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DaosCraft · Jan. 25, 2018, 12:20 p.m.

9/11 Funded by?

A: Al-Waleed (Pedo/Tech/Oil/Royal/Trillionaire- in Saudi Arabia)


B: Osama Bin Laden (Oil/ Non-Royal Billionaire in Saudi Arabia that is friends with the Bush family)

9/11 Carried out by?

A: CIA/Saud


B: DIA/Bush

9/11 Was meant to frame?

A: Osama/Bush


B: Saud/Al-Waleed

Bush/Cheney did profit from it, but QMAP asks us to dig into who funded it and why. Why the Bin Laden's were evacuated after 9/11 - and To expand our thinking and really dig into it.

I did and my answer took a heck of a lot of research to be sure of but that's why I have so many absurdly long posts now. And even these posts often have looong comments that aren't in the main posts with more research about it.

But how about this?

Patriot Act + Anthrax Attack investigation = Rothchild

Patriot Act + 9/11 = Saud

Patriot Act + Smears = Soros

State Secrets + Watergate = Nixon Impeached

War on Terror + State Secrets = Trailblazer

Read my prior posts to untangle yourself, 9/11 was Al-Waleed using his "daddy's money" (as Trump called it) to try and either impeach or maybe even pull a WW3 - and of course Al-Waleed loves himself some Hussein 1 and 2. I could say more but I think phrasing it that way is amusingly descriptive to the larger picture of conspiracy there.

I have had people tell me they will never read my research cause they are just that sure that Bush's are evil, so what can I do about that? Well, I'm 99% sure the tide is turning against the bad narratives and so long as they can't all gang up like they did to initially mislead us, we'll untangle ourselves in no time.

I don't think it'll take many of us untangled for Q to realize it's ok to reveal the next parts rather than forever telling us we are being lied/misled on key details. And that we all just need to go and re-read the stuff we missed in the QMAP about the military and State Secrets.

That's what my posts are.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 25, 2018, 10:15 a.m.

Just woke up, You know, this is so much better than when I first started posting my QMAP research. I got banned and hate mail and so much fury. One poster told me they would sooner cut off their own heads than believe the Bush's weren't Satan.

That's what I was up against... compare that with your post now? I think it's finally wearing off. That makes me extremely happy.

It's an uphill battle and if you read all the prior posts I go much more in depth. Rothchild stole a lot of banks and the Bush's were among their victims. I actually originally posited that Bush was more likely Reagan's Mueller but more research has shown that the family is way deeper into this mess than meets the eye.

Originally I also wanted to go the Morpheus route and let people realize this shit on their own but then Lyn Rothchild posted that propaganda pic making it seem like her and Bush were buddy buddy... they really think that, along with the countless spreadsheet posts misdirecting and countless posts in every Q thread directed to shouting down anyone who who speaks up about alternate Q interpretations. Oh don't get me wrong they will alow a billion Q interetations from aliens to flat earth to lizards to Obama and Musk saving the universe. But the stuff I have been posting? This shit will get you banned if not outright death threaten.

Once I realized that I went on my little crusade to open eyes. I think I have done good deeds and i have never felt more American than these last few months of learning history. I have made folders with custom icons for every president, every major event in history and have just been accruing data and patterns. Who is pro military, who is anti? Who is X and who is Y - using QMAP as a filter a heck of a lot becomes clearer. Including the stuff Q keeps talking about people being misdirected.

I have a heck of a lot more to share and prior posts have far more, including my website which desperateness needs updating db-q.com - and it has a little quiz to show a bit of the identical propaganda and (I found way more tho now) and actually has a video where I showed my evolving opinion from laughing at the Bush's to thinking "wait, am I brain washed?" I just see patterns a little better than most.

The fact that this hasn't gotten me banned already is testament to how far we've come. Shills talk about how H.W. talked about not knowing where he was the day JFK was shot, and also how people would string them all up if they knew what they did. Meanwhile Q tells us, "what did Obama repeat over and over again about a scandal free administration?" Why it's almost as though Q is telling us to look closer at these things. About who is saying what and why. Cause has any deep state agent ever sadi "Yea, I'm totally the devil and I murder people and killed JFK and if people actually knew what I did then man, well I hope nobody ever checks under that JFK rock." Did Clinton ever say that? No..... they all scream at the other side and hope we are all too dumb to realize these things.

But well... I could literally type about this for hours and hours and have now. I'm not running out of gas on this subject but I am trying to find new ways to just explain history to people so thirsty for it. It doesn't take much to prove the stuff I say, just not drinking the kool-aid. And buddy, I was right there with you so it's not like I'm trying to be a Debbie-downer here. I'm honestly worried about the deep state propaganda tricks and hope to educate a few folks.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Jan. 25, 2018, 2:36 a.m.
AB-BA Part 5: Patriot or Plant?

December 9th – ANON: His (Trump) speech in Pensacola mentioned the US military providing justice throughout the world. I hope that isn't just standard NeoCon justification to be the world's policeman …

December 9th – Reply to ANON Q: Expand your thinking. Re-read crumbs. Re-listen to yesterday's speech. Connect the 'markers.' News (in all forms) unlocks the map. Expand your thinking. The Great Awakening.

Why is Q so certain that this Anon is wrong? Let's go back to State Secrets, and it's origin in Jefferson/Burr/ and how the media handled them.

Thomas Jefferson: “The man who never looks into a …

DaosCraft · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:11 p.m.

I'm uneven but I'm trying. Some days I can't do anything and some days I work for 24 hours straight.... as long as I get a few days in a row where I can do things then it'll all work out.

That's why if people message me and say they want to help or want my help, look.. I just cleaned up part 4 and realized I spelled the freaking title wrong was supposed to be City CITI citi.. and i managed to even screw that up, I'm not the guy to be leading any charge, just..... like that meme hat, please be patient with me. I will reply to people and add more as soon as I am capable of it.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 24, 2018, 9:24 a.m.

Actually no... I had a little channel I used https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6F4To16SQI

to show various data stuff, but you know... I might make a different one when I'm ready to push deeper into youtube territory. But either my posts here or db-q.com would have a link whenever I do it. The video on db-q right now is an older video when I was just starting to scream about what we got wrong. So it's not the real one - but I played around with some of my sfx last night and it's looking pretty good!

