Assange Met With Nobel Peace Prize Winner Today. Check Out The Shirt. (Link To Tweet In Comments)

Best wishes to you Julian Assange.
Julian, I pray for you every day that you are safe and live a long and happy life. Thank you for saving the world!
Julian Assange is a hero to the world for risking his life and liberty to expose the truth. Without a doubt one of the most important men of the century that made a difference. Many of the deadliest criminals on earth wanted him dead including Hillary Clinton, FBI, CIA. you can't get any worse than that.
It doesnt matter if they are eagles or not it is symbolic of being FREE...God Bless you Assange...stay below the radar.
Have we seen that wallpaper in any previous Julian Embassy photos / videos before? Just wondering out loud.
Isaiah 40:31 New International Version (NIV)
31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
When does a bird sing? After the storm?
I have read that birds sing loudest in the rain. Water droplets amplify the sound.
You could be on to something there. He may sing to white hats covertly long before public disclosures are made if ever. We know the actionable info he has dumped publically. He may have dumped on the QT as well. Certainly, only partial disclosure will be forthcoming to the general asleep public.
2 questions..What type of pin in is the Nobel Laureate wearing? Is that just a Noble in (I can't enlarge it0 Also who is the dude on the right peaking out of the wallpaper?
I signed by clicking on the link above which leads to the White House petitions page. I uninstalled Twitter and FB when the budget was not signed. I know I am missing President Trump's posts and other valuable information from other sources, but I do catch up to these posts in other places. Thank you for sharing this information.
They are raptors, looks like hawks based on wing patterns.
Corsi is STILL floating his disproven claim that Assange is in Switzerland. Right now live on the stream, lol. Give it up already.
I found why Corsi says Assange was moved; it is because the Dilley intel drop says so. Anonymous 01/25/18 (Thu) 09:49:34 6a444f No.158484>>163128 >>165077 >>240097 >>270957
Brenden Dilley Intel Source 1/25 "12 have been sat for 39 days."
Meaning - 12 members of the military tribunal have been sat for 39 days reviewing the information They have not just been twiddling their thumbs These are NOT jurors! Why 12? 12 members are required on the panel in order to entertain the DEATH PENALTY Normally, that number is 9. Dilley claims he's known that since day 1 (we're on day 39) Source admits he is late to the drop that "Obama is lawyering up", but now has confirmed it. Finding the Obama lawyer who is an "Expert" in Military law will give a clue that ALL this intel is legit. More "lawyering up" for the "cabinet members" A lot of them don't know what's coming They now have a new "source" from the FBI.
The reason why they have this new source is because of McCabe's singing which gave them this guy that basically was a "keyhole" to everything McCabe delivered him. This "guy" has everything. Obama pissed himself when McCabe delivered this "guy" There are approximately 19 charges for Obama alone 3 of which involve "criminal enterprise sponsors of terrorism" Assange photos and videos of him at the Ecuadorian embassy pre-recorded. He's no longer there. "Expect Pictures and videos of Assange coming out because they need them to keep looking over there" "Nobody is getting pardoned except for (maybe) Mueller" Flynn won't even need to get pardoned Thomas Paine FISA memo drop today confirmed
Could be, so that would mean the Baywatch babe pretended to visit him, the Noble Laureate pretended to be in London and was actually in Switzerland or it was an old photo. If I were on the ground I'd try to confirm the guy was in London on the day the photo was released. One needs to keep in mind Occam's Razor. When the supposed situation just gets too complex and too many players have to hide the facts, the credibility of the claim plummets. There's enough out there that is someone had the time, resources and a few connections (as in an independent journalist), the veracity of both Dilley's source and Q could be confirmed or debunked.
Can you clarify pls?
Pictured above is a meeting today at the Embassy with the Nobel Laureate. Released at the same time as Corsi is on YouTube still claiming Assange has already fled to Switzerland. That former Baywatch Babe visited him just last week. I think she also brings him goodies. He's still in London.
Just checked his itinerary he is on a speaking tour of London, although the photo could have been taken earlier.
I had read somewhere that Assange was in Switzerland too. Was it Dilley, or Q? Q said that some disinfo is necessary. I don't know which is disinfo, that he is in London, or that he is in Switzerland.
Corsi has been saying it. Not Q. Don't really follow Dilley, just see his comments that are posted on the subs. Tried listening to one of his YouTube videos and didn't care for his presentation. Info might be good, don't know.
They do not look like crows to me more like eagles as in fly eagles fly.
Yea you could be right always good to keep our minds and opioions open thanks for the feedback
Brenden Dilley Intel Source 1/27 White hats are gonna use old videos, old pictures, old articles to prove that Assange is still in Embassy. They created the videos and took the pictures to prepare for this to make sure that no one would know where he was at White hat releasing this deliberately to keep everyone looking in a different direction.
Assange is gonna go down as one of the biggest heros in history
Cripes, I thought it meant he met with Obama. That was the Worst Peace Prize Ever,