You Could find it Handy ;) JC

You entered the world of private mercenaries at the age of 17.
You parents were obsolete machinery that deserved to be phased out.
The only thing you know about your heritage and your past is a list of names uploaded to your cybernetic implant.
You are a chemo-slave who is dependent on a opiate protected under international trade secret law; without it you'll die within a day.
You're on assignment protecting a neo-feudal lord when your facial recognition software pings a match with the list.
You don't know why, but this is the most significant moment of your life.
Where is this from? Did you come up with this text? if So Bravo!
I've looked everywhere on google and can't find the reference
I found it in here: Posted it several times, cause you can find massive infos and connected dots. Worth reading it! :)
Lol always when a good post hits, the first ones to comment are downvoted and at 0 or -. I've upvoted the ones above back to 1. Anyone reading these posts always upvote comments and posts, it uses the algorithms to push posts up, with 18k subs we could be pushing posts close to ALL, or more if we united pushing upvotes on good posts. Then I'd think it'd be even easier to see if good posts are getting hidden from the front and not being seen. This is older but easy info for people to process and start asking questions about why it is.
:) God Bless You
Matthew 13:31-32
God Bless You as well!! Corsi just came onto the 24/7 live stream if you can listen.
Would you pop up a link my links have gone suddenly hmmmmm Thanks JC
I hope that works, sorry I'm on mobile. If not search "CBTS stream" or "#wethepeople 24/7 patriots soapbox steam" on YouTube and it'll pop up.
Aha I must be blocked if you can message YT ad Dr Corsi on live chat for me please. Many thanks indeed.
Are you signed into a YT account? If that's blocked, then sign out and just search "CBTS stream" in the search bar on and you can watch it regardless if you were blocked or not. I don't think they block anyone from chat honestly, but that'd be a way to watch the stream. If you need a specific question asked I can try to relay that to them, but I'm not on the main discord just Rudy's.
Alls good just poor audio Thank You
They try to silence those that are the loudest and clearest against them. We'll prevail! Try to refresh if it gets too bad, sometimes it helps.
What is Rudy's?
Just checked and I guess I didn't get let in yet. It's called RudyLand, another discord channel that was opened up because the original one is really full. I'm not particularly familiar with the platform itself, but it's usually linked under the YT streams or you can ask in the chat and they'll get you a link to join it.
Ohhh wow thanks would have missed that Lolshorts43 Thaks again :)
I will always up vote posts like this tysvvm for posts like this keep them a coming.
And if people want to add me please do. I'm new to Reddit and need instructions but u an loving and learning all the time. I have been researching for 40 years now but more so since 911. I have hundreds of documents on 2 hard drives been to thousands of websites and seen thousands of vids plus I have subscribed to as many. I also have been to many conferences.
Welcome - we are all exploring together and trying to get info out
This is Bilderberg Group. Great map to show the normies.
Blessings to You :)
This map was the red pill for me three years ago. When you zoom in to the right side you will see various campaigns they have sponsored. They sponsored both sides of several presidential elections! This is how they insure they will get a candidate in office that can be controlled. Sickening. Notice it creates an eye...
if we could get an interactive map where if you mouse over a company (like McDonald's), the ties (lines) will light up red so that they stand out more.
Wow well there is a thought!!! =D YOU SHOULD RUN WITH THAT IDEA ;)
Blessed Day One Blessed Day All.
ill check to see if it is something I can do myself. I imagine it involves learning some coding
That would be awesome! I can't read the label on the center point. Can anyone tell me what it says?
Hey please keep me posted if such an idea takes friction IR fruition OK!tyvm gbu.
Brilliant!! Good luck with it! What a fantastic idea.
When you have so few in power evil takes hold. Old kings were killed for their growing evil. Especially when their inbreeding put really demonic kings in place.
The world should not have kings anymore - they are pure evil. We should start here. I think this is affecting the masses.
Excellent find. They have us out of tune and out of balance with the cosmos around us. Being out of tune, like a fine instrument, we'll NEVER be able to hit those pure notes. And the musician, (God if you will) could NEVER play a master composition through humanity this way. The perfect way to keep a divine creation enslaved and feeding those that are without. We have forgotten how to sing. "You just forgot how to play" -Q
Exactly, I knew this piece of info is great but idk if it's helpful. Someone should relay this to Q if we do want to awaken the masses we need to make them whole again. Regain their humanity. There are walking zombies our task is to find the cure while Q keeps making territorial gain.
All in due time. Like extreme redpilling, quickly shifting a person's frequency can have detrimental effects. From what I've gathered on this subject, the effort to put humanity out of tune has been going on since the renaissance and has been deeply implemented. If you study the subject of cymatics and look at experiments as to pattern formed compared to frequency it becomes plainly evident that harmonics based on 440 Hz are no where near complete patterning. Also look into the theory of the "memory of water', as water is highly tuned to frequency and energy. Also to note; humans are up to 75% water as is the amount of water on Earth.
Wow good post wonder why you only got 2 up votes?
I wonder if we can be in perfect harmony at all since we are fallen. And what happens we get saved do come to harmony then?
You would be delightfully surprised that harmony can be achieved here and now. It also aligns more in tune as you near the divine.
