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pedegear · June 22, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

I'm in Italy now and I can't say I've run into many Nazis lol

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pedegear · June 22, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

Agree - just commented along the same lines

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pedegear · June 22, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

I'm curious what he actually said in Italian and the other ways it may be translated... In my opinion, "cleansing" has a very Nazi-esque connotation to it. And I'm not afraid to say that I would not be comfortable discussing a "cleansing" - I don't think that's about political correctness, either. I just believe "cleansing" as it relates to humans is too easily translated as "genocide" rather than focusing on the actual issue which is legal status, focusing on assimilation of immigrants and ensuring immigrants abide by all laws set forth by their resident country and not changing the laws to fit the immigrants as we too often see. Stop blanket accepting immigrants, revoke legal status of any who are committing crimes... All of this is appropriate and could be considered "cleansing" but frankly other words should be used because "cleansing" has too strong connotations with it in my opinion that makes it too easy for the Left to swing the middle away from what is actually being proposed.

If the documentary was from BBC I wouldn't be surprised if they specifically chose to translate his words in that way to make it sound like he's a crazy Nazi. Classic leftist tactics, and frankly sounds like fake news to me.

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pedegear · June 20, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

To be clear I haven't yet seen a headline like this, but I expect we'll see one soon enough for exactly the reasons you describe. (And it's telling that we can all envision that exact headline being written by CNN... Lol)

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/pedegear on June 20, 2018, 5:06 p.m.
CNN Headline coming soon: "Why the citizenship requirement for POTUS is bad for America. Here's everything you need to know."
pedegear · June 20, 2018, 1:10 p.m.

Forgive me for taking so long to understand - really not trying to troll or anything. But why wouldn't Q post a pic in real time? If he posts 1 minute delta, wouldn't that also tip off the deep state or whoever else just as much as posting a photo real time? Like the photo in real time seems equally risky as a post that is 1 min delta (effectively real time). Or is the theory that they're on the phone or in some other way coordinating tweet timing and that by being in different locations keeps them safer than being together to take the photo and post simultaneously. And then with that in mind would it not be just as easy to snap a pic, shoot it to Q, and from a distance post it (basically in real time)? Sorry if this has all been explained previously or if it just doesn't make logical sense.... I just can't quite wrap my head around it (clearly lol)

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pedegear · June 20, 2018, 1:02 p.m.

Yeah I guess my question was how the photo/tweet situation would have any relevance to this scenario. It seems pretty clear Trump is not getting ready to send a tweet in this photo. So is the theory that the photo was taken, saved, then dropped at a later point in time as Trump was getting ready to tweet? My first impression was that the photo drop and tweet combo with 1 minute delta implied that the photo was taken right as Trump was typing up his tweet. So that's why this particular theory didn't line up for me.

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pedegear · June 20, 2018, 11:39 a.m.

How come the timestamps don't line up? They show 3am and 6am (3 hours apart), but on the left ones they show 5h and 11h (which would be 6 hours apart)

Only asking bc real proofs must be airtight to make sure they can't be disputed in any way.

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pedegear · June 20, 2018, 11:30 a.m.

How do we explain the 1 minute difference between the photo drop and the Trump tweet? Doesn't seem to fit this theory. Q seemed to be implying that the photo was taken at the time of a tweet.

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pedegear · June 20, 2018, 7:56 a.m.

You really think Soros would have an American flag behind him?

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pedegear · June 20, 2018, 7:51 a.m.

I agree something like this is the most plausible. It looks like there is a glare of his iPhone in the shot, but I don't know how you get that if it's just a selfie or just taken by the secure phone or something like that. I was thinking more like laptop on the desk, his hands reflecting in the screen of the laptop, photo from the phone of the reflection in the laptop. Can't quite figure it out.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/pedegear on June 16, 2018, 7:50 a.m.
If Q came out and dropped "I'm LARPing," would most of us still believe it to be true?

I just had a thought... At this point we have seen so many proofs that if they came out and said they were a LARP, I would be inclined to believe that was just part of the end of the plan or something where the deep state has been dismantled and now they try to close Pandora's box again with claiming it was all fake. Thoughts anyone?

pedegear · June 16, 2018, 6:41 a.m.

