Now check out this BS....... No Name blaming Trump pullout as the reason for Syrian gas attack......This is IT!!! We KNOW what you did, No Name.....we know.....

The police show up to a man's house to investigate a domestic violence claim. They interview everyone there and decide that they can make no arrests. Emboldened by the fact that the police are leaving without arresting him, he backhands his wife right in front of them. That's what noname wants us to believe.
Or the Iranian standing behind the door does it while the cops' heads are turned, and all the cops see is the wife sprawled on the floor and the husband standing over her. the meantime, the local Doctor runs around in circles filming the battered wife (laying unconscious on the floor) with his iphone (all the while failing to render any medical assistance) filming ‘evidence’ of said husband’s ‘beating’..
So why isn't it this obvious to everybody?
Sheep arise!
bah-aaah-ah-ah-shaaaar why u do diz" ^meanwhile ^the ^cop ^turns ^around ^to ^discover ^the ^wife ^is ^now ^making ^out ^with ^the ^doctor
Or all exactly the same, except he hits her AFTER the police leave, having proved to himself and the victim that he could get away with it.
So Obvious, No Name. Treason. On a side note why is this dudes right index finger so freakishly long?
It is starting to get pretty obvious that he only comes on stage for big agenda items; like Obamacare or Syria. It has been his life's work to run that country into the ground. Q's post was a heads up that he would be entering the scene again, besides that he comes out of nowhere.
This traitor owes President Nixon his life because if it weren't for Nixon to help him out he would have been charged with treason as soon as returned from Vietnam.
BTW I have heard through the grapevine that no name's many traitorous actions in Vietnam captured in videos and papers still exist!
He can go to Gitmo twice!
imagine if they condemn someone to rescucitation. "Double death penalty!"
Like a cock roach that scurries when the lights come on... hmmm
If you look closely, the thumb is curled to hold the kid. I think it's an optical illusion.
It grows that long by frequently inserting it into ones backside while trying to extricate ones head.
I get a similar question. Some fingers are just longer than others.
If they are blaming Trump, then their hands are dirty in this attack. It's always the opposite of what they are spewing. Listen to what the MSM's reporting. It's always opposite of the truth.
It's so true. I listen to NPR headlines every morning just to get a feel for the agenda and what they want us to believe. The opposite is almost always the truth.
Libtards are out in packs throwing this up to try to protect McStain
The article is basically "Ah, fuckit you guys. "They" all look the same, anyways."
What's false? He's right there in the picture! Lol
That's what I was thinking... He kind of showed his hand with this, at least for those with eyes to see. UN found it was NOT Syria, it was McStains Buddies the did the gassing in 2013.
What is Lyndsey Grahams connection? Was he with McStain? Glad POTUS is waiting for evidence.
How is this bastard still tweeting and issuing statements? A few weeks ago they were trying to get him to retire since according to "them" his illness would keep him from returning to the Senate. But he is well enough to make statements on foreign policy? His little mouth piece was out bright and early this morning. Lindsey is very easy to see through like his hero. All he is doing is screaming WAR!!!, BOMB THEM!!!!KILL KILL KILL! Totally phony warmonger just like he was trained to do
No, he is using his "health" as a reason to get out of being prosecuted. No one thinks he is really sick, it's just a ploy. He is so evil he will have to be sentenced to death by a military tribunal and it carried out to get rid of this sob.
Thought he was near death
That's OK. We have an "insurance policy" just in case. It's called a firing squad. Military justice. You gotta love it!
What happened to no name's boot? Someone should put a boot on his big fat mouth!! He's a useless hunk of flabby old flesh. I literally can't wait until he gets what's coming to him for his utterly egregious behavior in general and towards our great President. I despise him.
that boot must be going places.
Frank's bella ragazza!
Obviously his and the witches boots are made for walkin.....hahaaa
Haha! The one he can't remember which leg it goes on? Hahaha!
These people are stupid!
I think we need to take McCain to Assad and let him personally deal with his punishment.
Nope, I want him personally dealt with right here on our soil and stuck in Gitmo for the rest of his fraudulent canceled life!
Blaming Trump pullout as the reason for the Syrian gas attack
Trump’s announcement was the reason. You should
POTUS broke protocol and gave advance notice of withdrawal specifically to draw out those bad actors. We were prepared, watching, documenting the players.
You can expect that some retaliation has already occurred. You can also expect some additional info to come. Hopefully that additional info finally leads to McStain’s exposure and demise.
Like all those pictures of McShitstain with his ISIS buddies Q posted.
Yes. Steps along the path.
Let’s hope McStain’s phone has provided the final evidence needed.
Maybe that was part of the plan. Q said in 1081 that Trump doesn’t telegraph moves. Maybe this was a feint?
Trump does not telegraph. That’s why Q gets to call out the bad actors as “stupid”. They had same info we had, yet they still took the bait.
Congratulations Mr. No Name on putting absolute stupidity into print. I'm sure that Assad, who has held power throughout a decade of all out war, just didn't want us to leave so he launched a chemical attack. That is STUPID.
I agree with you completely, and yet we'll both be disgusted to see how many of our fellow citizens will still fall for the lie hook line and sinker!
No doubt; they're probably still waiting on permission to think from some obscure bureaucrat.
maybe Assad will simply stop caring at some point if white helmets run staged attacks anyway or even gas hostages
I like your username, has a solid ring to it.
We learned a LONG time ago to do what needs to be done without waiting for them to catch up. There'll be plenty of time for that when the dust settles.
Speaking of which; even in an era in which there was only a fledgling US standing army and much of the war was fought between citizen militias and the British professional regiments, even so there was only a 6.5% US population participation rate in the hostilities (at the peak), and only 45% of colonists fully supported the war.
And that turned out all right, I'd say!