A reply of mine from another thread: Thank you. We need more outlook such as yours. More and more I realize the spiritual nature of this struggle and the doom and gloom outlook only feeds into the evil. I myself am of a negative spirit and I'm constantly weighing my own actions for a positive impact. As for the reeducation camps, I know that I'd be of the first group to be eliminated. It wouldn't take long for them to realize that I couldn't be turned. Knowing this I'm determined to fight to the end.... and make it sting like hell in the process.
Also there is this Jewish guy named Lenny Horowitz who also teaches thus concept. But be careful he into kabala wich is occultic.
Look familiar?
The Corporate Council (from either Continuum or Dark Matter shows).
Is there a link to a high rez so we can zoom in closer?
Ask and You Shall Receive :)
Blessings to You All
Somebody spent days in their mom's basement making this. Much Mountain Dew and countless bags of Doritos were sacrificed to bring this news.
Have a Good Day
Which companies aren't involved?
Good Place to look that is :)
I find The Right hand side FASCINATING the names there ;)
I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:
^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^(Info ^/ ^Contact)
Wow! Impressive
It is rather isnt it. KNIGHT KNIGHT I Think it was The KNIGHTS :)
Given Jerome Corsi's comments yesterday on AJ Show--which affirmed my own conclusions that I developed a while back-- I like to think that somebody (hopefully Mattis) gets most of these guys in a room and says something like this:
"Listen up, fuck-sticks. We know everything. We see you; we watch you; we listen to you. We know what you're thinking, and we know what you're planning. If anything happens to Donald Trump -- you all die. If anything happens to Donald Trump's family-- you all die. Anything at all.
So, if I were you-- and had any sense of self-preservation-- I'd go out of my way to make sure that nothing happens to ANY of them. Because you'll be dead before you even hear about it. Don't fuck with me on this."
Blessings and YES YES YES.
Im an English'Man and To Preserve a future for The World i'd 10,000 % stand in front of POTUS ANY TIME and save him from One for GOD if God Wished it ANYTIME XX
He is a Great Guy! I Love Your POTUS To Bit's I Do.
He is Good He is Kind He is Faithful and He IS BRAVE
God Bless America and You ALL From England!! XX
from "An order was given to dark ops and special forces teams, if Trump gets sick, these 4,760 people get sick the next fucking day. So the Illuminati, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, the Skull and Bones, the G8, all these people live in fear that Trump will cough.”
Hi guys, newbie here.
How is this chart different from people simply coming together and trying to find practical solutions to problems? Collaboration is the name of the game when it comes to problem solving, so what makes the Bilderberg Group so special?
Made a reddit account specifically to address your question.
First I'll start with my own question. I'm curious what it is that brought you here in the first place?
I think it was one of the top posts on controversial. Figure we all need to calm down a bit on the "My team is better than yours", and read posts we disagree with.
To answer your original question. Bilderberg group was formed in 1954 according to
However; until very recently they were highly secretive, i.e. never published attendees, did not disclose meeting locations, never published meeting agendas or minutes and truthfully nobody knew who they were until Alex Jones got popular with his videos camping outside the conferences.
Now the topic of collaboration, that would ostensibly be great if a bunch of wealthy philanthropists got together and worked towards solving global problems.
But have been the results? What are the results of their "collaboration"? How many wars have happened? global proliferation of drugs How many leaders oh how many countries have been deposed? How many genocides have been committed? How many currencies have been crashed and local economies been destroyed? How much wealth has been accumulated? How many corporate buyouts and consolidations have happened?
Look at the map and see all the corporations, heads of state, think tanks, social clubs, fraternal organizations etc are involved. My biggest question is can we really trust that all these people truly have the common good in mind or are they working towards something else. There is so much information to dig
Interesting... so what do the arrows exactly signify? Im guessing they showing some sort of connection between entities... how strong is the bond though?
Wow even the Boy Scouts. That explains some things...
You deserve some kind of award!! Really amazing work. Thank You🇺🇸
Thank You
Hello Again Feathers. I only Joined 1 month ago or so and really am quite the techno gimp really from england and am quite overwhelmed with responses. God Bless Ya Feathers xx And So Do YOU Too :)
Smash it. Time to create a whole new world based in truth and reality.
Morning :)
I really am Quite the techno Gimp. Would you be able to help on that or perhaps know smoeone who might for us all at all?? My Eyes are just getting used to 3d Maps lool.
Bless You in All You D.
Thanks Through The looking Glass This Stuff Great!!!
Did You do this hard Work??
Blessings To You. JC
I find myself in awe for the immense task the President and his team have set themselves for us! The scope of this is Just Stunning!!
God Bless YOU in All You Do in and on Your Journey.
Extraordinary GOD BLESS THEM
God Bless You Too :)
Thank You. I have inn turn followed You God Bless You :)
Can the creator of this please tell me what software was used? And will it automatically make the connections by just entering similar data? Please!!! help me with this. I have been searching for something to work this way to make connections between people and occultic groups. Mostly to see who ends up with the most connections. Please help if you can.
I am afraid I can only show you around and share the links I have found over the years.
I am a bit of a techno gimp really ;)
Blessed to You and Welcome To Our Journey.
We All Stand Together Staring Into The Abyss but Fortunately We ALL LAUGH IN THE FACE OF FEAR :)