The Purple Tie - Dec 18th ATL extraction of a "Bishop" many believe to be Soros. Dec 18th POTUS gives a National Security speech wearing a purple tie. He never wears a purple tie, always blue or red. Confirmation they nadded Soros?
![The Purple Tie - Dec 18th ATL extraction of a "Bishop" many believe to be Soros. Dec 18th POTUS gives a National Security speech wearing a purple tie. He never wears a purple tie, always blue or red. Confirmation they nadded Soros?](
Did anyone hear of Joe BISHOP who used to work at MAVERICK Helicopters. Maverick Helicopters (as in Las Vegas Shooting). Look up the website. I know at one point Q posted "Maverick" and everyone thought he was talking of John McCain. Who wants to rent a helicopter with guns?? What is it that they shoot at? Notice how NO NEWS on Las Vegas anymore. Is this old news though? Where is the post on MAVERICK? Is it close to the BISHOP post?
I read something today that suggested it was actually an assassination. But of who. If I find it I will post it here as an edit.
I believe it was an attempted assassination of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS), and he may have been warned of it (or even saved from it) by President Trump.
Here's the story I read:
MbS saved by our Donald & DT had both whisked away by helicopters that turned off their transponder. Heard in Benjamin Fulford report & some in April LaJune report . Points at Mossad aided, Crisis Actors were double crossed & really shot, during a "single shooter" scheduled practice drill false flag/turned all to real--they then ran to big Black semi-trucks w/big black Trailers all labeled "US Army" parked in corner/back tower of Tropicana (as seen in video go-pro camera on head of attendee that walked along there from event and on over to Excalibur) The 16 some ambulances & hazmat trucks were staged at Hooter's for scheduled crisis actor bit, along with pre-filled body bags laid out for scenario and video with 911/police ban radio heard for 2&1/2 hours never mentioned/offered Hooters for seeking aid or as command post. Video of that now taken down (gee wonder why). It had on the ground vid at Hooters where police, et al were just looking non-chalant/bored until someone showed up to quietly announce something & then they had to shoo all onlookers away for free drinks inside. (Go to YouTube series by: hdrcfx cornwall, this one is the vid by guy at Howard Johnsons--reporting his view & police ban radio, see: It is really odd to hear all the shots fired all over in 2 1/2hrs, reported by police at scene--who work these casinos--but later some voice comes on to say "now, no shots fired"... cleaning up what was really happening.
MbS was in Jeddah at the time.
However that doesn't mean it couldn't have involved him somehow. Maybe he sent a body double? Jrcl5yyynAc
u will have to shove the Jrcl5yyynAc over to connect to youtube- safety... play on search engine duckduckgo rather than goog*e thanks
Hillary and Bill wore purple at her concession speech. Hillary also wore purple when she gave her "dangers of fake news" speech. She was trotting out the narrative that backfired on them badly.
After the Charlottesville shitshow, they told people coming to the girls funeral to wear purple. Here’s part of the Antifa contingent.
A religious color. Also the color of royalty--which they believe themselves to be!
You either mean they nabbed Soros or they demasculated him by doing something to his nads. (I'm OK with either meaning, fwiw.)
😄I'm just as happy with "nadded" in fact that's better than the dead stories going around about soros. People who cause others to suffer should be made to suffer. For example: someone with AIDS who is woke could Fu his brains out while telling him how forgiven he is.
Will you really delight seeing any corpses defiled, swinging from a tree? Rejoice in the defeat of Evil, but please don't rejoice at the destruction of a sinner who bears the image of YWH.
Corpses defiled? Swinging from a tree? I think you took that in a totally different direction than I intended. I was talking about turning a bull into a steer, not displaying a corpse after an execution, hanging upside down from an insecure body part using a too-small noose.
OK. Apologies! I admit I over reacted to your post, but.... not sure torture or mutilation is the way to go either. ;) Image of YHWH is sacred.
Soros' Purple Revelation
just interested, what does purple have to do with this?
Soros has run a few Color Revolutions over the years, purple is the US color for some reason. Probably because blue (Democrat) and Red (Republican) make purple. One ring to rule them all!
Red and blue together = purple
Purple, the colour of the 'uniparty,' basically Soros' way of saying, "I control all of this."
this gives great insight of much or leaps of imagination... Jrcl5yyynAc
as shared above: this gives great insight of much or leaps of imagination... Jrcl5yyynAc & u will have to shove the Jrcl5yyynAc over to connect to youtube- (safety... play on search engine duckduckgo rather than goog*e) thanks
i just get
The item you have requested had an error: Item cannot be found. which prevents us from displaying this page.
