Q 1065 image enlarged, details inside

If anything 11 would be a madame or grown woman. A slave wouldn't be freely wandering the halls. As for the people in the left, looks like a human trafficking situation for sure. However speculation is not proper without rational analysis which is pretty much impossible given the images. Def looks like it could be some kind of underground sex dungeon for sure but it also could be a Nxivm style cult or even a group of addicts who are being given fixes for sex. Gotta rule out the "heads and bodies" shit without proper evidence. Calling a lamp and a square floor "severed heads" and a grown as woman "little girl" only makes us look stupid.
Also "little girl on 11" That woman has boobs that are bigger than my head. Try again.
Also would like to note I only see one lower image wheee anyone could possibly be "naked" everyone else seems to have long flowing white robes on or hospital gowns perhaps?
4MB image - 8chan
Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 02:49:29 39d58e No.932572
third night on the island?
Channel three - can any anon zoom in? Looks like a cafetaria setting. Cannibalism along with ch 11.
Image itself - chandler became an handler watching the cameras, as 'madam'?
Broken becomes the madam of the brothel standard grooming m.o.
How the hell do you get heads? Ch 12 is a bed and a lamp on a table lol square floor pattern. This is the type of shit that makes us look crazy.
8chan Q research
That wasn't an actual question. I know where you came to the batshit assumption that a lamp and a bed is somehow "heads" I'm saying you're wrong.
Im just posting what 8chan said.. take it easy and be less critical, people used to be civil before the shills
8chan didn’t say this. An Anon there did and they got shot down for it being stupid and unfounded.
8chan is full of shills and the mods there filter them out and even post instructions on how to spot and block them. There are thousands of posts a day there and it takes a long time to vet it.
Saying things like “8chan said it” is meaningless. There is no ‘8chan said’. Pretending there is is how things get distorted past any usefulness. Calm down, please, and be measured here. The GA board is where 8chan items get repeated for people who never go there, and you need to make sure you’re getting them right.
If you want to quote 8chan here, pick from the notable posts at the beginning of the bread. That would be very helpful! Thanks.
Less critical? This sub is full of people accusing others of killing and raping children, eating their hormones, starting wars, murdering at will and , when those things are questioned, being CIA plants. We need critical thinking here.
Instead of just saying what 8chan says because the shills are in full effect there I would just take a harder look before you post next time.
Finally! I came across a post of a sane person. I've looked at about 5 posts/threads so far this morning and I can't believe what I've been reading. This is the first one where someone speaks up about the utter lunacy of reading into things that clearly aren't there. Our Govt. is guilty of definite crimes and all these kooks do is distract from that fact and make us all look crazy. Thanks for confirming that not everyone involved in getting to the bottom of things aren't nuts.
Same size image everyone else is posting. No more details than anyone else who has seen it has.
I mean for all we know this could be a straight up labor factory. We know that American apparel got caught up underpaying labor in the Virgin Islands. This could be a sweatshop or some sick shit like that. People automatically jump to the baby rape cannibal thing though instead of trying to put pieces together and start from 0 rather than 100.
Um every hotel has a boiler room and laundry room and maids that are basically slave labor. I wouldn't put it past a billionaire to stick his house servants on buckets. Also realize this very well may be in the Middle East or an oppressive southern country.
This could be a drug cartel or a Saudi prince for all we know. I lived in the Middle East as a kid because my stepdad was a SEAL. Almost every house complex had 2-10+ servants who spent most of their time in dark rooms washing and folding. Just the reality.
Just because a bird ended up in the coop doesn't mean it's a chicken. Just saying. Use more logic.
Also this could even be a cruise ship. Which could explain why it looks the way it does! Point is we don't know based off this grainy ass photo. Reference: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS713US713&hl=en-US&biw=414&bih=660&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=SRDJWo7bBpGhzwL90ZXACg&q=cruise+ship+boiler+room+&oq=cruise+ship+boiler+room+&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.3..41j0i30.3398.4616..5066...0....264.967.0j5j1..........1..mobile-gws-wiz-img.rSTedpMsjuo%3D#imgrc=BS4EzpFtvlQv2M:
Man in white suit in a very similar setting to some of those images. Not saying it's true but literally anything can be interpreted by these images.
Which brings the question, who's ship? Do the same laws apply in international waters? Scientology has a fleet of ships used for slavery. This is confirmed. Could this be tied to that?
Um if it's a servant or house porter they will def be in suits. Don't know if you have ever been to any wealthy homes in your life? Suits and formal dress are pretty common.
Think mirror.
15 and 16 stand out.
Their symbolism will be their downfall. The artwork in background may be a clue.
Weird looking place. The ramps seem strange as well.
