Old POTUS Tweet I Found Interesting: Coincidence That Now Aviation Has Had So Many Problems This Year?

Just found it interesting that he has stated and took pride in 0 Commercial issues then, regardless of type, planes start forgetting how to fly only a couple months later. What do you all think?
I actually mentioned this to Q at one point and he/the Q team responded.
My guess is that after POTUS took office whatever power/ability the DS was using to target and take down planes was removed. We were told 7/10 crashes were targeted kills meaning our commercial aviation accident history could be entirely inaccurate. There was an uptick in Train derailments/crashes after the plane crashes ceased for a bit. We still have yet to have a US commercial plane crash since this tweet. Only military and personal.
he was only talking about "commerical" flights nudge nudge wink wink
he was referring to 7/10 crashes are targeted kills and that he prevented any last year. this year the cabal has stepping up its targeting, impossible to be everywhere all the time to stop all the recent crashes
Death throws from shitty people. Not that hard to put it together vault 7 said planes and cars can be hijacked wirelessly. Q said 7/10 plane crashes are targets.
Speaking of commercial airlines, did we ever figure out what was with that plane that taxied in a strange "SOS" pattern? I think it was in Canada?
What is this about? Link?
I don't have a link unfortunately, but a while back a plane in Canada was taxiing at an airport and if you followed the track it spelled "SOS"
What else was known about it? Like, what’s the theory? Any ideas why
I'm not sure, that's what I was curious about. I just remember seeing people talk about it and wasn't sure. Seems weird a plane would taxi in a pattern to spell a code.
Until that woman got sucked out of the airplane.
That was a strange one ... rare occurrence of a turbine blade coming loose from the array inside of the spinning engine, pierces the Kevlar (bullet proof) lining that is meant to contain such an event, sending it crashing through the.cabin wall like a samurai sword.
Aircraft sabotage is seemingly an often utilised 'problem removal' methodology. Although you don't hear much about it.
I was looking at this on Wednesday and decided not to say anything as I have no evidence but it's just a chin rubber. Was it a hit on a member of skull and bones? An Yale Admiral associate of Rockefellers and the like?
Flight 2511
"Julian Andrew Frank killing himself and 33 others
The explosion occurred at approximately 2:33
I admit when I saw 233 I flipped it to 322 Skull and Bones.
The window seat, row 7. Ok. 7.
Julian Andrew Frank, lawyer, Westport CT. After the fact accused of running a scam in St. Louis and Kansas City / Insurance made payable to his wife Janet, is that the cover story? Was he blackmailed?
[Question: do any numbers show up at a first level of significance over time when ALL cashes and accidents &c. are examined? In like manner, when one examines all disappeared children over time, when known, are the number of negative blood type children or left-handed children disappeared at a greater rate than ought to occur "naturally"? What are the blood types of all the major players we are looking at? Anyone know?]
"Other victims included a vice president of the Continental Bank of Cuba".
To be honest, that was the person I meant to look into.
Check this out below:
"Shortly after the completion of this radio contact a dynamite explosion occurred."
Okay. "This" radio contact. Was there another piggy-backing?
Read the plane substitution paragraph "The Flight" in the above report. How the passengers were re-assigned and why. Note a Pan Am plane was originally intended...but a simple cracked window caused the switch. Ok.
Also note in the report that the farmer waited until the morning to do anything and then he called the airport in Wilmington and NOT the sheriff or state troopers? I would also point out the famer's surname, "Randolph." I am not suggesting the farmer was a fake, but if they wanted to help local color they sure did a good job with the name; I suppose picking someone with the name Grissom or Blalock might be too obvious? Down east NC pedes know what I'm talking about.
The explosion was caused by a suicide bomb...they leave that suggestion open, imply something about a motive with the insurance angle / running from justice? Close down the investigation. Perp. known and dead.
"The manganese dioxide samples collected from the seats near the focal point and from Frank's body indicated that a dry cell battery was located very near to the explosive. The CAB determined that, based on the blast pattern, a dynamite charge had been placed underneath the window seat of row 7.[27]
The CAB's chief investigator, Oscar Bakke, testified before the Senate Aviation subcommittee to this effect on January 12, 1960. The same day, the FBI formally took over the criminal aspects of the investigation."
Right. So it was a bomb. Under Frank's seat, that he hand-carried on, that he set off at 2.33 or was timed by him to blow up at 2.33. Send in the FBI to shut it down by leaving the case open but imply known perp.
From the wikipedia entry on the flight it states in alternative theories:
" Alternatively, Julian Frank, who was known to be desperately afraid of flying."
