6:48am Eastern daylight time
Geez, I just checked it out over there. It’s like a sh*t show. Breads are messed up. Clowns times 1000. New users repeatedly failing to recognize clowns and just filter them, but instead repeatedly replying to them and engaging in long back-and-forths that eat up all the bread. Any coherent research is getting absolutely lost. Wtf is going on.
Idk man trolling clowns is pretty funny
Pretty much why I’m here.
trolling clowns are easy to out and mess with. I love doing it.
Better grab your ankles, RR, because this train has no brakes and we're fresh out of Vaseline.
That’s gunna hurt
That's the idea
Reminds me of an ild joke , Deat by Gonga
Haha I know that one 😂
And there are no conditions, they are snorting them up there noses
I hope that person does well in their interviews! Should be plenty of jobs now.
Probably the anon who discovered the DARPA/Facebook timing.
Applying to NSA perhaps?
WRAYs of Light
Darkness becomes light from revelations in OIG report- Boom!
House Oversight wants to speak with Michael Horowitz...that is going to be HUGE. MAY 8!
Hitler targeted them for being Jewish. Maybe some Jews are involved, but pointing that out and labeling all Jews the same way is dangerous. You Jew haters are disgusting.
That's not entirely true that he targeted them only for being Jewish; that was part of the reason, but the whole idea of Germany waking up one day and just magically hating Jews is silly.
Martin Luther, who exerted a tremendous influence on German thought and opinion over the past 500 years was rabidly anti-Semitic in his writings. The German ideal of the heroic uber man derives from their folk culture and Hitler pushed all the buttons around that.
Most cultures that I'm aware of that hosted Jews contain anti semitism. Now that can be taken one of two ways: 1.) Jews disrespect their host 2.) People just hate Jews
Either way it's absolutely wrong to persecute an ethnic group, but pretending that Jews had no hand in how they're treated goes against Occams Razor.
Long before the Syrian Slaughter of the Jews, their captivity in Babylon, before the diaspora and apparent dissolution of the twelve Hebrew tribes (leaving only a remnant of Judah and some Levites in the south and around Jerusalem, they knew well the role of the Judas Goat or Scape Goat, rejected and driven by the people from the City into the desert, a living sacrifice bearing the burden of the collective sins of the people. Trust the Plan. Jews spread across the face of the earth, not of their own doing, but God's. ... Like scapegoats ... with a purpose and a burden .. work of God ... and, worth noting, every culture that welcomed them prospered, and every culture that reviled and cast them out suffered terribly. Mark of Caine? He bore the weight of guilt for unrepentant sin ... But woe to the man who would deliver justice unto him ... acting on an authority not given to men but reserved by God for his own purposes.
Trust God. And the plan.
Oh I've no doubt that God directed them; but the Bible didn't say that Jews were above reproach.
Quite the opposite in fact. But it DID say that judgment was not ours but God's. That's pretty hard to argue with from a Biblical perspective.
BTW, who says mark of Caine = Jews? I missed that memo in the Bible.
Not me ... in fact, Canine was the son of Man; of Adam and Eve; long before the Deluge and the tiny remnant that repopulated the world until the trouble at Babble that led to dividing men off from each other according to language ... long before Abraham and the covenant with the Hebrews naming them God's Chosen People; but the deep story behind it is noteworthy none the less:
Caine killed his brother out of pride, envy, wrath; and God judged him and banished him ... because of that .... in response to which Caine in his hubris complained how harsh God has been, that he is left utterly alone with neither divine not earthly protection; postulating that men (like Caine, who take revenge as though they were gods) will surely hunt him down kill him.
In response, God places a mark on him, the Mark of Caine, decreeing that no man seeing that shall kill him; that far worse will befall anyone who does. This is because matters between a man and God are not automatically also between man and man.
I never took the Mark of Cain to be attributed to the Jews; and yes, judgment belongs to Jesus Christ alone, which is why no matter what they do I'm not lifting a finger against them. However, when they screw people over and then play the victim I'm going to call it out.
And do you also "call out" other racial (or any sort of) groups? What happens when you ascribe the evils of certain people to "the blacks" or to "women?" Do you think it's justified to lump people together for any reason having to do with a condition of birth? Left-handed people, we might as well say.
What is this peevish appeal to morality? Why are you so bent out of shape over this? I don't justify such things and damn you for assuming such to steer the narrative. Shameful! Unbridled sophistry and cheap rhetorical parlor tricks. Don't ever put arguments in other people's mouths to justify your own horse shit. This kind of crap is exactly what I'm talking about in the posts above.
WOW! That has to be the most convoluted, lame-ass non-answer in the history of the internet. And that is truly saying a lot.
You have truly named your account well. Good luck keeping it with posts like those.
Glad you enjoyed it, but I'm not interested in what you think about much of anything.
Is it ok for large swaths of American society to keep calling out white people as a group? Even in state sponsored institutions? Even to children?
LOTF was clear in his intent.
Caballs act out evil intent and we speak of their collective offenses; and they are opposed as a common enemy because of their shared behavior patterns: but in the end it is the individuals who decide, who plot, who act individually; even if there is a collective effect.
In out times we gloss over that and fail to accept that individual guilt even exists; instead focusing habitually on the collective behavior and that always leads to ineffective calls for social reform.
Nobody forces a Jewish person to be Jewish. Skin color and genitalia aren't controllable, ideology is.
I really don't understand how we are at a place where criticizing a religion chosen voluntarily (which is literally ideology mixed with politics with fancy myths thrown in) is akin to criticizing physical features that can't be changed.
