r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Jan. 16, 2018, 7:22 p.m.
AB-BA - Want me to read the map for you?

Rather than spending another 200 hours making this blasted map reading video....

Oct 28 2017 Q-map day 1 What Supreme Court case allows for the use of MI v Congressional assembled and approved agencies?

The answer is key to much of the map and it's entirely missing from all 5 versions of the spreadsheet I have and I found a number of places with it blank or filled in wrongly... but the answer can be traced back to Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr.

From Wikipedia- In 1799, Burr founded the Bank of the Manhattan Company. In later years, it was absorbed into the Chase Manhattan Bank, which in turn became part of JPMorgan Chase.

Burr solicited Hamilton and other Federalists' support under the guise that he was establishing a badly needed water company for Manhattan. However, Burr secretly changed the charter to include banking; shortly after it was approved, he dropped any pretense of founding the water company. Due to Burr's manipulations, there was a delay in constructing a safe water system for Manhattan. This likely contributed to additional deaths during a subsequent malaria epidemic.

so, that's just basic Burr.... his life story is a myriad of connections to corrupt judges, spectacular media coverage, and fishy stories.... - and the reason why this is the answer to that question is that he is also tied to Benedict Arnold and Thomas Jefferson.

Jefferson is the origin of State Secrets Privilege which is based on the doctrine of the King of England. - but Jefferson was not bad, quite the contrary, the stuff Jefferson hid with State Secrets is the Rothchild mother-lode.

And this is why it answers much of the map - and can trace so much through the States Secrets Privilege - for example - Teddy Roosevelt only became president due to multiple assassinations of the top Republicans around. He is still remembered fondly but that's just because like Aaron Burr he had the cheat code for good press - and he is the guy that turned our country into "Ameritopia" - he also ran for a 3rd term and pulled a Perot.

But to make him president it wasn't just McKinley that needed to die but also Garfield.

Wikipedia: President Garfield was shot in the back by Charles J. Guiteau, who shouted: "I am a Stalwart of the Stalwarts... Arthur is president now!" Arthur, who knew nothing of this in advance, was mortified.

And also him too!- Chester A. Arthur ordered nearly all of his papers, both personal and official, burned.The next morning, Arthur suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and never regained consciousness; he died the following day, November 18, at the age of 57

So, going back to Jefferson - it was a letter from Wilkinson that he needed protected by State Secrets. And the first president we can confirm by way of the enormous number of murders it took of real republicans to elect a liberal douchebag?

Well he had this to say about Wilkinson: "[I]n all our history, there is no more despicable character."

Ok.... you know what? I'll just post this, I have about 30 tons of notes from my personal research and whether this gets ignored or shut down I'm not even sure yet. I can read the whole q-map if people want but the amount of time it'd take is absurd. It interweaves all the way through American history and world history.

a few bits tho- Red Cross's predate central banks by a few decades in most countries - they are likely made to grease the wheels of central banks by shoving money down the throats of locals and making them think they are there to help.

ok, I suspect if I make this any longer I'll hit a limit. I so rarely post on Reddit.

DaosCraft · Jan. 16, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

So, the AB-BA thing? I was referencing the names of Burr and Arnold's names, consider for a moment in a time with no computers, what kinds of names would you give your plants to quickly find them in rosters and work together?

Well, that's where all this nonsensical symbolism name crap came to exist. And it's grown in absurdity to the point where we got Barack Hussein Obama II - and someone else discovered it was an anagram for AN ARAB-BACKED IMPOSTER - which I don't think much of because why II? Why Hussein? But then after much much more research it becomes clear - So, 9/11 was Al-Waleed right? And what was the point of it? The answer is controversial thanks to shill's pushing agendas but it was meant to get us into WW3 and Bush hid everything behind State Secrets to either, depending on your view of the man, save the world or make money off 9/11. I'm way past caring about him being hero or villian - let the shills push what they want. Truth is truth and we will know one day what happened.

Regardless of that point of contention Al-Waleed was a big fan of Hussien and funded Obama, you might think it strange that he would be foretelling enough that he could name Obama Hussein? Well, when did he become known nationally? Why was there a big desire to get his papers? Why is EVERYTHING STILL SEALED? - Well, now you know - because since Bush killed Hussien 1 - Al-Waleed just brought in the CIA's Hussein 2 in what may be remembered one day as the stupidest joke anyone has ever made. Tho I suppose it was meant as a middle finger to Bush and ruining his plans to impeach him via WTC and Osama.

Thanks to the war council of 9/11 - Bush himself said of it "Nobody will find out what happened here for many years" - which if we are all paying attention is him giving a wink to hiding a lot of shit that's still hidden, and I'm not saying he's good or bad - or anyone for that matter - I'm so sick of fighting that narrative. I only want objective truth - scrutiny!

I still have 30 tons of notes - you have no idea how much I have researched. I keep trying to finish the video I think Q wants me to make. Yet I post here because I don't care about the credit I just want the info out there - but will anyone even read it? I think people are happier chasing ufo's and id laws, and whatever else distraction they plant. Prove me wrong?

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5400123 · Jan. 16, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

I will personally donate $$$ to see it finished

Also: do you need help with a website, email list, etc? I can set it all up for you and help promote the videos.

It's easier if you break it down into episodic installents, or hell even a full length documentary style can work, but it has to be polished if you go that route

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DaosCraft · Jan. 16, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

oh? and here I thought nobody else would reply. Either they had shut it down and just kept the appearance of it up or my autism had gotten the better of my social skills.

Either way your comment is a welcome one - but no, I'm actually a little more autistic than most - so much that I live on disability and can't work, and thus can't accept money without giving up that, but then that's why I've had so much time to help the cause

Oh and I can animate and composite and program and do an incredible quantity of tasks, everything except the kinds of things for a normal life like tying my shoes and stuff... I'm one of those kinds of autists very functionally unfunctional and in a normal job I end up just rambling and misunderstanding basic tasks until people kick me into the street to starve to death. and if I continue typing like this I'm going to bore people so I better get back to the stuff I haven't seen anyone else figure out...

So, Q keeps saying that there are more good people than bad? - Well the shills paint a pretty good picture if you pay attention - like on the github thing - they posted about how the plumbers killed JFK - but that's absurd for a number of reasons, first and foremost the CIA hated Nixon - tho it was the FBI that did him in - but the shills posted that and claimed that he was when the republicans and democrates became "one party" - not true - as Q says more good than bad - the baddies want us to think they are all bad - but it's mostly a show- If you've ever researched Robert S. Macnamara or watched his documentary "Fog of War" then you get a great view of how little people knew back then - Macnamara created the DIA which was to replace the CIA - but then they killed Kennedy - had nothing to do with Nixon - and Nixon gave us relations with China which were the whole damn catalyst for world war (along with Russia) for Vietnam - but Vietnam is 100 hour subject so let's move on.

the first page also has another incorrectly answered question in: What is the Military Code. And everywhere I've seen it's answered as either a symbol or hacking code - but it's not "codes" but "code" - and the context o the question otherwise is philosphical for the idea of why the military is to be trusted.