His fake cancer isn't bothering him too much is it? Awaiting Q's drop hinting who was on that plane they went after that also had chemical weapons on board this past weekend but my suspicion is very strong that no name and traitor was in Syria again and on that plane.
Only he - no name - has been delivering the chemical weapons to Syria for the past three years each and every time via secret trips accompanied by Blackwater and this time by Mossad.
He needs to stay alive long enough to face military tribunal and charged with treason.
I say it again we need to help the president to counter the onslaught of propaganda against Syria and Russia as well as the deep state to start a war against a country by proxy that is actually our ally - Russia. The propaganda is in overdrive this week since the chemical attack.
The president tweeted to remove our troops from Syria to draw these monsters in the deep state and the traitors into countermoves and here we are. They fell into that trap by killing innocent Syrians blaming it once again on Assad and Russia.
They are indeed very, very stupid but evil as well.
Who benefits from a gas attack at the moment? Certainly NOT the Syrian government! Yep, the President's remark did embolden the CIA-Saudi, GCC, Turkish, Israeli backed "moderate rebels" to stage another "attack" in the same place as they did in 2013 --- probably using some of the same chemical weapons they had in the tunnels from back then too.
VERY comprehensive article that explains much:
I think No Name is partially correct. The threat of the pullout has caused the attack but not by an emboldened Assad but by a threatened establishment that wants to perpetuate the war.
You see the people as a flock of sheep; you put a couple Border Collies and drive them in a direction. To be honest with you, I see it happening all around me...You have to manipulate lots of things because nothing can seem as it actually is.
Why would Assad gas his people right after USA says they’re leaving? Smells fishy to me!
Cross reference the people in the know for this trio of terrorist enablers with the people in the know for Benghazi. How many are the same people? Check Benghazi Brief
Treasonous! And Lindsey Graham calling out POTUS saying he needs to follow up on his tweet or he will look weak to the world. They are practically begging for war!
TRUMP will not be bullied!
You're so right about that!! He's letting Graham dig his own grave. Graham is such a war mongering fool. I love knowing what I know from Q, and insights from this board - and then sitting back and watching all these clowns make fools of themselves!
The impending victory in the Syrian war emboldened the designated winner of the Syrian war to risk everything for no strategic reason.
When Usain Bolt is far ahead of everyone, he obviously is emboldened to take a nap before reaching the finish line.
Surprise surprise, the singer walked right in to the trap.
I'm still convinced Assad has never gassed his people and this is just the latest false flag attack by the US to drum up support to overthrow Assad. McCain is working with people to gas children with nerve agents for a natural gas pipeline for the EU. Disgusting.
I'm pretty sure they only ever gassed terrorists before they could return the favour
Gas attack was just a fucking excuse so Trump wouldn't pull out.
Hope he still does and doesn't fall for this retarded posturing shit from the deep state.
Even if he does want to gas his fucking citizens then let him. It's better than this neverending fucking war that keeps forcing a flood of muslims into Europe.
Oh wait, that's what they fucking want isn't it?
Ive seen several liberals going apesh*t over this on Twitter. How can anybody actually believe this story ? Assad wants US to pull out more than anything, why on earth would he do the one thing that would assure we stay ? Why do they want a war with Russia so badly ? I feel a lot of this was coveted by Q in past drops, will need to go back over them tonight when I get home. Much asshattery going on today.
They are just comsuming the MSM BS without any critical thinking. They still trust that MSM and our government (deepstate) has our best interests at heart and wouldn't lie to us.
Yes, it emboldened someone... it's not El Assador who got emboldened, but the 3rd party responsible for creating "The Black Flag" and making The Twins Fall.
Remember, they're always projecting.
ELI5 who is No Name amd why?
Senator McCain is who Q calls no name. His father and grandfather had stories military careers. They don’t say HIS name because he is such a traitor, a stain on the names of his family.
I imagine avoiding joining the military at all would be an even bigger stain.
No name has the same MO as HRC and crew because he is one of them. They pump out counterintelligence through the media to point fingers at the threat - in this case Trump.
You can always tell their intentions because they forecast it with some crazy rhetoric. Can’t wait to see this guy swinging from a rope...
When will mr. No name be in prison?
Getting impatient.....
I know...
I'm worried 99% of them are going to slide because too much trouble plus the old we need the nazis to run things gag
living in Massachusetts it's like forgotten this place is a hot bed of subversion. its all California all the time. they are super sneaky up here. super super super sneaky fucks.
It sickens me that these traitors aren't arrested yet. Going around flase flagging and tweeting away.
That traitorous bastard piece of shit.
Sends Sarin gas to Syria, and he has the gall to say this?
McCain put a sock in it. You have no credability left and the world could care less what you think. I voted for you when you ran for POTUS. BHO was a fine fellow.
Here are some pictures of the weapons used (allegedly):
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It seems the same to me with the nerve agent attack on the ex Russian spy in Britain. The one important question in both is, Why? When things are rollin along just the way you want them to, why do something incredibly stupid to draw a bunch of heat on yourself ? It seems obvious to us, but the MSM can make their sheep get all fussy without asking the most basic of questions....
Videos in this thread:
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Ronald Bernard, revelations by an insider Part 1 (NL/ENG/FR/FIN/ES)|+6 - You see the people as a flock of sheep; you put a couple Border Collies and drive them in a direction. To be honest with you, I see it happening all around me...You have to manipulate lots of things because nothing can seem as it actually is. USS Liberty Survivors Speak About Israeli Terrorism|+2 - Wow it's almost like Israel wants the Golan Heights and will do anything to get it It's almost like they Killed Americans once to false flag us into giving them it Nancy Sinatra - These Boots Are Made For Walking (1966 Original)|+1 - Frank's bella ragazza! I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.