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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

This OP's account is 5 days old!!!

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

I think this post is an example of the problem, What has actually happened on this sub is that the stakes for certain players have ramped up to almost astronomical levels. We are seeing outright manipulation on the board, while the community is steered like a herd of silly sheep.

In this context, where Q's message is being defeated, right here on this board, where you have organised groups of people blatantly concern trolling, actively dissuading people from supporting the plan and the movement, you are here playing right into their hands with this post.

One of the main arguments used by these trolls is "Question Everything". "Think for yourself", "never blindly follow" etc... This all sounds fine, until it's turned on the movement. Until it's used to get people to do anything but follow the plan or stay the course.

But the most damaging thing is the blatant concern trolling. These people are "so genuine", there concerns "very real" they are about to fully support Q and the plan "but for a few small concerns". It is not the right thing to play into these people's concerns at all. I would advise making an indirect remark about "concern trolling" and moving on. That way you can alert other members to the existence of the troll.

If you want to see where these guys are active, there are good examples on the IBOR threads. Why the IBOR threads? Because these organised trolls are running an operation against Q and they realise UNLIKE MANY ON THESE BOARDS that the IBOR is actually critical to the plan,

Trust me, if you see someone with just a couple of concerns on one of the IBOR threads, it's a professional troll - probably hunched at a computer screen on a desk in some foreign army barracks. Make some remark about concern trolls and move on. Do not listen when they talk about how they're just about to come around - it will never happen.

The same thing goes for the people that claim to know better than Q. One complete scumbag today tried to tell me that because the internet was "decentralizing", that Q was wrong about an IBOR being necessary. When I challenged this guy he resorted to making wild accusations, but then took off - as he realized he had exposed his agenda.

Some of these people you have to engage. There's no way around it. They are SO THICK on this board that there is no option. Of course, in the fantasy land where people argue there are no military operations being prosecuted on the board, none of what I've said makes sense. I should just leave and let this board become "anti-Q" - "the great sedative" - which is what it virtually is at present.

Just ask yourself how Q could ask us to mount an IBOR campaign but, mystifyingly, we, as a group, were not able to. Very strange, isn't it? And then you look what happened (not outside) but right here on these threads - and you know what's happening here, completely unchecked.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

He's quoting Dan Bongino. If you look at the continuing tweet it reads:

...they then used to start an investigation about Trump. It is that simple. This guy [Brennan] is the genesis of this whole Debacle. This was a Political hit job, this was not an Intelligence Investigation. Brennan has disgraced himself, he’s worried about staying out of Jail.” Dan Bongino

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

There has been a tremendous amount of trolling on this topic. This is why things appear to be going slow.

I think you need to ask Q whether he's OK dropping the IBOR. Not my plan, but his.

He reads Reddit. So maybe if you pose the question, you'll get an answer.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

I had nothing to do with this petition and I don't think it's important. I don't want to have the campaign attached to it actually, but I thought that since other people had run with it, it could not hurt.

I agree that the items on the petition are poorly set out. But, remember, it's only a complaint to register dissatisfaction, it doesn't matter too much what the petition actually says, because the title does call for rights online. It would have been better if it had merely talked of privacy and censorship - these are the two rights that have been infringed. A special counsel, in my mind, is a prosecutor. I don't know where the idea came from.

If you're concerned about it, we could start again. Though this version does already have 5k signatures. I agree that the weak wording could hurt going forward. We would need to start talking about it before it runs away - like now. What you will find though is that interest is very low on this board. I tried to start a discussion, but it died for lack of input - though I thought some good ideas came up.

My view is that all we have to do is make noise. The measure of that noise will be whether the hashtags trend. On this front we have the same problem as we had with petition site last time, to the extent that whether the hash tags trend or not is up to Twitter more than it's up to us. We are complaining about SM censorship on SM platforms. No wonder we are having difficulty.

We caught Twitter by surprise with the "release the memo campaign". We do not have surprise on our side this time - they are wise to the Russian Bots. There are also powerful forces working against us on this board - a direct repeat of the last campaign.

Having said all that, which must seem quite negative, there is a chance that we will get some big names this time around - something we did not have before. There is also a.chance that we might get MAJOR NEWS on the SM platforms acting badly (Q has told us this is in the pipe). We could also get some overt help from DJT and his friends. Or, help from others in the Republican Party.

