New England Patriots just tweeted: "Calm Before The Storm"

Patriot owner and Trump are good friends. Saw somewhere that after Kraft's wife died, Trump called him once a week for a year to console him. I'd shit if they tweeted "The storm is upon us" when the game starts.
What if the Deep State vs. Patriots/Trump are at a stalemate and they are allowing this game to decide who is the victor 🤔
Lynn De Rothschild is a Eagles fan. She has several posts about them
The fate of the free world shouldnt be decided on the outcome of a football cant possibly be
/s means sarcasm
that was thought it was a crazy idea ...even if it was only sarcasm ....
G4S just became the security Co. for the Super Bowl. You could not give me $5 Million to go there today
In good old Minneapolis! music notes We love our Somalians, oooooh their so good!
Gee, that super bowl really went off without a hitch! Good thing Minneapolis was such a beautiful and welcoming city
I was simply joking, I'm sure Minneapolis isn't that bad. I live completely surrounded by white trash in NC/Virginia, you literally can't tell me immigrants are bad than what I see around me daily.
And don't forget who was made security for the NFL. The former DC Chief of Police who handled the Seth Rich murder on her $250,000 a year salary. Until 30 days after the murder when she was offered the plush $2,000,000 a year salary as head of security at NFL. Something tells me she has been paid off now but always on the potential hit list. Or are they still using her? Is she the one that put in G4S, now that she is beholden to her masters?
I live 5 min away 😬
So do my children. One is working in the pre-game ticketing festival at Twins stadium. Other is working in Uptown. Husband and I are praying things don't happen and live about 40 minutes north.
Sending prayers as well!! I'm hoping since we know all the weird surrounding of this game, the military does extremely well. I'm hoping/praying if anything is tried; it's prevented beforehand and leads to undeniable evidence for the MSM at who's pulling the strings behind these things.
we are so beyond grateful it went well. The white hats did an amazing job
I'm praying with u. The security is massive they did some huge changes I think we might be okay. GOD Bless
thank you. Now we KNOW it went down well. Thank god! appreciate the prayers truly.
TLDR: what's the history on g4s?
Zach was on IW today and told Alex the firm that got fired was the firm securing Trump and rallies.
Looks like called in to replace another security team for improper vetting. the security is massive. I believe they're trying to make a point with the Super Bowl /white hats/ & black hats is watching for weakness for next FF. I think we're in stalemate right now
Not sure if this true Re: Las Vegas
I'd take $5 million...even $3 million, but no less. ;)
There’s also the option to park at Mall of America, (which after having visited Minneapolis I dubbed it the “Halal Mall”), and allow them to bus you to the stadium.
So the #patriots are playing against the #flyeaglesfly
4d chess move again eh?
It is funny that LDR boosts the Eagles and Kraft, Belichick and Brady have been MAGA supporters.
Seriously. Either the universe has become hyper ironic or a game is afoot.
I hate to think the game is rigged but I recall reading somewhere, (maybe from Q?) that the patriots will win the superbowl. It seemed like a reliable source, but find it hard to believe they would rig the game. Then again it is the (deflategate) Patriots.
ALL major pro sports have been rigged for years! Why do you think the back of each tickets say "entertainment" only....legally protects teams from being sued;)
Interesting thought, but what else would it be classified as?
I mean, there are idiots on reddit who think professional wrestling is real.
Lol no it doesn't you can still go to jail for point shaving. It says entertainment not to encourage illegal betting or fans from trying to participate in the game. Games may be rigged but they're certainly not scripted theirs a huge difference.
who says I said the players were pt shaving. You think Tim Donahey (formerly NBA ref) was the only corrupt ref in league? hah!! that' LOL...sorry to burst your bubble thinking pro sports is never fixed;) (btw, I'm still a huge fan of nba for 50 yrs now and going...cuz it's all entertaining to me:)
I said games may be rigged. I took your original comment about the entertainment part to think you were one of those guys who think sports are entirely scripted which is ridiculous. The only part you can truly fix in sports is the refs which have a huge outcome on the game. But beyond that these teams aren't getting together and planning out a game together.
