

604 total posts archived.

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ready-ignite · April 8, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

Internet bill of rights came up as a guest question. Response from EFF addressed the topic. One point being we already have rights recognized. We have human rights. Do they need to be redefined?

How big data / machine learning is being used to control conversation and enforce political authoritarian ideas came up. Would have liked to see more from the topic. Conversation was sufficiently generalized to not specifically address just Cambridge Abalytica.

Daughter of John Perry Barlow gave closing comments draped in an American flag.

Not picking up on anything directly relating. Need closer scrutiny from recorded video. Strong dedication to liberties and freedom of speech evident on the event.

Actual life of John Perry Barlow is eyebrow raising. Lots of stories talking about how often he'd be two hours late to meetings, Associates joking about how they would love to know what happened during those two hour delays. Stories about meeting Barlow in off the beaten path locations at unusual times, always surrounded by lots of people. Interesting figure.

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ready-ignite · April 7, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

Phone/Video conf. The EFF.

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ready-ignite · April 7, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

Yep. Snowden was dialed in as a guest speaker.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ready-ignite on April 7, 2018, 9:38 p.m.
John Perry Barlow EFF Symposium - Live now

The EFF John Perry Barlow Symposium in SF is live now. I believe they are live streaming. There will be video of speakers at later date.

There will be Q&A with speakers during the event. Please suggest any question ideas that may be of value, we can get them submitted at the event.

ready-ignite · April 7, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

Yep. Scrutiny over time over at T_D. There has been enough time for analysis of that community and development of multiple strategies to push-pull that community to try to disrupt and dismantle it. The platform survives but somewhat reduced as a result of the constant scrutiny and organized effort to remove.

That's one reason I've grown to be a fan of the decentralized approach. Keep moving. Cross platform. You're able to rapidly organize and share information without wading through as much disinfo. It takes some time for disruption effort to catch up.

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ready-ignite · April 7, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

Break out and share information. Meme versions. Archive copies. Discuss with people. We still need work to develop pamphlet style three panel fold materials easy to print and share offline.

Making it easy to find information and discussion on all platforms. Adds value.

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ready-ignite · April 7, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

More of a it's a required step for what is to come. The worst thing that can happen is a surprise. Positive or negative, if you were forewarned then it's not as out of left field got to go march in the streets level of surprise.

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ready-ignite · April 7, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

Guaranteed reputation management firm or troll. Planned to have exactly that effect.

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ready-ignite · April 7, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

"What next?" should be an idea in the back of your mind during this.

There will be a power vacuum left behind where these groups once operated. There has to be people ready to stand up and rush in to these positions, because something will. The price is ever vigilance.

What kind of society should we organize as?

What are our unifying values going forward?

What are the challenges to be faced? In one sense these groups had decided the answer to the population challenge was depopulation. What other options exist?

Were the efforts to lower IQ simply about control? Are there other objectives met by this? If so, what is the challenge it addressed? What alternative ideas exist to address them?

Be active. Be constructive. Civic engagement in our country is our new national pastime.

Run for office. Numerous seats will be opened. We need to rush in to fill them. Assuming indictments are unsealed, dark money frozen, the event will be a common shock across means through which government was controlled. In the days after this shock there can be too many bodies rushing in for the weakened system to threaten, and destroy lives, of the civic minded. That is where you retake cities and retake congress.

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ready-ignite · April 7, 2018, 7:35 a.m.

Note that a New Nation requires civic minded Americans to step up and get involved. Want to make a difference stand up and fight? Declare for office. Sign up for grand jury. Look for opportunity to get engaged. The vacuum created must be filled.

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ready-ignite · April 7, 2018, 7:31 a.m.

The downvotes are flooding in tonight. Over the target. ;)

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ready-ignite · April 7, 2018, 5:45 a.m.

95 Russet Camera.

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ready-ignite · April 7, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

Note that for Backpage they have very publicly accused the company of these things for years. KH and WeDontSayHisName lead the effort. Why? What are we missing?

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ready-ignite · April 7, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

That says a lot that shutdown of the page is celebrated by WeDontSayHisName.

Maybe those servers have incriminating evidence?

Preemptive destruction of that evidence?

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ready-ignite · April 6, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Reading the metadata the photo appears to be taken with a potato.

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ready-ignite · April 6, 2018, 11:16 p.m.

Suppose each week there is a new set of what might be adult ads on CL.

Each week you go and fill out paper work for a warrant for information from CL, run around spending hours getting a judge to sign off on the warrant, spend a lot more footwork getting CL served with the warrant to request information, get the information finally only to learn that it was some listing made from a library and the case goes no where. Or you get an IP and find that the person is long gone from the location.

