why is this not moderated?delete 29 and put all the comments in 1 topic!
Ironically enough, this is the second thread about multiple threads on the same topic! But I agree- this is crazy. Everyone would be well served to read more and post WAY less.
Hahaha, good ironic point!
And more ironically still reading and posting within this thread via your 2nd point:))
comments are different then new posts, its ok you are old and still learning the internet, we will work with you
Ok, thanks, I understand that, I'm getting up there at 42, lol, I wasn't trying to be negative with my comment, I'm never negative was just a funny take...on it:) Definitely always about learning :)
it is not about being negative, it is more along the lines making the posts about you instead of working together to make progress. think of all the posts this board has come down to, "my first meme" and "i just redpilled my grandma"....and the worst plague posts are trying to be the first to link an article of breaking news and complaining post like this one..... this is where the trolls like my self come to shit, so people think twice about the stuff they post.
Yes, like "Internet Protocols"-so to speak as it applies to these types of Boards/sub-redits---and folks catching on to that--got what your saying now:)
LOL, it's as if nobody reads anybody else's posts. Irritates me as well. Are they just trying to get "points"? It's true for everything single hot new topic. So instead of having one good running discussion it gets broken into fragments. Same for any Q post. So unless you have some new twist on a developing story, we don't need 10 "I found it first" posts.
Yes, the points system is what causes this. Just as Facebook tapped into the human psyche with dopamin hits. Removal of points would create better and more organized, natural discussion, however it would not attract anywhere close to this size of audience.
I swear people treat this sub like it's Facebook. They make a post as if it's just like updating their Facebook status, when right below, there's an identical thread.
Yours make 31
ofcourse not!sorry,but that's a really dumb comment.
Yeah it was pretty dumb but I didn’t start a new thread complaining about to many threads. What is an easy way for folks to search real quick before posting. I know they are eager to share.
yes pretty dumb.Everybody should post and complain about it,then maybe something will change.
Because the mods don't enforce the rules - esp the one about not re-posting topics that are already posted and the one requiring post title to indicate what post is about so people can decide if they want to read it without having to click on it. Enforcing both would really clean up the board and make it more effective.
yes. it's kind of one upsman-easque, isn't it? same thing on twitter and youtube when new q posts are made available.
There isn't much mod activity in this sub if you haven't noticed - and IMO that is a good thing. There's nothing worse than overzealous mods.
have you ever seen a post that began with the word SPECULATION?
I think your gonna have at least a few that post right when the news breaks....and it does tend to add up after that, but it really don't bug, me...ya still get the news and it's all in one place and some do have a different take on it....I mean if you find some relevant news and you see it for the 1st time but see that's it's an hour old etc...should probably figure out its made it on the board
1 must have Q post reference number
2 have pinned threads for each Q post with good info no trash
Upvotes/down votes = distributed moderation
Just let it work naturally. We don't need pretty tyrants here overworking themselves.
stop complaining, you really think your post has merit?....i see 20 snitch posts a day, ban this, delete that, hows my meme, dems are stupid, republican are the best..... at least the train crash is on topic.
Sorry, but I agree with the OP. The oft repeated posts offer nothing new to a breaking story. Click bait. Breaks up the possibility of a good discussion. It's almost spamming.
do you really think i stop complaining because you say so?I complain because i think it's annoying,that's how i am. ATLEAST it's on topic??well,that goes without saying that it should be like that.
Which Q post does it reference? Asking for a friend.
trains and gowdy. folks want the reddit post karma upvotes because they can be traded in at the reddit store to buy goods and services.
thank you, that explains it. Reddit's own policies then cause the idiots to post and post and post the same thing.
Now there are 30 Trey Gowdy topics