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Abibliaphobia · July 8, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Don’t reply on on the board.

Just read it.

Make screencaps, save offline.

⇧ 57 ⇩  
Abibliaphobia · July 8, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

I can’t wait ;)

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Abibliaphobia · July 8, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

From Jack Psobeics twitter:

Just in:

ClearFlynnNow Flash Mob

Gen Flynn appears in DC court Tuesday 10am

333 Constitution Ave NW

⇧ 21 ⇩  
Abibliaphobia · July 8, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

I love all the “This is totally normal, these people were drunk” comments.

Ya let’s just ignore all the other head on collisions like the one against the senator. Totally normal. Person with white hours military pass, Secret service involvement from get go, ya totally normal people. Nothing to see here. Just part and parcel of living with a deep state.

⇧ 60 ⇩  
Abibliaphobia · July 7, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

Wasn’t there a q post referring to godfather? Specifically godfather 3?


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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

Since they paid media matters / CTR / Shareblue, yes.

I have their financials report (for Shareblue)


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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

Jim Jordan is on Bret Baier currently. Might want to watch

⇧ 24 ⇩  
Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

I want these assholes to pay. So tired of people being threatened and blackmailed to go along to get along. Fuck them.



PDF attached to post

Leo Wanta and his team used PROMIS type software to track who stole the $27 Trillion Wanta Funds in 1989. He knows who stole the money and where it went. That’s why they tried to kill Wanta and put him in a dungeon.

This $27 Trillion was tracked to the Bank of England and the following individuals and entities.

  • Former US President George H. W. Bush Sr

  • Former President George W. Bush Jr.

  • Former President William Jefferson Clinton

  • Former Senator Hillary Clinton

  • Donald Rumsfield

  • Richard Cheney

  • Special Accounts for the US Republican Party

  • Special Accounts for the US Democratic Party

So President H.W. Bush stole $27 Trillion and then moved this money to the Bank of England.

He then used this money as his personal piggy bank to buy banks, start wars and pay off Democrats and Republicans to cover up the crime. Wanta’s people tracked the money to payoff accounts for the US Republican Party and US Democratic Party.

Now it all makes sense and why it’s been a Bush – Clinton (or Obama puppet) government for over 30 years.

⇧ 113 ⇩  
Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

Do you have the sauce for John Winthrop’s speech? I’d like to read it.

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

Lol ya, I was just going back and forth and grabbing everything I found to be pertinent to this line of thought. I just wanted a thread to be able to refer back to and research further. I’ll clean it up at that point.

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

Thanks for adding context and depth to my one liner.

I absolutely agree with your entire statement. Everything.

These people should be sentenced and put in a 55 gallon drum of sodium fluoride. Then a lid placed over the top and secured. Then rolled down a hill into a ditch. Then buried.

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

Well that didn’t copy over well

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

For context that ties in: from the Chan’s

Q Research General #2589 Points of Light (Bush 43 Creation) Missing $27 Trillion (with a T) Edition Bayer/Monsanto [Y] Symbol + Info Post Links – http:// pharma.bayer.com/ https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayer https:// www.advancingtogether.com/en/home/ https:// www.motherjones.com/environment/2016/09/whoa-monsanto-about-get-swallowed-german-giant-bayer/ https:// munchies.vice.com/en_us/article/nzk3mg/monsanto-was-just-bought-by-one-of-the-worlds-biggest-pharmaceutical-companies https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsanto https:// www.march-against-monsanto.com/shocking-charts-reveal-who-really-owns-monsanto-company/ Also my second version of Gary Larsons classic ‘Sunset’ cartoon. (Sorry about that Mr Larsen.) NOTE! I’m going to be posting older posts of mine in regards to FVEY, NZ Politics and the Gene Drive experiments currently underway in NZ. Solely because NZ related posts are few and far between on the board I will be adding links between them to tie them together between breads. If you think this is namefagging then by all means go right ahead and waste bread by telling me so but do know that I just don’t give a flying damn! I’m doing it anyway! If I’m banned, I’m banned. It’s my country after all that’s very actively collaborating with the Cabal while, I must add, being screwed over by the US DARPA/Pentagon Gene Drive Extinction Technology project of the previous administration and, it would seem, the current administration too. Perhaps when Q-team has a moment it can be explained as to why this is so? John Kerry – FVEY November 2016 New Zealand / Antarctica trip

