Anonymous ID: 8de5f4 Q Research General #8087: Happy Birthday Melania! Edition April 26, 2019, 10:54 a.m. No.6323839   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4004 >>4014 >>4033

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We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


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Thursday 04.25.2019

>>6316088 ————————————–——– Define 'Renegade'.

>>6315906 ————————————–——– [HUSSEIN] (Cap: >>6316045 )

>>6305138 ————————————–——– Will this age well? (Cap: >>6305150 )

>>6304666 ————————————–——– Stay tuned. (Cap: >>6304703 )


Wednesday 04.24.2019

>>6304470 ————————————–——– Good find, Anons.

>>6304364 ————————————–——– You attack those you fear the most. (Cap: >>6304399 )

>>6303367 rt >>6303277 -————————– Michael S. Rogers.

>>6303319 rt >>6303277 -————————– (PAIN.png)

>>6303277 ————————————–——– Listen very carefully to statements made by Joe D. It's happening.


Friday 04.19.2019

>>6242325 ————————————–——– NO BLOCKADE = GAME OVER (Cap: >>6243076)


Thursday 04.18.2019

>>6233873 ————————————–——– Rod's departure next?

>>6228198 ————————————–——– Fake investigations by committee members will not delay what is about to be unleashed.

>>6228098 ————————————–——– 1st & 10 on the 40 (Cap: >>6228336)


Thursday 04.11.2019

>>6138770 ————————————–——– All for a 'LARP'?


Wednesday 04.10.2019

>>6121936 ————————————–——– PANIC (Cap: >>6122122)


Friday 03.29.2019

Compiled here: >>6232165


Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI


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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Anonymous ID: 8de5f4 April 26, 2019, 10:54 a.m. No.6323843   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4004 >>4014 >>4033 >>4679

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6137135 Bakers reminder, do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode to the dough

>>6121805, >>6122032 New BO, FastJack, announced in Meta (Cap: >>6175099)

>>6102951, >>6102968 8bit on global notables and baker assist

>>6069810 BV's announce BO's resignation in Meta thread. All board-related decisions will be made by BV's as a group

>>6069934 8bit, thank you for your service to /qresearch/

>>6261140 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGs)



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#8086 Baker Change

>>6323787 Disturbing interview to Mifsud's lawyer Stephan Roh by @ilfoglio_it says professor took captive by intelligence in Rome and ordered to stay silent until Mueller's plot completed.

>>6323776 New York Fed’s educational comic book series.

>>6323754, >>6323801 Shot heard around the world.

>>6323727 Biden doesn’t get a warm welcome in Charlottesville.

>>6323688, >>6323691 Obama/Biden "scandal free" gaslighting.

>>6323689 Become a Census taker.

>>6323681 Remorseful Russian agent Butina sentenced to 18 months in U.S. prison.

>>6323514 One in five US prison inmates is a 'criminal alien'.

>>6323490 Guatemalan man convicted of 18 sex crimes involving a minor.

>>6323483 Attorney General appoints Regina Lombardo Acting Deputy Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

>>6323457 Ending tough week, Tesla sinks to lowest level in two years.

>>6323452 Catastrophic traffic accident involving a speeding semi reported in Denver.

>>6323416 Germany's Weber urges Britain not to take part in EU vote.

>>6323390 Celadon agrees to pay $42.2 million to settle accounting fraud claims.

>>6323318 On March 1, DOD sent #SpaceForce legislation to Congress.

>>6323313 US citizens own 40% of all guns in world.

>>6323310 Planefag: SAM747 ~ AF VIP G5 inbound to Andrews(?) from Eurozone.

>>6323260 Russia to restore oil supplies within two weeks: Deputy PM.

>>6323116 POTUS, Mueller meeting and subsequent Mueller appointment to head the SC.

>>6323212 Two Pharma companies agree to pay $125 million for allegations they paid kickbacks to copay foundations.

>>6323180 POTUS Jokes: I didn't need a gun to stop the coup.

>>6323172, >>6323161 POTUS expected to withdraw from UN Arms Treaty.

>>6323832 #8086



>>6322905 Phone thrown at POTUS during NRA convention

>>6322918 Lawfag opines on what's next after declas for the legal dominoes to fall.

>>6322876 POTUS_Schedule twat: "With all the resignations of bad apples..they tried for a coup. ...And we caught 'em."