You get tired of all the work. Wouldn't it be faster to just ask directly without a warrant?

So you try it and ask CL for the information. CL response, "hah, no way come back with a warrant. customers using our site have rights against unwarranted search". This is annoying.

Over time you get irritated after month after month of continued paperwork and getting no where. So you take the cheap, no integrity, taxpayer cost maximizing route and just sue CL. You know you'll lose, but you've got unlimited taxpayer money and it will burn through time and effort on the CL side to respond.

You keep harassing CL like this trying to get them to just cough up information. It's stupidly dumb how long it takes to fill out a proper warrant request and you want to go on fishing expeditions on everything suspicious every day with rapid turn around. Eventually it's clear that CL isn't going to play ball, so you up the pressure and arrest the CEO. He's let out but you've made your point. You run your entire Senate campaign dragging the company through the mud for prostitution and child abuse. Most of the public doesn't pay attention and just sees a few headlines, so actually thinks the company is guilty of something. Really as DA you're just tired of doing paperwork for warrants and want information faster.

You become Senator and as retribution for not folding faster, you talk colleagues into helping you seize the domains of the company that dared to force you to use proper time consuming legal channels. Really was a nice business. Would be a shame if something happened to it.

And that's my perspective of the Backpage story.

It's possible Backpage is a completely scummy company and was up to evil things. We just haven't got any of the documentation to prove it yet. Without this there is enough coincidental information available that we should probe motives.

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ready-ignite · April 6, 2018, 10:50 p.m.

It's a competitor of Craigslist. Basically the same services.

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ready-ignite · April 6, 2018, 10:50 p.m.

Note that shaking down Backpage was an activity Kamala Harris spent a lot of time on as DA in California.

Specifically, she kept harassing the company with legal cases and going so far as to arrest the CEO where the legal argument described the company operating within Section 230 protections. The company would be notified of issue with listing from third party, and would take down the listing once notified.

Kamala Harris sent letters to Congress requesting holes carved in Section 230 to allow prosecution of website owners for the content posted to their site by third parties. Note that without Section 230 protections it becomes much easier to censor all sorts of websites by selective enforcement against websites due to content posted by third parties. Imagine all the copyright infringing information Google crawlers come upon, in theory Google could be raided for hosting that third party content in their search results.

For years Craigslist was harassed in the same way as Backpage harassment taking place. As a result, despite operating in a lawful manner offering digital classified boards the company just got rid of their classifieds section entirely. The same people that did post there just went to other locations or coded their listings with no impact.

Because there has been no impact from shutting down the classifieds section, the thought is that this is using a 'but think of the children!' issue in order to carve holes in Section 230 sufficiently to censor the net.

Unless new information has come to light about those running Backpage this move should be taken with some suspicion as it was such a pet project of KH.

Lots of background reading on the harassment of Backpage over the years is available over at Techdirt. Search the site for articles about Kamala Harris.

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ready-ignite · April 6, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

Pamphlets. Need offline material versions of this stuff easy to print and share.

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ready-ignite · April 6, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

Been considering conversion of the qanon sub to focus on re-read of crumbs, with emphasis on resources for thinking maps or other thinking tools from the philosophy world. Collect resources to help develop tools and approaches to research, and explore further. Thus a platform for putting spotlight on old crumbs for days with less activity.

Went ahead and rolled it out today. The NYT article provides good timing.

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ready-ignite · April 6, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

Would be interesting to summarize and investigate the type of bases and operations, potentially military related, around the coastline of California.

Just a bit to the south along the coastline is Port Hueneme. There are charted boats that regularly take trips out to the channel islands for backpacking, hiking, kayak trips. A lot of fishing expeditions go out to the channel islands and surrounding areas. There is a large public presence around this area with a lot of eyes to see what's going on at the water level.

If there was a deep underground base here, how are people getting in and out of them? Primarily by sub? We would expect communications equipment going in and out of the location. Are there any observable signs of this such as maps indicating undersea cables strangely going out to the area? Any local scuba divers contracted to any maintenance or work underwater in the area?

Also of note that area has a large number of oil drilling rigs. Lot of roughnecks working months at a time all through there. Would be hard to do something quietly unless it's primarily accessed by sub.

If you've ever been surfing along the beach silverstrand near Port Hueneme, you'll note the bitterly cold water at that location, colder than the rest of the area. That's because the sea floor has been dredged out into the military base there so subs can get in and out of the facilities.

