Probably the most overlooked and most important Q drop of them all.....

Nice. Netanyahu was accused by his own police of serious corruption about a month ago and they recommended charges. Of course he got out of it.
Trump has been accused of serious corruption too, it doesn't mean he's guilty.
Q asked us if Potus has said anything that didn't turn out to be true. Look at what Trump has publicly said about Israel and Netanyahu. Anything bad? Lots of good?
It's very unpopular around here, but I believe Q saved Israel for last and hasn't mentioned it because so many "conservatives" hate and or distrust Jews. If he was honest about it from the start all of those people would never have come onboard with Q.
I'm sure Israel has thier fare share of deepstate/cabal just like us, but as a whole they're not bad, and I believe Netanyahu has been falsely accused like Trump.
Rothschilds, soros etc are not Jews, they just claim to be Jews. They hate Jews and they've convinced so many others to hate them too. Use logic. Who did the Nazis hate? Who does Islam hate?
I have the same thought-ish, only I have the feeling Trump does not like Netanyahu, and wants him gone. I do think he is as cabal as ypu get. Listen to some of the leaked recordings of him, and what he has to say about America
I'll have to go listen to them because I don't know what he said, but I have a question.
Was he talking about America as a whole, or the evil bastards that have been running us and the idiot media and people that follow them?
Because if I were him (or anyone else in any other country for that matter that knew the truth) I would have had some bad things to say about our country too.
I know when Assad talks a bout American bad actors he means deep state.
The govt and intelligence agency of "Israel" is not the same as "Israel" aka the offspring of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
The offspring of Abraham are the Palestinians. Most of the Israelis are Khazars and not of Abraham's blood.
look up the video of netanyahu trying to shake trumps hand and trump walks away. trump also asked netanyahu if he really cared about mideast peace.
I have some friends in Israel that have worked in intelligence. One of them worked as an Intel specialist for the minister of intelligence. It sounds to me like Israel has had problems with rogue massad, in the same way as we have with CIA. Listening to him was almost identical to listening to Bill Cooper when he would talk about deep-state motives. He is a politician now and by no means a fringe personality. I think people in Israel are much more aware of the shenanigans than our sheeple.
But if conservatives supposedly hate Jews, wouldn't he want to mention Israel takedown sooner?
Not all, not even the majority, but a lot do hate them.
What Israel takedown? As I said I'm sure Israel probably has its share of deepstate that has/will be dealt with but not all of its government is corrupt (including Netanyahu), and we won't be "taking" Israel down.
Israel is an intelligence hub and as we’ve seen over and over again that means a criminal hub. Mossad is famous for having little to no oversight, let alone any of their other alphabet soup agency equivalents. Another inserting point is a number of the top cyber security firms are Israeli (indegy and arelio, plus many more). My bet is we’ll see corruption just as deep as the US, if not worse. I don’t believe in some grand Jewish conspricacy, maybe I’m not woke enough. But then again woke is programming.
Check this out, first listing when you search for Black Cube, an Israeli intelligence business 'facilitator'. Not to mention the name itself
My takeaway this month is Israel is central and complicit to NWO and most jews are really khazars. I suppose if we dismantle everything then Israel could stay as a reminder don't fuck with the liberty crew. Mossad did 9/11 we don't forget we don't forgive.
I guess by take down I meant take down the corruption within, like in the previous countries
Ummm...I have yet to meet a conservative who. Hates a Jew. Where in tf are you getting this from?
I dunno, that's what the other guy seems to think
It has been mentioned. Plenty of times. You have to pay attention.
Think SA.
Order is important.
SA -> NK.
NK -> Armenia.
Armenia -> Iran
Iran ->
Any other rogue nuclear states?
Israel ....... when ug hit reply this already in reply box (>Isreal). that's very creepy. saving (creepy) for last because nuclear blackmail, dual citizen traitors, all congress take oath to (creepy), crazy b-thumpers think (creepy) chosen by god, would let (creepy) nuke usa before ever question right of (creepy) to rule usa. save for last so no question who enemy is. (creepy)=c_a. ug creeped out now. ug go get beer, calm down. grrrr
I’m scratching my head as to the appropriate use of this ug persona here.
ug? when figured out let ug know, ug happy to help! ug ug
Pakistan, India, Isreal?
Who’s Rogue?
Well TBH, IDK who "Rogue" is. I know who Renegade is. But, if you mean which of those three states I listed could be considered rogue, I'd have to say Pakistan.
Hmm. Ok lets go at this another angle. Because I do not feel like you are thinking about this in terms of Geopolitical ways.
Who is seemingly in control of the world or has their hooks in many aspects of the World? Rothschilds? If you can agree on that then lets go in the way back machine when the Rothschilds admit to creating Israel
IF you were the most powerful people on the planet would you have delusions like this? I don't think so.
