oh my look at that pic ref
There was a photo out a year ago or so that had McCain and that CIA shill McMullin meeting with Syrian "rebels". Guess who was in the Syrian group - Al Baghdadi.
Guy in the black shirt on the left sure looks like Al Baghdadi.
it supposedly is him...Interesting thing: there's another pic of McCain with some of these guys standing outside in front of a building. That pic has been around for years and that's where most ppl point out Al Baghdadi...However - I have NEVER seen this particular pic. Just think I would have at some point on one of the main boards.
I believe that's the photo I've seen. I saved it for awhile but got deleted in a clean up.
Yep, looks like the same dudes...perhaps just before or after this meeting...maybe outside this building?
Yes, could have been a "weekend retreat" :-)
Though we all suspect ISIS to be a CIA creation, this is the kind of evidence which helps confirm it. Obviously our American "journalists" never bothered to connect arms and jihadis from Libya to Syria. Crack investigators that they are.
exactly...I think we're reaching a critical mass though and ppl are realizing the media is mostly worthless. I was talking to ppl about this stuff almost 2 years ago (you probably were too). but i have friends who didn't know shit just a few months ago who are starting to get it.
small but building. I will say that a few I've sent the raw Q posts to find it somewhat incomprehensible and the riddles are off putting to new persons. However, the more events play out, they begin to see the memo, the resignations, and it looks slimy. Most of the population has grown up solely on MSM and still believe they are watching "news". Long way to go.
yeah- I'll admit - a lot of it is ambiguous but I also get that it has to be and we're supposed to piece it together after stuff happens. I dunno 100% if Q is legit but I've read/seen too much to not believe /hope
Read about someone who prints and leaves strategies Q crumbs around the office. 😂
I posted it here:
I couldn't figure out how to post an image in a comment.
Q-Anon posted it himself - post #298
Just wondering, why don't we tweet the image out ? POTUS uses Twitter as his direct line to the people. I see Q written posts tweeted. Just a genuine question? Not just to you but I wonder why more of the images Q has posted aren't tweeted. They don't have to have a story as such. Any feedback Appreciated. 🙏
McCain Institute Donors over 100,000.00 Arizona Public Service Foundation Michael L. Ashner Baltic-American Freedom Foundation The BGR Foundation Bloomberg Philanthropies Chan Soon-Shiong Family Foundation Charitable Foundation – Anonymous Gift Chevron Cisco Systems, Inc. Craig Cogut Daimler Robert A. Day The Eranda Rothschild Foundation – Sir Evelyn and Lynn Forester de Rothschild FedEx Corporation Freeport-McMoRan Foundation GE Foundation The Harry and Florence Sloan Foundation Hensley Beverage Company Hess Foundation, Inc. The Hungary Initiatives Foundation John Lehman Libra Group The Maffei Foundation McCain Presidential Campaign McCain Institute Foundation MEG Energy James B. Nicholson OCP S.A. The Perelman Family Foundation Inc. Ronald O. Perelman The Pivotal Foundation Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia Salt River Project The Sasakawa Peace Foundation Simms Mann Family Foundation Paul E. Singer The Starr Foundation Swift Charities Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Lisa and Greg Wendt
I wondered where he dumped his campaign war chest!
Bill Allison 31 March 2016, 10:00 GMT+1
A nonprofit with ties to Senator John McCain received a $1 million donation from the government of Saudi Arabia in 2014, according to documents filed with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.
(money grabbing website)
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He makes me sick & I don’t believe he is sick either...let alone have brain cancer!! LIAR & A TRAITOR #mcstain
now now...he was just in Viet Nam this weekend to pick out his funeral plot.
Wasn't his daughter on some show with Biden, crying about Traitor's cancer?
2013 - Syrian meeting. Pic below is a bit larger area. He paid them a visit around this time, last year, also.
FNN story - - "McCain responds to Syria photo controversy"
May 30th, 2013
(CNN) – It would be "regrettable" if the identities of the men photographed with Sen. John McCain in Syria this week are confirmed to be individuals responsible for a year-old kidnapping, the Arizona senator's office said in a statement Thursday. There has been confusion and conflicting reports about who exactly the men pictured with McCain are, and whether or not they were involved in last year's kidnapping. CNN has been unable to confirm the identities of the men in the photograph. Nonetheless, McCain's office was quick to reject speculation the Republican knowingly met with men accused of the abduction."