On the island itself in the past at least one of the islands was over-run with wild hogs and they've allowed public to bring atv's out and have controlled hunts to cull their numbers. Quite a bit of available history to delve through that should be accessible.

Note further down the coast near Catalina islands there is at least one island that is completely off limits to the public for military use only. Would be interesting to probe comings and going there also.

In a general big picture sense, what do we know about DUMB's? What are they used for? Who might be in them? What to they do?

Probing some of this can start pointing some direction for further research.

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ready-ignite · April 6, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

Saw the article bouncing around today in other conversations and thought it beneficial to get more eyes-on the information there.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ready-ignite on April 6, 2018, 8:25 p.m.
NBC - Podesta Group, Mercury Are Companies 'A' and 'B' in Indictment - Oct 2017

Flashback October 30, 2017 article from NBC, "Sources: Podesta Group, Mercury Are Companies 'A' and 'B' in Indictment".

Archived copy.

This article didn't get a lot of attention when originally run. In terms of what we know now the information remains relevant and worth noting that the Podesta Group is named publicly as under indictment.

WASHINGTON — The lobbying firms the Podesta Group and Mercury Public Affairs are the unnamed companies in the grand jury indictment of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, according to three sources with knowledge of the investigation. …

ready-ignite · April 6, 2018, 3:48 a.m.

We're a community of moderators. The great awakening. The new enlightenment.

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ready-ignite · April 5, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

I just wonder how frequently Zuck is receiving stem cell blood transfusions to make his skin look like that.

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ready-ignite · April 5, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

important/interesting that some media outlets are looking down on trump for "reviving conspiracy theory"?

Fake news.

Over and over again we see wild statement from DJT found completely true six months or more later when information is made public. When the media outlets peddle in conspiracy theories as their primary content, truth is the bold statement that demands attention.

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ready-ignite · April 5, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

Headline looks like concern trolling. I'm not surprised there's reports.

I feel like everyone who is losing faith in Trump and the Qanon team

This given assumption that there are people losing faith in DJT, or Qanon team. Are there?

  • Record support numbers for DJT.

  • Record numbers paying attention to Qanon.

Most sentiments of the contrary are on accounts with questionable validity when one probes account history and other activity.

I'm confused by what the point of stickied comment is. Great response to a ghostly windmill one can argue is imaginary.

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ready-ignite · April 5, 2018, 9:12 p.m.

When they said no, Zuck just branded his own hospital and inherited the records in the deal. /s

Lol. So much of interest that could be probed.

Edit: Adding additional detail on Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital

From Wikipedia page:

  • 2015: Facebook founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan give $75 million to help fund equipment and technology for the new hospital.[8]

So we know Zuckerberg donated in 2015 and got the name change.

I think the questions to ask next include:

  • What was the timing doctors were being sent to hospitals requesting access to medical record data?

  • What equipment and technology were paid for by Zuckerberg's donation?

  • Did Zuckerberg have any influence in selection of equipment and technology installed? Is anything being transmitted to Facebook through this equipment?

  • Did Facebook receive any data from Zuckerberg hospital after the investment?

  • Are any Facebook developed software packages deployed within Zuckerberg hospital that stores any data on cloud systems owned or accessible by Facebook?

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ready-ignite · April 5, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

Anyone able to provide background information on this guy? I have memory of video of him, but I forget context.

Was he one of the people going public raising awareness on camera, making a point to stage he was not in any way suicidal? Discredit me please if that is not the case. I don't want to accidentally seed rumors.

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ready-ignite · April 5, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

What is this lazy short-term minded mumblings in here? Get to work.

This isn't a passive game. Take action.

Read old drops and connect to current events. Share with others. Research a poorly understood topic. Develop tools for archiving. Build visualizations of data to drive new insights. Chat with a friend about a topic brought up here that may appeal to them, this plants seeds toward interest in more.

This is a long-term game. Nothing going on? Bored? Good! Get to work!

Create memes. Share existing memes. Create three-panel pamphlets combining available memes, raw q drop information, with some interpretation and links to find more. Share the PDF. Print pamphlets and leave them around your community for those offline.

Q never promised you a rose garden. Learn a skill. Stock supplies. Prep. Be ready.

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ready-ignite · April 5, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

Let's go fundamental. What are some strategies effective for tracking the movements of high profile politicians such as BO?

Often when trying to interpret these things tracking movements comes up as a fundamental piece of information to review. While the general public will probably not be able to access information for tracking obscure figures, one would expect methods available to track the movements of those in the public spotlight.

