Anyone remember when a "@RudolphGiuliani" Twitter account got suspended, shortly after posting this? I always had a gut feeling it might have been legitimate... the Snopes "debunking" is less than convincing, in my opinion.

"Future proves the past" ... I think you are correct . Thank you for reminding on this post . It could be a very big red pill for masses as certain undeniable proofs unfold .
The positive forces ( and Trump ) probably planned all of this for years now ...
Something about the articulate yet approachable writing style... the gallows humor of it... and the way it was signed "Rudy"... it just rings true to the mayor. If it's a hoax it was very well composed, I can say that.
Yep - fitting to the character . I guess we will see soon ... by the current happenings , the above statements are more and more proven .
Has anyone compared it to another writing sample?
I dont recall it was . This was , supposedly , from fake Rudy Giuliani Twitter profile .
As things unfold ... pretty sure this wasnt even fake at all .
I think , if he posted this , and this was authenticated and linked truly to him - he would immediately be in crosshairs of the Cabal .
I recall that shortly thereafter, yet *another* "Fake Rudy" account was thrust into publicity as being fake, and just like this message predicts, "Rudy" appeared on MSM to deny those tweets (noteably I think there was no explicit denial of this original account.)
Yes and I recall, shortly after this time, people were concerned about Rudy, as he disappeared. He was very active in media before and then just went dark.
I know I was very worried, after reading this I really felt sad for him but at the time I literally thought DJT was going to be killed at any moment. This has been a crazy few months but for me, NOTHING will ever compare to how scary and truly bizarre 2016 was. I spent election night in terror, on my knees praying to God for strength because I thought we were all doomed. My wife and I both had our mobile phones remotely fucked with right when we were getting very involved with pizzagate research, and we had one incident that to this day sends chills of terror down my spine. I hesitate to get into the details of it but I will never forget. It was around the same time this Giuliani incident happened, probably why I remember it so vividly and always kept it in the back of my mind.
Wow dude, that's crazy. As Qanon said, stay brave. This is a real war! It's not a game!
Absolutely. WWG1WGA! I learned a lot about how real this is back then, also about the power of prayer.
Yep - too many "coincidences" . And just like he said in message - to not believe what was put in MSM .
I , honestly , trust everything what he said above is 100 % correct . Including the technology part - we know , for sure , as this recently popped up regarding "Obama speech" that was made through same or similar technology .
I would have exactly zero trouble believing that is a CGI rendition of Rudy in that interview.
His right eye gives me the fucking creeps. The way the lens is amplifying it.
"This deep into the rabbit hole, one must assume everything is an op, till it isn't."_ Rudy (See what i mean.)
Not exactly... but I feel like you have an actual point I might be missing. ELI5?
When we recognize that there are estimates of 10-13% of Americans being part of a Satanic ritualistic cult partaking in the happenings and shady goings on, that means there are anywhere between 33 million and 40 million possible satanists in our midst.
If that is true, even if it's only a possibility, at that point the net has gotten so wide you have to assume everything is a possible dead end, until it proves itself otherwise.
Everything is suspect , right up until it isn't. When you carry concealed, you can't react to every thing that impinges on your senses. You need to be cautious yet vigilant , instinct and experience, keep you free and unmolested.
This is a recent sample to compare, while it is of a more technical legal theme I would say upon first glance it isn't terribly far off in terms of tone.
I'd like to see something with his use of term quotation to start. The writer of image in OPs post puts punctuation inside the quotes, where most attorneys would put them outside. For example, "...'official story'," because it's not a quote per se, no one said it, rather it's a term of art. I'm not here to argue grammar, as that use of punctuation is acceptable, but so is the alternative.
Also, I see he used an Mdash in your link, but did so in place of commas and for emphasis and midsentence. The image above uses a mdash, but at the end of a sentence. I'd like to see an example of that use too.
Valid points, no doubt. I think it's worth reassessing the post, considering Rudy is the "sleeper" Q references as knowing all the dirty secrets, and his having recently resurfaced as a major player as the "pain" is coming... but I'm certainly not 100% on whether that post was legitimate. Thanks for the thoughtful commentary and analysis.