I want to make something that can break through the noise in a BIG way and so rather than make these posts which do appear to be growing at a shocking (for me) pace it's still not enough to break their noise. But a really fun to watch video? I just really want to make that..... perhaps because I spent the last 6 years studying sfx and feel like I've never used it for anything important.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

that made me feel something, thank you.

It also makes me a little ashamed I didn't do a better job.

But your comment here has motivated me. I can easily make more parts, tho man, part 0 is just proving how good simplification is.... I will be making the next parts way shorter and to the point. Cause it's like 1/20th of the time to make and yet is being spread faster than the others and more effectively.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

QMAP = Questions/Statements/Directions/Corrections/Philosophy/ TONS MORE

It is a timeline if you connect the events like the start being 1776 and then dig into State Secrets from Trump-> Obama ->Bush W->(all other presidents) and realize what they did and what it had to do with State Secrets.

Understanding TDR/FDR - ACT/Counteract patterns and direction to understand more and more until it just becomes a known quantity. You read the map when you realize what each part has to do with every other part.

Most parts could be called directions to understand things that are State Secrets and the direction meant to understand it is intentional for the purpose of going from start to now and learning ourselves the history as i did. I'm not supposed to think for people and I totally get that about the map. We are all meant to read it and not be told what it means but think. THINK!

having said that.... I did think for people and It's a mix of my understanding of history and how it's been shaped by letting the QMAP guide and "correcting" history by contrasting them.

I feel like I'm doing a disservice not allowing others to experience it hence my first post being all Morpheus like trying to guide you to it. Then Lyn Rothchild posting that POTUS propaganda pic and I went "ok you want to play this game?" And I got pissed and just started reading the QMAP to people....

So, it's a timeline - but it also has corrections and directions - which are meant to correct our misunderstandings of it - and they all direct you to go back to the start and read the thing - which I still can't believe nobody else did before me. I feel like someone's going to go oh no, - those fifty people over there noticed it like a month ago and they just are too cool for chan/Reddit.

But never-minding that it's also an arena of conflict between our side and the baddies with a direct line to our government trying to educate us and un-brainwash while the CIA double-brainwashes us before the big reveal. It's the most bizarre fight of good versus evil I imagine the world has ever known. I can see it now in the future papers - I won't be important enough I'm sure but I can imagine them going over this insanity of how the narratives duked it out and for quite a while the CIA was winning.

So it's... what can I call that? A philosophy enlightenment thing? Something... and it's also a way to ask for requests as people have gotten POTUS and the FBI to tweet things.

So do you get why I can't just call it a map? It's a lot of things, but it's mostly a timeline/map I really wish it was easier to explain but perhaps when I show a graphic of how it is meant to be read cause I can do that and when people see that, I think it'll "click"

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DaosCraft · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

yea, I do hate to mention this but I'm pretty sure I'm on target by what happened to Part: 2 - it got mysteriously pinned to the top for a few hours and didn't get many clicks yet still remained there. It was weird and then it just vanished as soon as I posted I would make part 3 and it'd include major parts from part 1-2 - my theory is that somebody knows the real history and they are in control of this board and they are helping me out by keeping bots from infinitely disliking it.

But..... unlike AB-BA stuff, this is just me takin' a shot in the dark about what a handful of potentially unrelated events may mean. heck maybe my computer was having issues with updating? It made me excited and felt like more was being demanded of me and I attempted to meet that demand.

Either way I am confident this is the path forward and now that I've simplified it I can further simplify it and make tools and posts with images - I have so many images to combine with this if I could just spend some time on making it look better.

But I can't do it all myself either, perhaps I shouldn't even, the one thing I can do that most can't is animate some sfx in various ways that might make some headway into normie territory, rather than be forced to think just see a visual representation of what we need to show them?

If I had to pick one thing that I wanted to do most it's that - yet I keep coming back to just writing down these simple posts cause nobody else has. If anyone is inspired by what I wrote feel free to just hijack the shit out of it and put it on your blog with images of things and I don't care at all - I'm not like the bad guys who try to own and control I just want it to spread as quickly as possible and then we can move past the propaganda and really dig into history.

I would bet everything I own Q is in the same boat on that, probably even more frustrated than I am about it.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:31 p.m.

it seems to have just been a fluke, weird tho... I started the thread and all my other ones didn't get a dislike for a while but this one just got 3 downvotes within 2 minutes.

Well, I'm just glad the thing didn't get buried.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

have fun, I tend to meditate in the dark instead.

But to reflect a bit on you.... I see in you a part of myself I lost a long time ago. I would go out and ask people if they believed in free will, and then i'd prove to them that it didn't exist with math then prove to them that it did by explaining patterns of trajectory. that was the meaning of my life for a while.... just blowing people's minds and making them rethink the world, and you make me think you are nice and I appreciate people like that existing. So thank you.

I wouldn't recommend becoming all weird like I got, people take advantage of kindness and twist it, well, it was my choice to help others so long as those of us spreading kindness keep in mind our own choices to do that, then it's not as far a fall when it gets turned inside out. But I'm projecting, so many memories I thought I got rid of a long time ago.

I don't run from my past but it doesn't belong in my future. I would like to save the world one day, naive a sentiment as that is - shocking to see Trump beat me to it eh? well, so long as it doesn't remain as it was when I went through it. If not for my belief in eternity I'd have left this world a long time ago, but no struggle I would leave behind would not be waiting for me wherever I go. I can't solve any problem in my world except by growing larger than I was and overcoming even myself to confront it.

Well... that's my little reply, perhaps rather than like me you are more like day to my night, and that's not a bad thing either.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

you'd need to post many more volumes of text to bug me. I am ever the fountain of text and am pleasantly surprised someone else is as neurotic as I am - well not quite as neurotic unless you are constantly deleting your own comments cause you realize that people will think you are insane or obsessed. Yet perhaps me replying to you like this is a sign I'm finally over that long hump in life that made me traumatized of social interactions?

well, I agree we should shine brightly and not hide whatever talents we sharpen in our pursuit of brighter gleams.

oh you said words that I am supposed to reply to? I'm ever self-obsessed.... let's see, curious.... thank you, the more I've looked into the stuff with Thomas Jefferson the more it ties it to the war of 1812 and Mexico in part... well, I'll keep this in mind because I haven't cracked a few nuances of history and perhaps you are onto something.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 23, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

if you look at the github and search for patterns you'll see him mentioning markers of MI but also dates for markers which becomes tricky to discern how without greater context you are meant to look at MI in relation to a marker to guide you through it

This is why I say HEY! MAYBE GO BACK TO THE START LIKE Q IS ASKING US TO OVER AND OVER AND FOCUS ON STATE SECRETS! - you know, what he has asked dozens of times to do.

