Anonymous ID: 4c80cd Q Research General #3579: Trolling Deep State Over FISA Edition Sept. 1, 2018, 6:58 a.m. No.2831483   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1674

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Saturday 09.01.18

>>2828624 ------------------------------------ United States Military Power 2018


Friday 08.31.18

>>2827819 rt >>2827754 ----------------- Past drops important to frame context. (Pics are Alex Podesta's art)

>>2827378 rt >>2827163 ----------------- We wish this was a dream.

>>2827163 ------------------------------------ WHO ARE THE WHITE RABBITS?

>>2826687 ------------------------------------ Do you believe in coincidences? DJT Twitter Status Quoted

>>2826607 rt >>2826578 ----------------- Alice - Hatter Clinton Email Image

>>2826578 ------------------------------------ But…..How could we know?

>>2825683 ------------------------------------ Q Meme? Pic Hussein, SJL, LG, JS, EH & Others

>>2825391 ------------------------------------ THEY WANT THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM.

>>2825004 ------------------------------------ Special Approval

>>2824142 ------------------------------------ Nunes articles and moar

>>2820842 ------------------------------------ BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG

>>2820757 rt >>2820665 ----------------- BIG BIG BIG

>>2820535 ------------------------------------ WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL!

>>2820173 rt >>2820100 ----------------- We will do our job to protect the vote.

>>2820100 rt >>2819745 ----------------- What about the budget?

>>2819745 ------------------------------------ Does this mean more fires?

>>2818938 ------------------------------------ BOTH CHAMBERS (HOUSE / SENATE) IN SESSION ON TUES.

>>2818401 rt >>2818389 ----------------- LIKE CLOCKWORK.

>>2818389 ------------------------------------ LIKE CLOCKWORK

>>2817900 rt >>2817461 ----------------- Do you believe actual 'polls' were conducted?

>>2817494 rt >>2817463 ----------------- Two more prosecutors leave Mueller SC.

>>2817461 rt >>2817197 ----------------- "Every battle is won before it's ever fought."

>>2817197 ------------------------------------ Think 'Polls' posted yesterday - [WAPO].

>>2816611 rt >>2816069 ----------------- Information comes in many forms.

>>2815876 ------------------------------------ UTAH What are the odds of that?


Thursday 08.30.18

Compiled here: >>2817974


Wednesday 08.29.18

Compiled here: >>2805444


Tuesday 08.28.18

Compiled here: >>2783629


Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI


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Anonymous ID: 4c80cd Sept. 1, 2018, 7 a.m. No.2831496   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


are not endorsements




>>2653167 BO's reminder to ignore shills

>>2829643, >>2829673 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test: No CP image guidelines

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -Theme)



>>2830821, >>2830894, >>2830916 1969 Debate on Tarriffs Wallich v. Strackbein

>>2831304 Retirement: Cleveland Federal Prosecutor involved in Case v. Saddam

>>2831268 Side-by-side Of today's FISA twats with [6] delta matching Q drops

>>2831023, >>2830955, >>2830941 Can planefags find/track McCindy's plane?

>>2830855, >>2830866 AIRKEK: Almiri/Morocco, Luftwaffe/Rome

>>2830808, >>2830856, >>2831121, >>2831188 Good Morning fr @DJT: Troll of trolls

>>2831466 #3578



>>2830398 Pray for UK: Constable caught with CP, loses job. That's all.

