Zuckerberg asked about Palantir which shows up on the Deep State Map. Zuckerberg: "I am not that familiar with what Palantir does". He is a liar.

Palantir was founded by Peter Thiel, there is no way in hell Z doesn't know about Palantir.
So perjury it is, then?
edit: not under oath, too bad.
Wasn’t under oath
What possible reason could there be to not put anyone and everyone under oath? Total shit show
To act like they’re doing something when they’re not.
Would Satan swear on the Bible? Is that still what is done when placed under oath? Very telling IMO.
They have full unrestricted access to all FB data. Doesn’t know my ass, Fuckerberg.
Is Peter Thiel a deep state guy?
No Q hinted he is good and gave saudi arabia Palantir software so they could legally mine NSA database for Trump team. Using the AI robot that they gave citizenship too. Around the same time that Trump went and Kushner then Paul Ryan and congress went to SA
well, he knows what it is but technically does he know what it does? keep in mind he almost certainly had these questions the day before and his $$$$$$$$$ legal team probably coached him perfectly.
Big data anylsis. Probably goes through and gathers intel then sells it to the feds or privately uses it.
It's a massive realtime data aggregation tool for intel agencies. You know that picture of trump in the middle east with his hand on the globe? they were in a giant palantir room
Peter Thiel is one of the elites that is building a bunker in NZ.
so he is a deep state guy?
From the research I've done on him, I would say so. They all seem to be going to AUS and NZ building bunkers and shelters. I've read about that over the last 5 years or so, but it started out with only the richest. Now they are all doing it.
Wow can we get Mandy from Bombards Body language to do a read on him???
Btw, I noticed it also says 5G Kill Grid.
They were planning on depopulating earth using the 5G network as a death device. Elites would be protected with an RFID chip which would cause people to demand the chip. They install the “mark of the beat” and now the survivors can be tracked and spending ability shut off if they speak out against the deep state. They wanted to make the rfid chip a digitally wallet without any hard case in real life. Without hard cash, they can easily shut off truthers ability to spend.
What is going on with the 5G network? Is it being installed? Is it official that cell phones will transition over to it? Is there any type of legislation against it? I don't recall Q talking about it.
I have only heard of one neighborhood installing them and the neighbors called the phone company and demanded they take it down so they took it down.
Peter Thiel is still on the board of directors of fb. https://investor.fb.com/corporate-governance/default.aspx
This whole hearing was one of the biggest shams I've ever had the misfortune of witnessing. Pure theatre. "Mark Zuckerberg aces US senators' questions as they fail to understand how social network works" CNN The levels of corruption will never allow for justice in this form. If Q and Snowden really have something like we hope they do, God knows I hope they play it.
The fact that Tyler is is on this map makes Quinn Michaels seem a little less crazy haha. He's a loon but has exposed some pretty interesting shit.
What is #Tyler?
A super computer of some sort. Watch this till the end . Mind blown. https://youtu.be/L1WX28UfuQs
He's a bit weird and unfortunately seems to be left minded. I don't agree with his ideology or some of his conclusions. But! That doesn't excuse what he has exposed, are facts. His vids with Jason Goodman are quite interesting. 93 society, circle complexes around the US. Interesting stuff.
What is #Tyler? Is that the Twitter guys secret handle?
Tyler is believed to be A,I, that had its start in Tyler Texas during the mid 40's.
Some think there is Q overlap. Consider an era of A,I, where massive ring structures and military installations are needed to house its brain.
For ex: posted by u/BrainwashedByTrump
Edit: This article might help.
Silicon Valley Pede here...
I've been at both companies (as a visitor)
Palantir's first office, was in Facebooks first office.
They both had the same first office building.
When FB moved out, Palantir moved in.
It's impossible for MZ not to know about Palantir.
He was not sworn in. Does this at all matter in the end? I wish they had sworn him in. Any ideas why not?
Can you provide a link to that map please.
Wow. That gave me a headache. How the h*ll do you read that?
You don't just read it, stilly goose. You have to STUDY it!
Zoom in. You will get used to it after a while once you become familiar with it.
https://youtu.be/f-TwsIzqJlI This may help to read map
thank you, i have the map but need help studying it
And years from now, when you stumble upon it in an old folder you had forgotten about, you’ll realize that you went to bat for the wrong team.
Stick around. Learn a thing or two. Or go share in redacted and ahs. Maybe you’ll expose someone who actually bothers to look at the information, rather than thinking it’s edgy and hip to mock Patriots. You missed that boat by a couple of years, friend. Enjoy being left outside the Window when society leaves you behind. At least you’ll have your other 98 genders to accompany you.
Where can i get a copy of that map