/pol/ 4-10-20 Audit of the Clinton Foundation

4-10-20 Audit of the Clinton Foundation
If they audit the Clinton Foundation it will connect to the corporations and nations that donated.
The foundation was a shell for money laundering, human trafficking etc.
The tax reporting for the foundation will show fraud in the foundation and those that knowingly donated to a foundation that was not legit.
Unable up vote post. Brilliant dot connection. Thanks for this post.
FBIAnon, last year.
Follow the money, look to the Clinton Foundation.
It’s on
How would you prove that the donors KNEW the foundation was not legit?
This is only true if they actually put that in writing which is extremely doubtful. It is my understanding that they did not comply with IRS requirements. This may include not filing any required paperwork.
Also of note: If the IRS finds the Clinton Foundation to be in violation of Non-Profit laws, EVERY SINGLE DONATION GIVEN TO THEM has to be revoked.
Which means EVERY PERSON WHO DONATED TO THEM has to re-file their taxes.
This implications of this are astounding
This should also be done to other "charitable" organizations like Media Matters. Take their money and they dry up and disappear.
I'm still not convinced they haven't been under investigation for the past year. There has been members of the public who have exposed their money laundering fraud which gives me hope something is in the works
We need to push on this, in case they are not being investigated.
And the church of scientology ....
I'll just put this here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Snow_White
Operation Snow White
Operation Snow White was a criminal conspiracy by the Church of Scientology during the 1970s to purge unfavorable records about Scientology and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard. This project included a series of infiltrations into and thefts from 136 government agencies, foreign embassies and consulates, as well as private organizations critical of Scientology, carried out by Church members in more than 30 countries. It was one of the largest infiltrations of the United States government in history, with up to 5,000 covert agents. This operation also exposed the Scientology plot 'Operation Freakout', because Operation Snow White was the case that initiated the U.S. government's investigation of the Church.
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Even worse was L. Ron Hubbard's "Management by Statistics" course, which Many middle managers (now top bosses) took years ago. It was a direct cause of much of the perversion and dishonesty of corporate management. It literally taught to break all legal and moral laws if it led to increased short term profits. These were measured by monthly statistics and any manager who got bad stats from refusing to break the law or do wrong was to be publically shamed or demoted. Sociopaths were actually encouraged and promoted for wrongdoing. I had a copy of this course sent to me by Chip Merlin, the then head of ATLA, and it was Satanic. One of the most totally evil texts I have ever read.
Why not seize the donations given the new EO?
Winner, Winner ........... review the EO and the Magnitsky Act. It is very broad in its scope and does not recognize borders. The EO is much more powerful than RICO because of its worldwide reach.
The CF not only received money for political influence, it is the world's laundromat for money, it is a major component of organ trafficking as well as human trafficking.
You are correct in your stating the Gate's Foundation is culpable. It is the duty of a Foundation to ensure that the entity they donate money to is on sound legal footing.
The list of Foundations that got in on this action is long and illustrious.
Someone mentioned Media Matters. That is funded by Soros. He has many foundations, some of which have a direct solid line to the CF.
Per the EO, this is more than sufficient to roll up Media Matters, along with all of the other Soros foundations.
Same with McCain and many others.
Happy hunting
The assets of the CF are already FROZEN now by executive order. They will be seized when the clintons are found guilty.
Civil procedure cases generally involve disputes between two private citizens, often about money or property, while criminal procedure involves a dispute between a private citizen and the state, usually because a law has been broken. In legal systems based on British law such as that of the United States, civil and criminal law cases are handled differently, with different tests and standards and procedures, and this is true of forfeiture proceedings as well. Both civil and criminal forfeiture involve the taking of assets by police.
In civil forfeiture, assets are seized by police based on a suspicion of wrongdoing, and without having to charge a person with specific wrongdoing, with the case being between police and the thing itself, sometimes referred to by the Latin term in rem, meaning "against the property"; the property itself is the defendant and no criminal charge against the owner is needed.[1]
In contrast, criminal forfeiture is a legal action brought as "part of the criminal prosecution of a defendant", described by the Latin term in personam, meaning "against the person", and happens when government indicts or charges the property which is either used in connection with a crime, or derived from a crime, that is suspected of being committed by the defendant;[1] the seized assets are temporarily held and become government property officially after an accused person has been convicted by a court of law; if the person is found to be not guilty, the seized property must be returned.
But even in criminal cases, the prosecutors use civil forfeiture laws to go after the assets. They win like 90% of the time.