>>2830405, >>2830435 AIRKEK: Luftwaffe heading US-ward, some Abu Dhabi flights

>>2830109 Anon warns the unbannening might just be stealth feels-soothing

>>2830102 IBM Niggers: Laid off 20k Americans past 5 yrs, added 37K foreigners

>>2830068 Graphic: Secret Military Tribunals, Qdrops/commentary early 2018

>>2830040 Citizen MAGA: Dude confronts FB/Goog on censorship at Cali campus

>>2830016 Perv Watch: Former FEMA employee sentenced for child porn possession

>>2829995 NASCAR's Rick Crawford caught in sting for sex date with 12-yr old

>>2830704 #3577


#3576 Baker change

>>2829882 KY Dem Consultant Dale Emmons Indicted On Campaign Finance Charges

>>2829575 Unsealed: Utah biofuel co. owners stole half $billion in energy credits

>>2829558 List of Regional Leadership Resignations

>>2829533 "On the Basis of Sex," HW gives the lionizing treatment to (((RBG)))

>>2829494 Jewish hand-wringing instensifies: UK Labour's (((Frank Field))) Resigns

>>2829442 Cali's forced-vaxxer Ted Lieu lying up a storm on CNN: POTUS is "askerred."

>>2829560, >>2829634, >>2829618, >>2829708 @Jack unshadowbanning in time for congress?

>>2829358 See what he did there? If back Asians, Affirm. Actioners can't cry racism

>>2829356, >>2829386 Remembering Heather O'Rourke in light of Alice/Striped PJs

>>2829265 UK's Tranny Khanny balloon: Free Speech for me, Bigotry for thee

>>2829474, >>2829490 Graphics: List of Fake News CNN's 20 Fakest News Lies

>>2829223 Was Lewis Carrol (author Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) A Pedophile?

>>2829233 Evolution of the Russian-Collusion Narrative - Part Two

>>2829192 >>2829204, >>2829326 Moar Hatter/HRC Emails

>>2829913 #3576



>>2828485 Someone at voat researched the shit out of Marty Torrey

>>2828495 >>2828442 >>2828499 >>2828593 >>2828641 >>2828674 Moar Hatter emails

>>2828536 >>2828547 HRC with Marty Torrey's Grandson

>>2828658 Iran's parliament just voted to censure President Rouhani.

>>2828682 Clockfag on White Rabbit

>>2828931 Moon Rabbit in ancient legend: mixing the elixir of life!

>>2829048 Hatter was a congressional aide to Rep. John Sweeney who played a big part in getting Bush elected

>>2829061 Graphic: Alice and Hatter (HRC and Marty Torrey

>>2829066 Report: Andrew Gillum’s Brother Paid by Undercover FBI Agents Posing as Developers

>>2829076 BOMBSHELL: Source Close To Pope Benedict Confirms Private Sanctions Were Placed On Abusive Cardinal; He Regularly Disobeyed Them

>>2829095 Clockfag: Pope might have a terrible September

>>2829121 #3575


Previously Collected Notables

>>2827575 #3573, >>2828318 #3574

>>2825318 #3570, >>2826080 #3571, >>2826823 #3572

>>2823008 #3567, >>2823745 #3568, >>2824625 #3569

>>2820573 #3564, >>2821421 #3565, >>2822241 #3566

>>2818361 #3561, >>2819121 #3562, >>2819911 #3563

>>2816124 #3558, >>2816789 #3559, >>2817639 #3560

>>2813706 #3555, >>2817998 #3556, >>2815295 #3557


Best Of Bread:

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

Anonymous ID: 4c80cd Sept. 1, 2018, 7 a.m. No.2831500   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: 4c80cd Sept. 1, 2018, 7 a.m. No.2831503   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: 4c80cd Sept. 1, 2018, 7:12 a.m. No.2831648   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2032 >>2216 >>2234


I have something for you, brother.

A few months ago, people were on /pol/ recalling the night of the 2016 election. I saved some, like this testimony from one of your countrymen:


It was pur magic. In the Romanian Orthodox tradition, Brexit was at Sinziene (the birth of John the Baptist). 9 November was the night of Mihail şi Gavriil (The Archangels Michael and Gabriel), and all the powers of the sky and without a body. So you can imagine this big coincidence said a lot - Hillary was toast.