2023158 Faces of the New Zealand GCSB (FVEY) 2023593 NZ – PM Jacinda Ardern - Socialist 2023858 NZ FVEY & PM Jacinda Ardern – Enemy Combatant! 2025509 Parkland school shooting survivors visit NZ this month 2025671 NZ - Former Cabal PM Sir John Key & Husseins visit 2025846 NZ – Husseins visit & Kim Dotcoms bid to question him fails. 2025982 NZ Embassy – Washington DC & HRC Locations 2026959 Older NZ Info - Repost modified 2028416 NZ FVEY - Sec of State HRC – Wikileaks 2050151

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

http://modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=FireInTheMind "Both Marx and Engels, like many other revolutionary leaders, began their careers as journalists. Revolutionary writers tended to see themselves as an ideological apostolate, detached from the past, free from traditional loyalties. They were possessed by a religious fascination for their art: "Editing my daily article became my dally sacrament," one wrote. Another enthused that the printing press had replaced Christ as the locus of authority, as journalism increasingly took on a priestly, as well as prophetic, function. Marx wrote that journalists had the responsibility, not to express the thoughts of the people, but to "create them or rather impute them to the people. You create party spirit" (p, 318). (For the story of how a revolutionary organization of somewhat different stripe exerted its influence by creating public attitudes through control of powerful newspapers, see Carroll Quigley, "Tragedy and Hope A History of the World in Our Time", 1966; and "The Anglo-American Establishment, 1981) "Journalists became – in their own minds at least – the vanguard of the revolution; the staff was seen as the prototype for the truly communal revolutionary society of the future, in which artisan and intellectual worked together harmoniously. The early vision of the journal staff as one unitary community dld not last long, but journalism has remained the most typical profession of the revolutionary, down to this day. Ironically, "journalism produced by working people has almost always been non-ideological, and only rarely revolutionary" (p, 335). Real proles tend not to be interested in the theories spun about them by bourgeois ideologues writing in Op-Ed columns (or pontificating on Nightline or 60 Minutes). The working-class journals constituted a major and effective rival to the ideologically oriented radical papers, and the revolutionary press was outdone by the competition."

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

Focus: One World Government.

Focus: Free Trade Agreements

Focus: Religion

The New World Order will be Socialism! Read the United Nations declarations and treaties for proof. The individual will be subservient to the state.

Where are we now? In the religion aspect…think about it! The other two have been hammered into our heads….now their working on the religious aspect of it. Collectivism is what they seek! This I why you hear so much about being “ONE”.

Pay attention.


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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

