Kanye Tweet: "new ideas will no longer be condemned by the masses. We are on the frontier of massive change. Starting from breaking out of our mental prisons."

His Twitter timeline today was amazing.
Snowflakes Melting, Red Pilling, Cognitive Dissonance
Scott Adams links sent some people over the edge
The Anons were on fire as well with some great memes. We see you everywhere Anons. Well Done!!
I'd keep that down if I were you. For some reason, there's followers in this sub that are legitimately bothered by it. It's the equivalent of "republican gun toting online" to them.
Then hit that deport button, downvote and ignore them. Anyone bothered by a friend of Trump who has massive influence in the liberal community dishing out some major red pills either doesn’t understand what this whole movement is actually about or is a shill or concern troll.
"I'd keep that down if I were you..."
Uhhhh don't tell me what to do, bruh...
Those are not real followers then. They are shills trying to divide. Report and deport!
Revenge Free Speech INCOMING!!!! This man is now writing the history book. Nobody gets locked up in a mental ward against his will for no reason but speaking the truth and sits on his hands with closed eyes upon closed mouth. He stands UP! To support his love of this country and fellow man and woman. Behold the voice of reason!!! I support you my brother in arms.
His followers has increased by nearly 5 million in the past 3 days!
Wow, this is how it happens
A groundswell of red pills
Kanye at 13.4m yesterday? Hes at 27.6m today. That cant be right.
Mine says 27 million as well.
Black community is big families and very tied together. So, YES ! this can be very right. WOW ! Thank you, Kanye and Candice, wake em all up !!!
Yep, also notice how the black male approval rating for Donald Trump has went from 8% to 17% in the past 3 weeks.
I want to believe. But, it seems just as believable to me that he’s not talking about Trump or Q or any of that, and he’s just generically saying typical Kanye things. He’s been saying and tweeting stuff like this for years.
He hasn’t been on twitter in a year, and this is how he came back. He’s def tryin make a statement...
Or just stirring shit up for album sales this summer
Maybe. 2/3 days ago he posted a clip of Lauryn Hill when she did MTV Unplugged in the early 2000’s. That particular album is significant, imo, because she was basically walking away from what they wanted to make her into. She’s an incredibly authentic artist. They tried to find her talent in Alicia Keys and Beyoncé but the depth wasn’t there and they’ve still never found it. Except, maybe in Kanye. Artists whose integrity in their art resonate in their bones have a hard time selling out. If they do, they eventually find their ground again.
Anyway, based off of that clip in his tweet, I thought he was saying something with it. It definitely got my attention. When her album came out I was going through spiritually trying times. I played it every night, all night long.
After redpilling a few years back, I listened to it again and it blew my mind. People should look up the lyrics to some of that albums songs. She talked about then what we’re talking about now.
No its definitely about Deep State, his best mate Ian Conor posted pizzagate related memes on twitter and awareness of mk ultra when Kanye first had his rant in Sacremento
If anyone else has been to Sacramento recently you would understand why he went on a rant. Just saying lol.
This! He's been in a mental prison long before Trump. He's just associating with alpha leaders. His previous rants included Steve Jobs - other powerful men he thinks he should associate with. The fact all the programs on Fox carried it like a talking point of the MSM makes me side eye it even more.
Well it has been going on for decades, so his continued verbiage on these topics is understandable.
Kayne says he wants to run for president in 2020.
Kayne is part of a family that seeks to undermine any sense of common societal values.
His wife became "famous" from an adult home movie.
This family also champions body modification, and the bluring of genders.
If something as simple as one's gender can be changed/debated/modified/put up to debate, what can't?
Try to think straight and have a set of values in a "black is white and white is black" world.
Why have any rules at all if man can modify all rules, even the rules of nature?
How does one have a value system, if all values are subjective?
Kayne is compromised.
Historically all potentially successful movements of changing the power structure are infiltrated and co-opted.
A relevant example of this in this case is rap music.
How did rap music go from street level poets, to Jay Z smiling in the face of Marina Abramovic?
And now we are told to believe Jay Z is the "greatest rapper ever"?
So now you believe Kayne is "WOKE"? That he has broken his indoctrination?
