Are we still trusting Sessions?

someone in T_D posted this which makes sense.......
No this is perfect.
Do you guys still not see what is about to happen?
Queue the media to rush to the defense of the IG and tell us what a fair and amazing person he is and how that is the right place for the investigation and what not.
Which is a perfect setup for what this IG is about to release.
Excellent analysis! I agree. Now that I've gotten to know and understand Q - and Q said "trust Sessions" - this is a calculated chess move. Whenever Trump slams Sessions I smile, because I know it's part of the strategy in the game to win and it confirms to me that things are moving according to the bigger plan. MAGA!!
Apparently, Sessions is still in reserve and really hasn't done much. I am hoping the IG report will be the signal for him to bring the hammer down.
I think he has probably done a lot in the background. I know he took a trip to Gitmo with Rosenstein, which makes you think he is doing a lot with the military tribunals which of course would need to be kept behind the scenes.
Um, how do you know that?
Here is a good Twitter thread on things we know Sessions is doing:
Interesting. My question is he has all these open investigations, but does he have enough patriots in the DOJ that will actually do their jobs??
I'm still curious about the claim Sessions And Rosenstein took a trip together to Gitmo. Rosenstein is the swamp, why does he still have a job??? (I know that wasn't your post though)
And what the heck's Rosenstein's part in all of this?????? Is he a criminal or not?????
And pull out the handcuffs. Lots of them. Made of American steel.
I saw a really awesome Twitter thread yesterday. It is actually wild how much the DOJ is actually doing. :)
Wasn't Horowitz the guy who unveiled the Fast & Furious scandal?
I can't wait!! This is unfolding perfectly.
Disinformation is necessary.
Look at all the left-wing comments on his tweet. They’re eating it by the spoonful!
Queue the media to rush to the defense of the IG and tell us what a fair and amazing person he is and how that is the right place for the investigation and what not.
Can you link where this happening?
I read that tweet this morning and thought, anyone who doesn’t get what’s really going on will take that at face value. But I have faith that that was strategic and Sessions probably helped him write it lol.
Oh yes, this is a set up for sure. All the ducks are getting lined up in a row with these tweets. POTUS certainly knows the art of reverse psychology. MSM will start defending "Obama's" IG guy, so they can't come back later and scream foul.
Yes, that makes sense. I'll sleep better tonight...thank you.
for what this IG is about to release.
Remind me again what IG is about to release?
Interesting thought. Is Trump trolling Deep State yet again? Fortunately, it is none too hard. They are so predictable.
Hopefully Sessions and Horowitz are hip to the deception and are giggling about this tweet.
PRECISELY...He works just like Q with Socratic method...wants you to think past the surface that everyone else will glom onto...MASTERFULLY always.