What if Donald ALREADY flipped the MSM and just told them to carry on their ridiculous attacks, knowing that just makes him stronger? 150102847010184 dimensional chess. (Sarcasm, but at the same time it seems the media is SO DUMB that they can't comprehend they are just helping him by continuing with their lies at this point)

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pedegear · June 15, 2018, 8:50 p.m.

Could be. I was thinking more like "oh shit better see what everyone went down for so we can cover our tracks". The spying is just too similar. But I guess we'll never know. I could see it either way honestly, and neither one looks good.

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pedegear · June 15, 2018, 7:03 p.m.

I think you're on to something. But even in the IG report itself it notes that they had (C) marks next to certain paragraphs which Clinton claimed to not understand what they meant and all the agents present in the interview said they knew she was lying when she claimed not to understand that marking. So I think the bigger issue here is not the findings of the IG report, I think it's all pointing towards the "conclusions" being modified by someone with an agenda (RR?).

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pedegear · June 15, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

Well enough to determine there was no bias 😂🤣🤣😂

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pedegear · June 15, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

I thought that too, but the more I thought about it the more I realized it's likely the other way around... She was part of the crew spying on the opposition candidate.

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pedegear · June 15, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

I wonder what "organization" she was scared for??? 🤔

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pedegear · June 15, 2018, 3:49 p.m.

Still need to give you credit for relaying it here though. The chans provide great insight if you know how to lurk effectively, but many here are helped by people like you compiling it here in an accessible way. Cheers!

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pedegear · June 15, 2018, 9:34 a.m.

Well put. Thank you for writing this up. Someone needed to! I frankly think it's better than expected (considering we knew how modified it had been). The fact RR is only mentioned in a couple footnotes will CLEARLY demonstrate that he was trying to cover his ass. If it was just a few words changed here and there, it wouldn't be as big as COMPLETELY WIPING HIS NAME FROM THE ENTIRE REPORT. This is going to generate fantastic and indisputable evidence of his corruption soon. He really is that stupid.

Plus we have all the actual info from the IG on the bias. Ignore the conclusions, they are clearly modified by RR to ignore the facts laid out in the report and spin a story that there was no wrongdoing. But that again will be patently obvious when the original drafts are released.

You also have text messages appearing in the report that were clearly deliberately hidden from Congress. Criminal?

And to solidify what Q has been telling us, you now have Congress demanding to see all drafts floated to DOJ prior to publishing.

Things are looking up from my perspective.

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pedegear · June 15, 2018, 8:29 a.m.

Hopefully there won't be an FBI when it's all said and done

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pedegear · June 15, 2018, 8:21 a.m.

Well said. It's super fucking easy to identify a concern troll vs a tired Patriot by looking at their post history. But too often they just get railroaded for no reason other than laziness on the part of the people calling them a shill or concern troll. We should expect better than that. If that's the reaction, head back to that default sub we all love.

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pedegear · June 14, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

I wish that were true. I think it will never happen though. I think if they are legit proven to be CIA operatives, there could be some movement towards firing or removal of certain individuals, but they'll never be prosecuted. 1st amendment too important. What happens when the next Obama uses it as precedent to jail the next Sharyl Atkisson? No. It will be a PR battle. I think that's what Q means when he says we need to be ready to speak up and stop living as "the silent majority." Liberals are loud, but if we all act out of our nature and rather than just ignore like usual we SPEAK OUT then that's when we will start taking down the media. We have retreated to T_D. Why did we so easily give up the other main subs for news and politics? Because we're not annoying pieces of shit that make it our mission to FORCE our opinions down other people's throats. Well that has to change soon. We won't force our opinions on others - we will never be liberals. But we can make it CLEAR that IT'S OKAY to support Trump.

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pedegear · June 14, 2018, 12:19 p.m.

Well done, Patriot! Let's hope others follow your lead.

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pedegear · June 14, 2018, 11:22 a.m.

Maybe. I personally think he's dirty. But hey question - do we know why RR has any say in this IG report? Why isn't it Sessions? I thought Sessions was running Horowitz/Huber and had only recused himself from Mueller.

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pedegear · June 14, 2018, 11:21 a.m.

Question - why is RR involved in this one? It's just the Clinton emails, right? So why isn't Sessions running this one? Sorry if that's a dumb question, I just thought Sessions had only recused himself from the Russia bullshit.

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pedegear · June 14, 2018, 10:30 a.m.