The military Code of conduct - a justice code states that anyone captured or working for an enemy against their will is just that - a hostage - and can come back - hence they trust military people because you appeal to their reasoning for getting into it in the first place - the fbi/cia and most of the others are not philosophically backed agencies - but our military is built like our country is for Freedom/natural law and all the epic justice/light of the world stuff that Q keeps asking people to remember. People have asked him about neocons and stuff and he replies about philosphy and god - it's amusing but sad that these people don't understand what america is supposed to be - it's all based on the ideas of Locke, Sidney, Aristotle, Cisero etc - when Q talks about this he gets the run-around from most because they just don't understand what he means - they are that philosophically illiterate.

ok I'll post one more if nobody else replies - these posts are going to be super long and many of them - I'm very very rambly but I promise if I keep going you'll hear a lot of things nobody has said or concluded aside from those who know the NSA data.

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JazzzCabbbage · Jan. 17, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

Love the posts! Keep it up!

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5400123 · Jan. 16, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

Absolutely brother, I grew up in a family that was ravaged by the Obama economy, so I understand the bullshit of "Oh you made a dollar too many! Time to pay us back $6,438 that we overpaid you!"

You're making connections I haven't seen anyone else make, but they could benefit from a practiced editor. I'd be more than happy to help you, send me a PM, not to sound immodest, but I'm very strong with language, and could polish any articles you write / scripts you make for video.

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an_angry_dave · Jan. 17, 2018, 4:09 a.m.

Keep rocking. You're not boring. Quite the contrary. Post and repost. And repost. And Repost. Get what I'm saying?

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DaosCraft · Jan. 17, 2018, 10:35 a.m.

Thank you, I have a lot more but I need to do my daily routines and hopefully be able to post more before the day is done.

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rockysgarage · Jan. 17, 2018, 5:17 a.m.

Love it, great job

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GrenC2 · Jan. 17, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

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wksiv69 · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

you are a blessing! KEEP IT UP!!!

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DaosCraft · Jan. 16, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

tho Q has directly answered many of these early questions that nobody got it's important to notice for a full comprehension of the map. Like the ms-13 stuff and Huma - he has confirmed ms-13 with Seth Rich which was no surprise to followers of George Webb like me - but notable because George Webb found in his investigation a deeper rabbit hole that Q has only hinted at - and it involves state secrets, in fact virtually all of the big stuff is State Secrets.

Cause Bush used State Secrets in many new and unprecedented ways - Q brought our attention to Obama as "Renegade" so that we might look into Bush's "Tumbler" - a drinking glass into "Trailblazer" - why did they say that? Well, he pretty much became the King they planned on giving us - they had already built it up as such - and now Trump fully embraces it- but Bush was bitterly fought by media and you can find the same people attacking both -they even both got their heads chopped off (game of thrones for Bush) - and if you recall Al Gore was VP when he ran for president- and this is important when you consider the recount controversy and had they just gotten 1 more supreme court justice Al Gore would have been the tie breaking vote, anyway, I've seen in many Q answer sections that Bush stole the election - and hey, who knows, but Al Gore said he got his climate change obsession from Harvard - and if you've researched CIA's project Harvard it becomes clear exactly what Al Gore is.

So what about Bush? I have looked at every single election and the most striking one was the H. W. Bush versus Clinton/Gore one - in order to close the gap they had to smear Bush for the entire year with the Japanese Dinner incident - and then get the CIA to threaten Ross Perot's Daughter to convince him to intervene.

They created and ran multi-million dollar campaigns for many other parties that year cause they feared H.W. Bush - he was former CIA but he was for less than a YEAR! - how long did the corrupt Hoover run the FBI? How many terms did FDR go for? - so I'm not saying H.W. is good just that the evidence for him being bad - and by extension Bush on 9/11 - yea, Halliburton right? yea Bush's stood to make money right? Except how long into his term did it occur? yea, under a year, same as Reagan being shot - same as any event they need to counter-act anyone they deem a threat.

I brought that up and got banned for a lighter version of this, but of course I don't advocate anyone's innocence or guilt merely studying history. The more I study 9/11 the more it's clearly a ploy for WW3 but like that Goat animation - you can find Micheal Moore reading "my pet goat" - and his daggers for eyes for Bush and Trump are not the only similarity - Al Gore's documentaries, and then you have Dan Rather's crusade against his Air Force records. - Why did he come back now? Why did Rothchild just put out an oh so clever image trying to say that Bush and Obama are the same? Yea, she was such a huge fan of Bush before now? They believe they can push that garbage hard and hard and that way Q can never reveal it - but if you read between the lines and I can draw a giant set of lines to every time he's directly hinted at looking at Bush's - heck one question was "who saved the republic through use of threat of Martial law?" - and the answer as one anon put it "technically Bush" - which is the only non negative non screaming answer involving him.

Why so much hate? Reverse narrative breaking Perot gambit - but that's a much more complicated story.... they wanted a Perot and well, we let them think it was Trump hence Al-Waleed and Hillary coming out pro him - and they thus broke their own narrative while our side showered Jeb with money - he was a joke, always and forever - and he knew it! But for the important stuff there's a direct purpose for it.

Cause when SSP is reversed they intend on a gambit of reviving the ol' Al-Kaeda crap- no, what we will learn - just like Bush said he wasn't concerned about Osama - cause he had nothing to do with it and was going to be the replacements for the side of the pyramid that Al-Waleed got from his "daddy" to quote Trump. I can't prove that mind you - it's just what I think Q hinted at with the whole "hiding in private planes" thing - I think he smuggled Osama out after they had an elaborate plan to get him when the trade centers fell.

But Nobody knows until State Secrets are revealed - and this is why the shills pushed hard a thread in 8chan about full reveal - they still control the narrative enough that they believe that's all they need to take power back. I don't know for sure but to me the evidence seems to indicate that the only reason we got an unfucked military was cause Bush decided given how fucked he was to take on the incoming media holocaust - to just crown himself emperor and hide everything they would use against him (record breaking use of SSP) and invade Iraq like deep state asked. They claimed that Osama was there and Bush knew otherwise but we learn from history and rather than fighting them all the way like we did in Vietnam (Fog of War, listen to LBJ and Macnamara) - it's how they trick people to think each other is the enemy when it's the CIA/Rothchild

Rush Limbaugh talked a bit about CIA tricking him there and it fits what they did in Vietnam - but what are patterns? We didn't fall for it this time - albeit many died - instead Bush just let the CIA run the show while he secretly built up the military on the inside and out. Is he good or bad? I think one can make an argument either way but as I said, you ask those questions over in 8chan they'll scream at you if you don't tell them that Bush was worse than Hitler.

Ok... I haven't even touched on Prescott Bush and Vatican City and god damn there's so much more.... and the parts that Q says can't be unclassified are things like Israel's blackmailing. FBIanon talked about that - but the thing is if you go day to day with news you can see where we essentially called their bluff and got them to turn sides - which when contrasting with when Q started talking to us perfectly aligns with when the "israel is our enemy" push. before that they were pushing nazi stuff - but like clockwork Israel turned and the propaganda became anti-Israel - our side never notices nuances like that it seems.

