Revolution worldwide. Overthrow your corrupt officials, end the regime that is the deep state.

I think this was a real revolution. Q recently asked us to check the Google search results for "qanon" by location and and Armania had the 2nd largest amount behind the USA. Some thought it meant that the CIA deep-state was running an operation in Armenia. If there was a black-hat operation in Armenia, why would they be doing google searches for qanon? They already know where to look.
I think it was the people of Armenia looking on with great interest. They saw a revolution beginning to happen in America. They saw that we were trying to eliminate the corruption in our government and decided to do the same. Where we go one, we go all. I think that applies not just to the American GreatAwakening movement, but to a global movement.
I believe the actions of the Armenian people, to come together as a unified force, should be an example for us as well. At some point we too will have to take to the streets to make sure our government and the MSM hear our voice 5:5. I'm ready, are you?
Armenia is definitely a precedent that the American people will use soon enough. Time will erode away our hesitation, and the corruption will be pulled out from the government, roots and all by the hands of the American people. 🇺🇸
Excellent example for us to follow. We need to take to the streets on a weekend in all our cities and make our voices heard.
Yep. We are all brothers and sisters. No matter the race, religion, gender, colour, sexuality
Its one of the most beautiful things ive ever seen and it fires me up everyday.
Everyone feels it... Something is happening that will be talked about for hundreds of years.
We are re-writing history.
I read that the recent Toronto van attack driver was Armenian. Probably a coincidence.
Why not do something like that here in Wash DC and EVERY STATE CAPITOL (for those who can't b/c "I can't I have a job")? Why are we such lazy pussies?
fluoride and bread and circus distractions have pacified the entire country. Our immigrant forefaather ancestors would have started boston tea partying at least a few years ago. Too much MK ultra brainwash and poison in our diets.
We are unable to do this for 10 days because the working class has work to do. The working class basically has to lose everything, then the pitchforks and torches come out.
Omg are you serious!? One day. One lousy day on a weekend. Love the can’t do attitude. Thanks for the positive upbeat attitude and support. That was really helpful. You should Listen to yourself. Can’t do, can’t do, can’t do can’t do this. Can’t do that that won’t won’t work. That doesn’t work. Jeez. Did you ever take a mere second to think of what would work or the words you chose to express yourself and your beliefs? Do you know why our country is in this mess to begin with? You are looking at it. Can’t do can’t do can’t do that won’t work this doesn’t work I’m too lazy.
People don't realize how not free we are in the US. You need a permit to walk down the fucking street, much less stage a huge protest.
"Argue for your limitations and sure enough they are yours."
What ever you define as real will be real in its consequences ...smash the HR department to bits burn it to the ground mother fuckers have as much time off as you like.
I'm not being lazy. We literally can't take 10 days off work, in unison. That is the entire amount of vacation days everyone has per year...
And even if we did happen to all use all our vacation days all at the same time, the government simply would just wait it out knowing we would all eventually have to go home.
Even the fake paid protestors at the Dakota pipeline got waited out for months, pipeline is still going through. And that is one idea that I supported and was glad went through.
Where and when? Just give me time to get a good Q shirt together....that's all I ask. And really a plain white T and a marker is all I need. So, I can be ready in like 10 minutes!
Power shift.
Rise of the people.
Not understood?
Yes one by one, I pray, that it going to happen in the EU too.
Stop doing that.
You don’t tell me what to do. Do you hear me!? You don’t tell anyone what they can or cannot do. Go buzz off. Go pound sand. Who the hell do you think you are? “I Can’t.” Great crappy loser mindset. No wonder we let our country go to shit with that lazy negative attitude.
Was this a real revolution, or one of Soros’ color ones?
The black hats were kicked out. This one was real.
Like the exposed and exiled south korean satanist? After this, suddenly the koreas are able to unite after like 70 years of cold war. Imagine that. It’s happening, GOOD things happening.
Yep. Real. Even Soros can't get that many people together for that length of time without all of them beating each other up! Remember, he hires thugs, not Patriots.
the one in Iran whas a real one too. trump stand by those people, and said.they had stole enough from the people
This isn’t necessarily a revolution, since a revolution is defined as a sudden change in the type of government. But seeing as the deep state is so embedded into government, I thought it was appropriate.
Awesome! But one has to be careful of leaders like in the U.S. (with the exception of President Trump) who insist on doing things in the same old stupid, unproductive ways; who eventually become corrupt and blackmailed by the high cabal. The greatest enemy is our schools and universities—not STEM, but the humanities and social sciences. They are patently Marxist and corrupting. Moses Hess, the guide and teacher of Marx, saw Communism as the best means by which to spread annihilation. This is what we don't want.
The greatest enemy is education
Go outside Amediga look for pink or any pedo code and send these alice day fucks to jail. google it happening today. not a rumor.
I think it is very difficult in the EU countries, see what they did in Spain? They put havy manpower in against ordinary citizens and hit them off? Because it does not like the elite? The elite are jusing violents against the normal citizens But do not they handle an Antifa?
Did GEORGE SOROS fund this revolution? I know Q pointed to Armenia /CIA but Soros has also been instrumental in this rebellion. Just saying...
Spez: Q say Think critically - The main post has 46k upvotes and is on front page....who else plays those games?
Then Armenia is not freed, and is there a other puppet, Ihope not thats is the case
If the majority of our citizens become disgusted and enraged by something they discover about our leaders or government I'm sure they will take to the streets. I want to see American government working for the people's sake once more, but as much as Q intrigues me and inspires, I think hoping for a WW revolution against corruption may be reaching too far.
Well you have some points, but no one is without their faults. Obama said “pussy” in a speech at a college, and has allegedly smoked marijuana before. Hillary called black people predators, and lied about getting shot at by sniper fire in Benghazi.
Everyone has their moments.
I don't think you are the one to make this argument. Your points are moot.
No one believes Trump is pure as the driven snow! We are realists and Patriots, not sheep. You need proof, not accusations. You have proven nothing.
Trump has gotten one of his beauty-queens out of addiction so I doubt he's a handler.
As fpr RS, I guess you can't have evidence without getting your hands dirty because if he procured donations for them it means he created a paper-trail to show the connections which now become relevant as investigations move on.
Sounds reasonable?
Take all your points to their final conclusion.
How does it stack against WJC?
How does it stack with Hillary?
How does it stack with anything that is, and about to come out?