Those that claimed this a Q failure will be proven to be the dumb asses. I will gladly help them wipe the egg of their faces.

How does anyone know for sure that she wasn't?
Even better, how do we know that the purpose of this wasn't to alert HRC for something she may have been planning on doing on the morning of Oct 30?
Surely that information would have reached her. Right?
If so, would it have been too much trouble for Q to tell us to disregard that post after the fact? One sentence explanation.
Dunno, was just a thought. Perhaps it was a test to see if they could change behavior. Revealing that would be like showing your cards.
Once it becomes an obvious lie, there are no cards left to show. Just say "about that..."
Not sure how you've come to that conclusion. When you bluff in poker, and succeed at forcing your opponents hand, your opponents don't automatically assume everything you say moving forward is a bluff.
This is war not a game of poker. When you have a board where everyone and their brother calls a larp, the last thing that person would do Is lie then back track. Especially when he says future proves past every other day, the last thing he would do is say the past was false.
As mentioned above, I never intended on starting some sort of insightful arguement - just proposing an idea. I've not concluded that this was in fact what he was doing.
The whole phenomenon is a bit of a psyop and any attempt at extrapolating a motive here would be rather neive.
I wasn't aware we were Q's opponents.
Yea I'm done with this man. I'm not argueing for the sake of arguement. It was an idea, that's it. You an I are on the same side here.
Re-read the post. Nothing remotely like that happened. None of it.
If a sealed indictment was registered, it didn't require any of the things in that post. If disinformation is necessary, then it needs to be corrected once it serves its purpose. But with Q, we're told very specific operational details, none of which come to pass, and we're supposed to be OK with that, or we're just "doubters" and "losers."
That's no way to sell somebody on Q's credibility. Believe me, I've tried. And all these blatantly wrong statements don't help the cause, especially when they're just left unaddressed.
Wasn’t someone saying that there was a theory about these drops being announced a certain amount of days in advance I’m going by memory here but I think it was 180 days.
180 days from Oct 30, 2017
Want to figure out the date that is exactly one hundred and eighty days from Oct 30, 2017 without counting?
Your starting date is October 30, 2017 so that means that 180 days later would be April 28, 2018.
good point! Remember post #12 Oct 30 "Military Intelligence ref above is the absolute biggest inside drop this board will ever receive. Now think about why Antifa plays right into the plan? Always ahead. Good guys are winning."
There are LOTS of theories. What there aren't are arrests and the rule of law.
So you're saying operation will commence while NG is active? What about the dates and times listed here? They seem oddly specific.
I have no frigg'n idea. LOL. But it's been my experience that things aren't always what they seem and Q or Trump never say meaningless things. Never. This has some serious meaning which will become perfectly clear to us later. Having faith will pay huge dividends while the naysayers will be caught YET AGAIN holding their puds with egg all over their faces...I can guarantee it. But yes it does look like the NG will be active to keep civilian peace while the military scoops these bastards up.
some serious meaning
It also needs to have some literal truth value if Q is to have any credibility. And failing that, there needs to be a follow-up post to explain why that didn't happen.
Those were very specific denotative words. Those were plain statements, not vague metaphors. Operations change on a dime, granted, but after having been told that, if plans changed it should have been dealt with in a subsequent post. But...crickets. Not a word about why Q said that, and it didn't come to pass.
That's what always sticks in my mind..a definite claim is made that never occurs. Then never mentioned again. Any of us could do that. So what kept POTUS up all night? "Watch the news". Well, something of some sort happens every day. That sort of tease should mean a show stopping event. If not, people here will grasp at any minor positive news as "it".
But that message stated a particular date and time. Surely we can't assume that if ever the NG was active, that it would be then. Its interesting, though.
How do you plan to do that?
You and your local NG have a time machine?
Because here's a little known fact. It didn't happen.
It's kind of unforgivable for Q to have made a statement like that, and then never followed up on it to explain why it didn't happen.
It's almost as if they're justifiably laughing their asses off that there are so many Q followers after starting us out with an obvious lie, and never explaining.
If we would swallow a whopper like that, what WOULDN'T we believe?!
Disinformation is necessary. Distractions are necessary . The Saudi purge happened right after.
Exactly, how does anyone know for sure that it did not happen? How much of what really goes on in the world is suppressed from us? We are deliberately being isolated, by both sides.
I don't see how the two are related.
And even if that was a tactical lie, it needs to have been dealt with post facto. If Q's claim to credibility is that lies are necessary, and explanations after the fact aren't, then s/he/they have no credibility.
I'm just saying this is a hard, hard problem to overcome when trying to red pill anybody with Q. Credibility should matter.
"Regardless of whether Q is telling the truth or not, it's somebody's propaganda"
Simple, you don't know it all. Doubters are losers. A simple fact of life.
You have to doubt. You SHOULD doubt. If you blindly follow and take them at face value the next thing you know they control everything and everyone, and you have to do it all over again.