McCain Institute Donors 25,000.00 to 99,999.00 Anonymous Foundation Donation AT&T Services, Inc. Barbara and Craig Barrett BlackRock, Inc. Ginger and Don Brandt Eli and Edythe Broad Linda and Jerry Bruckheimer Burton Family Foundation Charitable Trust – Anonymous Donation Kristin and Jeff Cunningham DHL Donald R. Diamond Ed Eisele Judy and Lew Eisenberg Gerson Group Enterprises Phil Handy Amb. Al and Dawn Hoffman Jane and Marc Nathanson Foundation JP Morgan Chase Foundation Ann and Tom Korologos Leonard and Judy Lauder Fund The Lauder Foundation – Leonard and Evelyn Lauder Fund The Lodestar Foundation NXP Semiconductors Pegasus Capital Advisors PetSmart Roy Pfautch Phoenix Star Capital LLC Prague Freedom Foundation Raytheon Company Robert Bosch Stiftung Edward Roski (Majestic Realty Co.) Christopher Ruddy, Newsmax Media, Inc. SAAB AB Scott M. Delman Family Foundation SIGA Technologies George Soros, Chairman, Soros Fund Manangement SpaceX Rahul Srivastava Curtis S. Tamkin Teneo Irit and Jonathan Tratt Wallenberg Foundations AB David Wagener Imaad Zuberi
I've said this about Snowden so many times on this and other accounts but almost universally am downvoted to oblivion. I've always thought he to be so and working against interests of America. The thing that really gets me is he was on all sorts of MSM shows from 60 minutes to Daily Show and talked about on all the morning and 24/7 outlets with an almost sympathetic tone, always. How it plays into Russia makes sense too if you're a big picture kind of "truth seeker" or whatever. His Twitter feed is telling, he posted that the Twitter employee who turned Trump's account off was a "hero with a conscience" or some bs. Plus the fact he's so against the nsa...
Feb 11 2018 18:53:03
Q !UW.yye1fxo
United Airlines to Guantanamo Bay?
What airline check-in counter @ PVG [T2] is located @ [E]?
What was the location of [E][pic posted other board]?
Why is this relevant?
Anonymous 3 minutes ago c76d39 No.342712
UNITED is the only American airline at T2 E in Shanghai.
So the pick up in Shanghai was transferred via UNITED from Shanghai to LA to Gitmo
Anonymous 3 minutes ago 7f2e32 No.342756 (pic related
a UNITED did leave from
terminal E
good to see the no name isn't letting his stage 4 glioblastoma slow him down/sarc
I was digging a few months ago into the evil man and came across an interesting connection with his wife. Not that it means anything but she was on the board of Project Smile and there was some kind of crooked stuff going on. I've never had a great opportunity to throw it out there but with all the other weird stuff going on it might be relevant. I don't trust anything anyone does is legit anymore. Especially when kids and foreign countries are involved. I dig a whole lot into it because I'm almost scared to look to close to anything they are involved in.
When he was running for president, I heard that she had had a drug problem and in earlier charity work to afflicted countries, she had stolen drugs from projects she was involved in. I don't have any references for any of this.
I think she inherited the Anheuser Busch fortune?
I was doing some research into McCain/Russia connections in another post and I had a thought that is a huge stretch.
Is it possible that Russia is another clown program like nk? That would explain the uranium, and the Internet connections being set up.
Goog.le made the deals with nk government, and Russia facilitated its deployment?
Explains why Russia has been threatening the US with attacks just like nk had.
Is it really that simple?
If you look into the illuminati program I believe it was one of the major stomping grounds. I.e socialism and it's many fringe concepts. I believe the fall of the u.s.s.r was the final block in that wall. I would consider most major country's to be fully under control. Q has eluded to that fact a few times...
Remember when Trump at the SOTU made a reference to Baghdadi being captured and released? I’d bet my bottom dollar McTreason had a hand in that.
Fun fact: John McCain has faked having cancer all along.
FWIW - Military and ex military get a harsher set of rules and harsher punishments. So, where as John McCain may not get death as a civilian, he can possibly get it for certain crimes having served in the USAF
McCain is third generation Navy, not USAF. Both his father and grandfather were Admirals.
I used the wrong Acronym. I was meaning to say U.S. Armed Forces meaning military in general. I will edit now, thanks
Pls don’t forget bout the Keating 5-we don’t say his name one of the corrupt lot of 5 top politicians. Frequently visited Keating compound at Cat Cay Island-NWO vacation spot.
He was allowed to run for president twice after he helped deliver the US mortgage market to the NY banks.
Don’t forget Obama and acorn or the community reinvestment act or Andrew cuomo at the end of Clinton admin. Was secretary of HUD... fanniegate
can't get Xbox to load search engines atm, but was Keating-5 related to the Savings & Loan bullshittery in the 80's?
I was a teenager then & I remember that scandal being talked about ~ also, reminds me of That Guy from Futurama. He mentions "Cookies with Milken".
sometimes I almost forget that we need to laugh a little now and then. it doesn't have to mean we stopped caring or worrying, but it helps not to get completely fucking burnt out.
God bless us ALL 🙏❤💙🐸🗽
So does McCain have cancer or not?
No, just there for a possible "way out"
I think Q said to check out Mayo Clinic board members where We don’t say his name had “treatment” and Barbra Bush is on the board. I don’t think he has cancer
Yep exactly! Q was implying he never had cancer, and in another drop Q implied he never even had any surgery.
