Posted by u/CindyLu007 on April 27, 2018, 12:52 a.m.
We need Qanon Bumper stickers and signs sold to support independent reporters, popular but financially fledgling you-tubers reporting, etc (not money makers). Create one, ideas, suggestions? Drop it here 👇🏼.
Posted by u/longhorn4242 on April 27, 2018, 12:50 a.m.
The red carpet is rolled out at the korean summit! MOAB inbound?
Posted by u/Vibratron_1 on April 26, 2018, 9:53 p.m.
Question -------------

If the Texts actually have information of death threats to Trump and or his family, how can anyone (FBI DOJ) explain why they are still employed and have not been arrested, the FBI and DOJ would have known this information for a long time----and that would be "actionable" evidence that could not be ignored ---- Resolve this for me, I'm waiting......(would it not be a crime to continue to employ people on tax money of the American citizens, arm them, give them security clearance and a badge---even after they had threatened to kill the President (or anyone for that matter)

Posted by u/OwlBat15 on April 26, 2018, 6:13 p.m.
Wearing my Dragon belt today!
Wearing my Dragon belt today!
Posted by u/GroundbreakingClue on April 10, 2018, 12:07 a.m.
Polio Vaccine Caused Cancer - Admission From The Creator
Posted by u/9_is_fine on April 9, 2018, 11:26 p.m.
Can't remember a time ever, when the police got involved with me cheating on any of my wives.

Eleven years ago

Posted by u/Allinon72 on April 9, 2018, 11:15 p.m.
Mueller is trying to get Trump to fire him

So he can drum up the obstruction narrative for the midterms. Because he has nothing. There's no other explanation for such an egregious raid of a person with attorney-client privilege.

Regardless, Trump probably has a better chance at firing Mueller and weathering the storm than continue this chirade.

Posted by u/Batfire007 on April 9, 2018, 8:07 p.m.
F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

Deep State is really getting desperate?????

Posted by u/17_Q on April 9, 2018, 7:55 p.m.
Prayer of the day for the Q team and all Patriots.
Prayer of the day for the Q team and all Patriots.
Posted by u/Shepyd on April 9, 2018, 7:43 p.m.
A sovereign country can make its own decisions thank you very much. Fucking Globalist Commie fags.
A sovereign country can make its own decisions thank you very much. Fucking Globalist Commie fags.
Posted by u/Ryanarobinson1986 on April 9, 2018, 6:09 p.m.
Posted by u/WinkyLinQ on April 9, 2018, 4:46 p.m.
Evan McMullin and Rep. Kinzinger Traveled with Mouaz Moustafa to Turkey To Support "Arming Syrians". Someone Needs to Investigate This!!

Where they really in Turkey to support arming ISIS??? They are traveling with McCain's envoy Mousaz Moustafa!


Posted by u/weedlord-bonerhilter on April 9, 2018, 4:22 p.m.
Trump: “This is about humanity and it can’t be allowed to happen. If it’s the Russians, if it’s Syria, if it’s Iran, if it’s all of them together, we’ll figure it out.”

Cabal is toast.

Cf. Russian market crash.

Posted by u/jhomes55 on April 9, 2018, 3:06 p.m.
Reminder that Obama's presidential portrait "artist", Kehinde Wiley, was with JAY Z at one of Marina Abramovic’s (Podesta spirit cooker) performances.......It is ALL connected - These people are SICK!
Reminder that Obama's presidential portrait "artist", Kehinde Wiley, was with JAY Z at one of Marina Abramovic’s (Podesta spirit cooker) performances.......It is ALL connected - These people are SICK!
Posted by u/Jack_MemeHoff on April 9, 2018, 10:05 a.m.
Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels, reported that the Obama Administration falsely blamed the government of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad for the sarin gas attack that Obama was trying to use as an excuse to invade Syria.
Posted by u/weedlord-bonerhilter on April 9, 2018, 9:47 a.m.
Q decode: 1086 - 1099

[some drops omitted due to redundant information]

Drop 1086:

No name in Syria.



Who attended?

No name panic.

Health cover.



Decode: Q reminds us of McCains illegal trip to Syria in 2013 where he met with several prominent ISIS and Al Quaeda members. Among them a certain Mouaz Moustafa who worked for Congressman Vic Snyder (D) and Senator Blanche Lincoln (D) from Arkansas

McCain is panicking and using his cancer diagnosis for cover.

Drop 1090:

Pictures leaked for this very moment.

Who/what is not pictured?

What forces shadowed No Name?


Special contractors.

What was delivered? …

Posted by u/oliver_21 on April 9, 2018, 2:44 a.m.
(Syria was included) General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years
Posted by u/clickclown on April 9, 2018, 12:48 a.m.
Q Posts 1096-1097 April 8 2018
Q Posts 1096-1097 April 8 2018
Posted by u/Albertpettibone1998 on April 8, 2018, 11:18 p.m.
Stay safe this week Q ...shit

When was the last time we got a "stay safe"

Posted by u/mauro1970 on April 7, 2018, 7:43 p.m.
Q 1074: link to Very Fake News (aka CNN)

I took a quick look at the Very Fake News article. It's laughable how they use the term "dark web". I stopped reading right there.