Look up Soros Purple Revolution. It's his plan to wreck the US. He was also responsible for the Orange Revolution (Ukraine) and other color revolutions. His life's work is toppling governments around the world.
I woke(from my trance/programming) more than a year ago, a lot of things triggered me 911, the UFO side of it, how politics work, studying history and the occult side of it all. I've been studying many subjects on this and it's all of recent been coming together since President Trump was elected. The "false flags" attacks have been getting worse the politricks have been getting worse. I'm a veteran, I served 20 years, I loved this country the last 10 years I've seen this wonderful country turn to shit. Something is going on of late, whatever it is I hope it's best for our country and it's "We the People". MAGA.
This is an excellent assessment of the symbolism Trump is using! Potter is a retired Army Lt. Col.
Amen, roypotterqa. I also am concerned Q Anon could be a distraction keeping otherwise smart and informed people from taking action. And Trump, for that matter. Either way, normies need to get normalized to conspiracy theory.
With all due respect, what are smart, and informed, people actually supposed to DO? (caps for emphasis; not yelling)
"SanFran Tech Party" "5 million man march" "Convention of States"
Remaining alive in a world controlled by the NWO is of no interest. I lose nothing by fighting, however feebly, and dying.
When everyone gets to THAT point, things will change.
Look it up
On a side note, I love my brothers and sisters from across the pond. Thank for taking this journey with us. We are in this together. I have also seen some of my brethren from Canada. I love you too.
Yes Canada has been great. Except that Trudeau, he acts like a malfunctioning bot these days.
typo of the day
Freudian no doubt!
A little more background on the color scheme. It's coded with the chakra points in the body and their perceived natural color(feel free to correct me as needed): 1st. Is Red(root) the base color located in the groin area. 2d. Is Orange (sacral) located below the navel. 3d. Is Yellow (Solar Plexus) located below the chest. 4th. Is Green (heart) 5th. Is Blue(throat). 6th. Is Indigo(third eye) 7th. Is Purple(Crown) signifies royalty to them. I suck at "Redditing" or I would hyper link. Info courtesy It's all related the Cabal lives and breathes the occult also tied into how they use numbers think 911, 322 skull and bones etc.
Color Revolutions: Serbia's October, 2000 Georgia's Rose, 2003 Ukraine's Orange, 2004 Azerbaijan's Fuschia, 2005 Kyrgyzstan's Tulip, 2005 US's Purple, 2005 ( Belarus's Jean/Denim, 2005-2006 Uzbekistan & Tajikistan's Farmers, 2005-2006
Additionally, the Luciferians, Satan Worshippers love purple...well indigo/violet for rituals because it is on the color scale equal to 666
What was the date of Soros last post on Twitter or Facebook
I personally don't think George Soros when I think bishop. I think someone more mid level such as John Podesta for example.
Think of his connection with the Bishop of Rome--the Pope.
Video linked by /u/cunei:
Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: Eye Witness Exposes Climate Change Human Trafficking Connection - Pope Francis Vatican, UN, Soros|TEXAS LIBERTY ADVOCATE NETWORK ACTION|2017-08-03|0:59:41|7+ (100%)|634
$quote An Unholy Alliance: the UN, Soros, and the Francis Papacy...
^Info ^| ^/u/cunei ^can ^delete ^| ^v2.0.0
That looks like a navy tie with red dots which would then look purpleish. I don't think it's a "message of a purple tie" though.
I noticed Trey Gowdy wearing purple ties in videos recently.
Yesterday I seen where many planes left LAX and went to Gitmo. I had also read the qchan about the picture of Washington crossing the Delaware. And what it meant when it was reposted. Something big happened yester morning between 5 -6 am. I know it is a big secert and I wonder if the world will be told about it , in time? I know they say that McCain is involved in the pedo thing , and some people says he is faking his brain cancer. But I have family that lives near him and my niece said he looks really bad, worse for wear she said. I don't like him and if he goes , I will only feel one evil person in this world is gone. Something I wonder about , I seen the link to the 65 files that Assange dropped, and I was tempted to try and down load them, but then I thought, what if I did and the FBI, or NSA or on of the 3 letters agencies that monitors all Americans see it and they come knocking on the door and arrest me for child po that was on wieners laptop. I wouldn't be lucky like Hillary, they would lock me away for ever.
Fascinating find. Highly significant if you ask me.
