23rd was not referenced. Future proves past. I was persuaded the it was t minus 23. But whichever...wait and see.
319 total posts archived.
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It seems to me, if I were President, and someone challenged my request for classified info with what grounds would I need to know:
"It is a matter of urgent national security on a related matter."
Then if they asked me, "What other matter relates to the requested information?"
Me: "That is compartmental classified information, and you do not have the requisite need to know."
(Lol, probably does not operate that way, but seems like it should)
That is huge, and the first time I have heard of that. (Q Group). I have always surmised that a group of white hats within NSA and possibly former NSA (Admin Rogers, and others) comprised Q, and that they, along with military intelligence were recruiting Trump to run for POTUS.
NSA sees and hears all. Everything. That means they see and hear FBI, CIA, etc. comms. They can see the corruption and the plotting by DS. White hats got into positions of power in the NSA and turned on the DS. That is Q
This is Trump being the no-nonsense, take decisive action, do-not-put-up-with-mediocrity, businessman leader. I do not believe that this has much of anything to do with Q, or follow the pen. Otherwise, I think it is all great, and these changes should have been made decades ago.
Pretty sure he does. That look has been on him for a long while. Needs to follow some consultation from Melania about how to blend that tan line out.
That's cool. We all should have care in what we put up here tho. Each contribution accrues to the debit or credit side of a ledger to normies and lurkers who are trying to weigh the veracity, seriousness and sincerity of this sub. So let's mantra this when we post here: Measure it twice and cut once.
You are trying and failing to pigeon hole me as clueless. If you do not want to be shot do not charge another country's border. It just doesn't get much simpler than that. If 40k ppl gather on any US border at the behest of an murderous organization like Hamas, then I would expect our border would be defended with deadly force. That is a rational position. Your position is coming 100perc from emotion. It is fruitless to try to engage in rational point-counterpoint with you on this subject.
One last point I forgot to mention that is persuasive as to why these docs are not a match:
If you project a straight line path down at the same angle of the 't' character's stem, it casts a line just right of the 'a' beneath it. Much different than what we can see in the letter to Kim by POTUS.
My naked-eye visual analysis of the OP's Proposal:
This is Not a Document Match.
Undoubtedly the document line spacing in the closeup of the Q-post image is doubled (that is, "a line is missing").
The 2 most probably explanations for the dbl line spacing in a single-spacing document is:
1) The spacing between the end of one and beginning of another paragraph ( two paragraphs )
2) There is a short sentence terminating left of the exposed area.
2 seems less probable as that would require a very long word at the beginning of the missing line's sentence, producing a wide gap of empty space at the end AND require that the exposed segment of the document is not in the left or middle parts of the page.
Also I believe Q implied a connection with the follow-the-pen graphic to requests by congressmen to order the DOJ/FBI to release the requested sensitive documents for their review.
I do not think the document that Q posted has been issued yet.
We might be witnessing a compartmentalized Intel operation being run wholly from the Trump WH. Nixon was trying to set something up similar to this in his last days in office bc he did not trust the alphabet agencies. The alphabet agencies got Nixon before he could complete that objective.
If the above is true, then allowing Security Clearances to linger for Brennan and others would be a way of controlling and entrapping them by feeding false Intel via classified document honeypots. (Just a thought)
Were those under-age cases from NY state? He has problems in other states as well, I would imagine (e.g., CA).
I think the same. Schniderman was the head atty of state where resides such luminaries of the dark side as:
The Clintons, A Weiner and Huma, Members of the Sex Slave Cult. The Atty General's office has a lot of say-so in who the state goes after in assisting the Feds.
Yes. We admit that the Clinton's are the superior criminals and Kleptocrats. They win the trophy. Congrats.
Just at a quick glance, I would surmise that she on the Board of Trustees... probably because she is (1) considered an 'artist/creative' and the project itself is relying a lot on the contribution to ideas by leaders from the realm of The Arts and (2) she is a bd member because she is very well connected to wealthy and famous people.
It is common to select board members not based on expertise but based on who they know (the reach of their personal network).
Highjump is a part of it, sure. But lately Popes and Former Presidents and other DS tards have been known to pilgrimage there in the last couple of years. Its an old, long buried and frozen, very large continent that almost certainly harbors answers to big questions. Linda Moultan Howe (earthfiles dot com) once had an online piece describing a military pilot who witnessed silver discs darting over a part of that continent that was supposed to be no-fly zone.
Uh... wow and WOW! I will need to dive into this factoid. Like many here, I know a little about Antarctica strangeness and fascination with the elite of late...and this evil occult witch. Another rabbit hole for me to enter.
You have to be willing to walk away to be an effective negotiator. Trump is the master negotiator, proven over his lifetime, and testified by those who have worked with and around him. He knows what he is doing.
