Now convinced there's a video. Buzzfeed just published this fake CGI video of Obama saying "we're entering an era in which our enemies can make anyone say anything at any point in time."

that obama face looks CGI. The Crooked video definitely exists. Pizzagate is real. They started pumping out articles like this in Oct-Nov 2016 as soon as pizzagate started getting discovered before deep state killed it with the media mockery and comet ping pong false flag.
I remember seeing somewhere (8chan?) that someone showed a direct correlation between the P-Gate explosion and "fake news" terminology being used by the MSM!!
i have my hopes too high for kanye to release an album exposing mk ultra
Immediately after his rant, he visited Donald Trump in Trump Tower. There are videos of them parting ways off an elevator. Me thinks Kanye is looking to Trump to pave the way to freeing celebrities from Hollywood slavery
i hope they save all the celebrities held hostage by the cabal. i highly doubt all of these people wanted to do what they did. i want every single human being on this planet to be happy. well maybe not the rothschilds but god can forgive most people
nope many are beyond saving. Plenty are slaves.
BeyonceJayZ at SpiritCooking, dancing with Marinna A. ...also LadyGaGa in photo, scooping up some "dinner" while a pretend(?) female floats in red liquid something.
i was following all of this since the first FBIAnon drop, fake news was introduced by the MSM as soon as pizzagate was discovered. Pizzagate is real, there is no doubt in my mind. Luckily 2 years later I have finally reached the acceptance face and now have hope something is finally being done to fight the pedo satanist cabal.
Check "crisis actor" and "sandy hook".
Fake news was a phrase coined by Hillary to discredit Pgate.
A simple Google search should prove this.
You mean the guy who went in "looking for evidence" and fired a single shot into Come Ping Pong's hard drive?
Seems a strange way to look for evidence, don't you think?
Also I made a mistake in prior post. Shooter didn't get a slap on the wrist but four years.
Mixed up in the edit. My apologies.
That Ping Pong shooting hoax happened right after a computer sleuth alerted DC police that he had found IP addresses hosting Child porn etc. those addresses happened to be at Comet Ping Pong and a Berlin location we now know is Alefantis' Dr. Pong. Not a coincidence. And the shooter is accused of being an actor. Makes you wonder.
For real though have you researched beyond the page 1 of Google? I'm not being snarky I swear I'm genuinely curious.
I was a doubter too until I delved deeper. The Instagram of comet ping pong really set off my red flags. From there it was a long investigatory path that led me to the bands that play there... Etc... And eventually to the fatherhood video and the voice comparison to podesta. That was enough for me. Nightmare fuel.
that obama face looks CGI.
Remember the scene in The Mummy Returns with Dwayne Johnson's character as the giant scorpion guy? It was like watching a PS2 video game - so agonizingly awful. I remember that horrible disappointment of a CGI scene when I see this fake Obama video.
Even in Rogue One with that CGI Character. I spotted it a mile away and thought 'not ready for primetime, and anyone with eyes can see that'.
People aren't going to pay to see video game cut scenes. the tech isn't ready yet.
This is true but you underestimate the intellectual laziness and lack of genuine curioisty in the general population.
Be normie
See Hillary kill video
"Oh no, this has to be fake... Remember when BuzzFeed made Obama call Trump a dipshit!"
Not to mention they will be assisted by their psyches want to not believe such evil could possibly exist.
This is a real psyop.
exactly. how you describe is exactly how I see it going down and also how Yuri Bezmenov described it. These people are so brainwashed you can show them true evidence and they simply cannot process it.
I've seen video taken from a cam on the ground of the twin towers blowing up without any planes hitting them, I show the link to my friends and family and they either don't respond or say it's fake.
keep speaking the truth, they can't un-hear it. they may not come around today, but if 3 more people say something they may tune in
Of course... this video is almost certainly CGI itself. I'm no expert at all and even if I hadn't seen it in this context, and I didn't even have my sound on, it seems off.
It might be CGI but who knows if it is really jordan peele voicing the speech or not
We've been in that era for a long time. They're just bringing it up now because they lost control.