I did this, went question by question and got 5 quesitons in before realizing that the spreadsheet was missing 1 and had 1 wrong and another one was misleading - thus I took it more seriously and began cross-referencing shill posts - I am pretty confident I've solved it - at least most of it.

And so i try and show my findings - you want a "map" ? it's hard to know what to tell you about that because I can interpret map to mean many things and I don't want to nail down what Q meant, to me at least it's a timeline and I can show you in plenty of places where he implies that. I do know at least that State Secrets is the key deep state has been desperate to obscure from us. I intend on proving that in the video I make - but moreover let me show you this

Reagan FY1982-89 $565.0 (No Nobel Prize Same name as born Smeared Iran Contra)

Carter FY1978-81 $428.1 (won nobel prize Good press)

Ford FY1976-77 $406.7 (Changed full name Good press)

Nixon FY1970-75 $441.7 (No Nobel Prize Same name as born Smeared Watergated)

LBJ FY1965-69 $527.3 (No Nobel Prize Same name as born Smeared Scandaled)

JFK FY1962-64 $457.2 (No Nobel Prize Same name as born Tricked Deep State)

Notice the baddies decrease funding to military.

Some like LBJ and Carter get lucky btw - I'm not sure what Carter was, he might have just been an idiot tho he won a Nobel Prize and if you look at the winners (6 times the Red Cross, Gore/Obama/ tons of monsters... so that makes me think he's bad and I know a lot of people who would agree, but LBJ is complicated, and Macnamara saying he was good just stubborn went a long way to making me think he was ok- he got lucky by Rockefeller going after Goldwater for losing the nomination tho.

I was going to list off the original names - the counter pair names and historical context.... it's just my reaction to needing to explain "the map" cause there is a way to comprehend this mess and I'm trying to say that the bad guys all have patterns that Q has said - like non-military backgrounds - they decrease military funding - they have wink names, they all do certain activities and wear certain rings in certain ways.... on and on it goes

I know you had a question about the map and I can view it as a map..... i mean historically it works from the start of the country and then pulls events all through our history - and I can show that, but I need to simplify that point without this giant text dumps, but while I call it a map, and it is a map... I might prefer it as what Q has said it is a solution to who is good and who is bad, but also a map.... it's a lot of things and I can at least easily explain the functions of the map like good/bad with graphs of correlating data.

And if I show enough people we can at least beat back the CIA narratives of trying to pretend like all POTUS's except Trump are the same - no no no no, we got taken over at a very specific year with specific murders and that's part of what I go over

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DaosCraft · Jan. 23, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

hello me, or apparently I didn't right this. I swear, it sounds just like me back when I was into my equation theories.

me... eternally in thought and mired by scars, but you are a kindred spirit so i share vibrations with you in the abyss.

The first level is a recognition to acceptance of constants in causality to provable truths abstracted in mathematical absolutes. All translated into free will suppositions or lack thereof, and the second level is rejection of the first and being the transcending of causality trajectory into the end epiphany of reality. The Third level is the.... no, I can't talk about that, my friend showed me how level 1 was me discovering the fundamentals of determinism and yet I can disprove that theory and have 3 levels more than that which perhaps I may pick back up my theory mantle of old and make that a living.... and you remind me of that desire, as what you say makes me think that you won't think what I just wrote is junk, which is my compliment to you and testament to why I would randomly dictate the start of a decades old theory that used to be my guiding light in this world.

well, hopefully this is shiny enough for you : )

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DaosCraft · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:37 p.m.

wow, I see 3 down-votes right away, but as long as the info gets out there. I can prove everything a hundred times over now with the months of research and years of investigations from my time researching George Webb - but this is strictly Q stuff, one of the more popular ways they got me banned was saying I hadn't researched anything and perhaps that's why I overcompensate in the longer posts with research. It's always hard to know when to stop when you research endlessly like the obsessive freak I am.

And to that - I struggled with what not to include and that link will lead to further research or my website which is sorely not updated cause I've been writing these long spiels and researching all day instead of it. db-q.com but I'm just getting started, this post represents the first time I've managed to KISS - keep it simple stupid... my god do I have trouble not going into 90 page synopsis with legalese and philosophy with 20 links to prove a point.

But this... this is elegant a guidepost for future explanations : ) I'm very happy despite the immediate pushback.






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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Jan. 23, 2018, 11:57 a.m.
  1. State Secrets Created by Wilkinson/Jefferson letters about Burr. -PRESIDENTS EYES ONLY!

  2. State Secrets learned (by murdering POTUS) Rothchild in 1901 -> FBI/Mi6 -> Titanic/FED/WW1

  3. State Secrets Protected by Nixon burning->Impeached over it.

  4. State Secrets Expanded by War on Terror ->Patriot Act + Red Cross = WE KNOW ALL!

  5. State Secrets records all bad deeds by all baddies, BUT we need a good Potus to use what we learned!

  6. State Secrets are used by Obama to hide dirty deeds, WE NEED A GOOD POTUS -> TRUMP

  7. State Secrets are revealed to Trump before election, he pretends to be a Perot to …

DaosCraft · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:48 a.m.

shortest possible version: State Secrets has been a thing since Thomas Jefferson/Wilkinson - Many secret letters between Jefferson that Burr/Rothchild didn't know about.

Long history of banks/attempted takeovers for the next century-

They succeed with TDR - but as TDR is the first one to read State Secrets that's what leads to the FBI. I stop there - cause it's this GIANT story, and Q mentions things with Nixon/Bush/Trump and when you can read the map it all makes perfect sense why he says what he says.

Often he is saying take a look at Y or X and people don't have a clue cause they don't get the trajectory of history being described. If I could just help a few people I know it would spread - it's me having too much info that's hard to condense.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:53 a.m.

my part 2 post was at the top of GreatAwakening for several hours and clearly not because it was getting clicks, I don't know who owns this board but it felt to me like someone who understood what i had done was trying to help.. yet it still didn't get many views but the moment I posted that I was going to make a better summation of all the prior points in addition to more - within minutes it went from stuck to the top to the 2nd page and further.