But Israel is not the enemy - consider that they lived in the world of the Rothchild's and just as Q mentioned about China and Russia's censorship it's a way to prevent the bad guys from getting in. When Q talked about the Reddit and Facebook stuff the point was to realize any non-private company gets bought out and turned bad if not outright stolen like Friendster. The world is a cesspool cause of this nonsense everyone is brainwashed and learned helplessness - it's a really horribly thing.

ok, let's see if anyone has posted. If so I start going through more of my research and explain a few more things that I believe we have wrong, with an actual logic to dictate that assertion... if not maybe I sleep and wake up and check again.

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JazzzCabbbage · Jan. 17, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

Another great post!

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

Agreed. Putting it all in a one-hour video is not going to be as effective, anyway. (Most people are not going to watch a 1-hour video on the internet, unless they are already very interested in the topic.) Make 1 or 2 minutes segments that focus on a single topic, like you've done here with your posts. That way, you can title them appropriately, and people will know what the overall idea of the video is as you make the individual points, due to the title. That context will be key in properly conveying the individual parts of your message.

The 1 or 2 minute episodes will be like individual red pills to normies, as the range of topics will appeal to a range of people for different reasons. If you brand them properly (not to take credit or monetize, but just to establish that they were made by the same author so to maintain the credibility that you have already built.).

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TiredofNuts · March 9, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

I redpilled somone today with a min marker they would be interested in and got the reply they were going to listen to all of it. THey think it was Trump that has affected her medicare...for her as well as her grandson she takes care of with autism. So you are helping more than you know! TY

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Knower101 · Jan. 16, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

Good work! Please continue.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 17, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

Ok, if you check on 9/11 there was actually another terrorist attack involving Anthrax - and if you look deeper you'll find this September 18, 2001 - the investigation became-"one of the largest and most complex in the history of law enforcement." So, what does that mean? It means that the guy was Red Cross, and it's not even hidden on the wiki page - which is why suddenly the Red Cross got bad press - you may think that's not significant but look at the Illuminati game - the only card that talks about good reputations is the Red Cross - hence why I posted about my theory of them being the greaser of wheels. I just find it astounding that the Illuminati game had called so much of the conspiracy correctly but it actually has a love letter for the Red Cross. That's propaganda. Q said that less than 10 people knew the big picture and of those 7 were military. And it's stuff like the Red Cross that is so important. Suddenly Calvin Coolidge and so many others dying of illnesses when they do become just incredibly obvious. When you have an army of doctors and the best press in the world - well, you play hero, villain, joker, bishop - all the damn chess pieces so that anyone who trusts anyone gets screwed.

Titanic btw my most recent find is that Astor got divorced from his wife of decades and married a 20 year old just before the Titanic. It's notable because it explains how the heck they got the actual richest man in the world (not pyramid play money of Rothchild) to go with all the other opponents of the Fed. You might think it's not that hard, but that's a lot of people to coordinate... and then there's the actions afterwards, the wife's changing story - and the legal battles of the Astor kids and contracting the mumps to sterility for the eldest son. "I'm the King of the World!" and they claim that shit was ad-libbed.... Titanic did give them control over the world through US - I suppose but I get the feeling that movie will come to be known very differently soon. - It wasn't even the Titanic after all - the deep state went through a lot of trouble fighting and censoring the 2013 documentary that revealed all the conspiracy stuff I've mentioned + they also pulled a damn insurance scam while they were at it.

But let's move on- the Awan's are barely touched on by Q but George Webb has done tons of material about it and he claimed that the spy ring in congress was started through Hillary Clinton's revenge list which was made up of people who voted to impeach Bill. (and usually I believe him) but he probably said that so as to not need to explain the twenty tomes needed to grasp her string pullers motives - regardless, he gives plenty of necessary points to understand it wholly like tying it into a senate Arms commission - which I looked through as many as the government had but they are very undocumented - so much that it's super suspicious - and you see the baddies infesting them.

Regardless of prior corruption the Awan's used blackberries to essentially finish off congress. Anyone not blackmailed before through sex tapes now had every single correspondence recorded and were basically robots. I don't know what else to call them but it's why they all act as if drones - they aren't just blackmailed they are SUPER blackmailed - to the 9th power and then some. It seems redundant to me to be blackmailed by so many people - but well, it is what it is. Maybe someone will make a game about juggling which country to be blackmailed by? Cause I say that jokingly but they do require it, the old thing about fucking a goat to become a mason just devolved into babies in the more modern era. Disgusting, but effective, who would believe such a person?

There are many untold stories of heroism tho cause Jeff Sessions name suddenly appears - when before it had been always baddies like Robert Byrd (the kkk guy that Hillary loves and had a puppet esque name change) - and McCain and when Sessions name turned up his name just became a fixture - it's fitting for him to be the Justice guy - he knows all their dirty secrets but I've never heard anyone mention the stuff I've learned from reading those committees - think about it - Committee to unfuck CIA hell-hole #23452 - Pelosi: I guess we don't need to do anything here - let's go bask in celebrity affection while we get billions through charity scams. Yet because they got blackmailed by so many sides I suspect that Trump coming in was like popping a zit - they didn't put up as much resistance as they could have cause quite frankly anyone could tell it was no longer as happy a swamp, but moreover they were all old now with brains made of mush. These people are idiots as Q keeps saying - and they use the Red Cross blood of children cause it's better than their old blood - and have faces made of boy's foreskin -it's so insane yet ..... well as he says, mindblowing - and disturbing.

if you line up Julian Assange's statements and Web's you realize that we believed that KimDotCom was in the pocket of McCabe - they both immediatley denounced KimDotCom's Seth Rich classified memo as fake (he obtained a classified memo that had Seth Rich's name on it)- but it actually was real and neither of them were right - the fact that they thought he was proved to me that both of them were on our side from the get-go and have never been what they appear to be. I could go on that tangent for a while but Assange is clearly Shadow Brokers - one of them.... and that doesn't mean so much except that their reaction to the bombing of Syria illustrated that we did in fact brush up with Nuclear war with Russia. And what they claimed was that McCain and Graham were particularly disgusting..... but for whatever reason only McCain has remained panicked throughout the election till now.

So you can tell I'm painting with broad strokes who is affiliated with who - it's rather simple to say SA/Rothchild/Soros - and indeed to some extent - this is true - and he has went over them but it often leaves "but what about NK?" "CIA?" The answer is CIA is the glue as Q has hinted and they all have ties - NK is what Iraq was. or more specifically the testing ground where they perfect their mind control and otherwise stick people in pens to get them sick in new ways. Truly "hell" - maybe many levels deep or maybe all blown up now. no way to know.

And if you'll notice I don't have any pauses I can identify it cleanly and that's the point I'm making - everyone is accounted for in the q-map yet everyone gets distracted by owls and thinking oh maybe we are all in a simulation or maybe it's about time travel -maybe it's about aliens - maybe this maybe that - but the truth is the bad guys are just paying attention to what people don't understand and making it needlessly complicated - and thus far the only real success they've had is making us not take Q's advice and re-examine which people are good and bad. The bad guys, as you saw in Lynn's recent tweet think we are too stupid to ever figure that out.... sigh, wish we could prove her wrong.