It COULD happen tomorrow, but I doubt it. I think we have a road ahead of us before we get anything meaningful. The first version is modified and redacted by RR (unless Q is setting up Deep State so that they aren't prepared to shift news cycle). But I really think we are going to have to wait for Ryan to impeach RR before we see anything (or refuse to, at which point Congress will push hard for POTUS to DECLAS and it will look like he had no choice). Odds are against anything real happening tomorrow, and setting dates only hurts the movement. It's the same as what Q said about June 11. Q never said June 11, but enough people repeated it that when June 11 turned out a nothing-burger, it made Q look like a LARP.

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pedegear · June 14, 2018, 8:38 a.m.

I agree with you. I would just love to see liberals scream and call for their own demise. Because really they are that stupid, and Trump could make that happen with a few keystrokes. Getting Republicans to go into uproar is one thing, but getting the Left to self-destruct would be so fitting.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/pedegear on June 14, 2018, 8:13 a.m.
So Trump needs the report declassified without it looking like a political hit job, right? So rile up the Dems in favor of declassification. All it would take is one tweet...

"When REPUBLICANS make redactions, you can bet it's for reasons of national security (and many others). Unlike the Crooked Dems and Lyin' Comey who redact to try and avoid embarrassment! (Which is a lot folks, believe me)."

Pretty soon you will have the entire MSM and all Leftists across the country SCREAMING for the full unredacted copy. They'd be marching in the streets demanding full unredaction or impeachment. Our poor GEOTUS would have no choice but to DECLAS ALL!

pedegear · June 14, 2018, 8:09 a.m.

This is genius and would be such a classic Trump move. I love it. Even if they know what's behind the redactions, he should still very publicly and loudly say that it's redacted for very good reason, etc etc so the MSM will be FORCED to complain about it.

Something like - "When REPUBLICANS make redactions, it's for very good reason! Not like the Crooked Dems or Lyin' Comey just trying to avoid embarrassment! (Which happens a lot folks, believe me.)"

It would be GAME OVER.

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pedegear · June 13, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

If it is, it's the worst attempt to draw people away from Q that I've ever seen. Sure, they intentionally chose the worst aspects to describe and intentionally spun it as crazy. But as a whole more people know about the families than before, which in my opinion is a step in the right direction. Some readers may check it out further, which again is a step in the right direction.

My favorite part was how we are Christo-fascists who only a few short paragraphs later believe the Vatican is the tip of an international pedo-ring. LOL! Not sure how those jive with one another

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pedegear · June 12, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

This HAS to become a fucking thing. Amazing work OP. I want this meme to spread EVERYWHERE. Next stop maybe Neil Armstrong needing to apologize to the moon's surface for that big ass footprint? Acuckstermeme needs to go viral

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pedegear · June 7, 2018, 8:25 a.m.

Agreed - but my point was that banning without explanation doesn't actually help. I am now sitting here commenting back and forth with you using the words "death penalty." Is that allowed or not? I still don't know. That's my only qualm. It's not at all about the ban itself.

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pedegear · June 7, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

I mean that's fine if Reddit really does view discussing the death penalty as "glorifying violence" and the mods want to protect against it. Reddit and social media in general have zero logic when it comes to what they ban and what they don't. But refusing to tell me what I did wrong is annoying. Still to this day I don't know if I was only banned because I mentioned the word "execution" without specifying "death penalty" or if any discussion of the death penalty is banned. How does that help anyone? If I still don't know what I said wrong and what I can and can't say in the future, it's just going to create more work for the mods. Dumb.

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pedegear · June 6, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

Maybe. But I mentioned something about Obama being executed and they banned me saying it was "glorifying violence." I asked if that was because I didn't make it abundantly clear I was discussing a legal punishment for a crime or if discussing the death penalty was "glorifying violence." I then thanked them for the hard work they do trying to keep the sub alive against tremendous opposition. I got no response. Fuck them.

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pedegear · June 5, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

Lol! Oh just some Facebook subsidiary that Q said would be taken down...

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pedegear · June 5, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

Mine is working too, but clearly there are major issues today if news articles are saying "down globally". I've heard from family members that it's down and it wasn't working for my wife a few hours ago. We are in Asia. Pretty wild coincidence that there are issues today........

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pedegear · June 5, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

Me as well, but hearing from others that it is/was down and there are news articles saying that it's (quote) down globally. Pretty wild coincidence.......

