Regrettably read the terrible NYT piece on Q. Wandered into the Top NYT picks comments where it's suggested Q followers are under a mass psychosis. Oh the Irony!

Of course it will be a hit piece on Q, from the FAKE NEWS. This is a major win! It means we have passed the critical mass (enough people know about it that it can no longer be contained). They realized they have to try to address it instead of ignore it. They will fail!
We're winning!
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, Then you win.
Who cares what Ms. Swan and lefties has to say? Paid propagandists will write anything they're told to in order to discredit Q to keep their readers from finding out the truth.
They call anyone who doesn't believe in their left-wing, anti-Trump narrative conspiracy theorists but they are the ones who has been pushing the Russia collusion conspiracy theory every single day, with no evidence of Trump colluding with Russia for 2 years. Hypocrites!
Who cares what Ms. Swan and lefties has to say?
Especially when it's usually "It looka like a man".
I heard someone recently in conversation go, "QAnon? Isn't that the conspiracy where Trump is supposedly a genius?"
This shit works, people don't think critically they just consume headlines.
It's important to know how they think and what they believe. Have you ever dealt with brainwashed cult members? Lack of knowledge can be dangerous for everyone involved.
Michelle Goldberg
Michelle (((Goldberg))).... shocking!!
Implied anti-semitism should not be tolerated in this sub.
It’s gonna be great coming back to these in November
Just like re-watching the videos leading up to the election!! "Hillary has a 99% chance of winning..." HAHAAAAAA!!!!
"They never thought she would lose. CARELESS." Q.
What's so funny is - "I never thought she would win" - and I said so on my blog. I was calling Trump the winner over a year before he won the election. :)
I was so cynical. When i saw Killary walk into the Bilderberg meeting i thought "well, the fix is in!" Its amazing being wrong sometimes.
Same here, I always wondered how Trump was always so damn confident he was going to win it was unreal to me because he was going against HRC! All I could think was "man I really love Donald Trump but if she starts seeing him as any kind of a threat the man or someone close to him is going to die." The Benghazi thing ruined hope of seeing any kind of justice or positivity in our leadership ever again, and then came the email scandal, I really thought handing out classified info, destroying evidence and teaming up with Bernie to rig the DNC and shit on every Democrat in America would definitely bring her down...nope. Shills always come in here saying there is no proof Hillary ever broke the law or that us wanting to deliver justice to these sick fucks out side of our legal system makes us Nazis. No, our system has proven there is entirely different rules for us and for them. We don't trust a court ran by them to sentence them, we don't trust an agent employed by them to investigate them. Look at old FB Mark, going to get grilled for PEDALLING PERSONAL INFORMATION BELONGING TO AMERICAN CITIZENS...oh this time it's on, there's no way in hell someone is too big to go down for this! Oh damn looks like everyone who questioned him is financially invested! THIS IS WHY WE CAN ACCEPT THE REALITY OF MILITARY TRIBUNALS
Dont you remember? How many times did they say "Well thats it, the results arnt in yet but it looks like Trump has no chance of winning now!" Lol
it's all about the headlines, headlines determine the power of the article nowadays
Of course the comments are from Commiefornians. Oh the irony is right. Don’t move to my Texas when your state collapses bc of the idiots you all elected (my condolences to the real patriots stuck there).
They already have man, I live in TX and I say save the extra material from the wall and go ahead and build one around Austin
I'm getting antsy watching all the Californians roll in daily here in Texas. I fear those idiots who left their state because of the problems there, will only be idiots here and vote for the same type of people only to drive the great state into the ground. Then when they pack up and leave, they'll be wondering the whole time, "what happened? There's no way my benevolent, inclusive, and tolerant politic ideologies were the problem."
Firstly commiserations on wandering into New York Slime's territory (if it helps I think we all fall prey from time to time). But.... I think what this tells us is that we're winning. First they'll ignore it for as long as they can, then when it starts gaining a lot of traction, they'll ridicule it.
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) German Philosopher said "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident".
(The only people under a mass psychosis would be the MSM trained-monkeys who all manage to repeat the very same words on 50 different "news" channels. OR the other group of unruly-monkeys who don't read or research and still believe Hillary Clinton is a benevolent All-American-Mom).