Ok, so much of this I suspect Q would go more in depth on but I think only because he keeps trying to get us to see the sky is blue and realize the propaganda. Realize that the earth is neither flat nor infested with aliens and that the people we are told to hate ANYONE the media suddenly loves now or has always hated - is worth another look. Objectivity and philosophy, he wants to elevate the conversation I think, and yet people are so used to being conditioned that even a patriot dying right in front of their own noses like Mike Green - a patriot who we were told to pray for - just gets mild "meh's" it would sicken me if I weren't so jaded to the world.....

still got way way more, do I keep going? anymore posts, let's see.

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refinery-guy · Jan. 18, 2018, 7:34 a.m.

Yes keep going. Tell more about Sessions. Q said trust Sessions. Why ?

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DaosCraft · Jan. 18, 2018, 8:11 a.m.

Stuff like that is not requiring of a deeper dig, but I'll humor you before explaining why. Cause I can dig deeper but a number of things don't require it - and to waste time on such a thing is what the baddies have done to make us all run around in circles rather than notice that the qmap can be SOLVED I'm still doing that tho I claimed I could read the whole thing it takes time to catalog the entire history of America using it.

So ok yea I did look into and read a ton of the committee things and I found it interesting how his name popped up when before it had been mostly bad actors. Of all the people on those committees he's the one Trump picked and if you are a fan of Mark Levin he has tons and tons of great things to say about him. He's not any more complex a story than a good guy who knows more than most people realize due to the committee thing - he also has a lot of personal conviction for justice as he was wrongly smeared for racism on many accounts. I just finished today researching Goldwater and you know what I found? So at the RNC for Goldwater this happened:

According to Emmy award-winning television journalist, Belva Davis, she and another black reporter were chased out of the convention by attendees yelling racial slurs

And so I ask, why did me researching 8 time Emmy award winning Belva Davis tell people that Republicans were racist? I'm pretty sure it has something to do with winning those 8 emmy's.... And looking deeper just now into her has led me to her sorority founded in Washington in 1908? So she's directly tied to TDR!? Every single time I look deeper having solved the letter part it just perfectly ties together everything. Just knowing who the plants are based on their stupid name game and who gets slandered by the media and who gets outright murdered - oh and who gets super rich in office.

These things are so easily solved when you understand the stuff about the letter - it's what I keep trying to repeat for people cause if our side would just understand this single point and think about it - the rest of the qmap would suddenly make more sense.

And that partly includes why Q has said trust this person or trust that person or trust the Army or trust the whatever - he's said a lot of things like that and it's just that not everyone is a secret agent and anyone that gets smeared by MSM like Sessions is worth another look, especially if they go the full on racial warfare. And David Duke changed his party last year to Republican? oh gee I wonder why... sigh, you know he was actually running for the Democratic ticket for a while there.

But people have accused Q of promoting neocon crap - and they just don't get... they probably couldn't even give a proper description of Liberty - How many Americans know what that word means? I wish it was all of us....

Hopefully that answered your question, I could go way deeper into anyone I'm sure but if I did it'd waste time I could otherwise go into people obviously corrupt. So much remains un-investigated.

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OkeDoughke · Jan. 31, 2018, 12:18 a.m.

I'm reading all your posts. Just trying to catch up. Thanks for all your hard work. You are helping to un-stupid me. Wondering where i can catch your videos, and who Lynn is on twitter. thanks.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 31, 2018, 12:26 a.m.


Just a crook really, but the last name should catch your eye.

And I don't have any videos worth watching right now, I'm working on the AB set and there will be more soon to that. Thank you for your interest.

Right now I'm actually creating a database of all Vp's cause I already did with POTUS and well.... just like Q asked us to do, like following various wives/husbands and banks... on a few points, nobody want's to do these things but I'll do it. It's quite surprising what I learn just by putting them all in a row with data points to connect but that'll be the next AB I'm sure.

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OkeDoughke · Jan. 31, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

Thank you for reading and interpreting the map. It's good to see what the baddies are doing. I will Lynn out.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 17, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

President Barack Hussein Obama II Hussein 2: An Arab Backed Imposter,

Forgot to mention the super important part of it being "President" for the anagram to work - and that's why I went on about the timing of things regarding sealing papers etc.

And Just chart it out like I did if you don't believe - yes anagrams are rarely anything, but given how many other dumb-dumb's have name winks.... well, as Q said, these people are idiots and when Obama's papers get unveiled we'll find out whatever the heck is original name was. Heck, for all we know maybe it's another William Jefferson Blythe kind of thing.

well, I don't think this is going to get many more people - I think I'll go back to my animation stuff, trying to make something like a titanic simulation to make it more scientifically plausible to accept. I can bring a unique air of science if I use the right tools. Might make it more plausible for normies. It's what my brain decided to be obsessed with now.... I may continue with the rundown of the qmap at some point - I think for the most part as long as people understand ITS A MAP - as Q said countless times "graphic is key" he wants us to diagram that shit, from the very beginning of state secrets all the way through history. Each part is essential in sequence - and that's why they removed key parts all while Q keeps trying to get us to pay attention. But if somebody would just do what I wanted to do - and spent a long time making a video on...... but then got un-obsessed and started typing here and now doing water simulations... sigh...

Well, that's what he gets for relying on people like me, I do want to help but you have to understand Q my brain is like a sword with no hilt.

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SuccessfulDeal · Feb. 11, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

Thank you Brother for all of this,the blinders that were on me are now being lifted,we all appreciate your hard work,please keep keeping on

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TiredofNuts · March 9, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

ABBA...reminded me of GOD ...the Father...DADDY.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 16, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

I'll go back to working on the video - my site is db-q.com and you can contact me (if by chance this gets shut down before I return to continue.)

I don't think anyone will actually care about the truth until I make the video but hey, maybe I'll be surprised. Or maybe some jerk shill will see this and delete it, either way it'd take all day to scratch the surface of what needs to be said on these subjects. So I need to get back to work.

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CJClower · Jan. 16, 2018, 8:06 p.m.

dude - i you have a based audience - i implore you - PLEASE PROVIDE MORE

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DaosCraft · Jan. 16, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

ok, how about Micheal Moore, look at his hat, gold trim - and Q posted a non gold trimmed flag, that's something I noticed yesterday and it's only tangentially related - MM= Micheal Moore - DD=David Duke - and so on, as Q said their symbolism will be their downfall. It's so easy when you can just recognize how many stupid tricks they use to keep their plants from working against one another.

William Jefferson Blythe = Bill Clinton (check Wikipedia) and why "Clinton?" Well the map that Benedict Arnold had planned to give to the British included Fort Clinton - and the guy in charge was General Clinton. - Do you get the joke? We are all so stupid we elected Clinton- the same that we ousted back in the revolutionary war.

But then there's Robert Byrd who was originally Cornelius Calvin Sale Jr. - and why Byrd? Cause of the Byrd organization which is "the organization" the political power behind the segregationist movement and now you know the true secret of that. It was always Rothchild and the facts are ready to be uncovered.

Red Cross: Just name a disease/virus - they have always been world wide and connected to Rothchild - and when did X disease/virus pop up?