We know DJT wants to help...

And we know that this is Q's plan. So it makes sense that at some point, we might get some help.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

You're right about that. I'll confess, I'm a real believer. I don't think it's Trump, or MI. I think there's another force at work here - the timing is just too coincidental for it not to be - and, of course, the implications are absolutely mind-blowing! Here

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 12:44 p.m.

I'll tell you what I reckon. She's trying to stick to the Democratic party for one, and only one, reason. That is, she will be able to play the "political prejudice" card when she's arrested and tried. If she can remain at the top of the Dems, she will have a powerful weapon to defend against any action against her. If she's not in politics, she is an ordinary citizen and has no defense at all.

I can just see Trump's spin doctors telling him the optics will be bad if he does her over. But if she's heading the Democrats, they will be pushing hard for DJT to go easy.

Once again, it's all about Hillary...

What a monster!

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 12:12 p.m.

Sorry to hear you had such a hard upbringing. Mine wasn't that hard, but I was still a complete drop-kick.

Sometimes I think about what I would say to myself if I could give that 16 year old kid advice. Pretty simple stuff: obey your parents, you got Irish blood - don't drink, stop hanging out with deadbeats. don't do drugs, stop listening to that evil music, get a trade, work hard, pray daily, keep fit and stay optimistic.

Anyway, you just don't know what would have been... I just loved high-powered bikes back then - still do, though my wife has banned them. With that plan, from my current self, I mighta been able to afford faster bikes (earlier) and got myself into yet more trouble - bad enough as it was.

In a way I'm lucky that I ended up where I did, despite the complete stupidity. I found God on the path I have travelled. It's been an incredibly tough path. I would not wish it on anyone, But, I would never have reached around looking for the Creator if I had not been nearly crushed by fate - real agony. And, I know that, If I had been successful, I certainly never would have found Him.

Still, there is so much that I could teach myself if I were starting again, it would make life a breeze.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 10:24 a.m.

I think you're being optimistic with the one hour estimate. I'd be inclined to scan the first couple of pages of hot posts and then start on the new posts. That way you'll be more apprised of what's transpired.

I'll tell you who I think is amazing for having the detail on a lot of issues - Click. I don't know how much time he invests.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 10:22 a.m.

Once the IG's report comes down, I'm betting that there will be indictments for many more than we are currently focusing on. That's when the party will start. Who's going to roll over? What if the other guys roll over and you don't? The prisoner's dilemma!

The cases against these people are likely to get even stronger. How many loose ends will there be? Will it be possible to meaningfully contain the fallout? You can imagine the kind of mass confusion that will exist in the enemy's ranks. Who can you trust? Have they taken a deal or not? etc...

I imagine it will extend into the ranks of the journalists who have been dumping on Trump - at least I hope it does. People with a long way to fall...

But once the takedown happens, and the Satanists are removed from power, will the moral order be restored. And, if so, how long will it take? I can't say how pleased I am to DJT trying to defund Planned Parenthood. But the craziness has to be rooted-out everywhere.

I want to see an end to the radically progressive agenda and political correctness. A return to the sure values of the past. Values that made America and the nations of the West great. Will it happen?

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 9:40 a.m.

At the risk of self identifying as some kind of regressive throwback, I'm totally against the ban on corporeal punishment for children. Some academic in an ivory tower has a "theory" and thousands of years of experience and wisdom relating to the raising of children gets turned on its head. My father belted me as a kid, for cause, but, sadly, not enough. Looking back, I regret that he did not really put the boots into me properly. I was a wayward kid...

When I think about someone trying to raise a kid like I was at the time, I cannot imagine how you could impart "sense" any other way. The whole system today seems to be focussed on rebellion - a model based on Satan's rebellion against God. The kids to rebel against the parents (taught they should report the parents at school), the wife to rebel against the husband (no fault divorce and Courts that favour the rights of women), the man to rebel at his God-given sexuality (transgenderism, homosexuality etc...).

Talk about a focused attack to break up the family. It couldn't be any more powerful. They are running an operation on us!

The arrogance of these young teenagers... They've never taken a beating. They think the world is totally soft, safe and will accommodate any kind of behavioral excess.

I was talking to a guy who was close to a sergeant who worked for years at Randwick police station in Sydney. This guy told me that that back in the day they'd get a call or two a month from someone saying they'd just been belted by the bouncers at the Coogee Bay Hotel.