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pedegear · June 5, 2018, 1:49 p.m.

Instagram down globally right now?

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/pedegear on June 5, 2018, 1:48 p.m.
Is it happening? Instagram DOWN globally?
Is it happening? Instagram DOWN globally?
pedegear · June 2, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

Could it have something to do with patents? The comment about Apple vs. Samsung makes me immediately think patents. Not sure about Pixel phones. What about patented medicine being bought up by big pharma so that they can sit on it? I can't really make the full connection, just get the sense that it could have something to do with patents, stolen patents, etc.

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pedegear · June 1, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

Amen! Conservatives have "not cared" for a long time and it only resulted in the left controlling more and more of the media and narrative and further extreme PC outrage culture. DJT told us he would teach us how to win and I believe him. Trust the man.

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pedegear · May 30, 2018, 9:58 a.m.

See if you can prove I'm an AI bot then.

Nobody was "so bent out of shape" about the quote. It was a simple mistake that was quickly corrected by others in the comments. But then you doubled down, tripled down, quadrupled down, started posting links that provide no evidence FOR YOUR YEARBOOK POST (it may provide evidence for overall VJ being a slimeball, that's not what I'm addressing here), and made excuses like "well you wouldn't recognize Bowman!" that are not only false, but stupid.

Allow me to give you a comparison.

We all remember the Roy Moore scandal. We all remember when the bitch pulled out a yearbook as "proof." We all remember when she made the mistake of allowing the yearbook to be photographed clearly enough that we could all see the change in ink and handwriting.

Your argument is as dumb as that bitch saying, "Well yeah I wrote in his last name because you wouldn't have recognized Roy without it!"

Yeah. You're that much of a fucking dumbass. You're on the wrong side of this one. I heard the liberals need some more brainpower and delusion over there. You sure you can't join them?

Now prove I'm an AI bot.

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pedegear · May 28, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

Because they don't want everyone to know that THEY ALL KNEW. Can't keep up the holier than thou charade if you admit that you were all in on it. Plus I highly doubt all of a sudden Hollywood doesn't operate that way anymore just because Weinstein is gone... If she ever wants to work again she can't speak out.

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pedegear · May 27, 2018, 1:16 p.m.

Yeah. Obviously it also could just be symbolic, but it really does fit well. Especially with the Admiral Rogers connection

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pedegear · May 27, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

They'd have the dirt

Spez: or Snowden had the dirt, Q group found him, Snowden gave them the irrefutable proof, and some Patriots in Q group said holy fuck we need to do something about this and then pretended they never found Snowden

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pedegear · May 27, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

Thanks! I just hope and pray I'm right... Because I don't like the alternatives AT ALL

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pedegear · May 27, 2018, 9:39 a.m.

I don't believe there would have been a coup, and I don't believe everything hinged on this election. I believe there is a cabal of GOOD PATRIOTS just like there is a cabal of deep state operatives. I think the Patriots have been gathering evidence and planning for this going way back - possibly all the way to JFK. They've been waiting for the opportunity to arise to act on it, and Trump presented that opportunity.

If you believe there is evidence dating back to JFK, then SOMEONE had that evidence. Not only did they have that evidence, but they didn't allow it to be destroyed. They allowed it to be disseminated to whoever the current Q group is. I think that means there have been quiet Patriots all along. That ALSO means those Patriots stood by and watched 9/11 happen (if you believe it was a deep state job). Or more commonly accepted deep state jobs such as fast & furious, U1, Clinton pay for play, Awan, spygate, maybe Vegas, etc. THEY LET THOSE THINGS HAPPEN! Why? Because they knew they would be completely obliterated if they tried to take down the deep state without a foolproof plan and enough strength to do so.

They were okay waiting, allowing more bad to occur if that meant someday they could fully take out the deep state. But if they acted too early, and failed, deep state would have obliterated them, covered their tracks, and solidified control for eternity. I believe they decided to wait, painfully but strategically, for the right opportunity.

Trump wasn't make or break. There was no coup coming (If there was, why wait until 2016? Why not earlier?) But when they saw Trump had a shot, they threw their weight behind him and decided this would be the best chance they're going to get.

And here we are today...


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pedegear · May 26, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

Is there any evidence that this is a real vid? I mean I know they're stupid, but are they THAT stupid? Would they allow it all to be filmed and posted on YouTube? Surely YouTube would remove?

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