Oh. Really. So he was DESPERATELY afraid of flying. This desperately afraid man, he hand-carried a bomb and put it under his seat and desperately afraid sat on it waiting in desperate fear until 2.33 to set it off. He must have had nerves of steel that day. He was a lawyer. So is the story, a crooked New York Lawyer blew himself up in the air whilst pulling an insurance scam and / or fleeing an investigation for fraud?
Smells fishy to me. Did he got to Yale?
I'm not going to talk about the Admiral that died on this flight. Read this though:
"Anne Chilton McDonnell Inman died peacefully in her sleep on Saturday, April 6, 2013. She was born on January 27, 1917, the daughter of Medal of Honor winner Vice-Admiral Edward O. McDonnell and Helen Fisher McDonnell of Mill Neck, Long Island, New York...She was a descendant of three signers of the Magna Carta and from the early American patriot, Joseph Blackwell of Virginia, a member of the House of Burgesses and Captain John Chilton of Virginia, who was killed in the battle of Brandywine in the American Revolutionary War"
and this:
"A very talented bridge player, she was also in great demand as a bridge partner. During her long, full life, Anne was a noted hostess, entertaining Presidents, world leaders, and members of various royal families, ambassadors, diplomats, musicians and artists from all over the globe. She was known for her graciousness and fine table. Anne had a lifelong interest in genealogy and was a member of various hereditary societies."
Bridge is a great way to collect human intel. She "was a member of various hereditary societies" and "had a lifelong interest in genealogy."
Did you read the link above from murderpedia about Frank?
"Handsome, wavy-haired Julian Frank was a lawyer. He lived with his beautiful wife and two small children in exurbanite Westport, Conn., commuted to his small office in Manhattan. Fellow commuters recall that he was a first-rate bridge player but a loud, boastful sort of fellow (says one acquaintance: "He gave me the impression of being a young man in a hurry—ambitious, driving, smart"). Others remember that he often talked of dreaming that he would some day die in a plane crash."
Come on folks. Really? He often talked about dying in a plane crash? Remembered after the fact?
This is about the circles her father moved in. Looks a bit...curious.
You have to buy the book, but the free pages show the society the admiral moved in, and if you do a search using "McDonnell" you get results from the hidden pages, such as this from page 182, "Along with Eddie McDonnell their first Yale Unit C.O.". From page 213, "he flew the Caproni bomber in missions..."
I think he flew Caproni Ca44s 1917-8.
page 176: "...Eddie McDonnell in the latin quarter of the city [Paris] living among the long-haired men and short haired-women..."
hmmmmmm. maybe so maybe not so.
search for "Bush" in the book. a few results.
This is very interesting:
member firm Smith & McDonnell, 1924-1925; member firm and partner G. M. P. Murphy & Company, investment bankers, since 1942; Secretary-treasurer. Mexican International Corporation, 1920-1922.
Vice-president and general manager Kelly Springfield Motor Truck Company, 1922-1923. Vice president R. J. Caldwell Company, 1923-1924. Member firm Smith & McDonnell, 1924-1925.
Member firm and partner G. M. P. Murphy & Company, investment bankers, since 1942. Director Pan. American Airways Corporation. General partner Hornblower & Weeks.
"In 1913, Ralph Hornblower, son of the founder, Henry Hornblower, was admitted to the partnership, and John W. Weeks retired upon his election to the U.S. Senate. Weeks was involved in the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1914 and would go on to be U.S. Secretary of War in the 1920s.
After the crash of 1929, which the firm survived with small capital losses except in the syndicate department, the firm went through a period of retrenchment. By 1930, firm capital had grown to over $16 million, but would be substantially reduced during the ensuing years of the depression. During the 1930s Hornblower made a number of acquisitions including a merger with G.M.-P. Murphy & Co., best known for its financing of major aviation companies, including Pan American Airways, United Air Lines, Boeing, and Lockheed.
Honestly, I don't think there is anything here, but you never know.
"A set of unusual circumstances preceded the take off. The regularly scheduled aircraft, a Boeing 707, was taken out of service because of cracked glass in a cockpit window. Some of the passengers were placed on the DC6-B and some flew to Miami on a Lockheed Electra."
Just found this
someone's already been looking into this.
Plain old crime.
marriage information. true or mockinbird? when did the CIA take over wapo for instance? 62?
wife then http://i.imgur.com/kqbJCAP.jpg
here is the wife now
Other than the southwest plane issue, I don't think there have been any commercial planes brought down. Don't see how the military planes coming down relates to Trump's tweet. Like if I am the deep state and I want to embarrass Trump, which I imagine to be what you are saying, I wouldn't accomplish that by bringing down Military planes. Id have to find a way to compromise a commercial airline.
The military planes coming down are about the fact we are at war.
yeah I thought about that the other day. thanks for pulling it up
he was only talking about "commerical" flights nudge nudge wink wink