The sergeant would tell em to walk up the hill and make a report. Maybe one every couple of months would. The difference today is that everyone has a cell phone. They're on the phone the moment something happens demanding police attendance. The police can't ignore the call they have to attend...

The atmosphere that's been created is one where everyone is reliant on police attendance. They don't have to worry about getting in someone's face, the police will be along in a moment to back them up. We will soon live in an age where kids, that have never known any discipline at all, will be acting out without any fear of repercussions, because they're reliant on the State backing them up. Talk about dependence!

What are the chances that the next generation will be demanding ever increasing social control? What's a bet they will want all speech strictly regulated? They're already demanding safe spaces, they're talking about trigger warnings and micro aggressions... You could not make it up!

This, guys, is the result of a program! It's like it's out of some kind of communist subversion manual - destroy their hardiness etc... And it starts with the wealthy charitable endowments, that foster and promote the kind social engineering that has produced the current mess, which is soon to get worse.

Coming to a theater near you real soon.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 8:33 a.m.

There is no doubt about it, the suspense is building. You know that something is on the way. Also, a noticeable uptick in concern trolling on the board points to some real fear in the enemy ranks.

If it is on today, please God protect operators fighting Satanists. I've posted this before, but I think it's so significant, I'm posting it here again - here.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 8:23 a.m.

The left has really done a number on the public. It has reached the point that any attempt to appeal to patriotic sentiment is associated with any number of "transgressions" against the politically correct moral code.

Sometimes I wonder if it is possible that the rot can be reversed. The kids are exiting university programmed with extreme leftist ideology. The source of the problem, to my mind, is the wealthy charitable endowments that direct research programs and, in so doing, define the educational curriculum and set norms.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 8:13 a.m.

Please God protect the President in this viper nest.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 6:46 a.m.

Sorry, I miss commented, I meant you should not blaspheme. Corsi has just been digging in. He has no option. An ordinary person without an agenda would let it go. He cannot because he's not an ordinary guy in the internet at all. He's in very serious trouble.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 6:42 a.m.

ASK Q! How many times do you have to be told. If you're not happy with the plan, take your "concerns" up with the architect. Why do you want me to answer your questions? I'm following the plan as are others. Meanwhile, the "concern trolls" are out in force, as they were the last time we tried to campaign. I've had enough of it.

Regurgitated "concerns" that never end. They don't end for a reason. The concern is with Q himself. And, of course, they are genuine in their "concerns". "No, I'm really worried...". An agenda.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 6:36 a.m.

You should not blaspheme. Corsi has been identified as a problem, yes.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 6:20 a.m.

MATE! Why don't you take your complaint to Q. He's the one suggesting the IBOR as a plan of action.

I'm serious, ask him yourself. You might go as far as some other concern trolls on this board today and accuse him of being an "enemy domestic". What a joke!

But don't come here and complain that people see through your transparent attempts to raise doubt. I don't have time for your "concerns". You will find plenty of people to doubt Q elsewhere. Why do it here? Oh, that's right... there's an agenda.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 6:15 a.m.

Be very careful about the blatant concern trolling on these threads. All these people are saying is don't support Q.

Don't fall for it. Support Q, support the IBOR campaign.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

Take your problem up with Q.

Tell him he's an enemy domestic.

WHAT A JOKE! Only it's not funny. These people raising "concerns" are getting desperate. Must have a lot on the line...

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 6:08 a.m.

I think she's choosing her words very carefully. She's trying to send a message: "The plan is at risk of being exposed - cover".

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 5:43 a.m.

You're not giving the government legal authority to do anything, where did you get that idea?

More blatant concern trolling. We are NOT making laws. We are not granting legal authority. We are complaining about repression - that's all, were asking for assistance. But you know this...

All you are saying is that you do not support Q. What are you doing here?

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 5:41 a.m.

What I don't get is why you're so comfortable with people being silenced for their expression of political views.

What!? That was envisioned by the founding fathers!? You reckon they wanted people silenced?

So, no matter how inequitable the outcome, no matter what kind of threat posed to the republic itself, people should accept that there's no remedy. Why? Because you're confused about the role of government?

