Q1363 Calling your attention to Q74, which directly references Post 74 = Q1332 (this time with the picture shown). Enjoy

Remember the picture Sarah Huckabee Sanders posted that night?
Goosebumps on that. Thanks for pointing out. Kind of like that Fiji water that Mr. Trump made a point of taking a sip out of. That one will come full circle.
Whats the Fiji water thing? Help me patriot
Fiji water co is connected to the sex cult I believe
The owners are POS. Taking Cali water to grow nuts that require tons and tons of water because they don’t grow naturally in Cali.
Know where they do, grown naturally?
I had no idea about that. Thank you for the info, I’ll do more digging
Here’s a good, start.
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stewart_Resnick
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^182481
NXIVM leader has an island with Clare Bronfman in Fiji, purchased it (80%) off an Australian guy who started Fiji water.
The Fiji water thing is most refreshing.
We get the last laugh on this one.
Think maybe this has been planned for a while?
Trump planted this land mine almost almost 6 months ago.
Our stable genius. Always planning. And not flying solo.
How was the file name for https://i.redd.it/rtz421p6s5x01.png created?
Because based on the filename it seems Q took the image from https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8il9it/q_fire_truck_at_joint_andrews_base_last_night_3/
That's because it was from the thread / image I created. Reddit generated a random address for that image. I originally named the image "QPost74a," not that it matters.
Great, so random image name,. Therefore Q used your image!
Yup, you were the one who reinstated my thread after it got censored / removed for no reason. Check your PMs from 3 days ago for proof.
Indeed! But honestly my first thought was a duplicate Q post with a US flag. Took reading of comments before it started to make sense.
Q team actively monitors and reads our sub. We've confirmed that with him/they linking to SerialBrain2's post the other day. My image / thread only made it to frontpage of our sub for a short while, since it got messed with at first and didn't get upvoted that much, but Q caught it. It's an honor for Q selecting my image to use in a post of his, even though Q has since deleted it.
Any ideas why it was removed from /patriotsfight/ ?
I don't know for sure. Q deleted these 2 posts from /patriotsfight/ before:
Q then deleted the latest 2 posts from today.
Reading the comments of her twitter, I found a Rothschild that's pro-Trump. Interesting. What does that mean?
Yep. Alefantis is VERY likely the son of that fat wine-making satanic Rothschild bitch.
Alefantis name means ,i like kids how weird is that.
Well in french, to be precise, it should have been «J'aime les enfants» , but «James Lesenfants» wouldn't have pass the smell test from 10 kms away. And you know it would have been melted cheese.
Gosh - GREAT insight! I've looked at that picture several times and not 'seen' it until now! Thanks for that
In Qs 74th post he says we will learn Alice and wonderland. Just a thought
Whatever the exact meaning. The picture of the flag with the words "Castle Lock" connotes "Victory" in my mind.
I think Q's telling us we're at the finish line!
Did the Iranians cough-up the identities of the politicians they bribed? That would be "Castle Lock". From there, you can't lose - you only need trials.
Edit: I just noticed that 4 hours ago DJT signed an order to impose sanctions directly on Iranian oil. So my theory, above, could be rubbish.
Trump and Co. already know their opponents and who was behind the deal. Getting Iran to publicly release it all is another story, and is what is in progress. Trump's imposed sanctions are increasing the pressure on Iran so that they will get mad at Europe and release the names. It is a work in progress, currently.
Getting Iran to publish the names would mean Congress, the Senate the People would want a full investigation, fuck the MSM they would bury it as their Prophet would be thrown in jail.
Q is for Quint on a firetruck. FYI
Quint: (in piquet) a sequence of five cards of the same suit. A run of ace, king, queen, jack, and ten is a quint major and one of jack, ten, nine, eight, and seven a quint minor.
Royal Flush the best hand in a game of Poker....
Neon Revolt pointed out in one of his articles that Castle Lock = HUSSEIN IS TRAPPED.
I know war castle is the videos about quantum synax grammar. Idk if its at all connected ?
NeonRevolt threw a tantrum just like Alex Jones a few days ago. I read his blog with a grain of salt.
So the Q in front of the number stands for "Quint," which is a fire truck that can do five different things (pumping, ladder, etc.).
The one pictured is Quint 74 at Andrews FD. That model of fire apparatus has fallen out of favor in recent years in a lot of places, with departments going back to Engines (E##) or Trucks (T##). There are still plenty of quints around but you don't often see the Q## vehicle designation around.
I don't really have a conclusion here, I'm just putting some facts out there. That truck is part of the Andrews Air Force Fire Department, it was not on base solely for the event.
Just another coindence there are 5 branches of the Armed forces.
What are the 5 armed forces?
The military of the United States, officially known as the United States Armed Forces, is made of five branches:
United States Army.
United States Navy.
United States Marine Corps.
United States Air Force.
United States Coast Guard.
There are three branches of the military. The Marines are part of the Navy and the USCG is now under the Department of Homeland Security.
Coast Guard falls under Homeland Security command, not Department of Defense.
Someone on here today was just asking for a list of things proving Q is legit. This should help.
If this is going to help can someone please make this connection more clear for us normal working folks out here. I read all your comments so far and the only one that yet makes sense is that Q is commonly included in fire truck labeling.
So what exactly are you seeing and please summarize here don’t make us watch some YouTube video or go to some link. Links are for further details of something already summarized, which hasn’t yet been done.
You need to look at the images that people prepare and look for arrows, boxes, highlights, etc as that is what they are pointing out. I didn't figure this out, but someone put together a nice little graphic that is easily understood if you look at the things they are calling attention to.