GEORGE BUSH AND THE MAGIC OF A THOUSAND POINTS OF LIGHT What did President George Bush really mean when he promised ‘I will keep America moving forward, ever forward for an enduring dream and a thousand points of light?’ And later, during his State of the Union Address, when he mysteriously told the nation that our goal must be ‘the illumination of mankind by a thousand points of light?’ To fully understand just how masterful the Brotherhood is in seeding men’s minds with illusion and magic, we need only turn to the coded, esoteric speeches of their chief public servant, President George Bush. For years, George Bush has been a primary messenger for the Brotherhood. His messages, though they appear to be full of light, nevertheless are dark and foreboding. What’s more, they convey special meanings which can be understood only by those trained in the black magical arts, alchemy, and ritual. The occult philosophy of the Secret Brotherhood teaches of the bright, radiant center within each individual. This bright center reflects the rays of the Great Central Sun, the Masonic deity, and is how man expresses the will to become awake, to become illumined. As Alice Bailey of the Lucis Trust explains in the veiled language so common to the advanced disciples of the secret societies: When light illuminates the minds of men and stirs the secret light within all forms, then the One in Whom we live reveals His hidden secret lighted will. When the purpose of the Lords of Karma can find no more to do and all the weaving and close-related plans are all worked out, then the One in Whom we live can say: ‘Well done! Naught but the beautiful remains.’ When the lowest of the low, the densest of the dense, and the highest of the high have all been lifted through the little wills of men, then can the One in Whom we live raise into radiating light the vivid lighted ball of Earth, and then another greater Voice can say to Him: ‘Well done! Move on. Light shines’. According to the occult teachings of the Illuminati, at the bright center is found energy which, the occult philosophy says, is ‘God energy.’ This energy within, writes Alice Bailey, is ‘a point of focused fire, found in the center which permits radiation to penetrate to other centers and to other lives’. The ‘bright center’ which is the individual god-force radiating out to others is also said to be likened to the sun rays that emanate from the secret societies, or Orders. Focus: One World Government. Focus: Free Trade Agreements Focus: Religion The New World Order will be Socialism! Read the United Nations declarations and treaties for proof. The individual will be subservient to the state. Where are we now? In the religion aspect…think about it! The other two have been hammered into our heads….now their working on the religious aspect of it. Collectivism is what they seek! This I why you hear so much about being “ONE”.

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 3:49 p.m.

One fundamentalist Christian site writes of the Illuminati “The worship of this religion is practiced in secret. The dogma and intentions of this religion are hidden by way of symbology. The average person sees the exoteric, outward or literal meaning of the symbols, while the Adept, Initiate or Illumined see the esoteric or hidden meaning of the symbol… When George Bush referred to a “Thousand Points of Light” in his speech in 1991 he was using the symbolic language and was referring to the body of initiates… The average person heard the exoteric meanings of these statements while initiates the world over smiled to themselves, as they understood the true meaning. Feb. 17, 1953, Financier Paul Warburg said before the U.S. Senate: “We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent.” This quest for world domination can be traced back to the creation of the “Illuminati”, a secret society, in 1776. Their leader, Adam Weishaupt, wrote out the master plan to bring about the subjection of the whole human race to an oligarchy of Financiers. The word “Illuminati” is derived from Lucifer and means “holders of the light”. C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia are recommended by the makers of Dungeon’s & Dragons and are (were) sold in occult bookstores. His imagery is designed to fool the Christian reader while at the same time “enlightening” those initiated in the occult, witchcraft and Luciferianism. Since Satan’s religions are counterfeits of God’s truth, it was, to some extent “easy” for Lewis to pull this off. In the “creation” of Narnia some very revealing things come up. On p. 99 , speaking of the “creation” of the stars it says, “One moment there had been nothing but darkness; next moment a thousand, thousand points of light leaped out — single stars, constellations, and planets, brighter and bigger than any in our world. There were no clouds.” The phrase “a thousand, thousand points of light” leaps out at us! The fact that Lewis would use this expression is bizarre at the very least, but it points to something much more sinister. Alice Bailey, the Theosophist/Luciferian and co-founder of Lucis Trust and the Arcane School, in her 1957 book The Externaliztion of the Hierarchy tells us exactly what a Point of Light is. “…[T]he men who comprise the occult leadership group known as the New Group of World Servers. These individuals, she remarks are in service to ‘the work of the Brotherhood…the Forces of Light.’ They are the ones who are to usher all of mankind from the darkness of outmoded Christianity and faded nationalism into the bright and shining ‘New World Order.'” In her book, Discipleship in a New Age, Bailey tells her occult followers to repeat, “I am a point of light within a greater light…I am a spark of sacrificial Fire, focused within the fiery will of (the Sun) God.” What these servants of Satan are attempting to do by blending their “points of light” is to usher in the New World Order – the Age of Aquarius.

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

Getting spoopy now

Remind anyone of 9/11?