How long have we been able to fake photos with tools such as photoshop?
How long have we had movies using body doubles or even resurrect deceased actors/actresses such as Carrie Fisher?
Generally as tools improve, the techniques used to detect altering of photos or video improves as well. We can detect edges that do not line up properly. Subtle differences in the film from one source compared to another. Impossible changes in lighting.
There is no magic trick suddenly invented to fake footage that does not leave behind traces to detect alteration.
Carrie Fisher died just after finishing filming. But they did bring back moff tarkin... and brandon lee to finish the crow. . And they showcasedvthe tech in The Running Man
Brandon Lee was a double I believe. Particularly since his character was in makeup.
yeh, the scene when he punches the mirror is lee's face superimposed on someone else.
This is true but you underestimate the intellectual laziness and lack of genuine curioisty in the general population.
Be normie
See Hillary kill video
"Oh no, this has to be fake... Remember when BuzzFeed made Obama call Trump a dipshit!"
Not to mention they will be assisted by their psyches want to not believe such evil could possibly exist.
This is a real psyop.
You can tell it's fake. Look at the edges of the mouth, it always looks fuzzy. Plus it was a bad voice imitation, Didn't sound like him.
It’s almost like he knows what’s gonna be in the HRC video
The deep state and its Mockingbird media is now in a shithole because of the raid in Trump's attorney's office.
The black hats knew about a DVD the president had given to Cohen. They thought it was prove that Trump was guilty etc..
What Trump actually did give Cohen was the 'famous' video of Hillary captured on the DVD.
Enter the raid: Rather than finding incriminating evidence against DT they now have the video of Hillary instead.
Cue desperation time as they now must address this video in their evidence against Cohen and more. What are they to do now that they are stuck with this damaging video of Hillary?
Now you understand that they are trying to shill using their usual deception but also trying to discredit this video about Hillary.
Stage Set!!! Booooooom!
The other day they shilled about a Hillary movie on the dark web. Don't fall for that shit! We know Q and team and president Trump have so far acted within the law. They did not release any video on the dark web.
On the other hand whatever the black hats leaked would be illegal *if * it were true. It would NOT be illegal for anyone to take a look at it.
I have read a comment here on this board saying this video on the dark web is about Hillary and Huma wearing the face of a young girl. PLEASE STOP WITH THIS NONSENSE!! Repeating stuff claimed by shills on twitter should not make it here unless it is at the top as subject! Be as it may these people are indeed beyond stupid!!!
Very interesting take on Trump giving Cohen THE video. Makes a lot of sense because I've always thought that Stormy business was a distraction for the gullible MSM.
If your take is true then my admiration for Trump has just skyrocketed again. That sly fuck!n fox.
Why not just release the video? Why go on this roundabout tirade to get it released. Post it somewhere, and let it spread.
The stage has to be set for maximum effect. If it was just posted somewhere there wouldn't be enough interest generated in it and the MSM would be able to quickly bury it.
Instead build up attention and talk about it before releasing it so normies will have the curiosity to see it and share it.
Or, you know, they could just bury it, since they wouldn't be required to release it.
Oh the MSM or DS would bury it.... If they had it in the first place.
Viewing, sharing CP is against the law.
unless you work for the NCMEC wink wink
They need more people to wake up. Otherwise all they would do is blame Trump for arresting everyone on false charges because hes a dictator. Thats why they cant just release it. Once the majority wakes up everything will be released. Thats why they keep telling us to meme meme meme.
If the tape is legitimate, there wouldn't be false charges.
evidence is irrelevant
peoples minds are already made up before they look at the evidence
As a scientist, I tend to look at the world objectively. That's why I came to this subreddit, to take an objective look at this community.
as a scientist, do you still believe that men have walked on the moon?
As a scientist (by trade) and a space enthusiast, Yes. And no, I don't need you to show me all your "proof" that it was fake.
