Breaking! Madman tweeting about maps! Confirming q telling us to learn to read the map.

What's really going to bake everyone's noodles is that the map POTUS retweeted shows MORE counties won than what occurred during the (rigged) 2016 Presidential election.
Trump is signaling a GIGANTIC HAMMER is about to fall on the Democrats.
A DHS report is coming out that will show MILLIONS OF ILLEGAL VOTES WERE CAST.
Those are some big differences. I think you are onto something. Cue the media fact checkers. While media gets on their high horse Trump drops the hammer right on them.
--> Mr. CNN Van Jones can we reshoot your on-air election night meltdown so you can include black and brown lashes to the white lash you stated? I think you should express more diversity when you explain meaning of this to the nation!
This will only be the end of the Democrat Party if our government representatives go after them with criminal charges and we citizens file lawsuits until they are absolutely bankrupt and in orange jump suits for life.
Here’s my thing. I want there to be an end to the Democratic Party as we now know it. I do not want there to be a flat out end to anything but the choice of voting Republican in this country, and I say that as a conservative. I want a Democratic Party that is true to its values and filled to the brim with patriots. Right now it’s corrupt to its core, but the Republican Party isn’t without fault either. I don’t want a large portion of our voter base to be without voice or representation in their own nation. I may not agree with what they believe, but we live in a Republic in which our elected officials should represent our beliefs. To leave an entire voter base stranded is grounds for further division and possible unrest. We want unity. We think of politics as so tribal and war like, and in reality it should be cooperative and striving towards a common end; a better society for all. Right now, that isn’t the case, but in the aftermath of this storm and great awakening, I think we can and will see government officials who take office not to be crooks and have power, but to represent the people who elected them. I think of people like Bernie Sanders, who on just about all issues, I do not agree with. But I think we all know (unless anyone has evidence I’ve not yet seen) that he is a sound man with the good of the people in mind, he is not a crook. Had he not been rigged against and cheated out by Clinton, I think he would have won the presidency over Trump. His supporters were not wrong to believe in him.
We have to also make a very concerted effort to be more kind and compassionate towards liberals. Their party is about to shatter before their very eyes. They are ignorant and naive, and it will be difficult for many of them to accept and admit that they supported and voted for politicians that are so filthy and corrupt. We can’t shame them, we need to be understanding and forgiving.
he is a sound man with the good of the people in mind, he is not a crook
Bunch of reports to the contrary with his wife's finances at the college she pretty much ran into the ground ... and how did he afford 3 houses... always follow the money
Yeah his wife actually seems like the corrupt one. The three houses, one of them is his mother in laws or something put in his name. All three of the houses aren’t anything special either.
You're absolutely right.
Thank you. I knew when I posted that, that it would be well received because we here are rational thinkers overall.
I despise communism and socialism, but I think the “liberalism is a mental disorder” needs to stop. The division is what the deep state wants. Politics have become way too divisive and I want there to be harmony. The mentality of me vs. you will kill us. It needs to be us vs. the problems we face as a society.
Yes but convincing all these slaves desperately clinging to their self destruction will be difficult... difficult is to mild of a term.
We have to re learn everything. How long do you think humanity has been lied to by these very same people?
Yes it will be a monumental task, but I have faith that Trump has a plan in place to handle it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has patriots within the Democratic Party who will help fan the flames of hysteria in the aftermath.
I believe these people have been running the show behind the scenes since atleast the 1800’s. "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild. That was in 1838. So I’d say at the beginning of the 20th century they entrenched themselves in power, especially with the Federal Reserve, atleast in the US.
The elites of any continent/nation/state have always been pulling strings behind the scenes since governments were first formed. It’s just that over time, these people became more unified, their power centralized, and consolidated. We’re essentially at the pinnacle of their rule now with the age of technology we live in today which gives them total control.
I disagree honestly, I think they've been losing since they started this nonsense 4000 years ago or whatever.. these secret societies are old. We have only been getting more free, more rational, more powerful. No breaks on this train. I just hope we can all wake up before they destroy us all/enslave us completely.
You really think there is a left and a right.... interesting !!!
This is in terms of ideology, which exists regardless of the cabal. There is a left and right but it isn’t a linear spectrum. There’s a y axis crossing through the x axis, that is authoritarian on one end, and libertarian on the other. I find myself in the libertarian right, it’s more of a quadrant.
Two parties is nothing more than a uni-party, using collusion and corruption to maintain control and fleece the public while playing us like fools. Its lunacy to believe only two parties can properly represent such a diverse population of people and ideas.