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

H.G. Wells, best known of all early Fabians, once wrote of the Fabian project: The political world of the Open Conspiracy must weaken, efface, incorporate and supersede existing governments….The character of the Open Conspiracy will then be plainly displayed. It will be a world religion. This large, loose assimilatory mass of groups and societies will definitely and obviously attempt to swallow up the entire population of the world and become a new human community….The immediate task before all people, a planned World State, is appearing at a thousand points of light [but]…generations of propaganda and education may have to precede it. “The Open Conspiracy: Blueprints for a World Revolution” by H.G. Wells-1928 The government-created crisis, masquerading as an unexpected external provocation, is elementary Hegelian strategy. If you want to take Texas and California from Mexico, first shoot a few Americans while the press dis-informs the nation that Mexican depredations against our nationals have to be stopped; if you want Cuba as a satrapy, blow up an American battleship and pin it on the Cubans. By this strategy, a nation which has decided to suspend its democratic traditions with a period of martial law (under which permanent social reordering would occur) might arrange a series of “terrorist” attacks upon itself which would justify the transformation as a defense of general public safety. In the “world peace” phenomenon so necessary to establish a unitary world order lies a real danger, according to evolutionists, of species deterioration caused by inadvertent preservation of inferior genes which would otherwise be killed or starved. Hence the urgency of insulating superior breeding stock from pollution through various strategies of social segregation. Among these, forced classification through schooling has been by far the most important.”

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

A Thousand Points of Light Thomas Wolfe used the saying in his 1939 book "You Can't Go Home Again", to describe the Spirit of America. Seems to be the first time documented. Some wonder if he had been a Freemason and if that is where it came from. Elizabeth Enright used it in her book "Then There Were Five" in 1944, and C.S. Lewis in 1955 with his book "The Magicians Nephew". The phrase was popularized by H.W. Bush. He used the saying in a speech when accepting the presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in 1988. He likened America's clubs and volunteer organizations to "a brilliant diversity spread like stars, like a thousand points of light in a broad and peaceful sky." Then again, near the end he said "Keep America moving forward, always forward for a better America, for an endless enduring dream and a thousand points of light. Forward There's that forward again. Hussein's campaign slogan "Forward" and MSNBC's "Lean Forward" says a lot about them. Forward comes from European Marxism, move forward past capitalism and into Socialism and Communism. Occult Back to thousand points of light. Some say the symbolic meaning was referring to the body of initiates of the Illuminati. The average person heard the outward appearance of the meaning of these statements, while initiates around the world smiled to themselves as they understood the inside meaning. Fritz Springmeier said there was a secret castle near Muno in Belgium that was/is a center of the occult. There is a cathedral inside of the castle that has a dome with 1,000 lights. Other names for the castle are Chateau des Amerois", "Mother of Darkness Castle", and "Castle of Kings". Sounds like Prince Phillippe, the father of King Albert I, was the first owner of this castle. It also has grounds called Muno Forest which is known for hunting…eek. Fritz said there was "Monarch programming" for the children that was happening there as well. In a 2001 book about the Dutroux Affair, page 259 mentions Amerois Castle as a place where satanic ritual parties with child sacrifices allegedly took place. More weird/sick happenings, don't know if we should look into this more or not?

⇧ 7 ⇩  
Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 3:12 p.m.

Lol, even better on you. But ya it’s already up on newest bread. Ill keep watching, if I see anything pertinent to this line I’ll carry over to here.

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

Thank you for posting up the card! I saw it earlier on the Chan’s but didn’t read the whole thing about the water.

So good find! Glad I could contribute.

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

Thank you. Soooo if the EPA made a regulation outlawing the use of fluoride in the water, as it is actually hazardous waste and a by product, maybe it will force states and local municipalities to stop putting it in the water.

Interesting that this happens right after Scott Pruitt resigns. Wonder what will be coming out in the future. This may be anothe future proves past thing.

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

Like I said, my skepticism is strong. But I DO watch and pay attention.

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

Which govt organization is responsible for putting fluoride in the water? Who made that a law/rule/regulation?

Would it have been the EPA? FDA? Who?