Here in Romania I could not sleep for 2 days. In the night of the election, I had to take a nap because I am not so young anymore, but woke up after few hours around 2 AM (7-8 PM US Eastern time), just in time to see all the Romanian liberals imploding like the mongol empire. It was the best election night ever - so many things in this region depend on your elections, you don't imagine how many interests were simple reversed at the time (oil and shale, for example - Romania has the biggest resources in Europe as it had in WW2). Some people pour billions to promote here all this retarded progressive agenda, and Trump was just like a Reagan moment for us (for the few of us), all over again.




Aristotel & Jefferson talking about political correctness:


"The high-minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think." "It is error alone that needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself." (Thomas Jefferson). And of course, it usually does stand by itself – with nobody anywhere near it.


Or as they say in Serbia (where there is also a proverb on this subject): "speak the truth and run". Or as Armenians say: "give a horse to the one speaking the truth. He will need it"


"The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it." George Orwell.



Ty anon

Anonymous ID: 4c80cd Sept. 1, 2018, 7:42 a.m. No.2832032   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>2831958 Germany rising: Chemnitz protests live

>>2831957 Lawmaker Nephew of Arkansas Governor Resigns Amid Corruption Charges

>>2831742 Strange bunny-ears-hood man in Gloria Vanderbilt + the 2 boys photo

>>2831674 Ukrainian Separatist Leader Killed in Restaurant Bombing–war games?

>>2831655 All survive after fleeing blazing Boeing 737 crash in Russia

>>2831587 Statement from the Press Secretary on Amir of Kuwait Visiting WH

>>2831563 Suicide: Retired UN translator Peter Stabler, pinned note on door

>>2831559 Presidential Proclamation on National Preparedness Month, 2018

>>2831544, >>2831648 RomanianAmericanAnon's testimony, plus a 2016 election one

Anonymous ID: 4c80cd Sept. 1, 2018, 7:54 a.m. No.2832216   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>2832189 Marty Torrey email re: TX and border trip

>>2832172 OpEd: MSM "myth-making" re: No Name. "Learn from Lenin," haha.

>>2831958 Germany rising: Chemnitz protests live

>>2831957 Lawmaker Nephew of Arkansas Governor Resigns Amid Corruption Charges

>>2831742 Strange bunny-ears-hood man in Gloria Vanderbilt + the 2 boys photo

>>2831674 Ukrainian Separatist Leader Killed in Restaurant Bombing–war games?

>>2831655 All survive after fleeing blazing Boeing 737 crash in Russia

>>2831587 Statement from the Press Secretary on Amir of Kuwait Visiting WH

>>2831563 Suicide: Retired UN translator Peter Stabler, pinned note on door

>>2831559 Presidential Proclamation on National Preparedness Month, 2018

>>2831544, >>2831648 RomanianAmericanAnon's testimony, plus a 2016 election one

Anonymous ID: 4c80cd Sept. 1, 2018, 7:55 a.m. No.2832234   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>2832217 Germany: Oil Refinery explosion in Bavaria. 8 injured, 1800 evac'd

>>2832189 Marty Torrey email re: TX and border trip

>>2832172 OpEd: MSM "myth-making" re: No Name. "Learn from Lenin," haha.

>>2831958 Germany rising: Chemnitz protests live

>>2831957 Lawmaker Nephew of Arkansas Governor Resigns Amid Corruption Charges

>>2831742 Strange bunny-ears-hood man in Gloria Vanderbilt + the 2 boys photo

>>2831674 Ukrainian Separatist Leader Killed in Restaurant Bombing–war games?

>>2831655 All survive after fleeing blazing Boeing 737 crash in Russia

>>2831587 Statement from the Press Secretary on Amir of Kuwait Visiting WH

>>2831563 Suicide: Retired UN translator Peter Stabler, pinned note on door

>>2831559 Presidential Proclamation on National Preparedness Month, 2018

>>2831544, >>2831648 RomanianAmericanAnon's testimony, plus a 2016 election one