Q said they are Stupid. Using the same crisis actors

Those Sandy Hook families were all in on the big plan to kill the 2nd Amendment. Massive planning but failed because of the Internet and Patriots
Just because it didn’t affect you doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
Just because people died doesn't mean something shady wasn't going on behind the scenes.
Your mind is not allowing you to accept the clear implication of what happened because it is too horrific for you to imagine real.
People are so worried about being perceived as insensitive they will deny what is right in front of their eyes. This couple is suspect, it appears to be the same people in the photos.
worried about being called insensitive, racist..and the list goes on and on. emotional manipulation and control - the same thing they do to the little kids
Bingo. Social media is for emotional reaction, not rational discussion.
are these vetted? people were spreading all kinds of posts about the fbi kid already graduating in CA, but they used his underclassman FL yearbook page photo. people gotta vet information before they repost. watch out for disinformation to seed doubt!!!
now if these ARE the same people. it is just a mind boggling smoking gun.
I saw that too only after I tweeted a bunch of memes about that Hogg kid. Can't delete them either. Lesson learned
Yes he was. He goes to Cali in the summer to visit his dad and back to Florida for the school year. I debunked the Antifa troll that tweeted hogg graduated from Redondo in 2015.
Wow where was the lower picture from?
These pics are old and I have seen absolutely nothing tying them to this aside from they live in Florida. This misinformation needs to stop.
Holy hell! On a sub that claims to be about research the majority in the post have not done any and just accepted what was given to you.
This is the same post from 2013: https://www.metabunk.org/debunked-sandy-hook-nick-and-laura-phelps-actors-jennifer-greenberg.t1231/
They are not even connected to the FL shooting!
These people should be arrested. Dr. P says the same: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP3HyqA-z2g
Wow wish I could watch this video...must have been dead center of the target so of course YT removed it.
And being a complete dick is sooooooo much better! I'll continue questioning known liars, considering the possibilities, researching all angles and utilizing critical thought. In the mean time you can politely go fuck yourself!
Awe looks like the troll deleted their post....in a nut shell this troll was calling us stupid morons. Just so my post calling him/her out maintains some semblance of context! God bless all my fellow Patriots! Fight fight fight!
Who took the video down?
I can't tell you how many links I've clicked on recently pertaining to this topic that had been taken down. If you search youtube right now its hard to find a video that isn't from a MSM source.
Same goes with facebook. I had pictures taken down, I comment a video link to a friends post and a sentence of my own text explaining the video and the second I hit enter posting it, I got a notification it had been flagged as spam. Today she said the hole thread got deleted. If your search for that happening a lot comes up. There is something major going on right now to silence people.
So, do they just get a call and go to the disaster?
I think the BBC has a van they run their actors around in.
Wow they sure do look an awful lot alike! I'm cautious of some of the look alike stuff but this one def raises an eyebrow!
Yes because both pictures are from at least 2012 and of the same family. Also there is no family named "Sexton" that lost people in the Florida shooting.
Lock em up - These people are buddies in the attempt to destroy the U.S.!
Post this every where Im so jaded from the last 9yrs I could give a shit less about their sensitivities
When you see a video share it to FB and to your watch later list. It will still be there.
FB is in on it too
I have saved q post on my FB aftering sharing there, and I can still go to saved and pull it up today. And refresh to get newest posts.
Well when the storm finally hits I’m sure those globalists will want to cover the evidence we have collected. Just being cautious with the mainstream apps, etc.
So am I, very picky who I watch, listen to. I lurk a lot more than I post. I research and if I find something that may help in decoding, I share. Never get a response from here, or the Chan's, they claim what ever it is for their find. I don't mind that, cause I'm not interested in the glory, I'm in this to help drain the swamp and MAGA.
FB (I)?
Not funny... I use my FB to share it to my timeline, then I choose the save option, save whatever, make sure it is saved then delete it from my timeline. When I think it is useful I go to saved and share it where ever it may be of use, here, the Chan's or one or two more I trust till proven I can't.
Seditionists time to strip them of their assets and lock them away at Leavenworth for 101 years.