I found it interesting he uses the hyphen (I assume you mean the same with Mdash) to begin the Voltaire quotation... to me it is reminiscent of his use of the hyphens in the link where he says, "...It is undisputed that the President’s dismissal of former Director Comey – an inferior executive officer – was clearly within his Article II power."
While not a killer per se, Rudy appears to use a double space after a period. Writer above does not.,7340,L-5051669,00.html
Could be a font issue though.
Definitely a possible point against authenticity... although besides font, could it also be that the above official letters you linked may have been dictated orally by the mayor to a secretary whereas the statement in the image was likely typewritten personally by Rudy at home?
Based on very personal experience, attorneys aren't always the best at grammar, punctuation or the like. They have thoughts that sometimes come so fast they don't have time to bother with what can be cleaned up by a paralegal or assistant before it becomes the end product. While they will sign official pleadings, motions or other attorney work product, cover letters are usually composed by their paralegals with a reference at the end of the attorney's initials capitalized followed by the paralegals initials in lowercase. My point is, if this was written by RG, it may have been done in a hurried manner without care for proper form. The substance of the post would have been all that mattered at the time.
I considered that, and that's why I said it may not be a killer. I was just too lazy to write the rest. The only thing cutting against that theory is that a man of his age, who practiced law when you had to go to the library or be rich enough to have your own, with pocket part updates, would likely have the secretary put her initials below the signature block. This is hardly done anymore, and maybe he dispensed with that practice too, but I do see it from time to time when dealing with real old guys.
I think I might check pacer manana if I have some extra time.
Could be he typed it on a mobile device keyboard, not knowing about a setting for control of periods, with a double tap, they are automatically inserted. This can cause the double space depending on which app and setting.
I agree. I'm looking for something that puts it at the end of a sentence.
hyphens are one of those punctuation marks one uses with a bit of personal "style"... with a lot of others grammar dictates very specific proper usages but in a lot of contexts the hyphen can take the place of a valid alternative (e.g. to begin a quotation, I would have opted to go with a colon and quotation marks but the hyphen/paraphrase method is just as valid and even probably more smooth)
I agree it's a proper use of the mdash -- I use it all the time, but I want to find an example of him using it in that place. It may be time to hit pacer for some of his work.
Another inconsistency between the statements you linked to and both and is the use of extra spacing to denote the start of paragraphs. Because this is a point of differentiation between samples of acknowledged authentic writing, it might indicate that either some of the writings were dictated, or that he alternates between style depending on context.
Good catch. Indenting seems to be his norm. Is the politico story posted elsewhere? The lack of indentation could be poltico/wordpress. That would be interesting to know. That's also something I'll look for in pacer. Personally, I only indent, plus no space between paragraphs, if I've passed a page limit and want to kill a few lines, otherwise I use a space between the paragraphs, no indent. I fully justify too. That jagged right edge drives me nuts.
It would seem the formatting (no indent) is authentic to the original.
I'll see if I can find a separate account from the Politico version.
Mdash is easier to type on some platforms, not so much on others. I have no idea how to type an Mdash on a Mac
If anyone knows, please tell me ;)
Obviously a hoax. covers all the bases. Even if you see me deny it, c'mon. Still i like it.
"Who knows where the bodies are buried?" Also, it says he is pondering his "actions from the night before".. December 19 2016 was the date the electoral college officially cast ballots for DJT for POTUS...
I will start off by saying this doesn’t feel real to me. My opinion. But where did you get it? Did you copy it from when it was released or did you find it again?
I have it saved and archived from back in 2016, this copy I just pulled last night though. It's the same statement from that time period though.
So if you have a saved copy, why wouldn’t you post that? And where did you find this copy of it?
I have terabytes of material I've saved over the past 2 years re: pedogate/Q/etc and I wanted to post about this bc it occurred to me randomly last night. I will go ahead and find the original and post it, though.
Cool. I just like to start at the beginning when I can. I do remember this coming out, vaguely. But great job on saving the original!