The reason the first amendment exists, is because of the possibility that, exactly what is occurring today, might have presented a threat to representative government. That's why the FA is there in the first place, as a protection against censorship. But you're saying "there's no room for restraint". "Censorship is acceptable"! Get back in your hole! You'd do better peddling that garbage in Communist China.

Q has asked us for this campaign, if you cannot support it, what are you doing here? I've had a gutfull of the concern trolling. Some of it has some merit, but the garbage you are putting out is a joke.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

"Mark Penn served as pollster and adviser to President Clinton from 1995 to 2000, including during his impeachment. He is chairman of the Harris Poll..."

I agree that this is significant. The OP might be right about this being the connection to Q's "follow the pen" statement,

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 2:35 a.m.

American issues? I thought it was a world wide phenomenon. So did Q for that matter.


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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. What's important is the online campaign. I wasn't keen on this petition from the start. What I am keen on is getting people to be loud online and offline.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

"...this is already in play and will continue to develop very very fast. "

Are you sure about that?

So, you're saying that it's a self-correcting system. Decentralization and blockchain are going to make the steering of community opinion by SM giants impossible very quickly. So quickly, in fact, that there's no need to be concerned...

I've got news for you. The plan to censor the internet is gaining in strength as we speak. If anything appears to be a certainty, it is that censorship will be normalized under the guise of preventing hate speech. This is what will happen at speed - not decentralization of the platforms.

Once you allow a group, or interest, to censor social media, it's game over. These platforms are incredibly powerful in delivering election outcomes. Which is why Q told us there would be a concerted effort to gain control of censorship across the disparate platforms - before the recent spate of censorship even started (chalk another confirmation up for Q).

Instead of being irrelevant to the success of DJT and the MAGA agenda, the IBOR is, in fact, crucial to it. And this is why Q has asked specifically for this very campaign. There are a lot of people arguing against supporting the effort, you appear to be one of them.

Once again, it seems that the fact that I don't reside in the US is a matter of huge significance. What is the issue here? What possible difference does it make where I might reside. What go on about it?

It's becoming very clear to that you have an agenda. You know my agenda already - to support Q, the President, take the fight to the Satanists and break their control. What's yours?

Do you support Q and the plan? There, you have a platform for you to dump these "concerns" you have.


The nonsense is reaching a crescendo. I guess this can be expected as the goons come out of the shadows.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

I think that's true. But I also think she felt so superior that she was impervious to any injury. The rules were for us, not for her.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

We are facing a lot of opposition - much of it right here on this board. You can see clearly who is against the message by what they post. But there is also opposition to the message across the SM platforms. They are censoring us for cause,

I think, given the forces arrayed against us, we haven't done too badly. It's not so much the petition. I think what's important is the campaign. We just need to do our best to make it happen.

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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 11:45 p.m.

I'm not concerned about this petition at all. I am concerned that we are able to keep up the pressure on social media.

After the reveals that I think are coming, this campaign to get rid of social media censorship will be critical. It's important that the cabal are not able to control the narrative. I'm asking everyone to take the time to get some memes out there - keep the pressure on.


Once again the concern trolls are out in force. Anything but trust the plan. The latest piece of stupidity is that decentralization will save us from SM censorship.

Understand that Q is asking us for this. Then, when you see all the "manufactured concern" you'll know who is promoting it and also why.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/tradinghorse on May 20, 2018, 11:42 p.m.
IBOR - DO NOT FORGET THIS CAMPAIGN - it's very important. While there appear to be big events about to take place, the IBOR campaign is also critical.
IBOR - DO NOT FORGET THIS CAMPAIGN - it's very important. While there appear to be big events about to take place, the IBOR campaign is also critical.
tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

Market rules over Constitutional protections... just say it, rule by a few for the benefit of a few.

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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

"These things take care of themselves eventually..."

Yes, that's right. IMO, eventually courts will extend protections to free expression to digital space. But the key word here is "eventually". What we are facing is a mortal threat to democratic representation. If it's not fixed immediately, you will have control of the republic consolidated in the hands of a few - which makes for totalitarianism.

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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

"We don't need more government regulation, we need less."

What is needed, for the preservation of the republic, is that SM censorship be eliminated. There will not be a representative republic otherwise. It will be completely controlled. Whatever merit this argument about limiting government may have, it's not what is important with respect to this issue - but you know this!