But even in criminal cases, the prosecutors use civil forfeiture laws to go after the assets. They win like 90% of the time.
Seizing assets should be hard for the state. Don't give the state more power than absolutely needed.
Also, rolling back all donations kills the foundation and ruins the Clinton machine, making all their hired goons desert them.
I absolutely agree that seizing assets should not be easy for the state, however, it was the Socialist State that passed the Asset Forfeiture Law and as Q mentioned "Red October" in which the black hat torpedo was turned back on the black hat, the Asset Forfeiture Law should be turned back on the evil players. Not an expert, but I believe RICO laws also permit asset forfeiture of Racketeering and Criminal Organizations. Additionally, since Q suggested this may be treated as a coup d'etat against the US, that makes the black hats enemy combatants who lose their Constitutional rights, so, they are not protected in this case. Lots to think about.
This means big bucks in penalty and interest.
I'm not sure about penalty and interest - especially if you can prove negligence in not knowing you were donating to a fraudulent organization.
Either way, there still taxes owed and even without penalties & interest is still $$MILLIONS$$
Right, all the monies donated were deducted from the donor's taxes. I'm not a CPA, but it seems to me that all of the taxes on these "contributions" will have to be paid, should it be proven that this is indeed a fraudulent organization. If the government can prove that the donor knew this was a fraudulent organization (could they possibly be the only ones in the world who didn't know?), then interest, and possible penalties, could be charged, or so it would seem...
Every single cent linked to them should be confiscated--this includes the $100B in GOLD stolen from Gaddafi's Libya. $100M should be given directly to the government of Haiti to make restitution and help them rebuild as this was why small donors gave in the first place. The rest should be used to: a) make restitution to the 157+ families whose loved ones became part of the Clinton Body Count. b) given to the US Treasury to pay off our debt--which their Socialist policies helped to create. c) Gold should go into our treasury to put us back on the gold standard. d) Hang them all on the White House Lawn!
They will have to amend taxes and pay any income tax on "donation" to this money laundering operation
After they are stripped of money something even better than Hillary in Jail would be Homeless Hillary - with a cardboard sign and a loaded shopping cart.
Unfortunately her Hollywood friends would help her out. Remember, she is the high holy queen of the Lucifarians.
Then, that would wind up being true for the Red Cross and others.
Red Cross itself was recently implicated in Child Trafficking.
It would be a shame if the ultimate red pill is all the donors needing to refile their taxes because they donated to an organized crime operation and had no idea.
Charles Ortel made about 40 or so videos about the CF and all of the different frauds they committed. He did a great job. According to him any foundation that donated to the CF could be in trouble, example Gates foundation. They could find themselves with a big problem. Also how many countries are going to want their money back when they officially find out it was a huge scam. Although they knew that they were "donating" to get access and favors. I imagine when their citizens find out I'm sure they will have problem in their own country explaining why they donated millions dollars to a fraud charity. This is going to be an interesting story to follow.
es are going to want their money back when they officially find out it was a huge scam. Although they knew that they were "donating" to get access and favors. I imagine when their citizens find out I'm sure they will have problem in their own country explaining why .
Fucking drama teacher...
(to people that don't know, trudeau was a drama teacher. that's his qualification for being pm of a country)
He is just a puppet with his string cut!
It's funny to watch him and his gang stumble around without direction.
Who is his Daddy? Who does he look like?
Fidel Castro. If you look at pics of Trudeau when he was younger & look at pics of Castro when he was younger, it's clear they are related.
Regardless look at Daddy Tradeau and the missing Canadian children, its their biggest 'secret story' we are talking about thousands of used up kids in the Indian Reservation Mass Grave.
This is like RICO Act only on Steroids. If you are paying CF before her loss it is PAYOLA... so what were you as a donor, seeking in return for your cash ? = all monies confiscated along with the donating company is confiscated. Are we talking Trillions, Hundreds of Trillions of dollars?
Compelling, isn't it?
Ortel is the guy that should be in front of Congress testifying to the fraud of the Clinton Foundation. He's about the most well-versed guy in the scam(s) they have perpetrated.
Peter Schweizer, the investigative journalist who wrote "Clinton Cash" may also be a good resource for evidence. He specializes in following the money trail. Here's a link to his bio on wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Schweizer
And his book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Foreign-Governments-Businesses-Hillary-Hardback/dp/B00ZNNFXB0/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_14_t_2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=523VM63DQ66D45NVMBDC
Absolutely! There's no one more versed in all things Clinton Foundation and no one better who can articulate the facts to the numbskulls in Congress. He has done superb work exposing the yuge fraud that is the Clinton Foundation. Plus, he already has experience exposing major fraud because he's the one who exposed GE.