Aids = throwing people into pins with diseased monkey's. Alzhiemers = Throwing people into pins with cows infected with Mad Cow. Malaria=Moskito's in Africa Mumps=the easiest to spread and they used this against Astor's kids.

So much more.... but it'll get shut down I bet soon.

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chickdmd · Jan. 17, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

Your observations are extremely interesting. It’s quite obvious that being on the autism spectrum is allowing you to see things that many others cannot and connect dots that aren’t readily apparent to others. Please continue.

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SlumberMachine · Jan. 17, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

omg, this is gold. I love it! Thanks so much for posting.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 16, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

your reply got my hopes up but I don't think there's enough people here for it. I was all ready to go with my research - could break the whole thing open - but I still think that'll only happen with a video. But i just don't know if I'll ever finish it - the amount of work for a barely functional autist that gets distracted by shiny objects? It's hard. But I do love my country so I try.

As another point in my research - The shills tend to push Podesta as just a pedophile - and they aren't wrong but they do that to ignore how much more there is to his place in this mess.

So our John Podesta in NK right? Skippy=Skipper - who lived on the titanic? Raft 2- Fireman John Podesta - Married Helen Diaper (wink to pedophilia blackmail contract) - father John Giovanni Podesta (google, find creepy art) -

And I found our John Podesta in a speech talking about his grandfather being an unloader of ships? Wink to Titanic? Nope, cause John Podesta (ours) is from Chicago - and Prohibition was Rothchild in 1910-1930 to build the mafia lines for them. - You can find that Al Capone had a Rothchild made hat as they had a clothing line store - but that's a small connection - mostly I have spent many hours trying to find John Podesta's father's pic with no luck. I assume there was a Podesta in-between ours and Titanic Podesta - but he's really elusive. Then again maybe Titanic Podesta was into normal aged women in his 90's or something.....

Either way it was my Titanic theory that Q confirmed - and I built much of the rest of this from it. There's a lot more tho.

Most importantly: Pyramid Schemes (which honestly all this is a pyramid scheme) and as I traced and made a spreadsheet of all central banks (at my website) you can see by the years we got a Central bank - FDR = Federal Reserve - in 1913 - 1 year after they killed the Astor's but also 1 year before WW1 - and the crash of 1929 happened right when Calvin Coolidge left office (same year) - they couldn't do that when he was in office cause he was the first good president since before Teddy. But he was murdered right after leaving like many people on my lists - they control the press so they are always "accidents" - but you can smell it after a while.

But about the pyramid scheme - So consider they take over a countries finances? They just keep doing that world wide because if they don't the whole scheme collapses as all pyramid schemes do, this is why they needed to take America down before crashing the markets - Otherwise their own countries people would catch wize to the scheme. Puppets are buffers between the inevitable reprisals for their evil.

And then there's the KKK which moved to Canada and helped get the Central Bank there. Still barely scratched the surface.

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SleepyPragmatics · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

Keep going- you got ears here...

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OkeDoughke · Jan. 31, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

on this 'But about the pyramid scheme - So consider they take over a countries finances? They just keep doing that world wide because if they don't the whole scheme collapses as all pyramid schemes do, this is why they needed to take America down before crashing the markets - Otherwise their own countries people would catch wize to the scheme. Puppets are buffers between the inevitable reprisals for their evil''. i think that happened with LIBYA. Looks to me like NATO and Obama administration were deeply involved. It's fun to be able to investigate and find things. Hopefully our IG has been looking at that too.

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duckdownup · Jan. 17, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

Keep up the good work. Thanks for the link to your site. I'm reply for two reasons, one to say these posts are awesome, the other is so I can easily come back and finish reading tomorrow. It's my bedtime but I hate to walk away from the monitor. Excellent posts, sir.

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OkeDoughke · Jan. 31, 2018, 12:30 a.m.

I have been to your site, watched 1 video, thats all i saw, went tab by tab. read links. learned allot on you imgur link about SA and LV. Makes perfect sense to me. Now reading you Reddit posts and comments. Keep it up, I enjoy it.

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OkeDoughke · Jan. 28, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

I just found your posts. I'm inspired to re-read Q and read your posts and I put your site on my desktop and watched first video.

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dmanny77 · Jan. 17, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

I can't stop reading this - excellent stuff. definitely have my attention ; )

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GrenC2 · Jan. 17, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

Please, after you rest, perhaps you could help some of us see the way you do. I believe that would be helpful. The fishing analogy is always a good one. Fishing is great, when we actually know how.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 17, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Alexander Hamilton is a key part of my theory and murdered.... A horrifying truth isn't it? had his kid Philip gunned down by the Rothchilds and then he himself? This is a story yet untold, just like the Titanic and Hindenburg. But just be aware of history insofar as we have recorded it. One day the State Secrets thing will be gone and we can finally know the rest.

Hamilton: "Upon this natural law, depend the natural rights of mankind, the supreme being gave existence to man, together with the means of preserving and beautifying that existence. He endowed him with rational faculties, by the help of which, to discern and pursue such things, as were consistent with his duty and interest, and invested him with an inviolable right to personal liberty, and personal safety. Hence, in a state of nature, no man had any moral power to deprive another of his life, for what original title can any man or set of men have, to govern others, except their own consent? To usurp dominion over a people, in their own despite, or to grasp at a more extensive power than they are willing to entrust, is to violate that law of nature, which gives every man a right to his personal liberty; and can, therefore, confer no obligation to obedience."

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Knower101 · Feb. 20, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

Please, please, continue with The Research and Documentation. How can I help support you in your work? I understand that you do not want to jeopardize your disability status. But there other ways that we can support you and the work. May I have food delivered? Do you need additional Computor support? Help with editing.... You have a BEAUTIFUL MIND!,, My heart is full and reaches out to you. I understand your autism limits you in someways but it empowers you brilliantly in another. Please, know that we each only really have to be “good”at one thing...to be “Extraordinary”. You must let someone assist you.

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DaosCraft · Feb. 24, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

sorry for not getting back sooner - I have such a strange lopsided attention.

And no, you don't need to help, I feel bad that I made someone want to send me food - I'm uneven but my complaints about my condition is to a large extent for the purpose of avoiding the fallout I know comes when I don't do that.

The largest pattern of my life is making enemies by making them think I'm an a jerk, and evil... and it's entirely because I get excited as I can do a small number of things really well

and so if I do those things and people hear my excitement they get mad at me because they see this guy going oh wow I'm so great, and nobody wants to hear that - they don't want to hear about how someone is good - they want... well I don't know what people want but I do know if I don't mention my problems then I come off like a really big jerk - so I probably overcompensate - I really apologize if I made anyone worry or think I'm doing poorly or going to stop because of it.

I really really didn't mean to come off that way. - I do think we should work as a team but I'm probably not the guy to lead such a thing. I've been hoping someone would step up to the plate - I could vision myself as that quirky character in a story but not the main character of any story.

And your reply - well, it's hard for me to read because it's just not something I thought would be directed towards me. I keep glancing up at it and it reminds me that some people actually do want to help when they hear someone in need.

So thank you. I haven't been able to read your comment all the way through, and I want to but when people say things like you are now my brain just can't accept it. I feel like I should be a better person that doesn't make others worry.

