I need to work on this Chinese god.
Who knows anything about the chinese Creator?
they must have story.
I know they do, but I need to learn more.
I dated a girl from china
she told me the word rain in chinese
it means the "person in the sky is pouring water on you"
or something, it implies the creator is making the rain.
it isn't simple "it is raining". it is like the relationship to god is installed or inherent in their language
i have always kinda joked, but been serious
it is like the chinese farmer
uses the plow
and just counts the number of times
they strike the ground
in repition
they keep the count
the chinese keep the count
the mayans kept the count
the egyptians kept the count
I have the count.
I have it all.
I know how to count and so do all these other fucking governments.
everything is about the count
you can't change time
you can just know how to adjust
when it arrives
you don't hide inside all summer
cause it might snow in the winter
it isn't called a revolution for nothing
there rotation and revolution of the earth, and the sun and solar system, and galaxy.
All these create aligns with the center of the universe
where this breath thing happened, the scientist call it bang, i like breath, whatever.
so people use stars to count it
i downloaded the count from akashic records
i don't know what that is
i was just told I didn't invent
it exists in the field of some shit
i have shared it here before.
I have a new calendar.
you need to know how to read it though
i like it, pretty cool
i didn't invent the count
i just counted a new way that other people had not.
you gotta get up to this stuff
or bahhhh forever
the elites are doing this stuff
these counts and time and stuff
the entire chinese government operates based on the stars.
you are being lied too
the chinese are guided by a more stable force than democracy.
and so are you
your government knows of time
the time for the secret
that ought have never been secret
is now.
i have the count
i personally, produced a calendar.
the calendar is based
on something that belongs all
i didn't make it
anymore than these stupid tech-guru
say they make stuff
i will tell you America
they don't "invent" shit
they download shit from the "conciousness" or collective mind
and produce the actual physical productt
not the idea
Okay. It is called multi-discovery or some shit.
It is evidenced
people come up with the same shit at the same time.
wonder why.
the problem is
they people
they think are genius
but they are just downloading their "genius" from the collective field
and have the capitol and labor to produce
they can get credit for operating a business
but this "intellectual property" shit
it's over
they don't want to play "intellectual property" with me anymore.
you see
the cabal owes me money, cause they stole from me.
based on international intellectual property.
i would break them in half
my father was a very large contributor to "the algorithm" and "google maps" etc
i have control of the algorithm
they fucked my dad, they fucked me.
now they are eating intellectual property rights shit.
it is there laws. do you know that everytime you buy something on amazon
my family should get a royalty
every movie you watch on netflix
every google search that creates ad revenue
everything that algorithm does
should have generated my family profit
it is an innovation of process just like bessimer steel
they INTENTIONALLY stole and harvested from 2 pretty smart dudes that were good people.
now they owe a shit ton of money
i could care less personally, give it all away to humanity.
like art, or tinkering in your garage is different.
these people can "generate a big idea"
and produce it with the labor of others
they don't know how to build anything
I can sit around here and tell you about stuff I want to build all day
that is great
i can't do it
i dont have the knowledge
and neither do these people with the "big ideas"
plenty of people have big ideas
they sell them to google
or they get stolen by google.
i don't know about this whole algorithm and all this shit
they offered to pay my family a royalty.
that is all i know.
but it was shit compared to intellectual property law.
so i told them to fuck-off
give me my trillion
or fix the law
i don't give a fuck
but I ain't gonna take some fucking little check.
while these assholes
tell me to "do the right thing for humanity"
or "support america with intellectual property rights"
fuck you
fuck everyone
give my money
i took over your whole fucking country
cause i had to
not cause i wanted to
i am ready to retire please