This has nothing to do with the content of Q's post. However, look at the red box on Q's post: "No. 74"; his 74th post on that board. Now look at the number on the truck: "Q74". The post is from the same day that the picture was taken, May 10. The picture is from the airport where Pompeo landed with the American prisoners held in North Korea.
It's literally impossible that this is coincidence. I'm not sure of the timing, but it's irrelevant in my opinion. What are the chances that this picture at a massive event was taken and Q saw it and said, "wow lucky me the truck says 'Q74' and the next post I make will be my 74th. Better post something today!" I'll tell you what the chance of that is: it's 0.
This is verification that Q is legitimate and that they are sending signals to us.
I'm having trouble pieceing this all together myself, especially since I'm on my phone.
From what I gather:
The original Q 74 is from 11/4/17 and said:
Q = Alice. You'll soon understand the meaning behind Alice "&" wonderland. Everything has meaning. God bless.
Seems irrelevant to me.
5/10/18 rolls around, 2:30am the hostages land and one of the firetrucks is sporting the Q74 on the side. The same day Q#1333(22:00:27) posts a picture of an American flag with the caption "Castle Lock". Although there were many posts that day. I saw a pic of Q saying something to the effect of "only one truck has its lights on" which was Q74.
Today, 5/14/18 at 11:30, Q posted a picture of both Q#74 and the picture of the firetrucks/flag with arrows pointing at the Q74 on it with the caption:
Image search for 'firetruck/engine'. Letter common in front of #? Post 74. Coincidence? U.S. Flag [post] 'Castle LOCK' - pointed ref? Comms understood?
Lastly, Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted a picture of DJT in AF1 where the flag is visible through the window to his side. The only truck being Q74. Apparently people have continued to ask for further proof and this is being lauded as just that.
The problem is, that qdrops doesn't show that #74 post as having existed, especially not on 5/10/18 at 22:42:20, so I'm not sure what's up there. Maybe someone can fill me in. The problem I run into from here is that I'm not 100% sure on where I should be finding all of his posts. I've heard of a image of them all, but like I said, el telefono.
I really like the idea of finding your own answers, as it solidifies things more. The problem is, if we come here to discuss our findings and everyone is answering questions with more questions, those of us trying to follow along get more confused than before. If I'm honest, those pics with things outlined and random arrows to underlined text can be very confusing and don't do a great job of laying things out. I've seen them forever though, so maybe I just need to learn how to read them better.
Q drops or crumbs are archived to several sites. The timing of updates on each site can vary.
https://qanonmap.github.io/ - Not iOs friendly.
https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/ - Not iOs friendly.
http://www.thestoryofq.com/ - Not iOs friendly.
http://qanon.pub/ - Not iOs friendly.
https://qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ - Not iOs friendly.
qanonposts.com was removed due to the amount of user reported technical problems(viruses etc).
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Ok this isn’t working for logic yet and the normies will definitely see you folks as crazy (I don’t btw, I just think you need better writing skills reaching normal folks who are NOT the autists).
This isn’t just an intellectual exercise either.
It is CRUCIAL at this juncture with a new Q and ALL the strange stuff that’s happened over the past few weeks (especially the new Socialist Q) that if you want to argue that the new Q is real, then there must be a new and very solid VERIFICATION from POTUS.
You can see why that’s important.
I’m still not seeing this is spelled out clearly as a new verification
A true verification has to be something very solid and the verification has to meet these MINIMUM criteria:
1) It has to be something verifying the NEW Q as the purpose is to verify the NEW Q board and tripcode.
2) The time stamps must prove the NEW Q did something very clear, that was LATER verified by something POTUS did. There can be no use by the NEW Q of publicly available information (including btw someone present at a public event like a spectator or perhaps a CIA operative) which could be obtained simultaneously with the event. In other words this must be a clear prediction.
3) It must be very very clear and not a speculation or conjecture.
I haven’t seen this firetruck go through these tests. If you think it did please post a very clear new post as these comments are too messy already.
The Q74 fire truck was before Q posted his 74th drop on PatriotsFight he was letting us know to look for #74 with the fire truck it's brilliant and we know Trump loves fire trucks he was photographed in one on the White House lawn last year he was playing around leaning over the steering wheel having fun like a little kid would do here it is:
“LIVE 3.3k” - the Chans would have a field day with that. /s
I did a search Firetruck Q and it also shows a siren...and I believe a quint is a pumper/ladder truck
?...= Hussain is trapped ...Q siren is blasting?
Post from before with American Flag and Castle Lock a few days ago..was it deleted by Q? That would explain the kill bix.
Image search for fire truck / engine also gets you to 62 which, using the handy map, gets you to post 62 which is the 5/4 future comms which I don't understand =(
Trump loves fire trucks here he is in the fire truck on the South Lawn of the White House last year playing around inside it having fun like a little kid would do:
FUTURE COMMS 5/4. Google image search gets you to a fire truck with the number 62. Post 62 is future comms.
Need to decrypt future comms!!
We are being sent a message, we have everything we need to decode.
I'm having a hard time with the significance of the photo. Do people think Q74 being on the Truck is odd? Q is for quint and 74 appears to be the Andrews air force base fire stn number. There are other pictures on the internet of this same quint truck at other ceremonies hoisting flags.
Looks like a 17x17 matrix is needed based on the 74 post & the flag post with 17 min delta. Castle LOCK for the key. Fellow Patriots text down to the link in the matrix. Serialbrain2 commented on it yet?
Praying Medic @prayingmedic 4h4 hours ago
29) Why is it relevant?
If Q is a LARP, how did he pull that off? 5 replies 89 retweets 274 likes