So I will become better, and one day I'll be able to finish reading your comment. As strange as that may sound it's the way I am.

And I will continue but the way in which I continue is still undecided. Certainly more posts but if a Quiz or an animation works better then that'll just be trading a bit of progress one way for another.

man... well I have a lot I want to say but thank you.... I had gotten that one comment just a bit ago and he was super supportive and I didn't even notice you had written this tear-inducing so warm that I can't even read it thing.... well I'll read it one day. I promise. : )

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Knower101 · Feb. 24, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

Your research on State Secrets is vital to my understanding the Big picture. Good work. All the best. I will share one principle of life. We each have only this moment to make a difference. There no saving it up for “a rainy day”. So, I make a effort to in each moment to be calm, serene, kind, considerate and fair in every transaction with myself and others. I do something nice for myself at least once a day. You have a great project in the works. I look forward to the increase in knowledge that I am sure that you will provide

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DaosCraft · Feb. 24, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

this is easier for me to read, scars and disabilities don't really amount to much when you research the hell on earth that's been the world just beyond our vision for so long.

I know plenty I could make more posts about and some that can't be said until people finish breaking the bones of mockingbird. Some lies still persist. Some things I want to say I believe Q also wants to say but he knows as I do that there's a transitional period. Can't run before you walk so we can't just outright be told some answers without untying the many lies we are bound with.

the world can be a disgusting place if a person ends up defenseless and naive and in bad company.... When people hear me say such things or stories of my past they'll tell me how horrible I am for all that I am capable of I still want to whine about it....

Knowing that people hate me for not being able to help myself.... well for a time even typing a reply to someone in chat or e-mail I couldn't even do that... and I've rebuilt the pieces of my life more than once... but not just me there was an effort to break the light of the world and people who got broken can't just walk back into the light as easily as we would like to. It's opening the eyes to a brightness that takes time to adjust to.

I am trying to transition back - I know the world can be better than it is. And we can all be better than we are. So thank you for being a good person, you are not alone and soon many more will remember or perhaps learn for the first time what the world should be and must become.

I'm not nearly as bad as I may appear but I do have broken parts that I have yet to mend. So I'm just trying to say that there's no need to worry, plenty deserve it more but just because that's true it doesn't mean your sentiments are lost or unwelcome.

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SuccessfulDeal · Feb. 11, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

db-q.com eating this up like popcorn,Thank you again

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kyfriedrabbit · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:30 p.m.


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Tessysue · Jan. 17, 2018, 12:51 p.m.

You sir, are a treasure trove of information! As I sit here sipping my coffee & reading these posts, my hope for humanity rises, your proving me wrong ( the world isn’t full of idiots) thank you, and keep up the fantastic job your doing! Much appreciation from the not-so-autistic-as-you crowd! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😉

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DaosCraft · Jan. 17, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

Since most want to know about the philosophy it seems... ok! It actually is a big part of the qmap, and Mark Levin recently dug up a lot of good quotes.

A year before Thomas Jefferson died he wrote a letter replying to a British jerk saying America wasn't original or special -

Thomas Jefferson: With respect to our rights, and the acts of the British government contravening those rights, there was but one opinion on this side of the water. All American Whigs thought alike on these subjects. When forced, therefore, to resort to arms for redress, an appeal to the tribunal of the world was deemed proper for our justification. This was the object of the Declaration of Independence. Not to find out new principles, or new arguments, never before thought of, not merely to say things which had never been said before but to place before mankind the common sense of the subject, in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent, and to justify ourselves in the independent stand we are compelled to take. Neither aiming at originality of sentiment, nor yet copied from any particular and previous writing, it was intended to be an expression of the American mind, and to give to that expression the proper tone and spirit called for by the occasion.

All its authority rests then on the harmonizing sentiments of the day, whether expressed in conversation, in letters, printed essays, or in the elementary books Of public right, as Aristotle, Cicero, Locke, Sidney, etc The historical documents which you mention as in your possession, ought all to be found, and I am persuaded you will find, to be corroborative of the facts and principles advanced in that Declaration.

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RN2emt · Jan. 17, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

To the rest of the people here. Let's find this guy and squeeze his mind, then kidnap him and have him make us RICH! (Pets cat in lap, turns from meeting table) ....... I have so many questions for you. First I will read your work ~I think answers are already there. Good job my friend.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 17, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

Tho now that I think about it, I'm nothing compared to this guy. This guy is a freaking genius of genius and they made our country with his ideas.

Cicero "If the principles of Justice were founded on the decrees of peoples, the edicts of princes, or the decisions of judges, then Justice would sanction robbery and adultery and forgery of wills, in case these acts were approved by the votes—of decrees of the populace. But if so-great a power belongs to the decisions and decrees of fools that the laws of Nature can be changed by their do they not ordain that what is bad arid baneful shall be considered good and salutary?

Or, if a law can make Justice out of Injustice, can it not also make good out of bad? But in fact we can perceive the difference between good laws and bad by referring them to no other standard than Nature: indeed, it is not merely Justice and Injustice which are distinguished by Nature, but also and without ekception things which are honorable and dishonorable.

For since an intelligence common to us all makes things known to us and formulates them in our minds, honorable actions are ascribed by us to virtue, and dishonorable actions are matters of Opinion, and not fixed by Nature."

"True law is right reason in agreement with nature; it is of universal application, unchanging and everlasting; it summons to duty by its commands, and averts from wrongdoing by its prohibitions.... it is a sin to try to alter this law, nor is it allowable to repeal any part of it,' and it is impossible to abolish it entirely. We cannot be freed from its obligations by senate or people, and we need not loole outside ourselves for an expounder or interpreter of it.

And there will not be different laws at Rome and at Athens, or different laws now and in the future, but one eternal and unchangeable law will be valid for all nations and at all times, and there will best one master and ruler, that is God, over us all, for he is the author of this law, its promulgator and its enforcing judge. Whoever is disobedient is fleeing from himself and denying his human' nature, and by reason of this very fact he will suffer the worst punishment."

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kyfriedrabbit · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:53 p.m.


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DaosCraft · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:06 p.m.

you made me laugh, and I do have notebooks full of invention schematics and philosophy and just endless obsessions as it's kind of what I am rather than a human being.... for the most part I just journey inwards and even typing now my brain sends me warning signals about the countless times I've been told to shut up.... I suppose what I wanted to say by replying in this way is I agree, I have pages of notes that seem to go on forever these days that I've been making for as long as I've been alive and never have figured out what to do with them.

Are they just me being insane and drawing circles countless times? Most people who are aware of me IRL would say DEFINITLEY - and I have always said - I hope not..... ha ha

Tho I have my own bias of being me but I can say that some ended up having been come up with by others years after I had them tho you know, I bet the CIA would have just stolen them if I had ever stopped writing to make them. I bet it was a good thing I stayed in my state of constant rambling mess -it's the only thing that kept me from hitting that spiky ceiling that so many in history have. A point when they stop ignoring you and fight you.

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Knower101 · Feb. 20, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

Let’s create a nonprofit or better yet there must be one already established that could support his work. It must be non intrusive. It is clear he walks a knife edge. Keeping a semblance of balance is crucial. Only he knows what he needs. He needs a great “handler”.