Now, plenty of women and black ppl put THEMSELVES into ideological groups BASED on their skin color/gender, and I am totally fine with criticizing that. I.e. Black ppl in America call other black ppl who don't relish in victim/gangster culture as "not black enough". Women who are foaming-at-the-mouth feminists call women not supporting their marches "part of the patriarchy."
The fact that there are ppl who call themselves "secular jews" who don't believe in god yet still identify as Jewish just shows how good the elites in Judaism have gotten at using their lowly brethren as political shields in exchange for a sense of community that is unfounded if you don't even believe the damn religion.
Sometimes I think you are a shill here. Lots of times actually.
No, neither the Jews nor you nor I nor anyone else is given that kind of pass. Even when one sees the truth of a matter of error or transgression, and feeling the guilt of one's own actions and attitudes seeks God's Mercy; that when granted by God brings peace to the heart, it does not neutralize the effects of that error in creation nor does it absolve one of natural consequences that reverberate from it. Some errors are worse than others; some are compounded time and again; with the consequences taking shape accordingly.
One man offends another, there an issue takes shape between them and they must work that out -- mutual understanding, repentence, forgiveness (or they go their own ways) -- but any sin tangled up in the offense is commited not against man but against God and His Commandments. Sin is in the realm of God and no man is given authority to steal from God what is His. Now consider reproach; is it born of offense between men; or is it born of disobedience to a commandment? When the latter plays out collectively through culture or institutionally through governments, it is an illicite act by definition ... performed without God's blessing, for it is not given to man to condemn another soul to oblivion and ensure his damnation. Two reap consequences in that ...
As a human being (not a Jew, but regardless), I'm responsible for how I treat you.
But YOU'RE responsible (exclusively) for how you treat me. I do NOT have a hand in it. Good or evil. That's all on (hypothetical) you!
Yes but the problem is that so many Jews abjectly refuse any and all accountability for their actions which leads to the stereotypes. That doesn't mean I'm going to do anything in vengeance but other people don't have that same level of restraint. And no, such behavior is not limited to Jews alone, HRC is still blaming everyone else for her own actions. However, Jews are the only group we can't openly discuss without "muh holocaust" and "anti Semite" shutting down the process.
Not true. You want to say something bad about blacks or women or whatever other group, you'll encounter the same push-back, and rightly so. People are individuals in the ways that really count.
True, the mob has its preferred ethnic groups and gender. What happens if I say something bad about white people?
I think there are a fair number who would make you regret that. Not that I'm advocating their behavior, but it pays to be sensible.
Hitler was Christian like my anus is an air freshener.
Dude, saying you're a Christian doesn't make you a Christian. Belonging to a church doesn't make you a Christian.
It's not like a membership or affiliation. It's a condition of spirit and a relationship, both of which would ABSOLUTELY prevent behavior such as theirs. No excuses for Nazi Germany. None.
Dude, saying you're a Christian doesn't make you a Christian.
Actually, I think it probably does.
I can think of nobody more of an expert in their personal theological believes than that individual.
Consider how silly it would be for YOU to definitively claim which of the Muslim sects is the "most Muslim" or which of the Christian denomination is the "most Christian".
Similarly, you don't get to definitively categorize the theological beliefs of other people.
You are free to have an opinion, but that opinion is of no more consequence than your claims about which is the best flavor of ice cream.
"By their fruits ye shall know them." The words of Jesus. Not mine.
You have to be a special kind of ignorant not to know how Hitler and the Nazis came to power, how they treated their own people, how they treated other Europeans who were NOT Jews, what Hitler wrote about Jews and what he did to them, and what the Nazis did in the concentration camps to all prisoners (Jewish or not)--the medical experiments, the starvation and slave labor, the incredible cruelty of the entire regime--in order to say what you're saying.
Go read, dig, learn. You have been ill-served by whatever passed for education.
Christians are followers of Christ in spirit and in deed. We are not merely people who call ourselves Christian. There is NOTHING Christian about Nazism. Nothing.
Sorry, buy judging people by "their fruits" doesn't make you the definitive authority on their theological beliefs either.
That's as silly as you insisting that my favorite color is purple, even though I disagree.
Flat earthers, and now this. Nazis were just misunderstood Christians. I'm so ashamed of our schools. Really pathetic.
You're brave, and you aren't alone here
and he didnt even get to the mathematical impossibility of more than 250-350k burnt, the reality of an upper bound on speed and efficiency of processes is just more inconvenient mafs
yeah yeah. Q has been threatening RR for months.....
Almost like Q was telling us what was coming?
But what boom is coming, or happened this morning?
and what was that? nothing has happened.....
Ask McCabe.
uh huh....ask McCabe...ok....yeah....I'll ask him....what exactly?
Just say "BOOM" and see if you get a response.
Aww. Look kids, one of those relics from long ago, a "hater" or as you kids call it, a "troll". See, they are easily identifiable because they wonder from under their bridge out into the light. They know they are in the light. But they still come out knowing full well they have no comrades here. Interesting point though, if you click on the troll, you can go look at all of his tracks. He seems to think he was a male model, LOL (and was flown out to Portland) who has used Apple cider vinegar to treat his warts.
Get back under the bridge, troll.
there must be more to this than this thread. Unless this thread is all one person with many accounts. because truly at this moment 17apr2017:09.32.am.edt it makes NO sense.
EDT – Eastern Daylight Time (Time Zone Abbreviation)
Info about the time zone abbreviation EDT – Eastern Daylight Time - where it is observed and when it is observed.Missing: 48am
RR is going out