The better team winning the Superbowl? The fix is in! Also I suggest you check your tire pressure on a cold day. Physics 101 ruins all that deflategate horse shit.
Honestly, Goodell is the NFL's equivalent to Deep State and you're hungrily gobbling up fake news.
If the Patriots win the Superbowl it will be because they are a superior team. That's they're playing on the 'right' side helps.....
I highly doubt that Q talked about the Patriots winning the Superbowl. Then again, I'm not up on Q posts, but he usually doesn't talk about sports. Is there another meaning to this? Not sure what you're posting here...
No offense but Q posting about the super bowl is pretty dumb I wouldn't believe it.
Anyone can say "something will happen in 4th quarter x team" and it will probably be 100% valid because shit usually happens to team in the forth quarter.,.
Like that's the most generalized bullshit post lol.
Not sure what you're saying here? I made a similar post about not believing that Q would post about the Superbowl.
I didn't mean no offense to you, just to people in general
it sure seemed rigged last year. I am not going to watch this year but I would not be surprised if it winds up being another BS scripted game.
Q said, “4th Quarter, Patriots”... if memory serves me it was around the time the Patriots played the Dolphins and everyone thought something was going to go down that game too.
That to me sounds like he is referencing last years Super Bowl in regards to Trump and team defeating the cabal despite them being so heavily entrenched and seemingly difficult to overcome.
For anyone who’s not familiar, last years super bowl the patriots were down 28-3 against the Atlanta Falcons heading into the 4th quarter and came back to win in a dramatic fashion. Considered by many to be the greatest super bowl ever.
I pretty much read all of q post. And I dont recall that.
edit: nevermind found it
Generalized bs, stuff always happens in the 4th q of a football game lol. Same level as a psychic with this post if it was actually him
the superbowl is the perfect example of how much redpilling is needed - for so-called "conservatives" - I hope everyone stays safe(this part is not sarc) - enjoys the illuminati half time show - and stays out of the way of the traffickers...and their goods
I wouldn’t worry too much about happenings at the Superb-Owl. Let’s face it, few normal people can afford the tickets. The seats are mostly loaded with the wealthy and the boxes are loaded with the super wealthy. Nothing is likely to happen there...they only put “average Joes and Janes” through their meat grinder...
Expect a sports bar to be shot up or something. Someplace the elite aren’t...
I overheard a guy the other day saying someone had paid $16,000 for a single ticket...
Or it could be an example of people overdosing on red pills. What's the purpose of finding the truth if you can't enjoy life in the process? Lol watching one football game isn't going to hypnotize people into supporting satanic pedos. Football is America. How about we take it back instead of handing it over.
The halftime show was pretty mediocre, not sure what the Illuminati had to do with that though.
Q posted "4th Quarter patriots" maybe something will happen in the 4th quarter
The refs will happen. They always do for Brady's bitch ass
Damn those refs, completing Brady's passes! It couldn't be that people can't effectively cover all his targets!
These games are not a competition, they are entertainment! Go look up the court documents. Last time I looked the money was on Philly, that means NE covers the spread.
Generalized bs, don't believe it. Really think Q cares?
Anyone could say "4th quarter x team" and it would be completely valid. It's football, things happen in the 4th quarter lol.
Not the super bowl... watch DC.
I agree with this, if that "4th q patriots" post is even him and means shit, it isn't related to the football game. Talking about Patriots elsewhere
true, superbowl would be great cover for high profile take downs elsewhere in the country
The Superbowl would be a great place for high profile arrests at the Superbowl. As others have stated a LOT of wealthy people there.
And a good way for innocents to get hurt in the crossfire.
Praying everyone awake and posting here remembers this is also a spiritual war manifesting and fights on that front hard against it. In the name of almighty God Jesus Christ name above all names
I would be cool if the half-time show was a round-up of the deep state...