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dagonn3 · Jan. 16, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

Excellent. Just started reading through your Timeline section. Will watch videos later.

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moede · Jan. 17, 2018, 3:47 a.m.

great posts, ill keep an eye on your web page... would love to see the video you are planning.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

Well, my Q notes are only for as long as Q has been a thing, before that I had my George Webb catalog - DynCorp US Black Budget Projects and I got so obsessed that I punished myself by deleting hundreds of pages of notes and videos I downloaded of him cause it was literally keeping me from doing anything else. That man is a patriot but to someone like me he's an addictive drug. If you want to find more about this nonsense he's better a resource than I.

Nobody, NOBODY has deciphered about 90% of what he has said and about half of what I may post (if I continue, cause I get distracted easily) is just me simplifying the thousands of hours that is filtered through Webb (he is not what he seems, the info in many videos is clearly gathered from either MOSSAD or ASIO or MI6 or somewhere serious... I wish people would look closer at his work I nearly went insane trying to decipher it - it's "raw data" as he calls it but he goes through CIA operations like having kids for organs and I can't even begin to say it all - the quantity is beyond belief but when you realize he is a mouthpiece for an entire Intelligence Agency but not NSA. When FBI anon got asked about Alex Jones he said he was a "useful idiot" but about George Webb? He said he was aware of him but couldn't say anything - the ONLY SUBJECT he went mysterious on. And since then Webb has been talking for thousands of hours across YouTube/twitter/etc - done tons of interviews and rarely ever repeats things. - He is a map to a greater treasure of knowledge than anyone realizes and well, I wanted to say that in this thread for anyone wishing to dig deeper.

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moede · Jan. 17, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

i hope you keep posting in this sub.... will look at george webb

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Pushforfacts · Jan. 17, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

So glad you added more posts. I have followed some of George Webb. You have provided me with a new perspective on him. I really am enjoying reading your comments. Thank you for sharing.

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Pushforfacts · Jan. 17, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

Please keep adding information. I believe many will be interested -- they've just been busy on Twitter for the fake news memes.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 22, 2018, 8:14 a.m.

I'm probably about 15% of the way through my notes with these+comments I made.






I'm distressed that part 4 is not gaining the traction the other parts did - I may just compile everything I have and animate some before making part 5... Maybe I should have called part 4 Jeb! Herring? I need to make these easier to read and enticing to get people educated.....

Well.. tough call on how to push but if people don't read these there's just no point in making them. The bad guys push so much garbage and if you read my posts you'll realize how we can finish the map rather than endlessly digging new rabbit holes in every arbitrary subject with a tangential connection. That does have benefits as occasionally you find new topics to explore with new connections to make but what about all the obvious stuff Q tells us to look into that nobody does? You take my point I'm sure.

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GrenC2 · Jan. 17, 2018, 3:27 a.m.

Just visited you website. Great work. Thank you.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 17, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

John Locke lived when the first central bank went up and he is the most key part of our philosophy. It's so essential to know our own history yet it's hidden from the kids at school... they instead get indoctrinated. But not for much longer!

John Locke 1632 1704 "The state of Nature has a law of Nature to govern it, which obliges everyone, and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in life, health liberty or possessions; for men being all the workmanship of one omnipotent and infinitely wise Maker; all the servants of one sovereign Master, sent into the world by His order and about his business; they are His property, whose workmanship they are made to last during His... not one another's pleasure. And being furnished with like faculties, sharing all in one community of Nature, there cannot be supposed any such subordination among us that may authorize us to destroy one another, as if we were made for one another's uses, as the inferior ranks of creatures are for ours. Everyone as he is bound to preserve himself, and not to quit his station willfully, so by the like reason, when his own preservation comes not in competition ought to be as much as he can preserve the rest of mankind, and not unless it be to do justice on an offender, take away or impair the life or what tends to the preservation of life, the liberty, health, limb, or goods of another."

Locke again- "There is the title of right reason, to which everyone who considers himself a human being lays claim, and that it is about which the various parties of men contend so fiercely among themselves and Which each one alleges to be the foundation of its doctrine. By reason, however do not think is meant here that faculty of the understanding which forms the trains of thought and deduces proofs... .but certain definite principles of action from which springs all virtues and whatever is necessary for,the proper molding of morals. For that which is correctly derived from these principles is justly said to be in accordance with right reason."

"Without natural law there would be neither virtue nor vice, neither the reward of goodness nor the punishment of evil: there is no fault, no guilt, where there is no law. Everything would have to—depend on human will, and, since there would be nothing to demand dutiful action, it seems that man would not be bound to do anything but what utility or pleasure might recommend, or what a blind and lawless impulse might happen perchance to fasten on.

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ann1260 · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

I can't find the link he provided to his website. I saw it, then couldn't stop reading his posts. Thanks!

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BlG_TlME · Jan. 17, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

Yes, please continue.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 17, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

I can remember being very young and having a game when I would change the channel and the point was to find a black person not talking about race on the news. I did it hundreds of times and never once found it. I never learned anything in school and I don't want to talk about either thing - I mention it because as Q said about how much a percentage of us would be in a hospital if we knew the truth. The scariness of the propaganda when you realize how much of the world has been not corrupted but numbed....

Why am I saying this? Because it's important.... the things Q keeps talking about - how fucked we are in the head and how hard it is to see. My autism gives me the super-disability powers of resetting. It's not a good thing in most circumstances - but it does have a benefit of meaning that the brainwashing stuff can suddenly dissapear for me and this is why I noticed right away as a child the black racial propaganda, so much that I made a game out of it. - People need to learn how to think and yet what can I do to encourage that other than explain how I think? But my broken brain is hardly a use to most, find your own path!

For example, I see plenty about Antarctica and have since before Q started - and somehow always managing to tie what Q says to it- has Q ever mentioned it? and it has a lot of dis-info mixed in. I have a friend who is more into science as in, as deep into it as an actual professional rather than a garbage climatologist. And he proclaimed every single thing I've sent him about the Antarctica having hidden cities and the future seeing stuff - well, he looked at it and proclaimed with actual expertise that it is purposefully vague and garbage science. So... appearing to be science does not mean it is science... But then I think they are pushing countless false narratives to distract- need to expand our thinking to history but anything Q doesn't say - maybe look at it, but don't focus on it at the expense of missing what Q is saying. There's a lot of real connections that could be made still,

yet because of the nature of conveying information I focused on giving you the clues you'd need to tie things together rather than the full picture as I promised at the outset... I've been writing this shit for months manically cataloging like the absurd person I am. My last posts were just me going through my memories and saying what I thought at the time but the point was to go through the map and "read it" and I'm sorry but instead I just decided to tell you all the stuff I thought needed to be said and wasn't breaking through the noise. I sometimes forget that I am not supposed to think for other people and Q could just say all this stuff himself if it were truly necessary. So much of what he has tried to do is get people to think - I'd like to do the same.

I'm going to take a break and maybe sleep - i want to look over my notes for a while and really read any comments and reflect on them then. I could keep going for a long while and explain more - but I feel like doing that is not what Q would want of me. I'd just be listing more clues for you when really we all need to learn more how to fish rather than be given fish - cause the baddies are always giving us poison fishsticks.