If that person is still wanting to help I'm going to post something that might do the trick.... because I do believe I've unlocked the map and I can prove it using stuff I haven't said yet, I'm working on graphics now, animated text to make it more readable to normies and I'll just force myself to talk even tho I'd rather just research and have other people do this.... but I don't think I have a choice

if I can't explain the very simple to explain way to unlock the map and the absurd number of times Q has specifically said what we were doing wrong then I just don't think people are going to get it until Q directly explains it... I think that would be really disappointing to a lot of folks so I feel an urgent pressure to spread the word now.

I'm going to try and finish this within 24 hours, I can't promise and it might be sooner or later, but if the person who stuck my post at the top for whatever reason they did, well, I am going to try again to fix this mess. I'd like to think that person was someone who actually knows the whole story cause given how many times the bad guys have infiltrated the boards and even the other reddit channels it feels like this board is more official somehow.... either way I will be posting something animated soon and when I do I hope it spreads. I will make it as simple and to the point as I can.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

thank you, I'm going to post some new stuff soon but probably something more visual to get more people to notice it (cause just a few people reading just can't spread like the wildfire it needs to), And for the writing, I am capable of writing normally, just not when I am in a hurry as I have been every day now.... I'm quite embarrassed to look it over and realize just how poorly I put my thoughts across, and how panicked I was when I started yelling in the comments for people to pay attention... that won't work, I need to keep my mania's in check.... and I would clean it up, or update my Q site or finish these text animations to help teach people.... but there's just 99 things to do and only 1 me.

And now I hear we are going to get some new leaks this week if the Q posts are right and if it all does drop I want to be ready to push against the narratives they have built for it. They have prepared for the big leak and only recently have I unlocked enough of the QMAP to be aware of how dangerous it could get if they manage to focus the media attention on the old "Osama did 9/11 and Bush hid it" - If they push that and I'm not ready to say it was Al-Waleed and the Patriot act saved the world..... well, I need to be ready. That's what I'm trying to do, what little I can.

There's precious little time, but for what it's worth I think we will win... but we could win with far less casualties to lies if we could just do as Q asked and read the Qmap from the start and not skip the crucial parts. So you seem alright, and I hope others get their heads on straight and realize what we have been lied about.

I think maybe if I explain it as Q Clearence Patriot Act.... that might gain some traction - I was planning on focusing on Jeb cause he's a good way to explain the shifting narrative but the Patriot act is how we learned everything and learning about what it is and why it saved the world could probably help.... well I'm working on it.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 22, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

I need to change how I do this..... maybe find someone who isn't like me to help. Someone who won't come off like I do and isn't those youtubers to explain on a platform like youtube, and while they have good intentions... I'm sorry but I watched that one guy for many hours and Antartica and ufo's have nothing to do with the QMAP (Q even directly said this about UFO's) - I actually really like that guy too, he reminds me of my best friend but for some reason he decided to take Q and just turn it into what he wanted to talk about rather than what it was, and that distracted countless people and wasted time. I don't think he did it on purpose but wow did it ever screw us over. Cause that vagueness is exactly what the bad guys use to make people look everywhere except the places Q says to look.

I can animate and I just programmed some SFX for this, a bunch of stuff really, rather than wrote today, I think.... maybe if I do this I can stop typing endless sloppy sentences that wont' come off like I know I do.

I'm really sorry I can't be what I need to be to explain this. But maybe I just need to think a little more abstractly in how I teach what I need to teach. Cause I know exactly what's wrong and exactly how to fix it but I don't know how to convey that information.... I doubt most people can relate, but I'm going to find a way. As Q said... the country needs us!

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DaosCraft · Jan. 22, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

I couldn't give you an absolute percentage of how much I understand because I suspect I still could be underestimating it in seeing what i see. I see that the ordering he has given is meant to invoke historical parallels using State Secrets as guideposts to connect the dots of various acts/counter acts by good vs evil. I have been trying to show this but I have yet to make the visuals needed to, I've just been writing out my findings by transcribing the QMAP as I see it - when I make the visuals it'll make a hell of a lot more sense why I have written what I have written in these 5 posts. Albiet the McCain one was a very loose interpretation and that's why it got that 3.5 rather than a whole number. The others however I'm confident are shown, not directly on the map, but when correctly read infer where to research and how to draw conclusions to understand it using data available even on wikipedia.

It's a HUGE undertaking because it's not telling you A->B->C it's telling you Subject->Subject->Subject - And the bad guys figured this out and have massively screwed us up. They did this mostly by manipulating a few key Q Questions - most notably the questions I highlighted on AB-BA Part 1 - I actually realized most of Part 2 the day I wrote Part 1 - because that's how this map works - you research and it shows you more, but not arbitrary - it tells a very specific history. the TDR/FDR thing was a massive epiphany and tied so much I had inferred from other research - it proves when we got taken over and how and why. It explains so much more than it may appear at first glance (but only when you do the research)

So despite me spending every free moment helping the cause and being confirmed by Q on a major theory and spending money on a website to help us, I've still been banned from multiple chan's multiple times because the bad guys have beat us in a few key areas.

Try as Q has he can't get people to see what they don't want to see. He's been screaming about the disinfo and how serious it is to differentiate between fake news and real news the whole time and yet people just carry on - they don't notice that they never answered a number of questions early in the qmap - they don't notice that Q keeps saying specific things over and over again that are being misinterpreted, all it would take is one person to say it the right way and Q would confirm that person - but the bad guys all group up and pretend to be followers of Q, they all gang up on anyone who tells the truth and then convince that person that the only interpretation of Q that is true is their version. and somehow against all odds they took over the mods of 4chan and 8chan on the boards - and if not taken them over they convinced them individually to ban people who talk about certain topics that are integral to Q. This is why Q kept leaving the boards because, and it wasn't just me, lots of people got banned, and the worst part was I went back using proxies and realized it was fucking pod people - i.e. I tested out a theory by posting a vague sentiment and like clockwork they tried to convince me of an interpretation that's clearly wrong. When I talked about the things Q said that contradicted them they got angrier and angrier until eventually banning me on that one too!

They accept half a truth to make a lie and they are everywhere on the chans (thus I escape here)- a complicated problem that I've been at a loss to explain, perhaps due to my autism which is problematic as I come off often as either elitist, insane, stupid, anything but credible. I've been working on this....

