show them flying first class or private, leaving from their walled safe houses with private security, maskless unless its mask p.r. time, etc. etc.

eating out- hamburgers derived from farting cows!

maybe a picked up convo about the green deal being a scam and AOC a nutjob, and pro sports destroying themselves for politics.

the stars Fall as a Bright Sunny Day starts!

Anonymous ID: 2c81b8 Oct. 12, 2020, 6:04 p.m. No.11044841     >>4861 >>4955


You're logic is beyond flawed, dude.

And I already explained how that shit works.

So, other than the fact that everything everywhere is essentially "Alive", by the "Grace of God", if you must choose to word it that way to accept it, remind everyone how special you are because you made the claim that "God" created all this just for you, Yet you don't even take the time to investigate what that actually means before you walk into the fucking lions den trying to sell hamburgers

Anonymous ID: 4916d6 Oct. 10, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.11014395     >>4426


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05793492 Date: 11/30/2015


• Tilapia can become problematic invasive species in new warm-water habitats, whether deliberately or accidentally




• Tilapia were one of the three main types of fish caught in Biblical times from the Sea of Galilee. At that time were


called Musht.


• Tilapia typically have laterally compressed, deep bodies. Like other cichlids, their lower pharyngeal bones are fused


into a single tooth-bearing structure. A complex set of muscles allows the upper and lower pharyngeal bones to be used

as a second set of jaws for processing food, allowing a division of labor between the "true…

Anonymous ID: d6b345 Sept. 28, 2020, 2:58 a.m. No.10819555  


I haven't had fast food in years. I hate cooking. Always have. The price is a complete turn off.

6 dollars for sugar water, oily fries and a gorgeous looking hamburger.

I do miss hamburgers

Anonymous ID: d0e2b4 Sept. 26, 2020, 9:46 p.m. No.10806344     >>6365 >>6457

Texas woman says she was fired by Whataburger for wearing a Black Lives Matter mask


A Texas woman says she was fired by a Whataburger in Fort Worth for wearing a Black Lives Matter face mask to work, in what is the latest in a string of penalties handed down by employers for public displays of support for the social justice movement.


Similar cases are popping up across the state and all over the country. Over the summer, two Texas teachers faced disciplinary action from their schools, one for wearing a mask and the other for displaying a Black Lives Matter sign, among other signs, in her virtual classroom.


Meanwhile in Ohio, a Taco Bell worker was fired for refusing to take off his Black Lives Matter mask; the same hap…

Anonymous ID: b75a70 Sept. 21, 2020, 6:08 a.m. No.10731212  


Looks like Ellen was eating hamburgers and grease during the lock down. A bit rounder in the middle than I remember.

Anonymous ID: 4d1a8d Aug. 21, 2020, 1:28 p.m. No.10374524     >>4532 >>4545

Boycott Businesses that Require Face Diapers


"If a store required customers to wear shoes, would you boycott it,"

a dimwitted reader responded to my Twitter call for a boycott.


The difference is that


  1. There is no pandemic. COVID 19 is no worse than the common cold/flu. The death rate is less than 1/2 of one percent, mainly the aged.


  1. Face Diapers are humiliating and unhealthy. The elite (World Economic Forum) admit that the #scamdemic is a mass hallucination designed to force undemocratic social change.


How do we respond?


Below- Eric Peters urges us to boycott.


Literally everyone corporations, media, education, and politicians is controlled by the banks, who are con…

Anonymous ID: 44e62c Aug. 13, 2020, 9:07 a.m. No.10274357  



The true achilles heel is that it isn't there.

That's right, digital currency isn't there.

You just imagine that it is there.

So what happens when you get better

And you stop imagining things?

When you see clearly,

Digital currency goes poof!

It's known as the insanity standard

The currency is backed by insanity!

Where's the beef?

Even hamburgers make better currency than digital.

Anonymous ID: d39122 Aug. 10, 2020, 10:26 p.m. No.10250092  




Same for the laborer. These fancy formulas always seem to forget, there is a COST to making what we call wages, and this is "opportunity time" in the "economic lingo".


You get hired to go flip hamburgers.

You flip them for the capitalist for eight hours.

In return, the capitalist agrees to pay you 10 dollars per hour.

This is a rate for your labor is a time for cash trade, decided by market forces, just like any other cost the capitalist business owner must bear to provide the grill, buns, meat etc.

One problem tho.

It is a trade, without taxable profit.


It COSTS the worker an hour of TIME to create that ten dollar cash flow, SO, logically, there is a trade of MONEY for TIME of…

Anonymous ID: 017c40 Aug. 8, 2020, 7:17 p.m. No.10228587  


6 hamburgers

6 hotdogs

Probably another 6 on the clock I'm missing…unless it's the actual 6. You know that witch has 666 hidden everywhere.