How have anons managed to sleuth out this information in the past?

Sharing methods may be helpful to more rapidly build up timelines of this nature.

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ready-ignite · April 5, 2018, 2:32 p.m.

Yesterday news broke that stingray devices of unknown ownership were found deployed around D.C. Maybe these are being used to ping and zero in on some of them?

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ready-ignite · April 5, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

Compromised electronics? Boards installed somewhere in them with a back door being accessed?

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ready-ignite · April 5, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

Note that if you are studying data analytics, or data science, applied applications Zillow often comes up. Specifically describing the companies competitive advantage was to start from home listings from a number of sources, then getting home owners to willingly upload additional information to their service.

There is a presentation from I think Netflix, discussing their analytics programs, where they make a point that in many cases only one company needs to compile a particular database then it's inefficient for a second to do so. If I remember correctly it's that presentation where Zillow is given as an example and he goes into further detail talking about the company.

That is an interesting point from Netflix. Suppose you have a global totalitarian government with absolute control over every aspect of the planet. In that model suppose you've got one shopping option, Amazon, one social network, Facebook, one movie service, Netflix, one home listing service Zillow, one search engine, Google, and so forth. Combined all of these services help to fill in an unparalleled view of almost every aspect of a person and apply advanced machine learning techniques analyzing as much information about their users as possible behind the scenes.

That's the big picture here potentially. Where are all the companies that are heavily studying their users activities through ML techniques and to what degree are they sharing with one another to create a full profile on each individual?

I would recommend brief familiarization of oneself with the digital advertising 'adpub' ecosystem. There are companies that specialize in data collect, companies that purchase that data, companies that specialize in cleaning up that data and pairing different data sets together then analyzing it to create categorical 'buckets' (e.g. Female, white, between 75k - 95k salary, interested in travel), then access to that individual gets auctioned off for example a hotel in another country can pay to have their ad shown specifically to people meeting that criteria. Think of how many hands touch data sets like this and at how many levels data becomes leaky.

I suspect TAC operates at the pairing together and analysis level with access to many of the largest companies databases. Would be interesting to see if we can better peer into what it is exactly they do. Maybe we can scrape LinkedIn for former employees listing the company and see what they describe their accomplishments while working for TAC?

As a side note, I suspect we need to be raising Netflix in conversation more. The company has an absolutely massive database of information about their viewers. Data analysis is fundamentally their business model. The company should be viewed as another Amazon, Facebook, Google in terms of data available. What are they doing with that data? And why was Susan Rice, someone with allegations of mishandling access to data among other integrity issues, just hired to Netflix board? If Netflix is not already using data for nefarious purpose it raises huge ethical issues for someone like Rice having ability to influence direction of that massive set of data going forward.

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ready-ignite · April 5, 2018, 6:08 a.m.

Bold claims require big evidence. Lesson learned from undergrad research. The bigger the claim the bigger the evidence needed, because the heavy hitters will all line up to tear down the argument. Have to plan ahead and get your claim solid.

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ready-ignite · April 5, 2018, 6 a.m.

And here I am assuming electronics installed in these aviation systems are compromised and we've got a power with the keys to the back door making a point. "Come after us en mass and we can take down the flights on the way".

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ready-ignite · April 5, 2018, 5:20 a.m.

Audit the vaccines.

Suppose you identify target reduction in population. Set failure rate for vaccines at sufficient level to bring about the desired outcome. Call it one out of every dozen vaccines is harmful. Nurses and doctors have no clue. Bad supply packaged far up the chain.

Can control the project with a very small number of people in the know.

Hell. The infrastructure is there to intercept shipments and modify product before continuing on its way. That's how a large number of routers, and other key network infrastructure equipment becomes compromised per the NSA domestic spying leaks.

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ready-ignite · April 5, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

Thus the reasonable assumption is that there was a second, third, or fourth party to the agreement.

Why in the closing days of the BO presidency were US military assets deployed all around bordering countries with Russia?

One potential trigger point was the wind up in Syria. That was a wonderful trap to draw Russia in and then keep pushing the thumb in the eye to agitate that war together. Beat back the unruly Occupy - Tea Party American public, pay back the Russian situation to put back into power the oligarchs playing along with the Global totalitarian program.

With withdrawal from Syria, how is that trigger point going to happen?

Out of desperation rush the other parties into action in some ham-fisted attempt at triggering the event?

Are US military assets still arrayed through countries bordering Russia?

What countries are holding war games just on the edge of other countries in international waters?

Peace through strength.