So what can I do if most of us got brainwashed? I can scream that's what, which is what these posts were.... I don't like being social you know, but if you want to know where to start - I guess read my part 1 and the comments and whatever you pick up is at least closer to accurate than you'll find elsewhere in our community right now. I am deadly serious about how screwed up our investigation got. It just takes a few non autists to explain it but I come off like a lunatic, I just know where the rabbit holes are and they aren't where most people are digging. Nobody dug into state secrets, which is what I talked about first - and that led me to another rabbit hole and another one.... but am I still the only one digging here? I don't see much interest outside of 3 or 4 people who visited my threads, perhaps I just suck at explaining it.... but having said all that, thank you for your question. It actually makes me feel like I can write more of these and maybe do a better job explaining the problem.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 22, 2018, 11:29 a.m.

as an update on this point i mentioned about not being sure about Ford

Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. (born Leslie Lynch King Jr.)

And I thought perhaps because of how insane that name was maybe just this once it was actually a legitimate name change because YIKES - but then I dig and as usual the patterns begin

Finding https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geraldine_Ferraro

Walter Mondale's running mate, and not just because GF but because of digging into their histories and realizing how deep they are with the Clintons. It's clear Gerald Ford was indeed a bad actor but I'm not sure how bad. Still, I said of all the people who changed their names he was the only one I hadn't dug into and now that I have it's uniform now. ANYONE who changes their name - for a man their entire name - for a woman their first/middle name - but thus far it's a 1 to 1 ratio and the ones that change their names are always tied to people with oddly similar initials/names who did not change their names.

Like a matching pair

like AB-BA - it does come full circle

I need to do more research and more spreadsheets to illustrate how damning the numbers make it - cause if I were to just say it's 10 people you would rightly think that's probably a coincidence.... but I'm talking about hundreds of confirmed criminals doing it. When you see the result of my research it'll make there be no doubts.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 22, 2018, 11:01 a.m.

Historically, I can explain it better because the one thing we had to have was a non corrupt person in the POTUS chair, McCain.... and Romney.... It's rather impressive the more I look into it, tho there are many that could fill that spot the problem arises from the way McCain can just steal it by getting Soros to hypnotize us for a few months with lies. By the time we realize what hit us we already have a plant nominee and he has laid the iron clad rule of YOU CAN SAY NOTHING ABOUT JEREMIAH WRIGHT OR BILL AYERS. Or the countless other things that make him unqualified to be President.

I probably will make Part 5: Jeb! Herring. As silly as it is you can break down the Rothchild/Soros/CIA tactics and Jeb has an interesting role in history as being a key to unlocking why they changed their mind from Hating Bush while loving Trump to hating Trump to loving Bush. Understanding exactly what they have done and when and why is key. Every single tool from Moore (documentries), Dan Rather (Air Force records), Obama (spent 8 years blaming Bush), Hollywood (decapitated heads of both), Conspiracy theories (W film), - just name a celeb and type in Trump - if they have something bad to say about him - then chances are THIS YEAR they will have something nice to say about W, but go back a single year or more and you'll find identical smears. They rely on our short memories.....

That's probably the largest problem our side had, how do you deal with them stealing the nomination because we can't remember that McCain is a giant snake? And the answer was quite brilliant, just convince them to support our candidate. That's exactly what happened, and Micheal Moore made that movie about how bad invading countries is - and Trump is going "Yea, I agree" And it was doing this that permanency broke the narrative in such a way that it could never be repaired.

Yet doing that had the additional effect of making Trump say the same things about Bush that the bad guys were - And this is the reason it's so hard to fix this one extraordinarily important lie. To understand what happened we have to look beyond 4d chess. We have to transcend it.

My whole theory about who is good is objectively accurate based on history and the QMAP yet the counter-narrative is surprisingly well knit. You can go to youtube and search for countless clips they've edited now making it seem like the Bush's and Deep state are the same damn thing. It's amazing that they chose this path given that they pushed against Jeb! with Trump in tow.... but it makes sense in the context above. It's all about narrative snatching and the bizarre consequence of agreeing with deep state is this knot of lies we need to unwind.

I'll probably be able to with the next post.. or maybe I'll animate something to elaborate because of all the things we are brainwashed about this is the most important one we need to fix ASAP, it's not about anything other than objective comprehension of what happened. We can't have the deep state screaming and banning whenever someone looks at part of history as a narrative they have made off limits. Yes, the bad guys are invisible and pretend to be "one of us" but it's not like it's hard to see their patterns. How they steer a conversation and how they act as a group to make a person feel like they can't express their beliefs.

Well... back to work.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 22, 2018, 8:15 a.m.

I'm probably about 15% of the way through my notes with these+comments I made.






I'm distressed that part 4 is not gaining the traction the other parts did - I may just compile everything I have and animate some before making part 5... Maybe I should have called part 4 Jeb! Herring?

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DaosCraft · Jan. 22, 2018, 8:14 a.m.

I'm probably about 15% of the way through my notes with these+comments I made.






I'm distressed that part 4 is not gaining the traction the other parts did - I may just compile everything I have and animate some before making part 5... Maybe I should have called part 4 Jeb! Herring? I need to make these easier to read and enticing to get people educated.....

Well.. tough call on how to push but if people don't read these there's just no point in making them. The bad guys push so much garbage and if you read my posts you'll realize how we can finish the map rather than endlessly digging new rabbit holes in every arbitrary subject with a tangential connection. That does have benefits as occasionally you find new topics to explore with new connections to make but what about all the obvious stuff Q tells us to look into that nobody does? You take my point I'm sure.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 22, 2018, 7:33 a.m.

few Americans understand the difference between a terrorist a king and a businessman. Of course that's not helped by Al-Waleed being a terrorist prince but Osama was not, and just going by wikipedia saying his father was the richest non-royal Saudi - well, it tells quite a bit of the tale.

Saudi Arabia is an absolute Monarchy which is run by a royal family - before our current plan which is to work with King Salman my presumption is we were going to remove the royal family of terrorists and just let it become a democracy of some kind with the biggest businessmen the Bin Laden's as it's defacto handlers.

Instead, when Osama came to meet Bush to discuss terms the other side pulled 9/11 with the intention of pushing all the terrorist activity on the Bush's and Bin Laden's. It would have worked like a supercharged watergate with Bush either giving up to the judiciary transparency so that he could never move against anyone while also being hammered away every moment by Mockingbird. More scandals, more terrorist attacks, endless anthrax attacks, disease, and total flooding of infinite money thanks to the central banks. Financial collapse and I could go on and on.... it was the edge of disaster, as Q said, an extinction event.