LEONTOCEPHALINE ID: d33a19 Aug. 4, 2020, 8:19 p.m. No.10185382     >>5385


I remember sitting in Shelby's airstream trailer in St. Petersburg, Florida in 1977, along with the great Fortean philosopher William N. Grimstad and Charles Saunders, a brilliant recluse who was a close friend of Jack Kerouac toward the end of the Beat writer's life (a fact missed by every one of Kerouac's numerous biographers; so much for biographers).


Shelby's conversation that day ranged from the occult significance of the Theremin musical instrument to the sorcerous implications of elevators, the relationship he had with an evanescent rabbit named Petey; the sinister connotations of the circus and the mystical topography of the American Southwest, which Mr. Downard knew the way you and I kno…

Anonymous ID: d19b05 July 26, 2020, 3:08 a.m. No.10081254  


>McDonald’s Says ‘No Mask, No Hamburgers’ In New Ruling On Face Coverings


Who in their right mind eats that shit anyway?

Anonymous ID: ea2559 July 26, 2020, 2:41 a.m. No.10081160     >>1209 >>1254




McDonald’s Says ‘No Mask, No Hamburgers’ In New Ruling On Face Coverings


Somewhere, the Hamburglar is laughing.


McDonald’s on Friday decreed that all customers will be required to wear face coverings when entering one of its restaurants.


The change starts Aug. 1 and is part of a number of new measures being implemented by the fast food restaurant. In-person dining is also out for another 30 days, and a press release, said new plastic dividers will be installed in the front and back of its restaurants.


“While nearly 82 percent of our restaurants are in states or localities t…

Anonymous ID: 96ef74 July 25, 2020, 6:53 p.m. No.10078414     >>8428 >>8462 >>8521


went to a hamburger restaurant in cambridge. the one in the "faceberg" movie where he insults the girl of his dreams by saying "why do you have to study, you go to BU? isn't that same school attended by AOCunt" in the real restaurant they sell 50 diff kinds of hamburgers. every booth and table has little frames of people who have sat there. my relative says to me as he points at a small 3x5 inch frame… "who the hell is Huggybear, why would i care if he sat here???"


I act like I am insulted that he does no know who HuggyBear is and in a high pitched voice i start doing an impression of him passing information to starsky and hutch…his voice was not high pitched but it made it f…

Anonymous ID: 6f6489 July 9, 2020, 9:59 p.m. No.9912607     >>2623

Forget Plague, Riots, and Socialism: Vote-By-Mail Will Be the Death of the Republic


Vote-by-mail is the devil


It’s valid for those of us on the right to be concerned about the fate of our beloved country, especially in this strangest of years. We are, after all, facing a host of problems: the coronavirus pandemic, the successful radical leftist indoctrination of two generations of public school kids, and the resulting lust for socialism on the American left resulting from that.


There is also the fact that the idiot lefties are trying to ruin sports, entertainment, and even hamburgers, but we’ll have to save that for another day.


When I survey the 2020 landscape trying to ascertain what is most detrimental to the…

Anonymous ID: a06187 July 7, 2020, 5:27 a.m. No.9882980     >>2998 >>3017 >>3027 >>3106 >>3270

Robert De Niro's Nobu Restaurants and Hotels Took 14 Coronavirus Relief Program Loans Worth $28 Million


I have a feeling this entire list of ppp loans was to expose all of them, all I hear from lefties, Trumps friends got loans, Kek, this is going to get very good, and bring some people down


Nobu, the posh, high-end restaurant and hotel chain — backed by left-wing actor and raging Trump-basher Robert De Niro — took more than a dozen loans from the Trump administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).


In DeNiro’s eyes, President Trump is a “mean-spirited, soulless, amoral, abusive con-artist son of a bitch.” But that didn’t stop one of the actor’s prime investments from using the Trump administration’s loan pro…

Anonymous ID: 7a395a July 6, 2020, 7:26 p.m. No.9879715     >>9734 >>9737 >>9760 >>9772 >>9845

Robert De Niro’s Nobu Restaurants and Hotels Took 14 PPP Loans Worth $28 Million


Nobu, the posh, high-end restaurant and hotel chain — backed by left-wing actor and raging Trump-basher Robert De Niro — took more than a dozen loans from the Trump administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).


In DeNiro’s eyes, President Trump is a “mean-spirited, soulless, amoral, abusive con-artist son of a bitch.” But that didn’t stop one of the actor’s prime investments from using the Trump administration’s loan program for cash, a loan program meant to help keep small business wrecked by the Chinese coronavirus financially afloat.


De Niro-backed Nobu restaurants took more than a dozen PPP loans https://t.co/pSYIdPeFUr


— …

Anonymous ID: 4f1a34 June 27, 2020, 10:15 p.m. No.9773297     >>3367

“Storm Warning”


“The USA has gone so crazy in these months of the coronavirus freak-out that an orgy of looting, arson, and murder, on top of epic job loss and business failure, propelled the stock markets up-up-and-away back to near-record highs. Makes sense, right? The market came down a bit towards the end of the week, but don’t worry. The Fed will make another announcement that it’s going to do something or other and presto, the market will be off to the races again.