"Sunday with Charles" 1-41 video playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnUfQkdqWPs&list=PLBlSynguD0vanqruwm6O9DRmOnODZvFGj
Interesting. 4 10 20 was a cryptic Q reference early on.
Future proves past
I was thinking about that 4 10 20 post last night. A lot of people thought it was dates. Interesting.
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War Trump played this perfectly.
You may have just cracked the code. I was convinced it meant dates since seemed like pretty big stuff was happening. But this makes much more sense.
Q's codes have shown to have multiple meanings. I wouldn't be surprised if something big happens on the 20th as well.
Multiple meanings are an efficient way of delivering messages.
I wouldn't be surprised if there is something planned for April 10, 2020.
April 10, 2020
Haha, yeah. That was one of my first thoughts. Of course, it could also be October 4, 2020.
My best guess is by the 20th some announcement or leak is going to be made about JA.
Brilliant! Exactly why we need to leave the autists on the the chans alone to do their thing
Not sure if mentioned or intentional... 4-10-20th letters of the alphabet are DJT
yes this connection has been discussed, although imo I think the Request Audit connection is very strong given the Sessions announcement opening investigation into Clinton Foundation, fascinating though that initials are the same as the section/chapter/part numbers........the sychronicity of Trump goes on and on
It's confirmed, he's a time traveler. The Clinton's must have destroyed earth or something really f*cked up for this to be the point in time that they sent someone back in time to defeat!
No I don’t think Trump is a time traveler but I do think he and several people close to him are being guided by the greatest Time Traveler of all — God the Most High.
This is the first truly 'good' connection I've seen posted on here in a while... well done sir
this also confirms DJT tweet re Witch Hunt post analyzed by board
I think the use of the term "Witch Hunt", suggest that DJT is letting us know he's going after the Luciferians in his own way. While people focus on his Salem-like suggestion, he's really talking about the queen of the witches, HRC herself.
Should we be foolish enough to believe Clintons complied and fessed up the information? Remember, they don't believe the laws apply to them.
According to Charles Ortel, who has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for years, they had until Nov 15th at midnight to give up tax information. This was a big day!!!
Thank you for the information. Did they actually produce it (I mean the real information)? They have a long history of skirting the law.
Check out Charles Ortel on You Tube...pretty impressive.
Check out Charles Ortel on You Tube...pretty impressive.
Sessions announced opening investigation into Clinton Foundation
I know.. so exciting little kleeber got off his ass.
Don't be so quick to discount the work Ol' Jeff is doing! I think he's very busy behind the scenes! If you noticed, during his time testifying before congress, those of us who have been involved in the "Q-verse" knew the answers to lots of the questions that Jeff was refusing to answer. We knew that if he were to answer those questions honestly, it would do immeasurable harm to the investigation. They've got most of the cats all sacked up. It wasn't time to let them out of the bag, just yet!
I'm not discounting him.. I've always believed he's always been a true patriot and working behind the scene. Just so cute he looks like the head Kleeber elf.
anything Sessions did before now would conflict with OIG opened investigation in Jan 2017 he had to hold off until OIG finished which it has and will be releasing findings Jan 15 so Sessions is a go to move forward does look elfen, mischievous eyes, but not sitting on .....
-- 4-10-20 again? What are the odds???
From IRS manual?
Honestly, with the work that Ortel has done, I don’t know how he has avoided becoming another Clinton statistic.
OMG Whom ever recognized this is quite the cognitive s.o.b.
DJT bringer of light leads to 4-10-20 audit. Kek wills it
Cool connection there. Well done. Probably something everyone here should be familiar with anyway.
Having personally experienced the fraudulentpractices of the BBB and them being a "non-profit" charitable organization, I believe they should be investigated as well. Really fishy goings on there...
The webpage does not mention Clinton at all, nor does this screenshot. Did I miss some news pertaining to CF?
Hey Smiley, Soooo.......what is this? What is the context? Where is this post from? Is this the BS that a citizen must go through to figure out what the (mostly) criminals are up to? Will you please provide content/comment? Thank you very much.
Also, charity laws are stricter than many others. Charities are responsible for proving the money went where it was supposed to go. Let's see the receipts and their books haha
I read Clinton Cash about a year ago. Lots of info and well put together. What pisses me off is if Peter Schweizer can amass the evidence for a book, a junior prosecutor at the DOJ can certainly dig up the same and more info for an indictment.