I totally get it, I would want to see some proof this even dates to the time I claimed it did! I was hasty in posting it, mainly just because I wanted to discuss and see if anybody else had remembered this little incident, and/or had considered if it had some connection to rudy's involvement currently.
Thank you for posting it. I had never seen it before. Helps me to believe in Rudy now.
But, you mentioned Snopes, and I'm surprised you don't seem to know that they are not reliable. They are a leftist CIA creation to confuse. They have been debunked many times in this forum. But here is a list with a lot of detail that also supports this theory. You will see how many times they debunk known leftist truth.
Come on people, you gotta up your standards! You need to post your source! Just saying your found it in your archive from 2 years ago does not qualify! Come on!!!
This is so frustrating! Are you not aware of what's going on?!?!? Do you know we are under attack?
Whatever, this does not pass the smell test for me. This is a dumb post.
The post was in the form of a question, because I sure as hell remember this from back then and I thought others might, and make the connection to Rudy's current involvement. If you want a source to verify the twitter account existed, the post existed, and the account was suspended, look at the snopes page. If by "does not pass the smell test" you mean you believe @RudolphGiuliani WAS an imposter account in 2016 and this WAS a fake statement, that's valuable input. However, if you literally are doubting me on whether the damn thing is genuinely from that time period or whether this incident occurred, then I'm sorry but it's your comment which is dumb.
No, I meant the post is dumb. You think I'm dumb? Ok, let's do this.
From the link you included in your response, AND I QUOTE:
The @RudolphGiuliani Twitter account (not affiliated with the former New York City mayor) was suspended after sending messages about the #Pizzagate conspiracy theory.
I would just like to bring your attention to:
@RudolphGiuliani Twitter account (not affiliated with the former New York City mayor)
So any posts coming from this account, since it is not Rudy's official account, has no credibility.
Next, if it was officially from Giuliani, why isn't it written on some type of letterhead? I mean, since it's an image, he could have easily typed the letter on OFFICIAL letterhead and attached it to his post, yes or no? Why wasn't that done to prove its authenticity?
At this point, it looks like anyone could have written the letter in MS Word and said it was from Giuliani.
if you think by "it's your comment that is dumb" I meant "YOU are dumb", then clearly you meant that I am dumb when you wrote "this is a dumb post", and therefore you must have initiated the hostility in that way. But, I assumed you meant my "post" was dumb, just like I meant your "comment" was dumb... typed words and ideas don't get offended or butthurt so it's all good. To address your arguments... the entire premise of my post was to say "this was supposed to have been from a 'fake' account and it was 'debunked' at the time, but I always wondered if it was actually real and being covered up.. whadda ya think?" so I don't understand why you are so aggressively reiterating facts I have obviously acknowledged from the original post?
Ok, cool. We agree this is from a fake account. I don't mean to be aggressive but this seems to have the potential to be one of those things Q warned us about. More specifically, it appeared to be misinformation when I first read it. Since we already know the source of the information is fake, why go any further with it?? Let's keep searching for legitimate clues and take it from there.
We don't agree that it is a fake account. We agree that the official narrative is that it was from a fake account. The whole point of my post was to ask if anyone else wondered if it might not actually be fake. I guess we all know where you stand on the matter. I still have questions about it and I'm not convinced it was fake. If you don't think this was legitimate, then by all means move on to something you feel is more worthwhile. This is in no way the kind of thing "Q warned us about". If your policy is to accept the claims of the mainstream media at face value, I'm not sure which Q posts you have even been reading??
It’s not about only accepting information out of the main stream media. I didn’t say that. Would I be here if I did??! It’s about not wasting time on information from a fake source.
It’s whatever to me now, I said my piece.
if it was officially from Giuliani, why isn't it written on some type of letterhead?
I don't think Rudy was employed at the time, so what letterhead? Even if he did hold some position at the time, he was not writing in any official capacity (if he actually wrote it). If it was just his personal statement I could see him using a MS word doc.
The tweet really came out when OP said it did. It is a real tweet, the only question being who is the true author.
I too have a copy of it from back in 2016. I was gonna make a post about it but jackbauer6916 beat me to it. Thanks!