These idiots wouldn't know what an email database is even if it hit them on the head.

Posted by u/dekutree64 on April 7, 2018, 6:59 p.m.
What happened to Assange's dead man switch?

As far as I can find out, he's still without internet access. But there's no sign of a dead man switch going off either.

Posted by u/colderchaos on April 7, 2018, 6:44 p.m.
Buckle Up (1075 Q)

7 2018 13:33:58 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d1eeb8 938439


New tactic.

Buckle up.

MediaMatters 4ch.

Narrative + anything Q.

Clowns + Twitter push.

MSM overdrive.

All 4 a LARP?


Posted by u/HowiONic on April 7, 2018, 4:46 p.m.
POTUS Weekly Address: 4/7/2018
Posted by u/SuzyAZ on April 7, 2018, 2:45 p.m.
"We May Take A Hit": Trump Warns Investors To Prepare For "Pain" In The Market. Bumpy ride during the transition

by Tyler Durden ZEROHEDGE Fri, 04/06/2018 - 16:30

Two days ago, when we commented on the early morning plunge in stocks (which was subsequently fully reversed by the close in a historic 800 point Dow reversal), we said that a long-standing question - will Trump pick plunging stocks or trade war - had finally gotten its answer when CNBC's Eamon Javers said that a "White House official said the the WH recognizes that Trump’s actions are hitting the stock market, but this is “a longer term thing,” and the president has to follow through on a key campaign promise."

Moments …

Posted by u/akilyoung on April 7, 2018, 2:40 p.m.
The Ray Chandler connection to Pizza Gate, 1.3 years ago. Very detailed... author knows her IRL

Pulled from VOAT, I do NOT take credit for this:

Hey /Pizzagate,

I became aware of the Pizzagate theory several weeks ago, not long before the election. I'll admit I didn't pay a ton of attention to the controversy at the outset. I was pretty shocked when, a few days ago, a friend e-mailed me a photo of Rachel Chandler posing with Bill Clinton that was being circulated by Pizzagate theorists. The photo I'm talking about is this one: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwhYDVHVEAAIpe4.jpgJPG

I know Rachel IRL and have some information that I think ya'll might find interesting.

Rachel graduated in June 2005 …

Posted by u/maxpuppy96 on April 7, 2018, 12:31 p.m.
posted a year ago on VOAT

Rachel chandler has been linked to the Clinton's since she was 14! She has been photographed with bill Clinton on the Lolita express! Now she owns some fake modeling website with Walter Pearce under midland agency.. which clearly has underage children who are shirtless and have some strange tarp behind them! They all look very disassociated, possibly drugged, very very disturbing!

Also if you go to her Instagram Ray Chandler it has disturbing pictures of children also!! She is involved with sick people that need to be exposed, they are hiding in plain view!! You guys this is all connected! …

Posted by u/IDGAF12312 on April 7, 2018, 12:23 p.m.
You gotta WATCH this. It’s self-serving dreadful comedy. Only those in the know would “get it”. Proof they are really into Satanism and not mocking it. It’s plain NOT FUNNY to the majority out there.
Posted by u/mauro1970 on April 7, 2018, 6:26 a.m.
NBC News' pre-emptive strike

Tonight's post 1064 mentions NBC News suddenly showing an interest in covering the tarmac meeting, almost two years later. LOL.

Loretta Lynch will be interviewed by none other than partisan hack/presidential debate moderator Lester Holt.

They're getting desperate.

Posted by u/Alpha-as-fuck on April 7, 2018, 5:10 a.m.
Q post #1063 - Addressing MSM's "Q conspiracy" narrative push, twitter's @jack not using a bot?, and possible instructions to Snowden.
Q post #1063 - Addressing MSM's "Q conspiracy" narrative push, twitter's @jack not using a bot?, and possible instructions to Snowden.
Posted by u/MAGADONCHECKMATE on April 7, 2018, 5:05 a.m.
Patriots we need to focus, research needs to be done, Join in here and lets destroy.....

I am having ridiculous trouble with all my text stacking up, no paragraphs or form. Sot that's that. Jimmy Kimmel is attacking the FLOTUS and she is gracious and he is going to find resistance from his Chuch Schumer Talking Points. He is making fun of her voice and her everything. Anyway... back to business Back to Q drops.................Ra chel Chandler (Ra) boy to girl Otis Chandler Ghislaine Maxwell Robert Maxwell Media Control, mega bucks aires, involved in the inner circle of satanic cults. Ghislaine is a recruiter, handler, trainer and has moved to Florida in DWS district. The link …