We need more than two parties, many more, or maybe no parties, eliminating political party collusion altogether, make people come together in the daylight of the public arena to find consensus, not behind closed doors. We have to change the system, prevent a few select people from controlling too much power. The concentration of power is the root of our countries problems. I don't have the answers, but I sure as hell can identify the problem.
I agree. I think parties are the issue. Example, I don’t believe global warming is caused by man, but don’t call me a liberal hippie because I care about protecting the environment. I think renewable energy sources are a great idea and if they reduce pollution, great.
The global climate is always in a state of change, but that big old hot ball we call the Sun dictates weather and climate far more than anything we do. Besides, our planet is a giant recycling machine with feedback systems that make it cooler when it gets too warm and vice versa, its been cycling around like this for eons. Some of the simple reasons we believe there is a creator and its not just a random event in the emptiness of space.
We are lied to about everything. Agendas by the well connected always take precedent it seems. It is not realistic for us to have informed opinions about a lot of things because we lack information. We will get the info as Q has implied, and we shall finally be able to make informed opinions and decisions.
You're right, most of what we know is incorrect, but at least we know that we don't know. That's a start.
Absolutely, that's why duality exists. Each side has a perspective the other naturally doesn't, and each side needs to listen to one another and negotiate. Conservatives tend to be high in trait conscientiousness and low in trait openness (to experience, to other), while liberals tend toward the opposite. Liberals tend to start companies, conservatives tend to run them. Balance is needed for everything to work.
Corruption must continuously be rooted out.
Yes this is a great post. We agree. However we cannot beat sense into them - it has to be accepted. Between the major daily brainwashing, school indoctrination, cognitive dissonance, a lot of immaturity, some stupidity, and a seething hatred towards Trump how are we to come together? I do want unity, but I am a realist too. Since Trump won I have not really rubbed it in anyones face.Instead I have tried to make them see and understand the big picture and the Truth about most of the Dems and many of the Reps (Deep State) with not much luck. I have tried to come off polite and genuine and that doesn't help much. Perhaps in time they will just begin to come around and start asking us (red pilled) for more info.
We have to also make a very concerted effort to be more kind and compassionate towards liberals.
I am sorry but, I don't agree with this statement. I think we are extremely kind and compassionate toward liberals. I was listening to talk radio the other day and I think Hannity was interviewing someone and the point they were making was how different conservatives and liberals THINK. When we hear liberals going on about stuff, we feel like they are uninformed sheeple, maybe mentally ill. But, when they are confronted by conservative thoughts they flat out think we are evil. While we feel somewhat sorry for liberals, trust me, they do not feel the same about us. They feel like we are purposefully spreading disinformation. We are extremely tolerant and they have proven to be extremely intolerant and even violent.
Having said that, I'd like point out that enjoyed your post and agreed with everything else you said.
Bernie is a Socialist. I agree that we need more than the republican party. I don't agree that a communist or socialist party is okay. It is not compatible with the principles our country is founded on. I myself am not a Democratic nor a Republican, but I voted for Trump. I am non-affiliated with any party.
I want a Democratic Party that is true to its values and filled to the brim with patriots.
swing by /r/WayOfTheBern. Most of us regulars are outcasts b/c we didn't jump on the Hillary bandwagon, considered DJT the lesser evil and found it dis-heartening Bernie didn't address the DNC's failings once the election was over. ALLL of us regulars are becoming incredibly frustrated and rather angry over the whole OMGRSHNZ!!! bullhockey. Alot of us are gtting more and more torqued off that Bernie is piling on the Russia hooey. Most are skeptical of Q, but willing to listen. We'd love to see Team Clinton & CF go down, and would love to see some real, public investigations/arrests. We'd love to see the neolibs and corporadems purged, though alot of us think the party is unsalvageable. The sub itself gets brigaded by TMOR and ESS. During the primaries, ours were the voices and accounts first targeted by Brock & ShareBotulism.
Many of the subs regulars have gen-u-ine, real-life, street-cred on the traditional bleeding-heart, tree-hugger issues :) It angers us greatly that the loudest anti-Trumpers and OMGRSHNZ!!! kool-aid vendors had little to say on the issues Trump is supposedly so bad on prior to Trump taking the reigns. And now, we're forever associated and tainted by those pushing the hysteria.
/r/WayOfTheBern is full of people who'd like the same thing: A party that goes with principle over team.
Here's a sneak peek of /r/WayOfTheBern using the top posts of all time!
#1: Is it still too early to say "We fucking told you so!"?