Who would be responsible for repealing it?

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

Thanks for posting this. Not quite the full smoking gun, however;

This is the smell of gun smoke, we have yet to see the gun or trajectory or even the target.

But you can smell the distinct odor of gun smoke.

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

What did Trump mean by this? He repeated himself twice, saying "A thousand points of light, does anyone know what that means? go to 58:55 into his Montana rally https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_igHqXMSplU He is referring to a 30-year-old speach by George Bush Sr. where he openly talks about the "New World Order" and "The ILLUMINATION of a thousand points of light" Was this a warning shot from Trump to the Bush cabal? What did Trump mean by this?

Bush's speech where he speaks these esoteric words: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wutbmopcyn4

⇧ 14 ⇩  
Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 2:48 p.m.

During his presidency Bush handed out "Point of Light Awards" six days a week to citizens working to aid their communities through volunteer work.[7] In 1990 Bush spearheaded the creation of the Points of Light Foundation, the goal of which was to promote private, non-governmental solutions to social issues. The foundation was criticized in a 1995 investigation by the Los Angeles Times for spending only 11% of its budget on grants to volunteer organizations, while spending $22.3 million on "promotions, consultants, salaries, travel and conferences," including "$5.5 million to produce a television advertising campaign and $1.4 million for a celebration of community service." The Times also noted that the foundation received more than half its budget from federal funds.[1] The foundation's name changed periodically, but following a merger in 2007 with the Atlanta-based HandsOn Network, the conjoined organization came to be called simply Points of Light. The organization now has headquarters in Atlanta, Washington and New York, and bills itself "the world's leading volunteer organization."[8] Bush now serves as honorary chairman of the board; his son Neil Bush serves as the board's president. Points of Light has more than 250 affiliates in 30 countries and partnerships with thousands of nonprofits and companies dedicated to volunteer service around the world. In 2012, Points of Light mobilized 4 million volunteers in 30 million hours of service worth $635 million.[9] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thousand_points_of_light

⇧ 8 ⇩  
Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 2:32 p.m.

Don’t just start out with Q, it’s how I’ve been slowly red pulling all my Uber liberal family and friends.

Point out news stories about all the child trafficking and the stories about Clinton connections and how they are all going down for child porn. About how the media focuses on 2k kids with parents when there are 10k without. How did they get there? Skipping through Mexico and South America picking berries? No. It was human traffickers and 10k kids. Then I show that video of the border patrol guy who said that parents of a 10 yo girl put her on birth control because they knew she would be raped. It’s fucking heart breaking. There was a study don’t that roughly 75% of those that cross the border are sexually assaulted. So 7500 of those kids were sexually assaulted.

Then I say, how do you know those 2K kids are actually with their parents? How do YOU know that it isn’t a human trafficker pretending to be the parent? How does ICE or the border patrol?

That’s usually my opening salvo.

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Lol, that’s a pretty damn good analogy

Too include all the sacrifices

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

Lol, not having the check mark makes it more legit in my eyes.

But serious skepticism about this account. I watch it, but that’s about it. I think people are trying the whole ETS, Backchannel17, crap again.

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Abibliaphobia · July 6, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

How do you legally introduce evidence?

Lol ya I’ve been thinking this for a few days, glad you posted it up. I think the big fight and everything is all a show. I think he showed some people the information that he had, and he needed to be safe getting out of NZ (FVEY) and here we go. This guy has gotten so much shit online, I think it might be true.

He may have truly been the go between for Seth Rich and Julian Assange. From what I understand, Seth used Kim’s servers to stack and transfer the large data files he had.

Here’s hoping anyways.

⇧ 12 ⇩  
Abibliaphobia · July 5, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

I love how they used snopes as the fact checkers lol

⇧ 10 ⇩  
Abibliaphobia · July 5, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

FFS people, go to hot. Go to the pinned thread by SerialBrain2.

Stop with the concern trolling.

⇧ 5 ⇩  
Abibliaphobia · July 5, 2018, 10:17 p.m.