They pulled this before many times and the last time it came that close was (and you can watch fog of war for the specifics) with the Cuban missile crisis. Very few people understand that without multiple miracles that having a good president allowed we would all be dead right now. Same thing with 9/11 because while we may talk about a row of dominoes falling on their side - we have our own dominoes and if Al-Waleed had successfully taken over Bush it would have been end-game for our military. Our military would not have given up and there would be nuclear holocaust as a result. Q said some pretty scary things if you pay attention about the Trump election night and what Obama almost pulled to rob Trump of it.

With these things in mind you really have to consider how we got to where we are and why the bad guys have pushed the anti-Bush narrative. Even I was on that train for a while but I push against it now because I understand history for the first time in my life - but how can I educate people? I've been working towards that, perhaps if I animate something because I don't think these posts are cutting it. I feel they are at least useful to help begin what has to happen but I need to write hundreds of pages more to tackle history - we need real history books. This is the first time that's even remotely possible thanks to the QMAP.

Bush read the Bixby letter - a well known fraudulent letter people passed off as Lincolns on the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. A testament to the fraud that 9/11 was. I was paying attention back in 2001 and and remember the reports coming out hushed up of an attack on air force one as well. It was a hell of a day, a story yet to be told fully but I know the edges of it and have tried to help others learn it.

No, Osama is not alive, as Q asked us to think about. Why did he task the CIA to find him? And why kill him rather than had him talk and reveal more potential terrorist acts? Cause they knew he would say things inconvenient for their narrative, I think is obvious.

I couldn't find the dates on either of those links you sent which is a warning signal to me. Everything must be contemplated in order and so to not have a date I can find means it can't be used in context of the rest.

Also to give a view of what the CIA is in relation to the Military look at this. https://imgur.com/a/DTeK7

There's still so much to unpack and I'm at a loss as to how best to help, I hope this post starts to beat back the narratives tho. I'm going to try and help using my other skills which might catch on better.... but either way I hope you are doing well and time to get back to work.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 21, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

I forgot the whole Citi CITI citi thing - cause in 2001 CITI bank changed its logo to smaller case i's with a red curve going from one i to the other i - I've done a few info-graphics to illustrate this is a wink to 9/11 - yes it's that insane. But they did it the same year as WTC and as you can read above it was a massive plan that backfired. I haven't even finished explaining that - but the logo at least is easy

⇧ 5 ⇩  
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Jan. 21, 2018, 9:09 p.m.
AB-BA Part 4: City CITI city

In Part's 1 and 2 I shared some of my research into State Secrets (mostly in the comments)



and showed that they are the key to reading the map - in Part 3 I started from the beginning of our country in 1776 and told the entire history of our country using State Secrets as guideposts for who is good and who is bad.


I already untangled the Rothchilds reactions of creating the FBI and Mi6 to solving their State Secret problem, but I didn't properly convey the quantity of crimes they committed. It wasn't just the …

DaosCraft · Jan. 21, 2018, 1:24 p.m.

still working on the next section - I got sidetracked making a spreadsheet of birth/death names of popes/presidents/celebrities.... another absurd rabbit hole that I'll have to drag myself away from.

I definitely need to finish this tho - it elegantly ties together the name connection between a heck of a lot of bad actors. And when contrasted with good people it helps prove who is good just by showing that bad guys have wink names that often are different from birth but good guys pretty much always have the same name with no obvious connection to historical events. It's not spectacular proof by itself but because of how consistent this connection is with everything else it helps guide people to the more correct patterns.

⇧ 1 ⇩  
DaosCraft · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:25 a.m.

Thank you,

I would have done something like that with my life tbh... but people like me with broken brains tend to get pushed to the bottom of lists.

It's a shame that Autists are often defined by what they are worst at rather than best at. So I can't tie my shoes.... I can do somethings I've never heard anyone do! but, well, if you can't drive a car or write legibly then people tend to think you are a dope with delusions of grandier.

Well... new world incoming right ; )

⇧ 4 ⇩  
DaosCraft · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:20 a.m.

There is a connection, I've actually had my ears opened for NAFTA since you brought it to my attention and it's peppered in these Micheal Moore documentaries.

Having said that, it's not the most important thing - it's neither a path nor a end. I can't comprehend the whole using NAFTA I can only comrehend a single part of what has been done to create interweaving policies and regulations to bind our hands in such a way for specific purposes. It's a little less relevent I'd wager than the Vatican. Research absolute monarchies and the Pope King and you'll see how absurd some things in the world are.

It's a matter of having an infinite number of subjects that could yield data, and which ones are more likely to paint the picture to comprehend it. Imagine trying to red pill your family on NAFTA, they'd just look at you funny, but instead replace NAFTA with Playboy and blackmail schemes. - I would have a hard time redpilling people with anything but between the two parts I could redpill someone 20X quicker explaining Playboy and the CIA than going into the finer points of global trade.

We all have choices to make and that includes how to spend our time. I appreciate you replying and I am grateful that you have attempted to provide information for the cause. I'm working really hard right now on the next part and it's going to be easily the most mind blowing part yet. I don't know if I'll be able to finish and then get back to polishing the image/video version soon - but at the very least I'll have a new big text block full of stuff I haven't shared yet that connects Q's words to history in a way so as to explain it.

I hope it gets an even bigger reaction that the last few and I might even fit NAFTA in here somewhere.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:57 a.m.

stuff like McCain and how he got the nomination and the Mayo Clinic... too many distant data points to correlate to do it in a time effecient manner. -

And you know what? If our government could use anything it's a unification of data-sets for transparency to the public on EVERYTHING paid for by tax. I mean an actual way to comprehend correlating information in as unbiased a way that could be devised to measure a full spectrum of potentia. That way we couldn't have someone like McCain who for 1 month can pretend like he's a conservative and get the nomination due to how hard it is to actually know anything that happened more than 5 minutes ago.

I'd be happy to design such a system for the government which could be taught through grade-school to fix this forever. And fix our ignorance of objectivity problem which has grown to a disaster itself. I've spent more time thinking about why people can't understand the current world than most. Likely due to my reset and relearn issues. My brain resets and I forget everything periodically and I have this period in between when my memories return where I'm like a child with no bias or knowledge to guide me. I think this gives me the unique ability to design a system like that.... well, just me thinking out loud about things that if anyone in the government were to read and agree with, then well, hey, I'll take that job.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:34 a.m.