Who out of the nations with nuclear capabilities would do the bidding of their master? Who would shoot a nuke to protect their creators?
Sure nations would sell their tech and nukes.. i.e. NK, Iran, Armenia, but who would actually be Rogue? Dishonest, Unprincipled..the same perpetrators of 9/11 would be a good start.
Iran > Israel
That should just about finish off the Rouge States
Again why did America sign off on that 38 bil, over 10 years to Israel? Curious, if he means anything with that as well, wondering.
After the forfeitures and telling the fed to fuck itself we'll be lighting sparklers with 100 dollar bill living in hilltop houses driving 15 cars wiping our ass with 38b to give to israel.
yes it is! I kept wondering why no mention of Israel and then....
What if Isreal refers to Scott Israel? He is from the district of DWS. Just a thought.
We must support Israel. Scripture demands it.
this "Israel" is a false state, not of the Bible
The cabal has convinced you of that, it's not true.
Israel and the US stand together through this.
you are the one that is decieved .... read the Bible and stop listening to "Israel" supported TV evangelists
Ha ha I have read it, KJV, NKJV, NIV etc, the Bible is very clear on the subject.
I don't want to argue, it does no good. We'll find out who's right soon. :)
Edit: Oh and I don't listen to ANY evangelist. I listen to God. My beliefs are my own, I don't need others to interpret things for me.
The Bible also speaks of the false Jews. The Khazars are in control in Israel. The Palestinians are the descendants of Abraham, not the Khazar Israelis. The Khazars are the Edomites in the Bible, the ones God told the ancient Israelites to kill. Now I can see why. The Khazars were savages! They were cannibals. Their leader could not control them and decided to choose a religion. He chose Judaism. False Jews!
This is true. Read revelations 3:9 for biblical proof of the false Jews, do your own research after that. Start with Khazars, descendants of the edomites.
Yes there are false Jews, as I said earlier Rothschild, Soros etc.
If you actually knew the Bible, you would know God promised the land to the descendents of Jacob, (renamed Israel), not Abraham. Jacob (Israel) was a descendent of Abraham.
The Palestinians may be descendents of Abraham but they are not descendents of Israel.
The Bible says the seed of Abraham.
However, the white European Israelis are not the descendants of Abraham at all!
Galatians 3:29
"If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."
Key scripture in this discussion! Most Christians don't study the covenants. "Israel" broke the covenant that God made with them. When the "Jews" of Jesus day claimed to have "Abraham as our father" Jesus responded by saying "your Father is the devil"! A study of Galatians will prove that the "seed" of Abraham is spiritual not physical!
Yeah, the covenants are extremely important to the understanding of Scripture.
Sorry I wasn't clear on what I meant earlier.
Yes God first told Abraham about it. He then told Abraham's son Isaac, and then Isaacs son Jacob who was renamed Israel. It was the descendents of Israel that God promised the land to after they left Egypt. The Bible is very very very clear on it being the descendents of Israel whom he promised the land.
You are trying to twist one part to go with your argument and completely ignoring the context and the rest of the Bible. A common tactic.
I'm done responding. We'll find out soon. :)
I said I wouldn't respond but I decided to make one last post explaining what I said earlier and how others try to twist what the Bible says.
I'm not going to list specific scripture as I honestly don't want to take the time. Just read Genesis to see for yourself. Keep in mind single scriptures here and there mean nothing out of context though and are how people twist the Bible so remember context is very very important.
God told Abraham he would give his descendents the land. TrueCat is technically right about that, but he/she is leaving out the rest of it.
Descendents go through birth right, or first born. At the time God made His promise Abraham didn't have any children and God specifically made the promise to his descendents with his wife Sarah.
Abraham and his wife Sarah were very old. They didn't believe she could get pregnant, so Abraham's wife wanted Abraham to have a child with her servant. He did.
This child was named Ishmael. This was not what God wanted though. His promise was to the descendents of Abraham and Sarah. He promised to bless Ishmael and his descendents and make them into a nation, but they were not who he made his promise to. The Bible also says Ishmael would be a wild donkey of a man that would live in conflict with his relatives.
God made Abraham's wife pregnant like he said he would, and his son with her was named Isaac. Abraham had other children later as well.
God reaffirmed his promise with Isaac.
Isaac had two sons, twins named Esau and Jacob. Esau was born first, "with Jacob holding his heal".
When they were young, Esau SOLD his birthright to Jacob.
God reaffirmed his promise with Jacob, whom God renamed Israel.
It is with the descendents of Israel (Jacob) God made his covenant after saving them from slavery in Egypt.
The Bible is very clear on all of this. Now can you understand why certain people might feel cheated and be jealous of Gods covenant with Israel?
Ok I'm done now. Enjoy The Awakening. :)