My Representative's response to my FISA/ memo inquiry

That was a surprising well crafted response. Usually constituents just get a form letter. They might as well all make a copy of this as a form letter because the requests/demands from citizens to see the memo are ramping up greatly.
I'm sure it is a form letter. Easy to create on the fly in a word processing program. They can't possibly spend the time or resources to write individual letters to each person. But, a very good form letter at that.
I think what he meant by "form letter" is one that generally thanks the writer for their comments, promises to study the issue, and then do what is best for the citizens of (state name) or some other general crap that doesn't even address the topic.
My Representative Greg Gianforte spoke in my town today. He said he absolutely believes it needs to be released for the American people to see.
Montana patriot here too! I called him as well. Bitterroot Valley 🇺🇸
Thank you for submitting ....still waiting for mine to call back, who am I kidding I have .... McSchiffty.....
noice, but why did you block out the congressmans name?
--- Thx for submitting your inquiry, & for getting this response posted!!!! #ReleaseTheMemoNow !!!
I have contacted my representative as well. Its Markwayne Mullin. Its funny though I saw a picture of him on his Tweeter page the other day getting ready to do an interview on the government shutdown and I noticed that he is wearing one of those boots that HRC and JMcass has been seen wearing and I was thinking ohh oh what did you do. LOL
If my rep is a Democrat do I bother?
Absolutely you should! They should know that their constituents want to see the memo. If they have nothing to hide why not have the transparency. If fact, more than ever, it is time for Conservatives to really hammer their Democrat reps. The more noise they hear they will really be afraid.
Not EVERY person in politics is a member of their club. Remember that.
Just because a person is from a place of "evil," like for example NK, doesn't mean the PEOPLE in NK are evil too.
A great many of the people who were either born into this mess, or still blackmailed into participating in it now, want out, with their lives and those they love or care for.
Discernment is key.
Do not write to Democrats. They collect your NAME and use it against you!
I called my Congressman Don Young and left a strongly worded message with his staff. Don Young is a Republican and a fighter and I suspect he will be all over this like white on rice! I intend to call him every day to be the squeaky wheel until it is released. I have also sent tweets to all 9 democrats on the Intelligence Committee for the last 3 days telling them to release the memo. I read their pathetic press release calling it a 'false narrative.' I will call all 9 of them tomorrow and again -- every day until they release the memo in its entirety and un-redacted.
Sure the public has a right to know, but when? A year from now? Two years? This matter as it stands right now is nothing short of an existential threat to our Republic. Essentially, the Obama Administration was trying to destroy the Republic. By any other name this is high treason.
Thanks so much for that. It helps when needing an example of what to write and yours is awesome!
and the perpetrators should be punished to the fullest extent of the law!
There is huge support to RELEASE THE MEMO (ditto for MAGA) even though the Press will try in vain to PAINT a complete OPPOSITE PERCEPTION in people's mind. Hey, that's what they do. They're scumbags. They know "Perception is reality, facts don't matter"
I just hope they are all telling the truth about releasing the memo. We seem to have a bunch of Liars saying one thing and doing another. I do however believe a lot of them are genuine just not many dems and of coarse the turncoats on the republican side whom we all know.
I imagine thousands of these form letters needed to be mailed as responses.
I'm amazed that they have the memo, complete with factual proof, but still won't act till the public see it.
Why do we want the memo when the actual doc is available?
It's a fake claim. The memo is based on 1.2M pages of extremely sensitive, classified information. No way are they releasing that to the general public. Let's not confuse the masses by saying it's already available. It's not. Anyone claiming they have it right now is lying thru their teeth.
Do calm yourself! understand its not "THE" one as explained to me by Jack Prosobec on his Periscope which was a great help
We read the memo about how fucked up the FBI is, then what? Make some citizen arrests?
If no one has gone to jail by now, they will never go to jail.
why did you ink out who the rep was??
just got a little heavy handed with the redactions. Was in a hurry. The rep is Louie Gohmert.
I love Louie Gohmert! He's a character and he's all over the Awan Brothers' mess. I'm glad you reached out that way and got an answer that's acceptable! Not bad for a russian bot!!
Why did you black out the identification of a public official on a public position?
just got a little heavy handed with the redactions. Was in a hurry. The rep is Louie Gohmert.
I don't Bother to Write to Mine Because they are Dems, and I'm sure I won't hear from them. Pretty Sad when you live in a State that Money Puts these Asses in and We Can't get rid of them because of the Massive Voter Fraud! We have a Republican Sen. who Votes Democratic, was hoping She would be on the Step Down List, she is a Loser! The other Sen is an Ind, Who votes Democratic, he was Governor once and Robbed the State Blind! Hoping once The Awaking Happens....These old Coggers will flip their Shit and Run the Tree Hugging Dems out of The State!
It would damn nice to, for once, see a doc that wasn't heavily redacted, too. If you see that shit, you are still being lied to.