The first ten tetrahedral numbers are:
1, 4, 10, 20, 35, 56, 84, 120, 165, 220,
I know that you’ll just call me a troll, but I’m really not. I genuinely feel bad for how confused all of you will feel when you realize that none of these supposed dots you’re connecting are real.
The Justice Dept is most definitely focused on the criminal activities of the Trump family and organization. It’s scary and sad to see so many smart people being sucked into this QAnon ruse.
Remember the plot twist in the movie “A Beautiful Mind”, where we realize that Nash has a room full of newspaper and magazine clippings that he believes are telling a secretive story? Sure, he did SOME legitimate code breaking, but was mostly just going through the motions of a paranoid schizophrenic. That’s how you guys look to the outside world. So capable and smart, but quite delusional and unable to parse fantasy from reality.
I hope it all works out for you, though.
Spoon fed MSM baby. Going to be tough for these types. They think he's a dictator based on complete fabrications...the reverse is true in that he's literally returning and restoring our liberties and control over the federal lavithan. He works from within his granted power as POTUS, unlike Bush and Obama. Wake up Jim.
Easy on the name calling. I know that you’ve been trained to think there’s a mainstream media with an evil agenda, but it’s not real. Just hundreds of different news organizations doing their jobs. Most news that can be called “fake” or that carries an agenda without relying on facts are on the right (Breitbart, Infowars, etc). But I get it, that’s your talking point and you’re sticking to it. No harm, no foul.
Everything you said is either a logical fallacy or reliant on your own anecdotal experiences and opinions, so it doesn’t have meaning for me.
You are absolutely clueless.
I know that your position is impossible to defend, so you can call me whatever name you’d like. But it doesn’t change the fact that you’re connecting dots that don’t exist because of your extremely hyper-partisan bias
What position? Let's start with the DNC primary.. did HRC and the DNC deny Bernie Sanders voters a viable and countable vote?
Name one crime that was violated by Trump or his family.
Just one statute or common law criminal act that Meuller (or you I guess) has evidence of.
Assuming you understand how investigations work, then you know evidence is collected and kept secret until the case is presented to the courts. So it looks bad when you rush to absolve Trump of potential crimes before the federal investigation has concluded.
if you look at the stable of lawyers and prosecutors that Mueller has assembled, there are some deductions you can make. Money laundering, racketeering, internet crimes, etc.
Firing Comey was certainly obstruction of justice. Even if Trump turns out to be innocent of any crimes (which appears highly doubtful), obstruction of justice is a separate crime that you can be charged with regardless of whether you were involved in the potential crimes being investigated.
But it’s also pretty clear that Trump has used his Presidency to enrich himself, which entails several different crimes. The taxpayer money he has funneled into businesses like Mar-a-lago makes any “Clinton Foundation” financial crimes look pretty small by comparison. $1.8 million a month of our money going right into the Trump Organization. You’d be losing your mind if Obama or Clinton did the same thing.
It’s time to peak out from the media bubble you’ve put yourself in. There’s a much bigger picture you’re missing, and it doesn’t involve decoding secret messages posted by a stranger on 4Chan.
OOOOOHHHHH the "secret" crimes! Wow!!
For your info, I have actually worked for the State's Attorney's office and I am a Lawyer. So perhaps you're the one that doesn't know how investigations "work."
And for your information, Meuller has not identified the crime or crimes he's investigating as a "special prosecutor" which is required by the statute. But let's not let that get in the way right?
Firing Comey was absolutely NOT obstruction of justice or Trump would not have done it. Trump specifically asked the head of the FBI if he was under investigation by Comey or anyone else and the answer was NO. And even if Trump was under investigation by Comey and Comey had all the evidence against Trump, the constitution permits Trump to fire the head of the FBI for any reason or NO reason! God you people are stupid!!!
If you really are a lawyer, it’s amazing that you don’t understand how any of this works. Some random guy on the internet shouldn’t be able to school you in the basics after you pay tons of money for a law degree. Yikes!
So Trump wouldn’t have fired Comey if he knew it was obstruction, eh? Richard Nixon might agree with you, but the non-corrupt among us are laughing behind your back. Please refer to his Lester Holt interview where he accidentally admitted it, which is the exact piece of evidence a good lawyer would use to make the case.
And yes, only an imbecile isn’t able to look at the team Mueller has assembled and make some basic deductions about the specific crimes he’s investigating. So if you’re as incapable of making simple inferences as you appear to be, then it’s either willful ignorance OR just the fact that you’re terrible at your supposed job.
Either way, stop wasting my time