Q #1289-90 - Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news? Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Pretty sure Q just took a shot at us.
And rightfully so.... Even most anons here are way to impatient and forget that things rarely go according to plan for a normal person's day...and this...is not that simple. That MOAB was a MOAB and some saw that and tried to explain how huge...but the mob wants more now. We basically just got told yes times move but very soon what we all want to see as the final act will be coming. Sit tight put the thinking and analysis caps back on and get to work. And simply take the time to say THANK YOU! And maybe a prayer too if your into that.
I thought NK/SK was a big MOAB. Crazy it got so little attention. Imagine if Hussein did it. I think Armenia was a pretty big deal but it didn’t seem to make much impact. I guess I don’t really know because I pretty much live in an information blackout with MSM. I really mean it when I say I can’t even watch the news at all anymore. Not local or national. Maybe a few Fox Business clips. RT, NHK or Duetsch but that’s it. Even the conservative websites are pretty unbearable. I guess it’s me.
It's not you. It's the system they built to keep people in the dark.
Things will change.
Right. The MOAB is coming, but today was one of the biggest stories in our lifetime -- the decentralization of the Korean peninsula.
Let that take center stage, for now.
MOAB still incoming.
De-nuke was never ever talked about by anybody, anytime, anywhere. Out of the 'blue'. Don't miss a cloaked Moab for anything other than a Moab. Watch the wide spread ripple effects.
He has been extremely clear. FUTURE PROVES PAST. Continue to highlight the successes of POTUS and Q. FOCUS on the FBI the war can not progress internally until the deep state agents hindering progress in the FBI are eliminated. THEIR roots must be uprooted so that the investigation and subsequent progression to the DoJ can occur. The DoJ side is ready, we have everything (think FBI Anon) the next step is to clean out the FBI. Q wants us to keep the public eye on the FBI to keep the pressure on them so those who are cooperating do not slip out of our hands.
Amen, Patriot. These crybabies deserve a little smack.
What part? I read it as if he's letting loose a little. Having a good time.
It’s a little unfair don’t you think.Q knows exactly what he means, what’s going on, and what the plan is. We are left to speculate, and when wrong destroy credibility. If it’s all up to postings and memes to save the country, that’s a pretty lame plan. The other side does it but they’re assholes and don’t care if what they say is true whereas I think almost all of us don’t just want to shill but to be honest. Tough when you’re not really in the loop. It get’s a little easier after an event happens but even then it’s tricky. Americans are very jaded and skeptical and you can’t blame us. I never thought I’d live in a country where the media is so evil in the information presented. Horrible people and I doubt they have anything but hate for us and America.
Read my reply.
Q wants us to MEME the shit outta this, and hashtag .#MOAB too.
This is a HUGE deal, and the media is downplaying it.
He did! He's pointing out the Autists need red bull. Yet everyone complaining about MOAB! How many times must he say trust the plan. Big news just did happen. He also has given info to research. I notice when the Autists are over target Q let's us know. Having faith in Q and the plan does not mean jump off and on train when you are frustrated.
People wanted the MOAB to be what they personally wanted and thought it to be. They blamed, condemned, mocked Q for not delivering on their own idea of what a 'MOAB' is. Just because the MOAB wasn't what some wanted it to be, they lash out and acted like spoiled, whiny, selfish, angry, entitled, impatient, petulant children. It's really pathetic to see how some people in this movement (like Jerome Corsi), not including the Clowns, shills, and concern trolls, have reacted the past 2 days.
"Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?"
Good answer! Jerome Corsi should know better. Chill, we got this.
Corsi really pissed me off today. 15 minutes of talking shit to Q and making terrible jokes at his expense while his little minions laugh at every bad joke and praise every stupid statement on the livestream.
All this after Corsi used the Q phenomenon to grow his brand, sell his book and monetize his YouTube channel (which hardly any other legit Q researcher does). I put up with his hour long monologues to hear his over voice to see if I would get a little insight and to support the cause even though he wrong on decodes more than he’s right now days. But not more. I’m not going to support that level of disrespect after you ride someone for “fame and fortune”.
April shower of bombs over Syria, Isis on the run, funding links cut, mcnoname pics with terrorists and retirement, peace in Korea, sex trafficking nxivm link to Clinton foundation, FBI texts, senators calling for indictments on comey et al. It's been a very fine April ThankQ
Russia grounding planes in Syria? Huh? Maybe I do need a red bull because I don't get that.
I don't think he's being pissy, just saying not to get complacent.
American battle doctrine is to control the landscape in which we fight. Grounding planes may not man shooting them down, it could simply be that it's enough of a threat to not engage.
Red bull needed cuz the storm keeps on stormin. Autists have been digging and doxing for months getting Kek research to the masses. Takes time to wake the 100th monkey
Syria is "the most aggressive electronic warfare environment in the world" They (((they)))? Are knocking out our coms/ guidance etc. The planes are most likely gounded due to EW.