>>6322864 Kansas Supreme Court rules state constitution protects right to abortion

>>6322844 Judge in Oregon to grant preliminary injunction against Trump’s Title X rules restricting abortion access

>>6322813 Planefag activity report

>>6322689, >>6322691, >>6322692 Additiional POTUS LIVE streams

>>6322652 Political Consultant Sentenced to Five Years for Bribery of Allentown and Reading, PA Officials

>>6322634 Vindicated Navy SEAL Keith Barry speaks for first time on corrupt Navy leadership who falsely imprisoned him for rape

>>6322584 US DoD twat w/CAP: Going loud! Sailors aboard USS Carney conduct live-fire training during exercise JointWarrior 19-1.

>>6322542 Biden declines to apologize to women accusers. on Anita Hill: "I don't think I treated her badly"

>>6322464, >>6322470 Couple convicted of forcing girl to work as slave for 16 years

>>6322406 POTUS_Schedule twat: LIVE NOW: President @realDonaldTrump and @VP deliver remarks at @NRA’s Annual Meeting.

>>6322384 Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh Not β€˜Lucid’ Enough To Make Decision About Resignation, Attorney Says

>>6322328 POTUS_Schedule twat: The President has arrived in Indianapolis.

>>6322315 Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., is receiving death threats on a daily basis.

>>6322309 US β€˜Aggressively’ Building Trump’s Border Wall, DHS Chief Says

>>6322305 Massive Fire Rages Out Of Control At Russian Ballistic Missile Plant

>>6322286 BREAKING: LIVE: Reports of 5 to 11 terrorists opening fire at security forces in Kalmunai, Sri Lanka. Also reports of explosions.

>>6323071 #8085


Previously Collected Notables

>>6321455 #8083, >>6322232 #8084,

>>6319090 #8080, >>6319817 #8081, >>6320671 #8082

>>6316726 #8077, >>6317540 #8078, >>6318309 #8079

>>6314398 #8074, >>6315190 #8075, >>6315916 #8076


Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly):

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

Anonymous ID: 8de5f4 April 26, 2019, 10:54 a.m. No.6323844   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4439

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>>6069766, >>6171428

Anonymous ID: 8de5f4 April 26, 2019, 10:54 a.m. No.6323847   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4004 >>4014 >>4033

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Anonymous ID: 8de5f4 April 26, 2019, 11:25 a.m. No.6324179   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4196 >>4218 >>4439


>>6324103 FBI spy Stefan Halper's $240,000 Pentagon study disavowed by high-profile experts.

>>6324095 WH Trump Tweet.

>>6324084 Santa Fe, NM Mayor, Alan Webber, says Santa Fe will not harbor asylum seekers.

>>6324065 Mike Pence to the NRA: β€˜No One Is Taking Your Guns’.

>>6324026, >>6324159 POTUS and VPOTUS reaffirm our 2nd amendment rights.

>>6324025, >>6324062, >>6324104 Call to shovels on EyePyramid. (malware employed by Italian spies)

>>6324018 WikiLeaks lawyer says he helped pass info to 'innocent victim' Don Jr.

>>6324012 Rosenstein slams Obama for failing to call out Russian election interference.

>>6323983 POTUS hints at Ukraine happenings.

>>6323974 Twitter bans UKIP campaign account for Carl Benjamin, better known as Sargon of Akkad.

>>6323967 Trump on measles vaccination: 'They have to get the shot'.

>>6323951 City schools see 2,000 percent rise in β€˜forcible-sex offenses’.

>>6323940 Planefag: United States Navy FLOTA55.

>>6323915 Brother and sister arrested for spying on Italian politicians for years.

Anonymous ID: 8de5f4 April 26, 2019, 11:34 a.m. No.6324308   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>6324292 DJT Tweet: "Spoke to Saudi Arabia and others about increasing oil flow…"

>>6324280 'Bilderberg Group to Meet in Sierra City, CA in June 2019.

>>6324276 Big Tech's push for regulation and censorship.

>>6324257, >>6324265 China hacks Amnesty International.

>>6324239 POTUS Schedule: "Congratulations on your first year as United States Secretary of State, @SecPompeo."

>>6324220 DHS tells Army Corps to skirt land regs, begin $1B project to replace 53 miles of border fence.

>>6324197 Putin arrives in Beijing.

>>6324103 FBI spy Stefan Halper's $240,000 Pentagon study disavowed by high-profile experts.

>>6324095 WH Trump Tweet.

>>6324084 Santa Fe, NM Mayor, Alan Webber, says Santa Fe will not harbor asylum seekers.

>>6324065 Mike Pence to the NRA: β€˜No One Is Taking Your Guns’.

>>6324026, >>6324159 POTUS and VPOTUS reaffirm our 2nd amendment rights.

>>6324025, >>6324062, >>6324104 Call to shovels on EyePyramid. (malware employed by Italian spies)

>>6324018 WikiLeaks lawyer says he helped pass info to 'innocent victim' Don Jr.