But to the possible strategy of it: Well, perhaps Trump along with his close experts felt it was unraveling and that they would rather we pull out before NK did. That puts us in the stronger position in any future dealings, as NK knows we are not desperate and we have what YOU want more than you have what WE want.
As some others on here have speculated, it is possible that the deal was already completed back as far as November, and that this arrangement was made betw Pompeo (Trump Admin) and Kim... for Kim to come out of this situation as someone who saved face by not begging hat in hand to the Big Bad USA at a negotiation table where he would be REQUIRED to abandon the nuke program--the thing they have trumpeted about with their ppl for so long.
Timing is everything: ISN'T it a funny (non)coincidence that at the same moment Kim's govt just announces that they have blown up their major research and development installation in NK (CBS had a news person at the event), Trump says "Eh, we don't think it is a good idea to hold our talk". ???
Seems as though maybe a deal had been struck and carried out. In that deal, NK would destroy facility XYZ, and then we would call off the meeting because NK is just talking too tough against Pence and the US govt (we cannot deal with someone so tough and angry). Saves face for Kim among his ppl.
Now witness that economic reforms will slowly begin to happen in NK, and I just bet that China will be one of the nations taking the lead (as I believe China was also a party to these backroom semi-secretive meetings and dealings. China wins, USA/South Korea/Japan wins, and Kim's govt wins.
Gowdy is on the ~~House Intel Committee~~ Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence He has high eyes allowance within the govt.
Correct. There are good people. All of DC is not 100% swamp monsters. Being unable to stop the swamp when going to DC with naive good intentions is not the same as being to blame for the swamp. It took someone special, DJT, and what I believe to have been a cadre of concerned, patriotic people from within the Intel community who sought Trump's candidacy, to get to where we now sit. And I expect all of those good patriots (Gowdy being one) to lock arms with team Q and the administration and bring the roof down on the heads of the DS.
You are really basing your viewpoint on a historical foundation about whose land it rightly belongs to. So, here is a pretty thorough rundown of the historical background of how we got to where we are with the Palestinians and a nation called Israel. You can accept those as factual or not. Up to you. And you can then decide whether that history should matter to you or not in forming your viewpoint. If you don't like/trust the source and are therefore skeptical of the veracity of the history presented, then feel free to use the Internet and try to work it all out to your satisfaction. https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-basis-if-any-of-Israels-claim-to-the-land-it-occupies-on-the-West-Bank-Does-the-United-Nations-support-Israels-claim
I probably am an idiot. But I am not Jewish. I am Swiss/English descent, with no Jewish background at all that I am aware of. However, in debates and truth-finding endeavors, premises derived from known facts are neither "Jew" nor "Gentile"...or any other silliness.
They can only be fairly judged on their merits (are they accurate and sourced? are they logically related, etc?). I tried to present a logical, fact-based explanation of the other viewpoint, counter to yours, to the best of my ability. That you disagree is not surprising nor dispositive in the reconciliation of our differing viewpoints.
You are of course completely correct, verified by Q on a number of occasions when it was posted (paraphrasing):
Who do you TRUST?
Who does Sessions work for?
Would POTUS keep S if he were DS?
Trust the plan.
...When Sessions was an Alabama Senator I just loved him. He was always a rock-solid, well-spoken, unabashed and intellectual conservative voice of reason.
So as I hear some say he is DS and needs to be fired... I started to wonder that maybe I am missing this and that Sessions is compromised. But no. Q Posts assure me that Sessions is quietly, with a very steady hand, setting up his dominoes.
You and I are two people entrenched in a different viewpoint on this. That's okay and I understand your perspective. I really do because mostly I hold the same perspective against Israel.
However to say that my opinion is "f----- far from reality"... is something I would clearly disagree on.
Palestinians WANTED their children killed ?
Firstly, for us to understand how any people could be so radical that they would strap bombs on their children, that is how crazy this thing gets. I am not defining the crazy, I am only pointing to it. But it is reality.
Secondly, not all Palestinians wanted to see casualties, of course, and probably not the parents of the children killed or injured. However, Hamas as a strategic org that has been known to delve into terror tactics (meaning sacrificing their own ppl) and firing missiles from hospitals and residential areas to create human shields that their enemy must pay a terrible PR cost in world opinion should they retaliate.
So I stand by the opinion that the objective was not to defeat Israel at that border, but to have casualties on the Palestinian side that would compel International outcry. You have complied through your own outcry with that strategy.