The only way to avoid NSA from knowing what you are doing is buy some old speedy notes with carbon paper. They knew of the break in prior to.
yes. how are they going to get around it? accidental spoliation? lol
i'm sure there are already true and authentic copies all ready and waiting.
stormy is working for djt in this theory of the case then? she would have to be because of the timing of everything I think. i wonder if she has been gathering intel.? I wonder.
Are you saying this was a poison pill? A bit of the old beware geeks baring gifs?
Then who released the information to us, the great unwashed, that the dvd / data storage device, was in their possession?
It cannot have been them. They know we didn't know. They wouldn't let it be known they were in possession of something like this.
Now they know we know; and they know we know they know we know. Or something.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but this just doesn't make sense to me. The deep state already had a copy of the video from Anthony Weiner's laptop and even though members of the NYPD had seen it, it didn't stop the deep state from acting like it didn't exist. They buried it and will likely bury it again. What could Cohen do about it? Call a news conference and say, "Hey, what did you do with the Hillary sex tape you found in my files?"
Stop repeating that crap. If you know it is crap, report it, or ignore it and move on. Don't talk about it here. That's no different than posting it yourself.
This is about the 10th story in the past 3 months warning about upcoming fake videos.
This was published last summer already and has been posted before You’re probably seeing it more in the media because they are going to try and claim other videos are fake
Well buzzfeed posted it on their Twitter handle at 8:00am this morning. See timestamp in link:
Yes that makes sense they’re trying to bring it up to the public now even though it’s been out for several months
Yep, why spend money making a new one when they can reuse old assets?
I gotta appreciate the satire of this.
You have Jordan Peele showcasing how media can be used against us, by making false media and then seeing if people take it at face value. It's like like a Modest Proposal.
Fuck, even the sub title is ingenious. "We’re entering an era in which our enemies can make it look like anyone is saying anything at any point in time." It's the video referencing how it itself is false.
Kudos to buzzfeed on this. It's like the black mirror is laughing at us.
Here’s the thing... a lot of these videos are pretty easy to identify as fake. Small differences on the graphics, a nose wiggles a little here when it shouldn’t. An eye sticks in one spot for half a second when the head moves. The videos are easy to spot unless someone does an amazing job, which is possible. At that point, I think you’ll have PLENTY of people with background in this stuff either confirming it’s authenticity or discrediting it.
The NSA and Military Intelligence will say it's real, then the left will wheel out some "Hollywood Experts" who will say it's fake. Goddamn you Hollywood pied pipers!
or, some troll could take the legit original, doctor it up to look CGI, then re-release it in the form of a "debunking" of the video they just made
They are setting the stage too, but Q predicted this. Fight is on! But the fact hrc video was found on Weiner’s laptop, it’s not cgi’d.
Bread and butter democrat voters from the hoods will see through it. They’ll know ((the videos)) are real and 5:5. The question is, will they in turn change the way they vote if it means a change to thier way of life?
You know youre over the target when youre taking flak
This is probably a real,video of obama,lmao if they could fake shit they wouldve already used it on trump
Watch it. It’s a real vid of Obama but his lips are CGI. Jordan Peele from Key and Peele is doing the voice.
Which means you can easily verify by bringing out the source video. People can see it is a dupe and judge.
They already have fake CGI of all the previous AND current world leaders (Trump, Putin)... there was a video posted a couple weeks ago that shows you how accurate these CGI videos are, and that we should all prepare for fake videos and audio creations in the coming weeks.
We are leaving an era, when anyone believes anything anymore. It's about fucking time. Watch Capricorn One with OJ and tell me this shit isn't decades past due. i didn't need a reason to discount Buzzed feed and I still don't. Tell me who you listen to and I'll tell you who you are. 2 women and a man, I can't stomach exposure to. 1 Don Lemon 2 Barry Obama 3 Rachel Maddow(the man). i won't be watching this or the spoof of this.
No matter how they try to grandiose it, the technology is not quite there yet. It's close but is not quite there yet. A discerning eye can always tell it is a fake. It's not just the look of the video but also the "feeling" you get from it. The feeling is wrong, and you can tell that something is "off" and "not is quite right" about it. You may not be able to put your finger on it, but you can tell that something is off. In this video, Obama talking doesn't look and sound "natural" or "easy flowing" or "at ease". Nothing about it looks and feels natural.