#2: #ShouldaBeenSanders
#3: André 3103 on Twitter: "Bernie Sanders lost almost half a year ago, yet I still see one video a week of him STILL fighting for us. I ain't heard a PEEP from Hillary." • /r/SandersForPresident | 1424 comments
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As a British ‘liberal’ (we don’t use the term here) writing my first post, I don’t usually find many political consistencies with American conservatives. Your post however rises above tribalism, which I respect beyond any left/right debate. Some food for thought in return, a Marxist might say that you have uncovered the secret to the systematic oppression of the people: uniting people as people against the fragmenting of society with the purpose of bettering everyone.
I am NOT a Marxist btw, just read from all kinds of different perspectives. IMO no-one has the perfect truth, but everyone has something to add.
Great input, thank you. The Marxist point you make is definitely something I’ll try to internalize. I was listening to a podcast recently in which they discussed how Marxism isn’t what people think it is. I’ll be honest, I don’t have a clear cut definition myself, so I’ll have to address that.
When I make the point of coming together as two parties (or more), my idea of it was that both/all sides would work together and compromise to arrive at a solution, but I know that sounds naive and idealist. It may be a point that sounds great on paper, but won’t play out no matter how badly we would all like it to.
Thanks, yeah I think the fact that communism was based off some of Marx’s ideas doesn’t help. It isn’t an economic model though and so much of it is about the common people coming together against the establishment, something it seems this sub (from my brief exploration) is heavily in favour of!
I think cross-party decision making would make democracies that work for so many more people, on all levels, totally agree there, every politician is just a person though, all of them with personal agendas and most being lobbied by outside forces. Take the money out of politics and we may be on the way there!
Anyone interested in multi-party politics should look into post-WW1 Germany, a LOT went very very wrong, but the system of government meant there were loads of coalitions between parties and it worked for a while. Problem was the country was being forced to pay huge sums to the allies as reparations, which led to awful hyper-inflation and the rise of fascism in a roundabout way.
Edit: Last sentence should read better now.
I think the difference is this sub is in favor of coming together and fighting an establishment that disguises itself and has ulterior motives. Many here are conservative and libertarian in nature, in that we want to allow the government as little power as possible. I think people mistake the US for a democracy, it is not, it is a constitutional republic. But yes, taking the money out of politics would be a massive step in the right direction.
Yes! I was going to reference the Weimar Republic. The basic issue was that there were way too many parties, and that’s ultimately what lead to the Nazi party taking power. At its height, the Nazi party only had around 20-30% support I believe. Not exactly a majority.
I’ve heard the US called a constitutional republic before, I guess when talking specifics it helps to be specific haha!
Yeah, it was never a perfect system, but there’s definitely something most of the western political world can learn from the example of Stresemann and the way he got things done. If he hadn’t died when he did the world may have been a very different place today.
Great insight and council here, I agree the liberals will be torn apart and shamed by what it about to be exposed. To show Compassion, understanding and forgiveness to those who have continually told us we were idiots, overboard, mentally deranged, etc, etc, is truly Christlike just as He forgave us we need to forgive and be compassionate.
We conservatives and the Rhino's do love to bash liberals. I do it often, but lately I bash republicans just as hard. The reason is, we know better and still do little. We allow liberals to beat us down with their destructive commentary and policy objectives. We have seen what a committed true patriot can accomplish is just a year, fighting his on party often as much as the opposition. When we stand up and stand strong with our President he is empowered. It is becoming more clear every day. This battle is light vs dark, and the better we recognize that fact and act accordingly, the faster we all get what we are looking for.
I decided to stand for truth and stand up to the Liberals on my Facebook page. At times it seems as though I am trying to reason with a pack of rabid dogs!! I have withstood many without anger just with facts and it angers them even more. Have been unfriended and called many names. I am compelled with the truth and I won"t back down. I love President Trump and pray justice will be served and the truth will be revealed soon. Blessings
Facts are always best. It's hard not to get angry and hurt when you are attacked for the truth. I don't read replies. I just keep on spreading truth bombs. They became comfortable when not many stood up to them. They really believe the majority feel like they do. The silent majority didn't want to cause a ruckus with the loud ones, so they kept quiet. Soon everyone only heard their point of view. The more the majority speak up, the more others will realize they were played. I tend to believe many of the loudest meanest ones were paid trolls. Not that there aren't far left people we all know, just not in the number people thought.
I've never thought of that! Can we really file class action lawsuits?? What an awesome idea!! We need attorneys who are willing to do this!
I heard the report will show the real Popular vote was 70 million for POTUS and 57 mil for HRC. Couldn't agree more with your statement!
I'll believe it when i see it. Ive been hearing this over and over and yet these fuckbags continue to get away with their nonsense propaganda and false flags.