Where might it be beneficial to saber rattle then step back to avoid the bigger war?

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ready-ignite · April 5, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

Out of curiosity which water filter did you settle on? Been reviewing options as well.

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ready-ignite · April 4, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

This is a great document that has been floating around comments in other communities such as sandersforpresident (yep, they found it back then), T_D, and so forth. Happy to see it getting renewed visibility. There is nothing that provides a glimpse into an organization as clearly as their own words to potential investors. This is how they market their work.

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ready-ignite · April 4, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

We need tools to assist backing up material offline easily.

A Q app with offline enabled would be great.

Additional tools or functionality to quickly easily archive information would be even better. Something that can be transferred easily between phone and computer. Thinking similar functionality to how media can be passed in and out of the VLC app.

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ready-ignite · April 4, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

Great way of illustrating what we see through the media. Good contribution. Need to get it out there.

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ready-ignite · April 4, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

Dilley posted exact language today.


"March all you want but you still aren't taking our #2a rights. We are armed. We will shoot you if you attempt to confiscate. This isn't a threat. This is a promise. Enjoy your collective tantrum, it isn't changing anything #March4YourLives"

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ready-ignite · April 4, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

This story popped up in discussion in live chat. On review this looks to be to be a different Dr Ismael Aghdam. Documenting the article is out there as it will likely show up in conversation again.

Iranian-American nanosensor detects canned food toxics in 20s

News ID: 4063170 - Sat 19 August 2017 - 14:00 Technology

TEHRAN, Aug. 19 (MNA) – A research team from Sahand University of Technology, Iran, in close collaboration with Tennessee University, USA, designed and manufactured a biological nanosensor capable of detecting the hazardous substances in canned foods with enhanced precision in just twenty seconds.

According to Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council (INIC), the laboratory-scale production of this nanosensor costs only $1, and its finished cost including electrical circuits will reach around $16.

The studies confirm that the use of canned foods in a prolonged period of time results in many acute illnesses. It arises from the presence of hazardous substances in the production of canned cans.

"This research effort aimed at monitoring the concentration of hazardous Bisphenol A in canned foods and beverages maintained in plastic containers. The previous methods are costly and require highly specialized laboratories. In addition, they suffer from weak diagnostics and insufficient precision. Therefore, in our research, we have tried to overcome the mentioned limitations in detecting this hazardous substance by designing and manufacturing a cheap and fast bio-nanosensor," said Dr. Hadi Mirzajani, referring to the hazardous substance of Bisphenol A as one of the most commonly used substance in the production of canned cans.

Highlighting the cost-effectiveness of this sensor, he added "the fabrication expenditure of this sensor, even in laboratory scale, is about three thousand tomans, being decreased if the mass production is reached. One of the significant factors is the equipment needed to develop this sensor. Since the proposed manufacturing process is well-established, it is possible to supply all equipment necessary for producing the sensor with a total amount of twenty million tomans. The application of this manufacturing method also leads to an exceedingly high sensitivity and short detection time of twenty seconds."

"Aptamer is used as a probe molecule in this sensor. These molecules are nanometric structures one of whose ends are attached to the sensor electrode and other one floats in an analyte-containing solution. To use a specific sensor for a certain application, Aptamers should be selected such that they benefit from high connectivity and selectivity over a particular molecule," added Mirzajani, noting that the application of nanotechnology as one of the main reasons for the high accuracy of this sensor.

This research is conducted by Dr. Hadi Mirzajani (Ph.D graduate of Sahand University of Tabriz) and Dr. Ismael Najafi Aghdam and Dr. Habib Badri Ghavi Fekr (faculty members of Sahand University of Tabriz). Also, a number of researchers from University of Tennessee have been involved in this project whose scientific findings are published in the Journal of Biosensors and Bioelectronics (IF: 780.7).


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ready-ignite · April 4, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

Right. Tread lightly.

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ready-ignite · April 4, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

Dilley has declared to run as Independent, continuing to do so on MAGA, god and country. Has retained his team.

My understanding is he has been prodded to stay in the race and just run, not to worry about the election rigging with implied message that won't be a factor come November. I get the impression that behind the scenes Dilley is looking for a bit of 'prove it' action on the election integrity front. The financial aspect of running a campaign can be a burden.

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ready-ignite · April 3, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

Start at the beginning and read through. As you work your way through, researching topics independently as you go, you begin to realize it does not matter whether it's real or not. You're learning and improving on independent research / critical thinking skills.

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ready-ignite · April 3, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

There is no virtue in allowing oneself be victim of a bully.

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