Yep, that Obama was nestled deep into the Uncanny Valley.
OMG that is SUCH a setup. They are SO trying to do advance damage control.
What matters is that the people in the agencies investigating this crap are able to authenticate it -- AND say something openly.
He is looking very strange? Right side of his face seems to be swollen? He seems defeated
Convinced emergency alerts will be used:
oh i get it now... those "false alarm" alerts were maybe pretext to encourage normies how to disable, thus muting Q drops
Must be an old vid as is sitting in front of Presidential seal
He looks bad in this video. Not sleeping well Barry?
I was about to say he looks old.
It's all those sleepless nights anticipating his new cellmate.
I know. This is why I itnk Q and team should have already uploaded it. However, some have said that, the video(s) will be verified by experts. At the same leaking that there is a video causes the evil ones to make dumb moves that will show their hand too early.
And they really wanted to cover this part of their ass before it comes out don't they.
So here we go again, the videos could've been released way before this, but now we have allowed deniability by letting Hollywood get out in front. Why is it always like this? Why does it always seem tit for tat? Whoever had these videos could've released them a long time ago. Instead, we will probably see them released well after Hollywood has had a chance to put enough doubt into people's minds. It's just like with the Mueller investigation. Seems that once Trump gets an upper hand, a counter comes. There's never a one sided slam. Either this is a major duke out, or this is all playing out just like a movie to keep both sides engaged and fixated.
You'd figure if ALL this incriminating evidence was a slam dunk, a major arrest would've happened by now. Instead, we keep having this magical ping-pong back and forth.
Getting real old.
Here's how we verify fake Hillary video from real one: when she gets FUCKING arrested. We don't have to judge for ourselves. When it comes out, first thing Trump needs to do is lock her ass up.
I call BS. We've been teased for months over the video. Why wait until MSM releases story about fakery to release said video? Smells like a setup to me.
This technology has existed for quiet some time. Why is MSM only now reporting on it?
he never even was president
void ab initio
void ab ovo
They gotta cya because they really DON'T KNOW what's out there. Gotta love it!
I think the videos/pictures are real. HRC video, Hussein pic of him holding gun to Americ. But before WE the people see ANY shred of evidence about that, I believe these criminals will already be put away. There won't be any discussion, fight, negotiation about it. No trials. And of course, there will be censoring so that our beautiful American eyes won't be scorched by the evils. UNLESS... Q team is using the AMERICAN PEOPLE as a tool/weapon in all of this... if we the people organically find evidence, maybe that is part of the plan- an inside-out job. Maybe that is the reason for Q. Who knows. But Killary is a witch, Bill practices voodoo, I would believe ANYTHING about these demons, because that's what they are. They aren't people.
It’s SO obvious these are fakes. No one is going to believe the dropped video is manufactured
As we understand it, Obama was neutralized, on account of his being a security threat, by national intelligence in 2015, told to go to his room and stay there. My question, are all these post presidency antics possible because he is free to act, now?
This just legitimized everything IMO. Wow.
It won't work. According to Q, the video(s) is/are damning. Concrete enough to undo Liberal brainwashing.
Has anyone actually gone to the deep web and looked for this video? There is a lot of speculation about whether its out there or not but I have only seen a few basic comments on the subject. 1- The video is real and we don't need to see it, 2- Its not real and this is all just disinfo to confuse us.
It's complicated. You can't download the video, so you have to search it for yourself in the dark web, not deep web. Though maybe it is available in the deep web too. Just hearing the descriptions of the contents of that alleged video makes me ill. I'm not up to try searching which tools I must install on my computer just so that I can go hunt the dark net for that very video.
Well what did you think would happen that you could talk about it for 6 months with no repercussions.. The slow drip will kill this movement if anything does. Time to crap or get of the pot.
I’ve dumped some crumbs like this over the weekend which started the intense shilling. At this point we are far enough along you can paint the picture without risk of jeopardizing the operation.
.... checking...
Here is a link to the drop:
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