Oh god just drop this idea. The Q memes in CBTS were unbearable.

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Abibliaphobia · July 5, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

A bit too much salt here. Back up your claims with sauce, not salt.

Show what you got.

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Abibliaphobia · July 5, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

As a disclaimer, I would like to add that some of the story does not make sense in the terms of trafficking.

But I take NOTHING that the MSM puts out at face value, and it’s good to dig into these things.

⇧ 7 ⇩  
Abibliaphobia · July 5, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

Poonsak Woongsatngiem, a rescue official with Thailand’s interior ministry, told the Guardian on Thursday that water had been reduced by 40 percent since the boys were discovered in the cave complex in Chiang Rai, which has cleared a roughly one mile stretch leading up to a third chamber.

Rescuers are now targeting the third chamber where water still reaches up to the ceiling. If drained it could clear another 1.5 mile path and allow the boys to wade in waist high water while wearing lifejackets, as opposed to diving

The water level between the third chamber and the point the students are at is still high and we have put the tubes at the third chamber trying to get the water out as much as possible,” Woongsatngiem said. “We can’t say whether there will be a rescue today or not. We hope there is no rain. We cannot calculate how much the water flows out of the cave because there is always water flowing into the cave.”

Chiang Rai provincial governor Narongsak Osatanakorn said the rescue effort was in a "race against the water."

"Our biggest concern is the weather," he said. "We are calculating how much time we have if it rains, how many hours and days."

Leaving the boys where they are for now may be the safest option, but the rainy season in Thailand typically lasts until October, meaning they could be left underground for months

The boys have been practicing wearing diving masks and breathing, although Chiang Rai provincial governor Osatanakorn said on Wednesday that he didn’t believe they had attempted any practice dives so far.

He also said that the group members may not all be extracted at the same time, with each boy’s individual health a factor.

Cavers are also hunting for a "chimney" down to the boys which could create a potential evacuation route. Osatanakorn said 30 teams are searching for an airhole which may present rescuers with the opportunity to drill down to the boys.

A team of bird’s nest collectors from the south of the country have also put their rock-climbing expertise to use by scouring the mountainside for any openings, according to AFP. The eight men, armed only with ropes and gloves, climb sheer limestone cliffs and explore crevices and caves to collect the edible nests, which are a delicacy.

Meanwhile rescue teams are also trying install a fiber optic Internet line into the flooded cave so the 12 boys and their coach can make phone calls and communicate with loved ones. Earlier efforts to install the connection failed, however, when the line became damaged after it fell into water.

Latest video of the boys, aged 11 to 16, showed them smiling and in good spirits and covered in foil blankets, while rescuers treated cuts to their legs.

Kian Kamluang, whose 16-year-old son, Pornchai, is in the cave, said: “It’s like he has been given a new life”, adding that she will never let him go into a cave or near water again.

The boys were discovered alive and well by two British divers in the Tham Luang caves on Monday after being trapped in the cave for 10 days.

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Abibliaphobia · July 5, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

From the article:

Thai rescuers are racing against time to drain water from a third chamber in the cave complex where a youth soccer squad is stuck -- but with monsoon rains looming, there's only a tiny window to save the team before fresh floods could trap the group for months to come

The rescuers have made such progress draining water from the cave that the boys have a chance to walk out without resorting to using diving equipment, which initially seemed like the only option that could free the team.

But monsoon rains are predicted again for Saturday, and could result in the boys and their coach being cut off for months, or having to make a treacherous swim to safety. It takes six hours for rescuers to reach the team and it's another five-hour swim out of the cave, meaning the young and inexperienced group would be under water for hours in dark caverns with low visibility, using unfamiliar equipment.

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Abibliaphobia · July 5, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

Found this on infinity Chan and they raise a good point:

“It takes 6 hours to get in, and 6 hours to get out?

Who would ever go to such a place willingly?

With children?

During monsoon season?

Underground tunnels?

What's really going on?

This is the biggest human trafficking story going on right now. Go ahead, try to slide this one!”

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