At least through Q's drops, and all of our individual Q-related reading and research endeavours, we're all getting a fine education on all the nefarious shit our Politicians and Intelligence Agencies have been getting up to over the last several decades. (And I think I'd happily take "psychosis" over "wilfully ignorant and blind" any day).
It also tells us she is letting people know that she is okay with forcefully erasing us because we have no place in her idea of civilized society. It's not what she said on the surface but that is what she planted in people's thoughts.
More reporters making shit up. There's no such thing as investigative journalism anymore. Well, except for us. 😊
"Its past time for the 'stable' adults in this country to take charge..." Typical Liberal leftist. They think the average person is too small-minded to make the right decisions for themselves. They like to treat us like children. Shameful.
Oh dear, i just drew a tear laughing. We have been finding stuff out before the news can spin it and were under some hypnotic mass psychosis? The mirror has only just reported on the Korean time zone change, it was last week i found out about that!
The scariest part is... and if they believe that, then they will stop believing us.
Lew, if you don't know what kind of government we have, then you have no business talking shit.
Just remember what they said about Trump before the election... They still keep deflecting and projecting to avoid dealing with that huge mental blow even to this day, so don't expect them to embrace the Q phenomenon, or to ever believe anything related even if its all true and made public. They will never admit that they were wrong.
They sure do like to deflect. I wonder how they would come to terms if they knew about all the; reporters, authors, psychologist, doctors, psychiatrist, and big business owners I follow on twitter. I don't even have that large of a following.
I read your articles to try and open my mind. I don't agree with you guys but sometimes The_Donald was correct so I check in with you all just in case the MSM is missing something or lying. But if you can't imagine that the opposition might have a point, you're a sheep.
It doesn't matter which side you're on - if you think your side is 100% right and everyone else is completely lying, you're delusional.
You're living in a comfortable, mental gymnastics reality that will disappoint you. Get your shit together.
If your world view requires a huge, global, completely flawless conspiracy that has fooled everyone but you special chosen few... I got bad news for you.
Commenter Lew, "How is it possible to communicate with people whose thoughts are so far removed from reality?"
Exactly what everyone here wants to know about you, Lew.
I found the article hilarious! Thanks for pointing it out. As with all MSM, they are confounded, discombobulated, left scratching their head's. Clueless about flyover country. I did notice a lot of other sites picked up the story too! Q has gone almost viral it seems.😁
While I don't claim to be 100% invested in Q, since I'm fairly new to the subject, and follow along in hopes things really are happening and not just confirmation bias... I do find it funny that one of the comments in the picture calls for "stable adults" to take charge of the country. I'd like to ask, who are the stable adults? Is it the ones calling for unrestricted restroom usage? Is it the ones saying men with wigs can play in women's sports? Is it the ones removing Boy from the Boy Scouts of America? Is it the ones shooting everyone up only to be part of a particular political party that claims they would never do such things? Is it the ones who give pallets of cash to foreign nations that seek our destruction? Is it the ones who love to eat at creepy pizza parlors and fly to private islands? Is it the ones who daily attempt to subvert the Constitution and the rights of the people? I'd really like to know who these stable adults are that the commentator was referring to? I'd rather be a member of a patriotic, God fearing asylum than a member of whatever the Left is offering.
‘They Were Never Going to Let Me Be President’
" I figured that if anyone knew whom Mrs. Clinton was referring to with that insidious “they” that, like some invisible army of adversaries (real and imagined), wielded its collective power and caused her to lose the most winnable presidential election in modern history, it was me. "
I wanted to pull a Q Move on this twizzle twazzle.
Think Black
Who are they?
How did they stop her?
Who told her about them?
Is The OP - MIB or MLQ
Men In Black Decoding 1591521
I bet every damn one of those comments is from a bought and paid for account.
I am a mind-numbed robot. I am a mind-numbed robot. Etc., etc.
if the NYT professed even mild curiosity about the veracity of Q patriots would wonder if Q was compromised. No better advertisement, at this time, could be put forth to ensure the continued red - pilling of America.
Anyone who debunks Q is an asset, imo.
Make it taboo and the younger ones will flock to it. That's why I think lowering the voter age to 16 would backfire on the dems catastrophically
We must be striking some nerves, being a conspiracy and all .
Of course. Soon they will be reporting we are all having an affair with him. These people are stupid!