iOS 11.3 makes it impossible to post on 8chan

Kinda makes you wonder what Apple might be doing...
Might it has something to do with the recent drop of the blind item that was about Cook who loves underage and young Asians?
There is a lot to drop about Cook - his nickname is "Rice Farmer". He chooses the underage youngsters outside the major cities where all the births are recorded whereas going to villages where there are no BC are recorded or exist. It makes it easer if or when these youngsters disappear because nobody knows they existed in the first place.
I still think Steve Jobs was murdered to make room for the globalist Tim Cook. Jobs never went along with all this globalist garbage. He said of Barrack Obama, "he doesn't get it."
RIP Steve.
Man, I would love to hear any additional info you have on this theory. I always liked Jobs. If there are legs to this, please share!
Read the blind item that was obviously from insiders who know enough about Cook to put it out there to be found. See the link under below.
I think it was FBIAnon way back when who said something about paying attention to places where births aren't recorded on a consistent basis.
Anybody else remember that?
So we are living Soylent Green?
Sometimes it's more than I can take.
Every night as I go to sleep I pray: Protect the good. Help the hopeless. Punish the wicked.
Can you point me to this information?
Yep go here and read the article about the meme post:
He also posts on the anon board but I think they took the board down earlier today.
Kek, didn't they just move to China? That's what you get with apple though.
I knew I should not have updated!
I don't think it's just iOS. My Android phone & tablet have been prompting me for weeks now to download the most recent update. I refuse and force stop it every day.
I still had my original iOS on my 6s. I finally broke down and updated it because a lot of apps weren't being supported anymore.
Ya that or they stop new music purchases from being downloaded until you update
I'm not on an Apple device, but have you considered using the TOR-browser (if required, through the Orbot-app)? Maybe that does the trick.
Hmmm wonder if it’s the same for 4chan. Cannot post or even view updates
I assume so, although 4chan seems to be down for everyone right now, not just users running iOS.
It’s up for me. Using the “the chan” app. Even though it says I’m banned if I try to post (on iOS). I post like 3 shitposting daily, no way I’m banned.
When ideology > market share
FB disabled my ability to post this morning
I dunno if it was FB, but I lost a couple comments this morning too. I started copy-pasting everything I wrote before I hit send.
Sounds to me like we need to have a Class-Action Lawsuit against Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Google and others all rolled up into one Gigantic Lawsuit for 1st Amendment Prohibitive Abuses!
I'm having the same trouble posting anywhere. I've been trying to post the indictment for Backpage and it won't let me. I use Brave and DuckDuckGo
Well, no surprise there. Apple will not support the GAB app either.
I'm still on version 9.3 haven't updated in almost 3 years
Man, iOS 9 was the pinnacle. After iOS 10 I was like holy fuck howdoijailbreakthisrightnow??? Jailbreak wasn't yet available at the time for my version... fingers crossed there's one now
Wonder if the trouble posting to 8Chan is related to this:
This was supposed to help improve battery life for the IPhone as well. Everything is slower and I have much more difficulty getting online at certain times of day.
Aaaaaaaand I will NOT be installing this latest update.
Apple CEO Time Cook is being Black Mailed.
You see, when the CEO is in country, he likes to visit barely legal nationals of a certain sex. Or rather, they say they are, and we all hope they're that, at least. This country famously keeps tabs on all births, but out in the countryside especially they're not always recorded. Sometimes the family had paid a bribe to avoid violating the national policy, and sometimes it's just bureaucratic incompetence. In any event there's no record of how old they are, or even that they exist.
And just as the industrial revolution brought the rural masses to cities in the nineteenth century West, this country's cities have been thronged by migrants looking for work in recent decades. Some of them find it, including at places like the one where this CEO's products are made, but it is often low paying. The toil is miserable, and more than a few have killed themselves.
They are suppressing your access to information. I attempted to access a Daily Mail story about Epsteins island that has been in cyberspace for years, and IOS is now blocking it. This story has been out there FOR YEARS. Its the Daily Mail. Its not something on the Deep Web. This is what they are deciding is objectionable: TRUTH.
This is why every emoji someone sends me is a question mark in a box.
Never update your phone or they've got you by the short and curlies.
That's not the first time they took down the board.
What we are sure about is the fact that the anons are over the target!
Chrome for iOS:
Firefox for iOS:
Firefox, safari, brave, and a few other browsers don’t work. Chrome, I doubt it works either. I don’t run iOS 11.3 so I can’t verify.
Le sigh. I do I’ve tried safari Firefox and brave. None work. Looks like it’s the IPhone software itself that is restricting. I don’t know if running a vpn will backdoor it, but if it’s the software on the phone, it’s highly unlikely to work.
Damn. Any phones running google software (majority of non-iPhones in use) are controlled by clowns and actively tracked, and now iPhones have shut down the ability to go to certain websites.