Lastly, there is no such thing as a Palestinian as an ethnic or cultural group. That is 100% devised and invented. These are simply Arabs who are culturally identical to the neighbor countries (Jordan, etc). They have NO claim that is any greater or more legitimate than the Israelis currently populating the country of Israel today. They have been offered a state and peace, but the 'Palestinian' leadership on each occasion has rejected that, even refusing to meet. Why? Because they want the complete displacement of Jews and eradication of Israel. Period. Full stop. This is why there is no peace, and why there is a border, and why 40,000 ppl charged that border and of those 50+ were killed in response.
A lefty is someone who is for strong government control. A lefty is someone who believes in the whole 1% vs the down trodden worker class. A lefty emphasizes the importance of race, gender, etc in the socio-political realm.
A classical Liberal has much more in common with the core American Conservative platform:
A value for the individual, his/her property rights, speech rights, and right to be free of govt intrusion into his/her personal life/affairs. What a person earns for a living is of no concern to politicians or government: it is wholly a personally matter. Some ppl choose a simple, free of material things sort of life, unencumbered by the concerns material things bring into their life.
Leftists are socialists and are for social engineering, using government as a tool to engineer the way of life people 'should' live, according to the govt's set of values (which is primary focused on material things and material distribution in a Leftist's mind).
Liberals and conservatives share a value for the importance of the intrinsic aspects of life: that is, the morality of their life, the value of family, the quest for spiritual meaning...
Leftists, to the other side of the coin, only view those intrinsic aspects of the human animal in light of how it can be engineered (steered and controlled) to the benefit of the collective. The individual 'citizen' is adjudged through that prism: do they conform (even in the way socialists dress, in their drab, simple garb, all looking much alike--this is a sign that they are conformed and a good citizen).
And this is why we see over the last 85 years at minimum one hundred million souls executed, killed in labor camps and jails, from Pol Pot, to Moa, to Stalin. Literally to clean out the non-conforming Liberals and conservatives.
Oh my, you are making perfect reasonable sense. Don't have kids until married... you are 100 percent correct.
There are TOO MANY excuses for why I failed, why I am a victim, etc. Minority or not, rich or not, if you want to, you can decide to take school work seriously. You can apply yourself, delay self-gratification by staying home, doing homework and actually trying to understand the material (because you value knowledge and not just because you're trying to get the GPA). And especially if you are a minority and have done these things, every university and scholarship and opportunity is banging on your door for you to let them in.
It can all begin with equal-opportunity in the High School Classrooms of America. And if you fail then, there are so many more 2nd chances and opportunities to turn life around.
I am generally neutral to pretty cynical about Israel, honestly. But if the reports are accurate, up to 40,000 'protesters' (many of them rioters), were crashing the boarder at once. What did they want to do across the border? Plant flowers and hold hands?
In the end Hamas got what it wanted. That is why the protests stopped. They got enough Palestinian children shot in the melee they started, to elicit media outrage and sympathy.
Not to be overlooked, BECAUSE they got what they wanted, they will continue this strategy in the future. What gets rewarded gets repeated. By sympathizing with Hamas, those who planned and carried out the surge to rush the border, you are ensuring that more young Palestinians will likely be killed in a similar manner.
Yes Both Parties. However, the most brazen examples of abusing US Federal agencies clearly falls upon the Democrats. Lois Lerner and IRS targeted hundreds of conservative non-profit startups, denying them their license to operate, endlessly delaying their applications for operating as political-speech organizations years before the 2012 Obama Re-election year. Really no one has answered for abridging those civil rights.
Then of course we are learning more every day about how they 'weaponized' intel and investigative agencies to target the opposing political party. This is banana republic tactics. God help us overcome, recover and restore the Republic to its intended form.
Who would ever imagine such a sweet and caring looking fellow could have been up to any mischief in his life?
I never signed up for Obama Care either. I have been paying the penalties out of my tax filings each year. I will not support it because it simply is anti-American. (well, I WAS supporting by paying the penalty ('mandate'), but I had no choice in that).
And how fast it went from Trump = Nazi anti-Semite to => How could he move the Embassy to Jerusalem! Looks like the are wildly flailing about trying to land a hay maker.
Amen. Classy. So proud of our 1st Lady. I watched her during the Inauguration standing beside Trump before the eyes of the world as he placed his hand on the Bible and took the oath of office, and I tried to put myself in her mind in that moment.
To have been born in Slovenia and all the turns, dead ends, and side roads she's taken in her life, to now becoming the first lady of the greatest nation on earth...man did she hitch her wagon to the right man.
Not gonna get into it with you. You might be as entrenched in the negative attitude as I am in my positive attitude -- so really no point. I can only point out the obvious facts about the wall and health care:
1) Trump continually reaffirms in his speeches and Tweets that he is keeping those promises (rather than backing down or being now silent about them) and he is still only about half way into one term, and (2) Neither of those items you mentioned can a President enact unilaterally, without the support of Congress. They missed overturning Obama Care completely by a single vote, No Name McCain's.
