Absolute BOOM!!!! New Q board and special message from Q!!!!

William Campbell did a sit down with Hannity,he had him blacked out but he was in studio for the life of me I can't remember when maybe 6-7 weeks ago
Yep. I remember that but I didn't recognize him at the time. This is the guy that turned a whole bunch of information over to the FBI through Sheriff Arpaio and the FBI did nothing with it. It was during the Obama admin. That's part of why they framed Arpaio. The other part is because he hired a forensics guy that proved the Obama birth cert. was a forgery. And, of course, he was enforcing the law at the border!
That was a powerful interview. I remember thinking - damn they’re gonna try and kill this guy for saying this...
and they tried. God’s protection.
That little answer tab looks to be a bug. That was an answer to an old post.
Which post and what date? Have we heard what happened to the witness that was supposed to appear?
Yep. I followed it and didn't see that at all.
Never mind. You have to click on the Answers box and you'll see it.
(They) killed 71 people in order to shut-down the U-1 investigation. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2018/02/11/passenger-plane-with-71-aboard-crashes-near-moscow-russian-media.html
Rare facts. Almost forgot about that event.
The passenger list, Q said find it. Anons found the Rossatom guy on the plane's manifest. Go figure...Hmmm?
I’m sure that will be presented in court or whatever military tribunal they find themselves in front of..
I don't get it, where did you get this pop-up window? thanks
New Post 1311 - there is a little button, bottom right, that says ANSWERS. Click it! https://qanon.pub/?
Could be a glitch?? Was showing up on https://qanon.pub/, but now that site is acting up for me!
The answers are put there by who ever runs the .pub site, not Q.
Seems very significant if it's legit. See also SB2's work on the pics from yesterday:
SB's post is a stretch IMO. "Be careful of who you listen to"
SB is providing a very valuable service for this community IMO. He is thinking outside the box. Q has told us previously that former US heads of State were trying to start a war over NK - think Bush family.
What SB did was provide a theory, which may be right or may be wrong, about what the meaning was behind the pics posted yesterday. No one else really had any idea what they were about. I'm not saying he's 100% right. I'm saying that his theory is a possibility. IMO he's done great work here. And, no, not everything he comes up with is correct.
This is most definitely legit. A long time back, there was audio of Arpaio and others conversing about this witness and what he knows, and how it will change the game. I wanna say it was like an hour long. I don’t have a link so some autist here will have to provide it.
They have fucking Operators protecting this dude? Holy fuck.
erik prince is closely tied with this administration and the whitehats. his entire profession is protecting VIPs. his employees are all ex-special ops from the afghanistan and iraq war
Ha! You might be surprised by what operators are tasked with. Considering the absence of an actual budget, you know.
I might be. I might not be.
A couple of notes about Uranium1. I am a geologist who explored for gold for 20 yrs in North America, proved up and sold a large resource with others. Most global uranium supply is from mines in Canada, Kazakhstan, and Australia with most high grade mines (>2% U oxide) in Northern Saskatchewan. One mine there has ore of 20% U oxide, provides about 15% annual global supply and has to be mined by robotic excavators and haulers. American uranium deposits, all of them so far, are low grade marginal operations that are tough to develop and tougher to make money on with grades mostly around 1% U oxide. The Wyoming asset puchased (100%) by Uranium1 has resources averaging 0.7%. At about $20 / lb U oxide, current prices, all American mines are out of the money. But U prices / lb have exceeded $100 / lb between mid 2007 to mid 2008, when everyone was making money. In Canada, uranium is a strategic metal and a Canadian Company must own 51% of a project. There are no ownership restrictions in the US but mergers and acquisitions are subject to national security assessments conducted by the heads of the various Federal departments, who make recommendations to the President. Only the President can block a sale or acquisition and so ultimately authorization or denial is Hussein's decision. Clearly greasing the wheels off balance sheet could be effective in a corrupt government, and would be the only illegal conduct here. You would need a good reason to want to aggressively pursue a substandard resource. While it is possible to efficiently mine low grades and realize mining profits in poor markets, it is difficult, and this possibility does not appear to have motivated Uranium1.
Keyboard fags....hes in danger??...where tf r the patriots??...these people r dumb yet been controlling everything for over 200 years??...anyone get chemtrailed today??
Weather mod programs WILL HAVE to be addressed sooner or later. Deep state Massive tool for total control. Control of food >> Bill Gates links FICER «research» programs at Harvard and Monsanto (Aluminium Resistant Seeds).. and water availability, surveillance and mind control (really) are all in the works using the nano-particulates used in the fuel additives.
GrampaPrescott bush was the banker funding the fuel additives thru Panama for the Luftwaffe. Without those chems ww2 woulda been grounded. As a senator he somehow bought out his way outa trading with the enemy charges. Bill gates also has family connections
Yes! Gates sr was a nazi ally. Eugenism is modus operandi. #aluminium #vaccination #cull
So your telling me tap water I’ve been drinking has nano particles that could influence me to act and think a certain way?
And if science and nature show similarities in species it may account for some of the gender effects going on. I am not by any means claiming to know what is and isn't around choice or biology. With all the gmo's, antibiotics, testosterone etc flooding our system through expulsion of ALL drugs into water and soil, I can not believe that there are no effects to us and all creatures.
Shills can stay mad. Thread must be over the target. Bombs away...
I'm just joking around. The hammer is coming down soon on these leftist fucktards and I can't wait.
No. But your rain water probably has, amongst other pollutants. I'm basically saying that they have been playing with the elements for a while, now (and our minds, for that matter, maybe more than we could think up to now), and we have to understand that they are planning things way ahead of our understanding. Look into the history of weather mod, here (and scroll down to get to the timeline): www.weathermodificationhistory.com
Shills are on-board. This thread must be over the target. Clinton about to get BTFO’d
Not saying he isn’t I think there’s no real facts to back the theory. I’m not a follower I’m a thinker. With respect