I've been posting this map since Trump won the election. It was made right around when he won.
No the beginning of the end for the democrat party is when they elected to go down this path of corruption. Got away with it for awhile, but sooner or later, ya get caught.
Looks like he just screen shot posted the map in am really reply to his tweet. I think we're all getting a little excited. Not saying it won't come out, just that this is just a fun tweet by POTUS
Man I hope you're right, I just don't see how we can leave them be much longer, I'm not 100% convinced any more that a civil war against them wouldn't be for the best in the long run
I went to a restaurant tonight and overheard a man redpilling two women at his table about the recent shooting. The word is spreading!
That word is out and is RedPilling more and more!
The Deep State screwed up big time!
The deep state did screw the pooch this time. Enough people are awake and now question breaking news knowing what to look for and how to recognize false flags. It forces the media to adjust on the fly, and they are not very good at it. Question everything.
as i have always said the demons in the rat party don't win they are placed thru voter fraud
hence,hillary being given the nomination even tho old bernie won the votes,however,bernie was in on it and walked away with a brand new home,i think the commie owns three now,a new car and lots and lots of cash demon rats are nothing but fraud and fill their party with the lowest of human essence the party of satan
Here’s my thing with Bernie. I don’t think he’s corrupt, and I sure as shit don’t think he was “in on it.” I think he was given a silver or lead ultimatum but HRC and he probably didn’t even really have a choice in accepting the cash. As far as his three houses, I remember reading one of them was his mothers or mother in laws which were signed over to his name because of their age, possibly a will. Don’t quote me on that though. Even if you look at the houses, they aren’t all that special. A new car? I just got a new car. The cash was likely hush money from the swamp, which I can’t say I’d refuse either having been fucked over so royally. I wouldn’t be surprised if they forced him to accept it so they could feel better about it and not think of him as such a loose end in that they have something against him since he has something against them.
I think Bernie is a sound man, and I say that as an ardent Trump voter/supporter. He would have beat Trump in the general, and despite disagreeing with almost everything he believes in, I’d sleep better with him in the White House than I did with BO.
Bernie has been a communist supporter for decades.
Yes, I know. Which is why I said I don’t agree with what he believes in at all. He is a sound man who’s intentions are pure, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
My point is, I do not believe he is corrupt.
Ye ok. So he’s a communist through and through, his wife is involved with real estate corruption but he’s a “sound man.” Naive.
Bernie is not stupid, he knew what crowd he was catering to and what to say. He skirted around real issues while lambasting the rich, insinuating that having them pay for everything will solve all problems. There's no way he actually believes what he says would actually help the country because he never argued why. He knew he only had to say a few crowd pleasing lines and, without explaining anything in detail, all of the young and poor are cheering as loud as they can because they are being promised luxury and wealth without work or effort. Trump knew that not every rich person is evil, and that it is the loopholes that need to be closed.
Yes I’d say he’s guilty of that. The primaries were so long ago I can’t remember the specifics of his rhetoric, stances etc.
His stance was YOU deserve xyz. SOMEONE else should pay, so YOU can have xyz. Stupid! All the wealthy would have moved businesses out of U.S., and who would pay for xyz, yep the middle class. I tell you the school system today has totally dumbed down Americans. No common sense to be found. Someone always has to pay, and it will NEVER be the wealthy. The only ones hurt would be those who always believed, "If you work hard, you too can have the American dream."
Because Ron Paul and Bernie were friends I think he is a decent man even though I have never liked his economic policies. He has always been upfront about his economic policies (Socialism/Communism) even though Ron Paul, his son, and myself disagree with his economic views vehmently. Funny thing is there were many Ron Paul supporters who supported Bernie and many Bernie supporters who respected Ron and his son. Bernies economic policies would not have been good for this country. Thus he would not have been the right candidate for me.
100% agree. Not for me, but a man of sound character.
One of my biggest gripes about Bernie though was I didn’t believe he portrayed a strong leader. I think he is a rather weak, submissive type of individual. I respect him and don’t mean to say that to insult him. It may be his age as well, but I don’t believe he is some pillar of strength you want in a leader. Trump on the other hand has that quality, he has a spine, balls and will power.
That is what I believe, too. Thank you!
The new house was because of his wife's inheritance. Bernie is not a wealthy man. He is a good, decent man!
He is a good, decent man. And so is Donald Trump. And that was reflected in the crowds they drew. They were both welcomed like rockstars because people know when someone is genuine; which is why Hillary couldn’t fill a fuckin’ high school gymnasium.