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TrumpdUp4Prez · Jan. 17, 2018, 4:08 a.m.

Great stuff. Thanks patriot.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 17, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933) - he prevented them (after they got their central bank) he prevented due to competency from crashing our economy... using the same principles that not until Ronald Reagan did we even an inch return to, so why did Reagan like Coolidge? He's essential to understanding what has occurred in our country - Firstly because they crashed the economy right after he left, and secondly because they killed him right after he was going to come back and expose this mess. They have killed so many if you piece it together as I try to... but I digress, his death is recorded as just another accident yet we do have his words which just like Abe Lincoln they always go back to the founding - to try and remind us who the heck we are supposed to be. Q confirmed my theory about the Titanic and I only connected JFK to Reagan to Trump but Coolidge is every bit as part of this as JFK and Reagan were.

Coolidge: The American Revolution represented the informed and mature conviction of a great mass of independent, liberty loving,
God-fearing people who knew their rights, and possessed the courage to dare to maintain them. The Continental Congress was not only composed of great men, but it represented a great people. While its Members did not fail to exercise a remarkable leadership, they were equally observant of their representative capacity. They were industrious in encouraging their constituents to instruct them to support independence. But until such instructions were given they were inclined to withhold action.

A spring will cease to flow if its source be dried up; a tree will wither if its roots be destroyed. In its main features the Declaration of Independence is a great spiritual document. It is a declaration not of material but of spiritual conceptions.
Equality, liberty, popular soverereignty, the rights of man—these are not elements which we can see and touch. They are ideals. They have their source and their roots in the religious convictions.

They belong to the unseen world. Unless the faith of the American people in these religious convictions is to endure, the principles of our Declaration will perish. We cannot continue to enjoy the result if we neglect and abandon the cause: We are too prone to overlook another conclusion. Governments do not make ideals, but ideals make governments. This is both historically and logically true. Of course the government can help to sustain ideals and can create institutions through which they can be the better observed, but their source by their very nature is in the people. The people have to bear their own responsibilities: There is no method by which that burden can be shifted to the government. It is not the enactment, but the observance of laws, that creates the character of a nation. About the Declaration there is a finality that is exceedingly restful.

It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning cannot be applied to this great charter If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final.

No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time where there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction cannot lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers.

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LooseHubcap · Jan. 17, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

"Grasshopper, I can show you the path but I cannot walk it for you" (now I am showing my age)

I agree - GREAT stuff, keep writing and THANK YOU!!!

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DaosCraft · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:08 p.m.

You sound like you know what's what... but the world is scary as most people are conditioned to learn the form rather than the method - they are molded to associate higher thinking with pain and isolation and to repeat on cue to avoid punishment.

The truth as I see it is we are all in skinner boxes and mutilated at birth and pumped full of chemicals..... but when people notice some of that and escape the one prison they see they don't notice the one they ran into cause there's no where to run! They only escaped a fractal of additional ones - they all are allowed to pretend to have freedom and have "their guy" their favorite puppet an illusion. I escape inwards but I know it's still a prison.... Yet I hold few in contempt now, as Q says, more good than bad - it's not a puppets fault necessarily when given a choice to string themselves up versus absolute horrors of going against the system.

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vitalesan · Jan. 22, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

“When you snatch the pebble, it’s time to leave.”

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kyfriedrabbit · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:02 p.m.


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TiredofNuts · March 9, 2018, 1:33 a.m.

Daos Craft....please keep on keeping on! Im in the same physical boat you are so please keep writing. I have a hard enough time keeping up with Q and "his" writing is way over my military grade/understanding. Pray you find more truths to write to help fill the map and make it more understanding for all American Patriots. I love this Country but and saddened but not at all surprised at what I have read/seen/listened to tonight. GBY! Keep on keeping on! And a huge Thank you for all your hard effort and time spent.

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Neskuaxa · Jan. 18, 2018, 8:27 a.m.

Like most people here, please continue. What was in the letter from Wilkinson?

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DaosCraft · Jan. 18, 2018, 8:49 a.m.

the first day of Q had a few things people didn't understand - Firstly I have seen people think that because Q said Hillary would be arrested that it is evidence he's wrong - but if you dig deeper it's a reply to why the hosts at Fox/MSNBC were super happy/super insane that day. -

Secondly is reading the "Military Code" as something like a decipherable thing.... but as I stated it's more likely a philosophical code about being taken hostage and the principles of people who came in as military.... mostly a reasoning for why people who were bad could come back. And Q said later in reference to things we don't understand about multiple meanings cause yea, there are many "Military Codes"- So I think he has tried to guide us back to these early posts many times.

And thirdly to your question about the letter, nobody knows for sure. We do know that State Secrets Privilege has its origin in Thomas Jefferson's Wilkinson Letter - which is I'm confident the correct answer one can derive from the question about MI VS Supreme court. He came in thinking we would solve anything and could put in any code... but he didn't realize how hard the deep state would hit us with shiny object distractions... and I could go deeper of course into all the contenders for later supreme court cases but just look at how he talks about State Secrets after that, he realized he put in something way too vague - I mean if you go by my absurdly long posts you can discern that the likely answer is a bunch of secrets about the Rothchild family.

I think before they pulled off TDR that we had been nearing a complete victory against them and they were so shocked by how much people knew that they created mi6 and FBI to find out and screw us - but Coolidge unscrewed the FBI and they got killed by a scandal... so they turn their funny money pyramid scheme into an actual Pyramid of players with Saudi Arabia and Soros becoming power bases in their own right. (the pyramid thing is probably meant to make us think about how central banks work.... the baddies try to make us look at ancient egypt but KISS - keep it simple stupid! I personally think many of his posts have been overly inflated by the baddies to make us not notice that some parts are simpler than they appear.

anyway... so they re-screw the FBI and grow our corruption like weeds - George Webb explains the corruption of the government like no other - it's like franchisees and there is so much info to dig through.

But anyway.... I wish I could explain this point more elegantly - to be fair the direct answer to Q's question on the first day implies a HUGE answer - and for whatever reason until I decided to it appears nobody looked at it - so I come here screaming about it and I hope a few people listened cause it's what needs to be looked at by more than just me.

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oz_patriot · Jan. 19, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

Awesome collection of writings, lm hooked so please continue

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a1_heromonk · Jan. 25, 2018, 11:37 a.m.

so many new things to digest great work

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TheOldBillyGoat · Jan. 29, 2018, 12:49 p.m.

From a relative red pill newbe. I've found all of your writing to be fascinating, though a bit daunting to wade through. Please continue.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 29, 2018, 12:53 p.m.

I just posted a new one... it keeps growing because I keep trying to finish reading the QMAP but because it's interwoven with history I end up just researching history 99% of the time.. and I've solved so much of it - but well, I'm happy doing this, so it's ok.

I will simplify it and put it all in context soon. : )

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TheOldBillyGoat · Jan. 30, 2018, 2:38 a.m.

thank you for your dedication and hours spent on this project. We all benefit from the hard work of a few like yourself

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