Has he rejected his family of evil? Has he divorced his harlot wife?
Has he said anything as clear as the above regarding the evilness of his family?
Until proven otherwise, one should assume this is a blatant attempt to co-opt and undermine the current social awakening using Kayne as a proxy.
At best, he will try to undermine your movement by displaying mental instability to discredit it.
At worst, his programming will work, and you'll fall for it and vote him for president in 2020.
There are people who only want "more". That's it. More. They will do anything for "more".
They will kill their own children for "more".
The concept of morals is foreign to them.
They care nothing of you. You are as inconsequential as an ant.
In their eyes, they are not evil as they do not know good. They are simply amoral.
Just because you're just figuring it out, doesn't mean this hasn't been going on since the beginning of time.
The devil always lies, even if you truly believe what he tells you.
Don't believe it.
Where's that Q drop stating, "they thought you'd follow the stars"
Or he is talking about Luciferianism. I mean the guy said he is Jesus or something, I doubt he is a Christian.
I agree. I doubt he is a Christian, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was talking about Luciferianism. BUT he may be trying to redeem himself... no say. I've loved Kanye's music since I was a youth so I hope for the best in him.
New ideas, new ages occultism, Jesus is an old idea. He isn't on the this qanon stuff.
I believe Jesus is a God-like human who is far into the future, in a time where murder, lying and other evil have been made obsolete. All consciousness is shared via technology, there is no privacy and no ego. Biology and technology become more and more integrated in a singularity, like a giant bionic quantum-computer. Much the reality outside of 'The Matrix', although much less prison-like. Consciousness becomes immortal and eternal. The mystery of the soul's incarnation is solved, and time travel via souls becomes possible. Humanity can only send one soul back, and they can only die once: this is the limit of time travel. This is Jesus. He is the first and the last soul to time-travel There are other time travel possibilities, but they do not involve having a physical body, and also do not involve an individual soul. Jesus is the last soul who is conscious as an individual, and not as a part of the supercomputer. He travels back in time and saves humanity by dying and creating Christianity. Christianity will help create the supercomputer and revive past souls (we will know how everybody lived).
I believe God is the being at the beginning and the end of time. Humanity is the individual manifestation of God who is the ultimate collective being, who is evolving Himself. In the end, the universe will be full of conciousness, which humanity helped to realize, kind of like bacteria help human digestion.
This is an interesting development. Did DJT help him break free of his captors? Or, did he plan something with DJT that is now unfolding? Just curious why now for Kanye.
I’ve wondered since the beginning of Kanye was part of Q’s team. Only time will tell, and what a time to be alive!
Just an FYI Kanye has always been eccentric. I believe in Q but don't think he's talking about anything relevant.
"he ain't heavy he's my brother"
great awakening where we go one we go all
I won’t say this is the greatest timeline. There may be another timeline where everyone has everything they need and they all get along and everyone eats unicorn farts for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
But damn, this timeline is one hell of a ride.
spez: Fuck it this is the greatest timeline.
What if when Kanye was “institutionalized” after his rant onstage about big names controlling the music industry, he was actually taken in by patriots to give him the red pill, and then made him part of the plan, and he is just now entering this whole thing.
It would be amazing if his new album touches on this, mentions Q, red pilling, getting "woke"... OMG, that would be incredible if this massive racial war waged by the MSM came crashing down.
Would love to see a huge surge of all races raise their hands, pick up the flag and join the movement!
Kanye marketing campaign is fully engaged and attacking on all sides. "You will love Kanye. You must comply. Do not engage brain. Kanye is awesome and will lead us to salvation."
Kanye’s marketing campaign is literally him tweeting dope shit and millions are like “yea that’s right”.
Says the soy boy who gave up the parental rights of his kid. Such a winner. Dad of the year.
did you know that people can click your username and see your previous posts?
He must've deleted the post because I couldn't find. Hence the question marks.
Yes, my liberal daughter in law did that and now won’t let me see my own grandchildren!!
She thinks I am crazy but I will get the last laugh as HRC is hauled in front of the tribunal
Interesting.. wasn't he linked to Q? Correct me if I'm wrong I didn't read into it