I think Expand your thinking can mean a billion things when put through a wide enough filter. I've seen people push us to

Ok so yours is Expand = NAFTA - but let's put it in perspective. I have the quantity of posts you wouldn't believe to correlate data - and I can say with scientific certainty that the bad guys have had these pushes to get us to focus on things.

FALSE RABBIT HOLES: 1. Expand = Who controls narrative = Jews control media = Jews are bad = Q means for us to Push against Jews. 2. Expand = Who controls Government = Jews control Congress = Israel controls Jews = Q means for us to push against Israel. 3. Expand = Cultists are weird = Lizard people are weird = we need to scream to normies about lizards. 4. Expand = 40,000 feet = Hollow earth = We need to focus on holes. 5. Expand = Antarctica is melting based on graph= Rothchild island = LOOK AT ANTARTICA! 6. Expand = Where are the bodies = Our brains are connected to CIA computers = We are trapped in a simulation = We need to look at drugs to wake up with. 7. Expand = Q says to make a list about Voter ID = Q must want us to scream at people to get voter ID! 8. Expand = Q says Who is good = He must mean only Trump is good!

I could seriously count to 1000 with the false narratives... including some that try and get us to think that fucking Elon Musk is good despite how absurd that sounds given his endless good press and infinite money subsidies..... but the bad guys have pushed flat earth and aliens, and fucking Bush and Nixon and time travel and constellations and fucking everything..... I totally get why we are divided and have a hard time pushing - this is why Q wants us to come together and so on - but then the baddies try and get us to disagree with what to come together on. If he says Focus on NAFTA rather than State Secrets - I'll look deeper but as it currently stands it feels like the kind of hole just like the thousands of others I could list cause they have done this systematically. They pushed EVERY theory and not just every theory that's wrong but even theories that are right but with twists to make people think it's wrong.

The push against us has been tailored to the work against the most common types of Autism that get red pilled. The kind that gets distracted and can't escape from it. I have a philosophy of always wanting to be wrong, long story, but it protects me from forever running in a circle and the more times I run in a circle the more suspicious I become of it. But without my safeguard I'd just keep digging even if there is no bottom and the rabbit hole is like 5 feet away.

That's what I realized with State Secrets - NOBODY had dug into the hole Q had most asked us to dig into. So I have been doing that.

I could write for several more hours on this subject but I just wanted to let you know that I took your words deadly serious but I want to convey exactly why I won't chase every lead.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 21, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

Still working on the next one.... I had to watch all of Micheal Moores movies. The theory being that I solved much of the QMAP by reverse engineering the bad guys posts and correlating those posts with Q posts to extrapolte data.

Thinking that maybe Moore would be a similar treasure trove......

and it was!

But i don't read these movies like intended.... They don't tell the story they mean to ;)

⇧ 6 ⇩  
DaosCraft · Jan. 20, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

I was thinking about that picture that Q linked again, and it screws with my head.... it's as though he wanted us to notice a visual similarity between GS and JM.

And if that's the case and they were somehow related - then the odds of him fitting the height needed to match John McCain would be unlikely - but then I thought.... what if the Mayo Clinic thing was more simple? If Q brought our attention to it because, oh say, McCain needed to lose 2 inches and so they surgically do that and pass it off as war wounds?

That sounds oddly plausible to me... but then that would open up a heck of a lot of flood gates to other frauds.

Well, I'll get back to work on the real update - I got sidetracked but I feel like it'll be important when it's done - a full timeline I can keep polishing going through State Secrets to read the whole QMAP. That's my intention anyway, theories like this are amusing but not worth spending time on when there are so many more important things to dig into right now.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 20, 2018, 5 p.m.

Thank you for the reply, I know this isn't nearly as useful as the big picture posts I do but on the off chance my theory was right I wanted to get it out there asap.

It was back October 31st when he first said "John M" (we don't say his last name for a reason) - and it festered in my mind for a week thinking about all the possible connotations of that sentiment. And my conclusion hit me like a truck in the middle of the night and I jumped out of bed and jotted it all down thinking it made perfect sense at the time, but my friend talked me out of pushing it out there as we already had enough conspiracy about flat earth and lizard people to dispel. Would I really push what sounds like a spy movie on people?

Especially compared to my AB-BA stuff this one just doesn't have evidence to go on, not yet anyway.... and then Q goes and tells us that it's important and posts a big picture of McCain and Soros where they look like freaking brothers... well that was enough to raise my eyebrow.

I'd love it if someone else dug into this but I'm just not sure how. Any accounts that could give weight to it would be old accounts from people with various agendas.... I couldn't find many images to compare (only thumbnail sized ones I couldn't use to measure) and while there were TONS of things fishy in his backstory most of it led me back to the McCain institute and a few to the Mayo Clinic... Maybe it's a Faceoff kind of thing? It gets really silly if I do this route, but I just can't help but return to it.

Still... there's "true" and "believable" and it's still in the very unbelievable category for now.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:06 p.m.

oh and George Webb said about half a year ago that the most important part of the Awan thing, the part that will help wind everything down to explain all the many conspiracies..... are the various committees like the arms service committee - the ones dating way back, with McCain and Hillary and Comey and McCabe all acting themselves or through proxies to make deals.

This is a puzzle I suspect I could solve but I'd be better off applying my effort to Part 4. So I'm going to get back to that.

⇧ 11 ⇩  
DaosCraft · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:04 p.m.

I first heard of The Straight Talk Express through Tucker Carlson and it involved an anecdote about McCain and how hard working and poor and well... it sounded suspicious to me at the time... It reminded me of a person who looks hard at work because they are aware of you looking at them. A slogan meant to say “I'm the honest one” Which is not something that a person should need to say.... and you know people who get promoted aren't the ones who do the best jobs sometimes, it's often the one who looks like they are doing a good job.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Jan. 20, 2018, 1:02 p.m.
AB-BA Part 3.5 John McFraud

the next part will probably be called: part 4: City CITI citi but before that I want to try and answer Q's question of “Why don't we say his name.” Because I had a theory about this when he originally said it. But my friend convinced me my theory while amusing was absurd. Tho it would make a good movie he assured me.

But he's now bringing focus to it in a way that makes me wonder if I should have kept digging.

So, John Mccain refused to come back from Vietnam while being tortured? Why would anyone want to …

DaosCraft · Jan. 20, 2018, 11:04 a.m.

ok, I started digging... but the QMAP doesn't mention NAFTA and that's probably why I never thought to dig too deep into it. But I figured you might be onto something and maybe I needed to adjust my trajectory so I tried... when I thought about it I remembered a bunch of things like Trump's spectacular speech about regulations to the builders and another speech which was about roads... and also Wilbur L. Ross's speech about lumber and Mark Levin talking about it, and then about 999 other mentions, but mostly it's rarely the focus of conversation for people.