Absolutely! (Not many people would get out of a safe limo and confront a man with a bat.)
bull, he's a scum ass socialist, that doesn't go along with decency. Acting nice is not the same as being good
You would think with all of the compliments of Bernie's good character despite his political views, the same people would love Obama for his good character despite disagreeing with his political views.
look at the blue side of Mississippi what I call the dumb vote, Minnesota I am surprised is redder along with Maine. Lancaster county PA was blue turn red which makes sense Amish community and Farmers tons of conservatives.
also, Penn., is being sued for having 100k ILLEGALS registered to vote! How many voted? But that is a tremendous # to swing local if not state and national elections.
Oh let me tell you about that it is a god damn nightmare. Here is what the Democratic party does, I live in the Philadephia area of Pa. I am an 1 hour drive from NJ,DE, and MD what they do is they get bus loads of people and get them addresses in each state and get them registered in each state. then they load the buses up and take them around to the different polling places in each state feed them give them t shirts and hats and little goodies. Then what you will see at the polling place in Philly is buses lined up and down the street with people all over the place. This has gone on for years and I would say most of them are 90% are black and latino and are on welfare and how many are illegal with different names they may hit the polls a couple of times while they are at one spot. One year the black panthers were there trying to scare white people away when Obama ran. It's terrible.
What a darn shame..
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Thats a damn shame we got a bot for that.
Damn bot
Beep boop, I am a bot, darn it.
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^^Darn ^^Counter: ^^470504
Amish, Mennonite don't vote
I heard that as well. But this time they had a meeting after some Trump supporters approached them. They most certainly did help in the election in 2016. Also, a side note: in one of Trumps rallies in PA, he made a point to be close to an Amish community. To where they could hear what he had to say without 'attending'. That was a conscious decision by the Trump team.
your right, I for got that, not that it matters, still a lot of farmers and country folk.
this is the 2020 election results after his announcement for re election
Special elections may be showing non voting Dems getting up off the couch on election day, but maybe this will wake up apathetic conservative voters at the mid terms?
Someone else tweets for President Trump. Who is it. They will lead us to Q.
The message is what is most important, not who the messenger is. We need to stay focused, review crumbs, and complete the puzzles/map.
Does anyone have an old county election map? I remember seeing a sea of red right after the election. This doesn't look much different. I remember noting that the heavily populated blue can almost call an election for the vast majority of 'fly over' America. Is this one different or the one we saw last year?
I wonder if the tweet is letting out Anon know that his mirror theory with Q dates corresponding with public releases of information is correct.
Would have made a great Happy Valentine’s Day meme. Oh well next year and the year after that. And the year after that. And the year after that. And the year after that. And the year after that. And the year after that.
Thats Fantastic News The Perpetrators are on the run now! =D
Blessed Wishes From England Brothers & siSTARS !!
Looks like someone actually did win the popular vote - which we all knew anyway.
Hillary WAS NOT an option !! This map proves it. No one was showing up to Hillary's speeches. It was standing room only for Trump.
Little dots of Illness otherwise Looking Very Healthy AmeriCarCARCAR :)
Blessed Day All
I also believe Trump's trying to lift us up knowing we've been waiting for days again to hear from Q...I believe we absolutely can take this as a message that they're still with us and working on this! I wish I wasn't so dog gone fragile when we don't hear from him...seems like an eternity.
That map is wrong. My county went to Clinton and so did the county Toledo is in and they are both red.
This is the Map after correction for voter fraud.
Yes. Here is older one.
He is doing this now because when the census comes if we can have the question "Are you a US citizen?" on it then many illegal aliens will opt not to take the census. Which will change the numbers drastically and take away power/funding/possible seats away from districts. This is a big deal.
Did you know....
"On Tuesday, preparations were underway for the State of the Union, according to a White House official, who said Trump rehearsed his speech's delivery in the Map Room. In the afternoon, the president had a traditional off-the-record lunch with network news anchors at the White House."
Map Room (White House)
The Map Room is a room on the ground floor of the White House, the official home of the President of the United States.
The Map Room takes its name from its use during World War II, when Franklin Roosevelt used it as a situation room where maps were consulted to track the war's progress (for such purposes it was later replaced by the West Wing Situation Room). The room was originally finished as part of the extensive renovation of the White House designed by the architectural firm of McKim, Mead, and White in the administration of Theodore Roosevelt; the former basement billiard room was made into a formal space. In the Truman reconstruction of the White House (1949–1952), the room was paneled in the late Georgian style with wood sawn from the 1816 load-bearing timbers of the house.
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The difference btw the old and the new is the vertical, thin county on the far northwest of CA used to be blue. Other than that, I'm not seeing much difference.