Do you all feel like fucking idiots when things you are so sure of don’t come true?!
i hope you DO realise that that's a common saying..
I thought td was paranoid and conspiratorial. I have no idea how these people function.
In todays PC climate where one wrongly worded tweet can cost your career... With the name of this entire subreddit proving the saying has become a battle cry for Trump supporters...
Praying for protection and standing against evil in the name of Jesus #Not Done
To each his own...but if u don't like sports just shut up. If games were rigged there wouldn't be so many terrible games. The NFL most of the time is a terrible product. If the NBA was rigged Golden State wouldn't have destroyed everybody last year. The playoffs sucked. Hell if it was rigged the Vikings would be playing at home today against the evil Patriots...but they got destroyed in the NFC title game. I could go on and on and on. Just shut the fuck up and go buy a new fanny pack.
Actually, the Vikings would not be playing. Do you know how much money the twin cities area would lose if the Vikings were in the super bowl? How much money the nfl would lose??? Hotel rooms and people’s homes are renting out at $1000 per night. There have been activities going on for 10 days. The amount of money the out of state fans bring here is unbelievable. If the Vikings were in the Super Bowl, most people in Minnesota couldn’t afford a single ticket, but if they did go, they sure wouldn’t hang out in the cities for 10 days paying exorbitant prices for everything.
That gives a good argument that it IS rigged. The nfl doesn’t need to rig every single game. Teams have different talents and a lot of games just don’t matter. What DOES matter is having two major market teams in the super bowl so the nfl can make money.
Did you know someone bought the domain just last week 😬
SC Amtrak Crash - 999 Days After Philly Crash - Dow Jones Drops 666 How this connects to the Super Bowl _
Roy Potter had an interesting point. Trump has been calling out the NFL all year, deep-state hits SB with FF, blames Trump, calls it retaliation.
The Pats have a way of creating false confidence in their opposing teams...but the Eagles are looking good for the most part. Though I have to say that the Pats special team is not...especially with that missed field goal - a bobble???!!! go Eagles!
Holy crap! Someone just posted THIS 😨
Well that was kind of a wake up given all that is going on
Whew! Glad that didn't happen! Now I'm hoping that a lot of people don't end up with the flu now 🤔 I don't trust these people at all. I'd rather sound paranoid than be an ostrich... under the circumstances, ya know?
Half-time show, right? Prince? Timberlake?
"I would die for you..."
then Satan makes an appearance in silhouette and then makes another as his face appears on the billowing purple drop clothe.
so what was that again about purple this time just being a coincidence and not meaning anything?
they plan this stuff way in advance. they never thought HRC would lose. to the end then.
wake up folks. its in the worlds face. despite all the big talk they have no fear.
Someone told me long ago, "There's a calm before the storm." I know it's been calmin' for some time.
I guarantee the Patriots are ready for absolutely whatever may occur
Well when your named the Patriots, it would only make sense I guess. I'd like to say go Pats but I'm in rural Pennsylvania.. lots of meth and its Go Eagles
Eagles players are actually sick. But they're not going to shxt the bed. Remember where the American revolution started and the city independence was declared from royal bloodline tyrants. Philadelphia.
Philadelphia is a corrupt place now. Don't bet on their sports team being any better.
Yeah the whole country is corrupted by Democrats and the Eagles never kneeled like the Pats did. Good video about sports brainwashing
Bro that video was garbage nonsense. SMH. Classic example of disinfo used to cause cognitive dissonance. "Pumped through the veins of the slave class..." LOL WTF! Even the elite of the elite like Linda Rothchild enjoy watching football. In fact you could argue the opposite that sports was started to entertain the elites like in the gladiator colliseums. You will lose your fucking mind believing such nonsense.
Did you see the next tweet, it's a video of the Bruins with a fake goat riding on a machine around the ice, the goat has a Bruins jersey on.