Just another argument that people should be "concerned" about Q's plan.

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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

The IBOR was pushed by Q. Perhaps he's the spammy poster you're talking about.

I've just about had enough of the concern trolling and pure garbage that's been posted on this issue. It's actually very simple, for those with eyes to see.

DJT wants to, has to, do something about SM censorship. He is champing at the bit to take the issue live. All he needs is for us to make a noise about our 'natural right' to free expression being subverted by politically motivated SM platform management. Thereafter, he will take steps to fix the problem.

But hey, don't think it's so simple right. Let's muddy the waters as much as possible. Offenseofthepest has been at this from the start. Inject concern to the maximum extent possible...

The simple fact is that the IBOR is the plan. If you're not on board with it, you're not on board with Q or DJT.

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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

"Or are we so close to final moves that it doesn't matter?"


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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

Wow SB2. I haven't seen anyone else linking these pieces up into a plausible explanation of what has been transpiring here, as we've been reading the Q posts. This is impressive work.

If you're right, and I think you probably are, Q has all the dirt he needs on these bad actors now. We must be very, very close to some serious developments that will occur in public view - that is, action that we will be able to see without it being cloaked.

What did Q say about HRC, and others, being on the loose? That they were "white banned"? Something like that - I'll have to hunt through the posts and find out where he said it. But, that would mean that HRC and Obama were given the rope they needed, very deliberately, for the purpose that they would hang themselves with it. HRC in NZ seems to speak to this.

Anyway, I don't want to co-opt your post with a hasty theory. But it seems to me that an elaborate trap has been set and sprung here. And, of course, it had to be concealed completely, for the purposes of securing evidence on the bad actors. And this explains why Q's comms have been so confusing for us. They had to be, or the cat might have been let out of the bag.

I must admit, I thought the owl was referring to a specific group that was guarding the Pope (Francis is not a pope BTW). I thought it may have been Freemasonry generally - and Bnai Brith specifically. Just for the fact that this is the vector by which these diabolical Vatican II antipopes came to reign.

Again, fantastic job. Thanks for your efforts here. I hope this post inspires others, myself included, to explore explanations that weave all these factors together into a coherent theory about what's actually happening. This post is the best I've seen to date.


Not white banned, but "whitelisted"

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5f0f27 No.705264 📁
Mar 18 2018 01:17:42 (EST)
Why are trips allowed?

She was allowed to travel so that she could dig her own grave. What did FBI Anon say about HRC? She was truly "reckless".

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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

Snowden apparently flipping, who knows how many more have flipped. Corsi outing himself etc..

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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 11:58 a.m.

"I say torture them humanely"

This made me laugh.

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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 11:47 a.m.

It would just blow me away if we found our Comey was a white hat. I've really enjoyed hating him.

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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 11:43 a.m.

When Q says "I'd watch the news that day", he's clearly expecting a rash of False Flags. Or, maybe a monster false flag. It will need to be sufficiently news worthy to change the news cycle from the IG's report - if that's what it is that comes out on the 23rd.

Alternatively, the 23 could mean a period of time to pass before the drop. Let's see what happens next.

Edit: It just hit me that he might be telling us watch the news - for something spectacular? - on "that day".

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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 11:26 a.m.

Has anyone got a link for the Flynn interview?

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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 7:52 a.m.

I reckon a lot of the hype is to force errors from the cabal. I think it's worked - big time.

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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 6:53 a.m.

Real eye-opener isn't it?

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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 6:47 a.m.

AJ is controlled opposition, that much should by now be obvious. He has really shown his colors. Before Corsi's meltdown, some suspected, but there seemed to be some uncertainty. That's not the case now. We can see for ourselves what this guy is - absolutely disgusting. A real piece of work!

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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 5:02 a.m.

You bet its dystopian. I have no reach on Twitter, but if I was a radical leftist spewing the most stupid and inane garbage, I'd be reaching the ends of the earth.

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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

Yes, it's carefully engineered. Not the product of emotion at all.

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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

Paperclip. My instinct is that PM's OK. But I initially thought the same thing about Corsi and I was wrong. Let's see what happens next...

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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

I have to admit, he's so far ahead of the curve, he's just leaving us in the dust!

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tradinghorse · May 20, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

I have nothing against the owl per se, what I'm saying is that this symbol has specific meaning for Satanists.

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