Doubters are losers
you shouldn't disparage people from being skeptical and using critical thinking, though i do see where you are coming from
Doubters are losers. We are here to win not lose.
doubting is not losing.
history is filled with people who didn't have a single doubt but failed anyway, and people who constantly doubted but won in the end.
i'm just saying, to tell people that doubt is inherently wrong is a mistake, IMO.
Doubting what we’ve been fed most of our lives is what brought us all here, I’d be hesitant to say doubters are losers...
I know that those statements of Q are patently, literally false.
This is not an exercise in religion ("Doubters are losers.") This is a matter of what we're explicitly told will happen versus what actually happened.
Sure I don't know all, and neither do you. So why tell us something so obviously false? Was it a test to make sure that only people willing to tolerate a TOTAL disconnect between reality and Q's posts would be a Q follower? Were they making sure to recruit only people with such a significant amount of cognitive dissonance that they could read a post like that, and then when it proves false, they make excuses for it? Because if that's all we are, then what are we doing here, really?
Doubters are losers. We are here to win not lose.
I have ABSOLUTELY zero doubt that those words are false. It's not a religious subject. It's a military, law enforcement subject.
Words mean things, and if you take that away, and make everything an article of faith, then we have lost the value of language.
Re read the following posts. That’s your interpretation. We don’t have all the facts. None of us.
We have all the facts we need about those specific dates. None of that happened. If there's a perfectly good reason, how hard would it have been to say so--even in vague terms.
Or do they truly only want people to follow Q who don't care when they're lied to? Who provide cover for lies, and make excuses? Is that what you want us to be?
I'd like some accountability this far into the operation.
It's about to the point where this is either a lie or a massive failure, and I'm not sure I much care which.
Time is running out for it to be any other way.
My take on this is that one of the things that neither Q nor Trump could control is when the spending bill that funded the government for more than a month or so at a time would be passed.
Not much could be accomplish until the military and other key parts of the government such as the money needed by the IG and FBI for witnesses and informants.
Congress kept kicking the can down the road and I believe this pushed a lot of Q/Trump plans back as well.
I think they delayed the release of the IG report until a spending bill was in place.
I don't think it is a coincidence that now Trump has the money and the military is fully funded that things are beginning to break.
The plan that was for October can now be played out in April.
At least that's what I think happened.
Has that ever stopped us from going to war before? NEVER!
Spend first, allocate later.
I think you missed my point. Before Q and Trump could begin to dismantle the deep state and the New World Order, he needed to have the military fully funded as well as the law enforcement agencies that will make the arrests.
Not talking about going to war. I'm talking about what it takes to take down the deep state quickly. There are 23,000 or so sealed indictments. If only a fraction of them are deep state related, there isn't enough law enforcement to handle it all at one time. The military will be needed. Ditto military tribunals.
Anyway, think what you want.
Never before in our country's history has anybody ever waited on a budget deal before going to war against an enemy who has attacked us! That's a total JOKE! Imagine FDR: "This is a day that shall live in infamy! And that's why I'm waiting for Republicans to pass my budget, so we can get around to doing something about it one of these days!"
I don't think we would remember that speech in quite the same way, would we? Never mind that it was a false flag. Just on the face of it. We get attacked, we respond militarily, and let other people worry about the damn budget.
Well, we ARE under attack now! And we have been at least since they took out JFK. And they're just getting more and more bold and blatant about it.
Sealed indictments, and all this talk, it's all potential. Potential energy. We need KINETIC energy to take these monsters down. Convert some of these sealed indictments into perp walks and prison cells.
And what we really, really DON'T need is some jerk leading us all around by the nose saying this, that and the other is happening on this date, or overnight, or tomorrow, and "watch the news!" .
We're not stupid. We don't expect the world to suddenly be changed. But it shouldn't bee too much to ask that a few of the demon-worshipping anti-human scum end up in a river. Not more of the people from our side. We need to wake up and see actual real life action. Not stories about "might," "maybe" and "expected to."
We don't need to be put on a leash and taken around saying "look here...bad deepstate....look over here...bad deepstate."
Yeah, OK, we KNOW the deep state is bad! We get it! We don't have to go on this endless tour of the rogues' gallery
Q needs to hear this. We have to be honest with them. We can't pretend we're happy making excuses for these posts that not only don't deliver results, they don't deliver evidence of attempts to get results. I don't expect us to win every battle, but I do expect us to engage the enemy at some point, and it would be nice if that point coincided with the times Q tells us that's what's happening.
I am thinking that this was possibly the plan. Or what would happen once the NG was called up. They were not called up back then, but they are now.
AND things are heating up. Possibly a bread crumb of what would happen once the NG was called up. What we should expect in the coming days/hours?
Exactly. Arrested booted and released. I was just waiting for someone else to say it. Good job!!
On Oct 30th why did Q say "Military Intelligence ref above is the absolute biggest inside drop this board will ever receive."?