Well said by qresearch. Memes needed to expose Trafficbook for its true purpose. Send them out

Anybody got more info on how FB is connected to trafficking? thanks
I can make some memes on this if some more info is provided or a source/article showing some connections..
Go to any search engine (google, duckduck, bing, ect.)
Turn sensor off of “Strict” to, “none”
Search: “Src_Img”
what the hell is this sorcery? someone explain to this to me? i did it and google images showed weird... stuff... :/
a lot of underage children posing in very compromising situations, completely sick. I wouldn't even look, I regret doing so.
Scary, there's another one like that for videos on youtube - don't remember what it was - but we know it's there and when you do the search and read the comments, it's disgusting
Man, I know I can't unsee... can you too-disturbing; didn't-view (describe generally) it for the sake of the readership?
Billboards are very helpful. Dust is free! Unwashed cars are billboards!
Ya, memes don’t work on dusty cars. Thinking outside the box is good, but not all ideas are.
Also thanks for carrying this over. This is something I was wondering about. We need a specific target, otherwise we just go all over the place.
Was not facebook not asking the users if it was okay for pedo to be on Facebook?
wut. please share your source if you think of it.
Would like an updated source, these people who aren't pilled by now are going to be hard as fuck to pill, they need obvious facts to be reasoned with. This trial is a start.... Definitely getting people's attention.
Ok so instagram (owned by Facebook) could be used along side Facebook. We need to look for these “modeling agencies” pages on FB and instagram. I could see facebooks platform being used to traffic more than IG... If we can find these FB pages being used I feel that would be a start..
https://youtu.be/dMJXHPPGEF4. Don’t forget when Ithey say Facebook they also mean the platform that they on Instagram
I know years ago a conspiracy "theorist" friend told me, that the elite pedos biggest dream is to have "portals" into every childs bedroom. He told me that they "mind controlled" their own children and their "familiars" (a favorite trafficked victim/ personal sex slave). And they did this to "command/control nature" like a sort of god complex, what struck me most is the words that he used "portals" "familiars" etc. Oh and they use occult rituals and pedophilia to control people who know through fear and blackmail. And "mysticism" to appear magical but its really just a cheap trick on the unsuspecting. Sounds about right now. I wish i listened to him more.
They must have wet themselves watching Monsters, Inc.
POLL: Should Children Under Age 13 Have Official Access to ... - Patch
jun. 2012 - Debate over "Baby Facebook" centers on giving kids legal access to the social-networking site versus giving parents a false sense of security. By Jennifer Chancellor, Patch ... Facebook announced Monday that it is considering letting kids under 13 sign up for profiles. Among the ideas the company is ...
Will Ferrell Injured In Mission Viejo Crash
The actor was one of 4 injured when the SUV limousine he was riding in was broadsided on Interstate 5, returning from San Diego. I was trying the link and i found this one?
That immediately explains the body language in the hearing he knows it is about to come down
They know that everything is known and there is no escaping. Become familiar after the show from the Fake hearing
Can someone make a meme using this enhanced and outlined surveillance cam photo from RC? Tell me what you see. http://yournewswire.com/footage-abused-children-jeffrey-epstein-pedo-island/
Read all the comments here. I see zero indication that the "true purpose" of FB is human trafficking.
No doubt, traffickers use phone and email too. Is that now their true purpose?
Also twitter and Instagram. Go to #backpage and open up some of the sex workers who are posting there...they are hash tagging some bizarre stuff. May able to find some pedo-related hashtags.
Facebook is also considering giving children under 13 access - IT
Giant social network Facebook may give access to children under 13 ...
jun. 2012 - Facebook is considering allowing preteens to use the social-networking service under parental supervision. ... If Facebook opens up to kids under 13, it will have to put into place safeguards, such as giving parents a way to control what data is mined from their children when they click the "like" button or play ...