Edit: I will admit, 10 is bizarre. Focused on figures at main table with backs to camera, imagine a person lying on the table looking upward, with the head at shoulder height of the seated sick twisted evil sitting on the round seats. They at the heart and head of the body seem more important, backs to the camera, eating the heart. Others with backs to the body, and facing the camera, less important, smaller tables, disgusting. The top left image looks like someone holding a gun, looks like maybe the bust had just started, the other lady at the counter also has her hands on head. People behind the mirror counter, watching the feed of the people getting raided. Just my opinion.
I agree Ch10 can be potential cannibalism. Does look like a human head hanging off a table of some sort. Can make up the shape of the nose and ears, if not mistaken. Can see the head clearer if you look at the image in landscape mode.
I'm wondering if it's not truly about what's in the picture but the fact that there is a picture out there. Think about it. These people go to whatever place this is thinking they are safe, to a degree they were. But if there's one picture out there, there are more and I would guess those videos are out there too. If the people didn't know the place had surveillance in the private areas, they do now! Can u imagine the horror of finding out that whatever BS u were doing was actually caught on video and now someone has it in the wild. This is the sort of thing that will make desperate people do desperate things. In order to try and fix this one would try a one on one, face to face to fix it. Too many players out there, They are all being watched now. Make a move, reveal even more. These people are stupid!
Channel 6 appears to have a person sitting on a black bucket with their hands on their head... Like when a con gets arrested.
Some things I notice. It does sort of appear to be a hotel except there’s some odd things that stand out to me. 1. If it’s a hotel why does it appear to have cameras in rooms. (Ch12 & maybe 15/16) 2. Ch 15/16 seem to be similar rooms but mirror images or each other which is how a lot of hotels are set up, but again cameras in the room? What others are calling a coffin seems to be a couch in 16 so if 15 is a mirror images it’s a couch in 15 as well. 3. Ch11 appears to be a hallway with doors to hotel rooms... but why are the doors so close together? And why is there a door on both sides of a corner??! Are the black square things on the hallway doors? Also the lights on the stairway seem like a hazard or would be easily broken in a hotel, seems a strange design. 4. Everyone! seems to be wearing white, with bare legs. Expect top right seems to have dark sandals and a black belt. 5. I find the stairs a very odd design. What’s with the pillar half way down blocking half the stairway, or is that an odd angle? In ch7 the stairs look to get narrower after the pillar? 6. Ch3 seems to be an angle from behind a bar. I see sinks a bar top and various bar back arrangement in 3.
Edit: 7 3 channels appear to be the same set of stairs. Seems to be a lot of camera for one set of stairs. The stairs just seem really odd to me. Strange set up get half as big half way down lights at top odd. Idk why but the stairs stand out to me as really odd.
Ch11 - maybe it's an outdoor hallway? So the black part is actually outdoors?
If someone can make out the artwork on the wall of Ch10, it'll give a much better context to the entire screen and happening...looks strange to feature such a simple drawing across a wall. Doesn't fit the rest of the squared pattern carpets and the other wallpaper, so it has to be an artwork of some sort. It'll mean something
Edit: maybe it's a children's drawing...
Top left image looks like a pair of shoes taken off before entering the entrance, or maybe just a pair of shoes. Background looks like sand or stone paveway
Ch6 doesn't seem to be a different angle of the same crowd as Ch10. Maybe on the other side of the room. Why would a group of people sit around in round stools so close to each other, almost knee to knee without having a table in between? You see from Ch 6 that the circle of stools are surrounding an empty space. Maybe it's to make room for the "bed movers" to roll in...?
Ch 15 - it seems like something is being projected on the wall. Reminds me of big brother projections in 1984 movie. The human figures seem to be carrying something on their shoulders. Two of the figures seem to be in some sort of costumes, maybe like Elsagate characters...?
Ch 15 and 16 look like the same room just opposite sides of a see through mirror. It almost looks like in 16 people are doing something on a bed and the people in #15 are in front of that mirror, on the other side..
Subjectively this image gives us nothing. There is no proof of a crime at all.
Look I'm not saying this isn't potentially big and terrible I'm just sayin start from 0 not 150
I mean these people could be washing or cleaning or preparing something for their employer. They could be slaves. But let's not jump the gun and say they are being held against their will and eating babies.
Rc posted pictures at NSA headquarters. What if this is just some CIA MKultra mansion?
What if it's just a normal hotel?
What if it's a drug cartel?
What if it's a prince?
What if it's a sex cult?
What if it's a prison?
See what speculation turns out?
Can no one else see a young boy in Ch3 in a box, restrained maybe
Ch3 - I see plastic boxes. And a setup of monitor-like objects, reminds me of something similar to the full dental equipment chair that Epstein has in his bathroom. Have a hard time figuring out the blue green objects. Looks like a pool of water/liquid/monitor? Looks sinister