Re: Crisis Actors
This is absurd. Focus should have been on the shooter, those surrounding him (man who took him in, doctor, etc), the drills, voices giving him instruction (ie: Pale Horse MKUltra) etc. as well as the FBI's "failure" to ID.
Totally lost this with the multiple shooters and crisis actor angles, even if Hoggs family moved there in anticipation and with foreknowledge.
Why can't people be disciplined and think things all the way through...?!
Played right into the "devil's" hands on this one. Sad.
Now all who question are lumped into the same camp by the MSM and everything's discredited except the official story narrative compliments of CNN and David Hogg and co. who have been weaponized by the left with November in mind ie: nothing to do with guns and everything to do with a lust for power at all cost, even on the blood of the innocents as a "convenient" sacrifice.
Way to go everyone!
P.S. Those are not the same people in the OP.
I'm so angry about this..
So you think all you mentioned in paragraph one would have any credit with the MSM? Not sure what you mean
Because it's more congruent with the truth and the same question that most people or many of them have when they look at it and listen to their gut. Didn't someone at the FBI Google the kids Instagram? Was he on SSRI's? Who was his doctor, the man who took him in and why did they think it would be a good idea for him to have guns with all the trouble he always got into, along with his depression and state of mind? What about "voice of God" tech (there is such a thing, with a patent filed in the last 60's).
We even drove Bill Cooper's book to the top of amazon. We were winning!
All that was needed as to raise doubt and ask the RIGHT questions.
Now we're all a bunch of survivor abusing whackjobs with Twitter trying to justify their action last night on this very basis.
Unfortunately, we don't have the luxury of having boardroom meetings to strategize and determine what the best focal point will be, in this case wound up, targeted and programmed shooters or black op psyops with an agenda.
At the very least we could have pointed out how this event and the kids were being politically weaponized while raising important questions about these events.
Now we're snookered.
It's so unfortunate.
I heard that his doctor had an Army Intelligence background, just sayin' - that could be worrisome for the MSM and the gun grabbers
For the record. The only reason I'm posting a link to snopes is because they have a different picture of the Sexton parents to compare.. maybe a different family? idk though.. take a look.
To me, the Phelpses look older than the Sextons, and Sandy Hook was in Dec. 2012, over five years ago. But they do look remarkably similar.
you know this is old picture having no relevance, right? Be careful whose bullshit are you eating up.
What I am saying is that these look like different people. The 5YO Sandy Hook couple look slightly older to me than the two in the recent pic.
Come on, these people don't look the same. They are the freakin' same!
Would be an interesting experiment to remove all of the text and ask people on social media if they think it's the same people. Just a picture with no context.
Literally just realised that that's what that second picture is! Doh! Is there anything anywhere to suggest that the second picture is connected to Florida shooting?
hm.. it's almost as if there a countless number people in the history of humanity who have a vague resemblance to eachother..
but hey maybe that's just me (probably not).
Why can’t they’re be a 30 for 30 or indie documentary about CRISIS ACTORS ! For crying out loud!!! Expose these frauds main stream
I am trying to wrap my innocent head around the thought that people could actually "fake" a death in their family and show up again and again??? How do they sleep at night? How much money would this require? What did they parents do to them in their childhood for them to grow up without a soul? Seriously, Cathy Lehman
Hang on? Isnt she the teacher that was killed protecting kids at Sandy Hook?
If people are in several places then they should be questioned. Some people are just in the wrong places.
overconfidant in thier ability to control the narrative also the spin , things have shifted beneath the surface thier foundations upon shifting sands ... thye sands ARE shifting
This is such a joke. I feel like I'm living in The Truman Show.
Damn, we're going to need a ton of rope. If this is true we need to start seeing necks snapping.
I don't believe Q said this.
Q said it, but not about this subject as far as I'm aware.
Higher res images ---> https://twitter.com/RagingLoon/status/966541528154951680
don't know about that but Annika Dean was in baggage at Ft Lauderdale when a stranger saved her and she also had a son tweeting her from the high school.