In the background of these weeks of protests, riots, looting, and arson is the disintegrating economy, which signifies that pretty much everybody in this land will not be able to keep on keeping on in the ways we’re used to.

Reduced Living Standards: Everybod…

Anonymous ID: 6b8c0c June 14, 2020, 7:18 a.m. No.9610639     >>2008



I spy with my lil eye: all seeing eyes, pedo joe ties, rosettes, hamburgers, etc. Jeni's first shop was called 'SCREAM'


Assessment: Probably child trafficking through her many 'successful' branches across the nation.

Anonymous ID: e990c7 June 13, 2020, 7:20 a.m. No.9597211  


The big one with the "I love Hillary too" tag

That's Mo the Breacher

She is the first one in the entry team stack

Consumes fatal funnels and hamburgers

If you get a knock on the door and see her in the peep hole she is coming in one way or another

Mo the Breacher

Anonymous ID: 9c916e June 10, 2020, 4:29 p.m. No.9565602     >>5649 >>5703



Can we get some comedy in this movie? Airdrop some bacon and hamburgers into CHAZ?

Anonymous ID: 560041 June 4, 2020, 7:10 p.m. No.9476855     >>6870 >>6871

I thought the jurisdiction was extended to include St.John's Church?

Here these guys are eating hotdogs and hamburgers and refueling for the protests?



Anonymous ID: 8bbd0a May 27, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.9335150     >>5987





On Sunday a lot of us felt like shit from sleeping on the ground for two days and lack of sleep. But everyone was generally polite. A lot of the more hardcore ppl were clamoring for a daytime meditation before they left but it just didn’t happen. I was trying to get us to do a meditation where we imagine turning into a dolphin and fly into space -– Before you knock that as totally ridiculous, which would be fair, its comes straight out of celia hatch’s handbook and is reminiscent of the best piece of literature in the 20th century – “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” Plus, it seemed like good comic relief to just have fun and let loose. Anyways, it didn’t happen, but we did our remote…

Anonymous ID: 51c4cf May 13, 2020, 6:03 p.m. No.9162456  


I said the one she is wearing is an equal cross. The picture was posted to show what an actual inverted cross looks like - actual screen shots from the video unedited clearly show an equal cross.


You have posted a screenshot that was photoshopped by a pesky anon. She is catholic and has been seen wearing that cross on other occasions.


This is another case of bullshit from here making it to social media and then spreading like the jewish people who put baby parts into mcdonalds hamburgers.

Anonymous ID: f03451 May 5, 2020, 8:31 a.m. No.9038244     >>8256

FakeNews can't seem to keep up


May 3,2020

Trump’s order to keep meat plants open mistakes meat shortage for a food shortage




U.S. Meat Shortage Leaves Some Wendy’s Without Hamburgers

May 5,2020



Anonymous ID: 3619b7 May 3, 2020, 12:09 p.m. No.9013384  


Christ said not to hurt the children, so of course those criminals are given their freedoms. Hurting children is one of the father of lies favorite things.


It’s supported by elected officials, judges, lawyers, and LEOs. We have elections where dead people and non-citizens are allowed to vote and tallies are done on George Soros voting machines.


Who’s fault is that? It’s always the slaves fault. The overseers make sure that the finger always points at us. The idea is that good people are protected from the bad ones. The evil ones. Instead the rich, famous, powerful can commit any crime and never be held accountable. A woman is going to run for President again apparently despite having video evidence of crime…

Anonymous ID: 935b95 April 26, 2020, 12:48 p.m. No.8929480     >>9492



Berg- (pronounced Bear-g) German origin meaning "Mountain" as in Iceberg- Eisberg

Burg- Meaning fortified town, as in Borough, cognate with German -Burg, Dutch -burcht and Scandinavian -borg and, in English, developed as "-borough" "-burg", "-burgh" and "Bury" as in Canterbury (Kent-Burg)

A Burger is a citizen of a Burg or Borough. Hamburgers' -er ending is a German indication of origin, applying to people or things: Of Hamburg= Hamburger, Of Berlin= Berliner.

Anonymous ID: ad51ed April 26, 2020, 11:59 a.m. No.8929186  


I believe that Trump won't rest, until the public knows what "hamburgers" were brought to the WH for 65 grand.

Anonymous ID: ad51ed April 26, 2020, 11:54 a.m. No.8929159     >>9172 >>9376

Trump tweeting about eating hamberders & Diet Coke:


a thing or person who is on the level below the devil and commits acts that the devil would consider evil

That guy is such a berder!



Obama bought for a lot of money ($65k) hamburgers while in DC.

Diet Coke (D C)

Tump is again bringing up the topic of Hussein buying hamburgers (from Chicago) for an event at the White House.

$65,000.00…what kind of hamburgers were this?

"Berder"= devil

What costume did Hussein wear?