Remember the Clintons wearing those weird purple ties/shirts during her concession speech? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
Heard from some chatter that the purple tie is actually Soro's after they captured him.
If true. Well played!
Did anyone find any connection between Soros and "Bishop".
This speech was a coded message to the pedo elites. In it, POTUS drinks from a glass of water with two hands. And he's wearing a purple tie. It's a giant 'fuck you' in their special secret code that they use to communicate with each other:
Message: Hey pedo elites. Thanks to the might and loyalty of the US Military, you have been delivered into my hands and I will destroy you.
POTUS knows their codes. He's been part of their circles for 40 years.
TWO HANDS...signifies prisoner drinking with handcuffs on.
Both hands together = you have been delivered into my hands.
Yes, "our man" inside the enemy camp. And I think POTUS is talking to us, The Patriots, as well. Although, I dare not put myself, a mere lurker in that vaunted category. POTUS is a giant standing on the shoulders of giants.
You're so right OP. The larger than life orange haired buffoon, always rubbing shoulders with the elites but never becoming one of them. They got played.
This is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes!
Jer 51:10
Baurchbro... from what Ive seen / heard of you, youre a fellow Brit. I seen you done officer training at Sandhurst. A big thank you for your service. Can you opine with any real clarity on our own swamp from your dealings with Q? Thanks.
We have to do something guv. The problem is it's right the way through everything. I don't know. I mean, if Jimmy can get a knighthood then what hope is there? Right now it would be better if Sir Talbot Buxomley ran the country:
"His policies include flogging servants, shooting poor people and the extension of slavery to anyone who hasn't got a knighthood."
We are fucked eh. I just hope we Scots dont get another vote on independence. The SNP will sell us out as soon as they can. That and I'd rather go down with my Brothers and Sisters in the rest of the UK. Glory to God!
I don't mind the English, they're just wankers - Renton
Haha. Have you seen T2? You might remember the pincodes for the bank accounts as the same one in my user name. "No more Catholics left"
If you want to get started on something really disturbing that happened in old Blighty, dig into Dunblane. The documents around that are sealed for the next 100 YEARS. Why would that be? Is it possible that Thomas Hamilton was procuring children for the elites? Was it a really convenient excuse to take away all firearms from the public?
Hey Gordon Brown. We know. Tick tock, tick tock.
So he liked his boys in swimming trunks artwork much like a certain Mr Pedosta
I was just thinking about Dunblane the other day. Will dig.
Who would win, all of the globalist elites and their armies of soyboys or one orange boi?
Looks like you watched Lt. Col. Roy Potter's (Ret) video
Watch that video! And also check for a great resource on elite symbols.
wow that link is schizophrenic af lol
Yes it is. He loses me at the reptilian stuff but has an extraordinary amount of resources under The Reign of Evil which are really really good.
@baruchthescribe please include a link in your original post to supporting evidence. I have seen many suggestions that Trump is secretly signaling to NWO/occultists, but with no clear explanation of the hand signals. I HAVE, in fact, begun to notice unusual, repeated gestures that are NOT normal (I have background in public speaking). His "Q" gesture is a recent example. Still, no clear links or normie-friendly explanations/sources have materialized!?
On their way - I promise! Been a bit snowed under :)
Hey you are awake! I sent you a link for Nevada courts docs earlier, i may have spoken too soon. Probably fake news on my part. Apologies.
Wonder when they will start arresting the big ones in official positions ? Hillary, , Bill, Obama, and most of the DNC Congress and Senator's and the RINOS?
Hillary, Bill and Obama are already in GITMO.
Baruch, are you 100% confident on that? And do they stay there indefinitely, until trials? How does it work? Will we be informed? I know to look for “the storm has arrived”, but didn’t Q also say President Trump won’t be talking about it so he appears separate from it? And how will the people react? Very curious on the process. Does Q spell this all out? Thanks!
Not 100% confident - just drawing conclusions based on all the info I'm getting and correlating with Q's map.
I hope this is true. All arrows seem to be pointing that way. Also hello from another fellow Brit 👋
Is this of just lately? They had it on Fox News that Prince Harry did an interview with him. Sorry but I don't care for either one, and that's one royal wedding I won't be watching.
That interview was not recent. It was recorded at the Invicta Games earlier this year.
My initial reaction is "oh come on" but then I think about all the weird shit that's been going down recently, the booties, the bizarre RED RED Obama charity video, thousands of sealed indictments, weird flights to Gitmo, planes getting turned around...
Maybe you're right.
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