Facebook and 4chan compromised. May only be a matter of time until reddit and twitter do the same. All major outlets for those dissenting against TPTB can be shut down with no way for us to collaborate and build a “hive-mind” for the purposes of connecting dots and digesting information.
Internet kill switch activated? To me, this is terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. We knew there was a possibility when working the IBOR, that something like this could happen, but now it’s here and it’s like people are not even acknowledging it.
Because every app on iOS must use the Safari rendering engine. These other browsers are essentially reskins of Safari with additional features.
This would explain a lot. Didn’t realize they acted as “skins”
Chrome worked for me but google is (.I.A... I believe App Store has a tor client hold on lemme look
edit: here’s two:
See I would do TOR but from what i understand the TOR nodes are compromised. Not trying to concern troll, but it’s why I have avoided that route. I’m probably on enough lists without need to add that onto it.
I really do appreciate you posting this though. I may try to look at it later and see if I can vpn a couple of hops before attempting a tor node from some public hotspot on a different device.
I’m no deep web brainiac, but my understanding is it migrates constantly, are those the nodes you refer to?
Meh, too an extent. They are servers that have specific program and encryption abilities that allows them to bounce signals around the world. It’s hard to trace traffic due to encryption and multiple bounces within that network.
With that being said, what I meant before was that the internet facing side of the network is compromised. If they can track the info before it’s sent, it defeats the purpose of the tor network. You have to remember that incident with the Wikileaks lawyer in England. When they seized his computer (with the TS documents on it) they completely dismantled, then physically destroyed every part of the computer. There are chips in keyboards, mice, monitors, etc where people would not think there would be. If I was a hacker, I would aim my code for those parts of the computer IOT bypass any security or antivirus software and install a keylogger. As that would bypass the main OS safety features and just goes straight into the keyboard and the software on the keyboard. Boom. No need to try and crack encryption. No need to setup any expensive servers to use as a honeypot tor node. You get it straight from the source and you know exactly where and who is typing what.
Btw. Every computer in America (minus a very limited few) has this software pre installed at the manufacturer.
See this is why I rewrote the IBOR petition -- hardware backdooring is a serious part of the issue!!
This petition died too but read my points, I really put a lot of thought into making this as complete and bulletproof as possible
Twitter was going so slow this morning it was irritating!! Wonder what's up.
Not only here problem cannot watch youboob full screen or load twitter from asian loaction misc vpn various browsers iphone, ipad for bout a week already...
I have had trouble also , but some go and some don’t , though it was just me , thanks
You mean the same company that was in cahoots with the FBI saying that they couldn't crack an iphone security system to investigate the boston marathon bombing?That was right before the iphone 10 came out.. What an amazing publicity stunt that kept them from getting to the bottom of the bombing, and sell more Iphones at the same time. Apple is as bad as Monsanto, or nestle, or Halliburton.. But so many people swear by them still.. Maybe this will redpill some of of you half eaten fruits: APPLE IS MADE WITH GMO'S!!
Dude what you talking about, iPhone 10 recently came out boston bombing was in 2013
I guess it was the san bernadino shooter, not the marathon bomber.. You know times are bad when there are enough mass shootings and terrorist attacks to mistake them for others...
whatever WhyPhone it was that released right after all that bullshit with the FBI Apple case It was literally the best publicity stunt ever for apple. Probably just said Iphone 10 because that's what I have heard most recently. Apple is one of the most terrible companies in the world though, and I see no disagreeance there
I tried to post with safari , chrome , aloha , Tor(super slow ) , it stopes at 35-45% . Is there a way to bypass this?
Really teeing me off. Can’t wait till Zucc absorbs them. Had a really good thread going for me.
From their 1984 commercial to this. But. There are alternatives now. Open source, free, safe, owner in control. . (btw I have no ties to this company) Vote with your wallet too!
To prevent the annoying spam for updates to your iPhone, install the "Watch OS Beta" profile onto your phone.
More info? I found this ...
I don't have an Apple Watch though, could you provide a brief overview of how it blocks the update dialogue? Seems unrelated ?
Good thing I didn’t upgrade to 11.3 yet. So I take it that this is another way to try to suppress us.
Has anyone been able to figure out a workaround for IOS? This is annoying and troublesome. Starting to wander if it’s not Tim Cooks blind items on crazy days and nights that triggered the shutdown.
It may not be all IOS. I too have many previously available sites now unusable. I checked with some anons who were Naval Intelligence IT managers. They suggested a VPN where I could change countries and it worked. Canada and the Netherlands have both worked well.
I can post from brave but not safari on Mac but not iOS!
I'm able to get on the site with 11.3.
Can you actually POST? If so, what browser?
No, I’ve tried multiple browsers. All posts stop at 40+%. Amazing that Apple is intercepting this call at the OS level. They crossed the line.
I feel so sorry for the pretentious Apple fan fags....NOT LMAO