>>6324012 Rosenstein slams Obama for failing to call out Russian election interference.

>>6323983 POTUS hints at Ukraine happenings.

>>6323974 Twitter bans UKIP campaign account for Carl Benjamin, better known as Sargon of Akkad.

>>6323967 Trump on measles vaccination: 'They have to get the shot'.

>>6323951 City schools see 2,000 percent rise in β€˜forcible-sex offenses’.

>>6323940 Planefag: United States Navy FLOTA55.

>>6323915 Brother and sister arrested for spying on Italian politicians for years.

Anonymous ID: 8de5f4 April 26, 2019, 11:54 a.m. No.6324521   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4555 >>4561


>>6324346 Judge Ellis (Mueller’s SC judge)

>>6324335 Satanic Temple claims IRS designated it a tax-exempt Church.

>>6324292 DJT Tweet: "Spoke to Saudi Arabia and others about increasing oil flow…"

>>6324280 'Bilderberg Group to Meet in Sierra City, CA in June 2019.

>>6324276 Big Tech's push for regulation and censorship.

>>6324257, >>6324265 China hacks Amnesty International.

>>6324239 POTUS Schedule: "Congratulations on your first year as United States Secretary of State, @SecPompeo."

>>6324220 DHS tells Army Corps to skirt land regs, begin $1B project to replace 53 miles of border fence.

>>6324197 Putin arrives in Beijing.

>>6324103 FBI spy Stefan Halper's $240,000 Pentagon study disavowed by high-profile experts.

>>6324095 WH Trump Tweet.

>>6324084 Santa Fe, NM Mayor, Alan Webber, says Santa Fe will not harbor asylum seekers.

>>6324065 Mike Pence to the NRA: β€˜No One Is Taking Your Guns’.

>>6324026, >>6324159 POTUS and VPOTUS reaffirm our 2nd amendment rights.

>>6324025, >>6324062, >>6324104 Call to shovels on EyePyramid. (malware employed by Italian spies)

>>6324018 WikiLeaks lawyer says he helped pass info to 'innocent victim' Don Jr.

>>6324012 Rosenstein slams Obama for failing to call out Russian election interference.

>>6323983 POTUS hints at Ukraine happenings.

>>6323974 Twitter bans UKIP campaign account for Carl Benjamin, better known as Sargon of Akkad.

>>6323967 Trump on measles vaccination: 'They have to get the shot'.

>>6323951 City schools see 2,000 percent rise in β€˜forcible-sex offenses’.

>>6323940 Planefag: United States Navy FLOTA55.

>>6323915 Brother and sister arrested for spying on Italian politicians for years.

Anonymous ID: 8de5f4 April 26, 2019, 12:04 p.m. No.6324615   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>6324346 Judge Ellis (Mueller’s SC judge)

>>6324335 Satanic Temple claims IRS designated it a tax-exempt Church.

>>6324292 DJT Tweet: "Spoke to Saudi Arabia and others about increasing oil flow…"

>>6324280 'Bilderberg Group to Meet in Sierra City, CA in June 2019.

>>6324276 Big Tech's push for regulation and censorship.

>>6324257, >>6324265 China hacks Amnesty International.

>>6324239 POTUS Schedule: "Congratulations on your first year as United States Secretary of State, @SecPompeo."

>>6324220 DHS tells Army Corps to skirt land regs, begin $1B project to replace 53 miles of border fence.

>>6324197 Putin arrives in Beijing.

>>6324103 FBI spy Stefan Halper's $240,000 Pentagon study disavowed by high-profile experts.

>>6324095 WH Trump Tweet.

>>6324084 Santa Fe, NM Mayor, Alan Webber, says Santa Fe will not harbor asylum seekers.

>>6324065 Mike Pence to the NRA: β€˜No One Is Taking Your Guns’.

>>6324026, >>6324159 POTUS and VPOTUS reaffirm our 2nd amendment rights.

>>6324025, >>6324062, >>6324104 Call to shovels on EyePyramid. (malware employed by Italian spies)

>>6324018 WikiLeaks lawyer says he helped pass info to 'innocent victim' Don Jr.

>>6324012 Rosenstein slams Obama for failing to call out Russian election interference.

>>6323983 POTUS hints at Ukraine happenings.

>>6323974 Twitter bans UKIP campaign account for Carl Benjamin, better known as Sargon of Akkad.

>>6323967 Trump on measles vaccination: 'They have to get the shot'.

>>6323951 City schools see 2,000 percent rise in β€˜forcible-sex offenses’.

>>6323940 Planefag: United States Navy FLOTA55.

>>6323915 Brother and sister arrested for spying on Italian politicians for years.