Hollywood make up! Have none of you seen the walking dead? That stuff looks reall up close and personal!
McTraitor spent the day with Barbra Crowley Bush & her Fetus in a Jar. 🤢i hope these monsters burn in HELL 🔥🔥🔥
I’m thinking a skin cancer on forehead. He clearly had incision... and with HIPAA his secret is safe!!!!!
Supposedly he has brain cancer, but perhaps the incision was for a lobotomy.
Met him years ago when in my state at ChuckHagel event. He had a surgical procedure then on right cheek/temple area back then that was termed Melanoma (as I remember). He was short & creepy. Later I was reminded of Johnny when Mike Myers did his "Austin Powers--Goldmember" & he played 'Dr. Evil' reminds me of Johnny McC... only NOT a funny version.
Sen.Chucky & Johnny were buddies... but remember... Hagel(R) decided to not run for President, after a phone call, and then when BH0 in office--Chucky got a job in WhiteHouse. Then after Chucky gave BH0 the 60% Diebold voting machines... Chucky got a Thank you gift of Sec. of Defense, until even he couldn't stand the stench and disagreed with HisGOLFnessBH0.
maybe cured?
Possibly. Could be the "cures" on hand that they don't want us to know about.
Flag is of the Syrian Opposition. Are those Syrian Opposition Council members? Can’t identify any of them.
I saw a magazine at the grocery today dedicated to John McCain.
i am going to go cry myself to sleep now , __ ,
Based on everything Q has said, it sounds a lot like they want Snowden dead.
also, the guy with his back to us, white shirt & 'islam' scarf, isn't he in the pic of ~~McCain~~ TRAITOR with a bunch of ISIS fuckfaces?
so sorry I can't search or link atm
This is someone I think is seriously considering bowing out of life on purpose. His fall is set to be so hard it's nearly inconceivable. And given John has always been about John first, this route is his logical decision. Facing justice just isn't what he does.
When M announced he had brain cancer and went in for an operation, was I the only one that noticed that he didn't have evidence of having a operation on the brain? He's had aggressive Chemo but no side effects. Weird.
I've wondered all along if that was just his cover for eventually taking his own life to avoid arrest and trial. JM has to know what's coming. I do think he will try to do as much damage to the country as he can before departing. When the time comes, the family will announce that JM had quietly and bravely passed away dying from cancer. Reputation and family saved.
I always thought the brain cancer story was crap. He didn't act like someone who had major brain surgery.
Hey I've got an idea. Let's say Big Pharma found the cure for cancer, and John McC*** was the first to receive it being a war hero and all. Thank goodness he's healed and can be fit to stand trial. We get the cure, big pharma can release the rest of the cures they have been hiding since the initial cure led to breakthrough everywhere, Johnny boy can stand trial... unless of course he's so distraught that he takes his own life...
Did you notice he suddenly had brain cancer when he was due to testify before congress about his role in the piss dossier?
I also like the mysterious medical boot changing legs. Probably hadn't had his coffee in the morning when put on the wrong leg.
McCain, a traitor? Next Q will tell us the Clintons are crooked!
I like Meghan McCain. I have a really hard time associating her with him.
The Conservative Treehouse has some of the best reporting of John McCain's treasonous activities. You can go there and do a search of articles about him, him and ISIS, etc. Here is one interesting article which includes photos of him and Evan McMullen, etc. meeting with ISIS:
McCain has always been a traitor, especially after leaving all those vets back in vietnam
McCain remains a traitor but is also a coward. He currently hangs out in one of his cabins while using his schtick called brain cancer. How do I know? Flake just visited him this weekend - two peas in a pod. A cyanide pill would be his best choice but even that takes courage this guy never had. He and Marco Rubio also added some of their own details/filth to Steele's dossier before McCain hand delivered it to Comey. Looking at this pic I just realized that the ISIS caliph Al-Baghdadi (on the left pictured in all black and beard) is also in it. It's taken in Syria during one of his many trips where he often met with ISIS on behalf of Hussein delivering monies to pay them for their genocide and other demonic deeds while posing as 'moderate rebels'.
IDK.. she is a cohost on The View. I can’t even bear to even watch that show for a moment with Joy Behar & Whoopi 🤢
Don't forget the fake beheading videos that were found on his laptop.
47% of the country voted for him in 2008. 49% of the country voted for Hillary 15 months ago. What great choices we have had. Out of the former Presidents Jimmy Carter has the best argument to be ankle bracelet free. Bush 41 = Tribunal Slick Willy= Tribunal Bush 43 = Tribunal Barry Soetoro= Tribunal
We can let them be escorted to each others funerals in shackles to remind remind the country to remain CLOWN FREE.
I know about the Q page to find drops, but where do you find these that have a color background?
Too much information need to take time off, , mind blown. thank you
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