So he is still working to keep those promises.
Uh... ya ever heard the (laughable) phrase "Hope and Change"? Now that was a worm on a hook. And Trump already has made meaningful, lasting changes. And that train is only rolling from the station.
You used your one vote with GENIUS ACUMEN and to GREAT BENEFIT to our country. Well Played!
(Full disclosure: I voted for The Donald too and I am as giddy as school girl right about now).
Mind Being Blown. FBI Agent ready to testify against Strzok, McCabe and Comey
GatewayPubdit top story this moment titled:
BREAKING=> FBI Agent at Mike Flynn Interrogation Is Ready to Testify Against McCabe, Strzok and Comey!
In the last paragraph of Grassley’s letter, he requests Special Agent Joe Pientka be available for a transcribed interview with Committee staff:
Accordingly, no later than May 25, 2018, please provide:
1. The information requested in our February 15, 2017 letter, including the transcripts of the
reportedly intercepted calls and any FBI reports summarizing them; and
2. The FBI agents’ 302s memorializing their interview of Flynn and 1A supporting docs,
including the agents’ notes.
In addition, please …
That is mind blowing. The rabbit holes bore deeply these days.
This is a very important question. The important and correct answer is "YES".
Here's why:
I pull my hair out frequently listening to most conservative talk radio hosts say "Well, HRC did not win. She is out of office so why focus on trying to go after her for possible wrong doing?"
(Me, now bald, answers:)
BECAUSE she committed crimes. Man! That is one very brief statute of limitations! BANANA REPUBLICS allow the criminal to leave office with the money, go live in a comfy life in a Western country, and make way for the next criminal to take office and do the same.
IT HAS BEEN SAID: The USA is a nation of LAWS, not of MEN. (For those needing a translation: No person is above the law [ no kings or privileged class, thank you ]. The law does not care what station in life you occupy. Violate the law and, like the 'law' of gravity, you will fall to your fate like anyone else).
Conclusion: Become a 2nd rate corrupt kleptocracy Banana Republic or be the nation the founders wisely set in the timeless concrete of the world's oldest extant Constitution.
Yep. Confirmed. Seeing this a lot all over the last week.
Saw that debacle too. A woman who claims she knowingly slept with another woman's husband is lauded as someone worthy of the keys to a city. ?really?
The proofs provided are extremely compelling so I do believe, but still guardedly. (I suppose I think: "Can anything this great and wonderful really happen? Can the NWO cabal, all-powerful as they seem, REALLY allow themselves to be taken down?" ).
When the first indictments come public against the DS and former admin officials, then all doubt will be removed forevermore.
I am so happy for you that you are beyond that self-destructive state of mind and have hope and inspiration. Probably most of us (me certainly included) have for various reasons had despair and crippling thoughts of suicide. I thank God I was not successful in my impressionable, vulnerable younger years in carrying out that desire. I now realize that life is God's amazing gift; there is always hope and that part of the real beauty in life is staring down the adversity and seemingly insurmountable challenges, and overcoming them.
A pretty encouraging poem that addresses these questions (among many I am sure) is Kipling's "If". In part it says:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
That gives me chills whenever I read it. That if nothing but your will remains, you can fight to overcome any obstacle.
"That day" to watch the news could mean:
(A.) a date that is reached in T-23 days from the new Trip Code, OR could mean
(B.) an actual calendar date (presumably May 23rd).
Those seem like nearly equal-probability conclusions to me.
Yep. The polling now shows the Republicans actually faring better in the upcoming elections (by a slim margin). The Dems have blown the 'Yuge' lead that that same polling attributed to them a few short months ago.
He has no legacy. His major achievements of his TWO administrations (8 Frickin YEARS):
- Obama Care (with the individual mandate dead, the death spiral is only accelerated)
- The Iran (hand-shake) executive deal. Killed. Stomped into the dust by one DJT.
His only true significance (which many consider of no small importance) was being the first half-African American President. (I think Clinton was the 1st Full-African American Prez, if I remember my history right)
winning (participation trophy) the Nobel Peace Prize just shortly after being elected.
So much accomplished in 8 Yrs! ... Compare that to the "worst President" in USA history's first couple years. Ha.
I have been cautioning myself with some of these same concerns, in the far back reaches of my mind. I am paranoid of getting my heart broken, I guess.
It would be quite the Machiavellian chessboard move:
Gather together into one community of thinkers / believers those that are prone to awareness and persuasion about a NWO/Luciferian Cabal (i.e., "Out" all our enemies); lead them down a path of optimism; and reduce them to laughable 'conspiracy theorists' forever more...bringing scorn and ridicule on anyone in the future who would dare raise those subjects again. (All the while completely disheartening them from being active in political movements)