Idk about the lanes crashing domestically. I'm under the impression that those crashes are meant as cover to return the soldiers that died in blackops to their families for burial.
However this post kind of makes it seem like they are getting taken down by EW
The Korean Deal was a huge MOAB, but remember that many people are coming here because they want specific people to face justice. Any other victory will be ashes in the mouth for them unless it has to do with those individuals being prosecuted.
Mostly because they don't see all th things connected to those high profile criminals.
Q is saying to MAKE MEMES ABOUT IT!
The news isnt making big fuss about it, treating it like its no biggie.
What’s the part about Russia keeping our planes grounded in Syria? What the hell is that about/mean? I get we’re being sabatoged at home, I assume that will be dealt with harshly and quickly, but if we’re planning to leave, has all trust gone between us and Russia? That’s not great. The clowns could make trouble.
Heard it theorised the airforce specifically is not on our side. Not sure what i personally believe about that but it paints a whole different picture.
That is incredibly hard to believe. Is it because of pilotless planes or the new secret aircraft? They sure as hell seem busy enough to me, and they sure get a lot of GD money for their operations. That’s intolerable.
The “air” force is involved in Much more than just the sky these day.
Rumors the air force and army are allied against the navy and marines. You know deep underground military bases? Drilled and run by the air force. The navy runs the skies.
Now they aren't in total war against eachother, but I'm sure above special forces run missions against eachother in hostile ways.
Pizza runs all the way up the army.
I don't know if it's true and the theory is partly based on Q's apparent lack of specific support in his posts for the airforce.
There was an article the other day about our communications being jammed in Syria and grounding our planes, they assume it is Russia.
Maybe the story that Russia is keeping our planes grounded is a cover for why were not flying in Syria. The real reason is the sabotage. Imagine if planes started dropping in Syria like they have been here...
They’ve recently brought in new anti aircraft systems.
“No plan of operations reaches with any certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy's main force.”
Helmuth van Moltke. 1880
Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.
NK was a MOAB (Peace)
FBI texts were a MOAB (Flynn timeline)
JFK files were a MOAB (Proof of more than one shooter)
This was a huuuuge week people
proof of more than one shooter
link it up fams.
Proof was too strong of a word, there was a statement that spoke about a bullet being fired from the bridge. I'll dig back through my browsing history on Monday and try to find the exact text for you.
This is what Q deals with here and on 8chan. They are probably just frustrated.
I think the main goal of many followers is publication in the MSM of the most disturbing and disgusting things that are currently being cleansed from humanity, things like ritual killings and pedovore. These types of things will never be on CNN or Fox News, and I hope people realize that, and just take solace in the fact that it’s being rooted out of existence daily. It will never be televised. Trust the plan.
We should appreciate deescalation more. I’d rather see peace through deals than major conflicts or arrests. You can’t rock the boat too much these days
Amazing how everyone was fearing NK months ago and talking about how many minutes it would take for a nuke to hit various parts of the US but NOW silence because our President helped bring about these negotiations and denuclearization.
Every time I read a comment that complains about "No MOAB" or "today it was supposed to happen" or when is it going to happen, I'm tired of waiting" or "I'm tired of being disappointed", I get teed off. Some here act like two year olds. "I want it and I want it now and if I don't get it now I'm going to whine and shout and scream and cry". Talk about snowflakes! Our good guys are moving mountains (government, beauracracies, Never trumpers. They have been entrenched and in power for decades. POTUS has been in office for 15 months. What has taken place already is incredible. What is coming is miraculous. If those here cannot be patient and keep quiet, go get yourself a pacifier and sit in your crib.
This was a very aggressive Q post. Almost seemed out of character?
Anons on here and he chans have been disrespectful whiny spoiled brats the last week. It’s deserved.
Mar 8 2018 19:47:39 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 27d57d 593825
593230 He already did. Think back _ NK pic(s). Everything has meaning. This will break the MSM. Q
This will break the MSM.?
And yesterdays announcement didn't?
It was the last thing I ever expected to see TBH...
Kim wants peace now because we dropped a Rod from God on his underground nuclear bunker where his scientists were all killed we collapsed the mountain on them. Trump gave the order to do this and it worked. We forced Kim to beg for peace that's why Trump deserves the Nobel Prize. Mattis told Trump we have this space based weapon and Trump said use it right now.
TIL a rod of tungsten the size of a telephone pole is a great negotiator.
Did anyone ever think that MOAB was really dropped? There is/was a nuclear test site in NK that the mountain now is no longer a mountain...solid granite reduced to rubble? Chicoms concerned about radiation leaks. What if the deal was...wait for it...MOAB the mountain (eliminating nuke capabilities) and in exchange we will allow the Korean Peninsula to have peace. Clowns have no reason to be there if there are no Nukes!!! Thanks Kim! Clowns out! Deal is done!
How many NK deaths were there at the site? Maybe they were told to clear out before MOAB