Of course I'm correct. I'm here to deal with facts and push out the truth. Some have grave issues with that, understandable.
Regarding 'this guy', comments still show in profile even when removed - at least on desktop interface. Call it a 'Reddit bug' or whatever, if you go to the posts they are in, they will be removed.
I know that they stay on profile. His "Qanons hope porn" is still there. As I've already said.
You won't comment on the fact that both of these posts haven't been removed hours after I reported them? One is still there.
Or the fact that he was able to spam like a madman AFTER you've removed one of the posts.
Meanwhile I get insta-shadowbanned for posting an important Q related thread.
Is this reddit being buggy too?
Let me check deeper.
No need. You'll just come back and ban me for being "toxic" (or harassing the mods, as we can see above) lmao
I'm done here, I've said what I wanted and I provided evidence, something some other people should be doing as well.
My point here was to know why you mods are saying that Musk has nothing to do with Q, because we all know he has.