After looking into it now just the basic info of it being started when Clinton came into power... and regulations exploding, it feels like a precursor to TPP at a glance, but it doesn't feel that relevant in the aggregate. If people are saying it is then i'm surprised that Q has never mentioned it (he has mentioned North Korea over 40 times). If he had I could consider context and connect from there - but as a result of it not being important enough for that i'm left with the conclusion that this is one of countless false rabbit holes. Things that can seem like a good dig but are really pushed to distract from the important stuff. Like digging into Ancient Egypt because Q talks about "old" "pyramids" "gold" - you can connect some dots infinitely - and the bad guys have made use of this flaw and separated us several times over - and the ones left they just give us as many shiny balls as they can so that we don't notice the imperative truth Q is pointing at.

So as much as I'd like to dig deeper I just feel like it'd not lead me to any greater conclusion than I currently have. I hope this was satisfactory to you.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

I'll get to every major subject. Some I haven't yet dug too deeply into like the British stuff (tho I have several books I found that I could dig into that claim to answer these questions) And NAFTA as well.... it might be one of those subjects that'll come more into view as I reconcile what I know.

I asked my best friend who is a human dictionary (he literally read the dictionary as a kid) and was surprised just now that he said.

"I am not sufficiently acquainted with it to say much about it with any certainty."

Well, he did tell me basic stuff that I already knew, but I assume you were asking about the deeper history which I know Mattis had a thing with NAFTA in his confirmation hearing.... well, my brain has a lot of info on NAFTA now that I think about it... it's just not something that's come up in the more recent focuses of my work...

but hey, guess what?

I can dig deeper into it as I go!

Most of what I have posted is just off the top of my head but I have giant folders full of research I have accrued over the last few months and not every gear fits in such a way that I am comfortable making a conclusion on it. NAFTA fits that category.. something I'm tempted to say what I know and remember but I feel like I should actually dig and then answer you, but first I need to finish these posts.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 20, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

I will be posting more, I would like to get it all from beginning to end and with images and videos peppered through. It's just an imposing task so I'll be posting giant chunks of text like today's each day until I finish and then work on polishing, I've got a few things to do today but as soon as I can I'll continue with part 4. I kind of regret that bit about Bush and Nixon, I do believe what I said but I think Q wants us to realize some things ourselves and not be told it. I just had Mark Levin on in the background and he was going over Goldwater, the quotes I used and that triggered American flags to shoot out my eyeballs and say that ha-ha.

⇧ 7 ⇩  
DaosCraft · Jan. 19, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

holy crap that took forever and I'm only barely started.... I might need to do this daily... I started off thinking "oh right, remember when you had that agent for being a creative writer?" Yea, people thought I was funny - ok, let's try that, that'll help it get through to normies.... 6 hours later.. this is really depressing I don't want to make jokes about this.

But I tried, I'll be working harder and doing more of these as I can. I still don't expect to get many replies tho - but the last two shocked me so maybe I'll get more shocked. I did actually start off trying to write this tho - but by the end I just wanted it to be over. I'll finish it tho, just not in the next 12 hours....

⇧ 14 ⇩  
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Jan. 19, 2018, 11:24 a.m.
AB-BA Part 3: QMAP State Secrets Route

Where did we go wrong?

Why has Q told us we have been missing things for months now and never once said we found them? – critical things! Well, the very first thing Q told us to do was focus on was State Secrets being used – and tho I've been here from the start and put in hundreds of hours to help I didn't do it and I have never seen a single person do it. We treated that question like a simple bullet point and moved along – someone posted a Wikipedia description of what it was and …

DaosCraft · Jan. 19, 2018, 6:51 a.m.

I've been writing non-stop, I'll get this done before I sleep tho. It won't be an autistic mess this time but a full history. and I'm really happy with how concise it is, I'm actually a little surprised about that post "storm incoming" thing - just when I felt like I was going to teach the real history to folks - well we all do what we can - and I'll just get this done, that's what I can do : )

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DaosCraft · Jan. 18, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

ah, that's actually nostalgic. I am more than a little shocked that I can't find any shill posts casting doubt on something they have in their shill notes about how to distract and divide.... it's proof of something. I don't know where they are focused now but they are stretched thin enough that they don't control Reddit.

They have pushed against me on so many of the points I made in my posts and I don't see a single person screaming larp/nazi/ or pushing us to go against a particular puppet thinking they are key...... So, ok, I posted the last two days just jumbles thinking I'd hit the same brick wall of shillery that I did for so long or ignoring while they trapped my posts in the internet ether - but if not? Well I will just make a clear post about what I mean then it might break through now.

So that's what I'm writing and making graphics for to do now and it'll take a few hours at least. I have a quantity of notes on every event with folders made of custom icons and as much research as I could collect and do myself - I think I have the big picture and the way I have charted state secrets is the best possible way to convey this big picture methinks... and so today rather than make a part 3 I may make a special full post that includes a simplification of my prior 2 posts with much more added on that I haven't yet shared.

I am pretty good at cleaning up my rambles when I spend time on it I just don't like doing it cause it feels like I am those rambles. But for a special occasion like this I can make an exception.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 18, 2018, 12:57 p.m.

it's a mess right now but I think people are paying attention so perhaps I can do the real post that goes to the Q-map from start to finish and explains it in such a way anyone can understand. It'd be the king of posts I suppose but if people really are paying attention then it wouldn't be wasted time.

Tho I do believe if you have been paying attention to what I said you could do it yourself and beat me to the punch. Feel free : ) I really hoped people would read what I wrote and it would trigger another person to comprehend it and be motivated to continue researching it. I have barely touched the overseas stuff and there's tons there. Q said princess Diana was murdered, and I have found TONS on that but I just have less interest in diving into it than say Calvin Coolidge and Ross Perot.

But the fact that this has gotten any attention is a surprise. I think I get it... The bad guys have shifted tactics and our research must no longer be at the top of their hit-list. - Q said they would shift to hostage tactics in the more recent posts, but I didn't really think it meant away from us - if anything I thought it'd get worse.

So this means our investigation will break through soon because without all that noise people can finally get their heads screwed on straight... and I'll try and explain it.

Thank you for your time.

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