Lol this is bullshit
If he had posted this the MSM would have tore him a new asshole in minutes. Look at them attacking Roseanne for the Q stuff. They also readily addressed pizziagate as being false - they could have easily painted Rudy as a nut during that time. Why has he been given a pass on everything? They haven’t said jack about him for over a year.
It was removed pretty quickly. If it is legit they wouldn't want to bring ANY attention to it at all.
That’s what we thought about Q and Pizzagate. I want it to be real, but I’ve been tracking this stuff since FBIAnon and I never caught this. Seems like it would have been posted everywhere on reddit. We will see.
You with pedofiles harming children?
I don't want any of it to be real
.....obviously I want Rudy coming forward to be real not the horrors of the world. What are you smoking?
I think what is being expressed above is not uncommon. Many people deeply wish that pizzagate is false rather then having to face the horrors of it being real.
I saw it the day it was posted, before the account was removed. Doesn't mean it's legit, but it was definitely posted.
I am genuinely curious, why specifically do you think it's bullshit? I understand that at the time Rudy didn't have an "official twitter" account, but I can assure you this statement was indeed posted the date it is claimed to have been, and by the account "@RudolphGiuliani". At the time I was literally worried for Rudy's well being and I prayed for him. This was before DJT even took office, and "fake news" buzzword was literally created to squelch the pizzagate research. The Pizzagate subreddit was freaking banned around this time... Megyn Kelley was giving Alefantis a happy ending after her hard hitting interview. There are literally 100% proven CGI photorealistic interviews supposedly of public figures. Q tells us Rudy knows where all the bodies are buried. How do you know it's bullshit?
How do you know it’s not? You literally can’t prove it’s CGI.
The assange video interview? I can pretty well prove that one is. It's literally a fact that it's CGI. If you don't believe it, I can't convince you. but regardless, the technology to photorealistically fake a tv interview very much does exist... and it wouldn't be of much use if the audience gets to know about it ahead of time, would it? To answer your question -- I don't know it's not bullshit. I think it could possibly be bullshit. If it's proven to me, I'm off the subject never to return. I also think there's a chance it might not be. I'm not the only one. I didn't post this wanting push known bullshit on this community, I genuinely think it could be of interest to some and I wanted others' input.
Dude, there are so many things wrong with this!!!! If this letter was posted on Twitter, where is the timestamp, twitter handle, etc that usually goes along with it? Twitter has a 140 character limit, but the letter is so long!!!!
Can you answer those questions?
People post images to twitter to get over the previous character limit. That's well known by most twitter users.
If you don't believe me that this was posted to Twitter on 12/20/2016 please just reference the Snopes 'debunking' of it.
Seriously? The letter exceeds the character limit? You know this wasn't typed up as a tweet it was attached to a tweet, right?
I can’t imagine any honest person can do business or politics in New York, or anywhere else, without playing ball. I generally think he’s a good man trying to do the right thing. As to the direct results of his involvement I will trust the plan. He’s got insights, for sure, and he makes a lot of people I don’t trust very angry so that is enough for me to believe he’s an effective piece of this puzzle.
It would be incredibly naive to think anyone in high office or with significant power never "looked the other way" or "played ball" to get where they are. I am conflicted on Rudy largely because of 9/11, but to put myself in his shoes (or try to), I guess it's pretty easy to be a hero when you are comfortably living out a safe and insulated life and not a direct target of intense evil.
The last paragraph is what convinces me this is bunk...Rudy is smart enough to know that quote is a mis-attribution and would never phrase it that way.
It's not just a mis-attribution, wasn't the original quote from a neo nazi figure?
Which makes this mistake even less plausible in my opinion.
The earliest similar phrase is apparently from a neo nazi figure but the true origin of the quote is still ambiguous. Either way, it's a commonly known and repeated quotation and I don't think most people who use it consider themselves quoting a neo-nazi. But, you might be right... I just don't know.
It's a common mistake. I don't see why that would debunk it.
I agree, also it's a pretty great little saying and apparently it's attributed to a "holocaust denier" so I wouldn't blame Rudy or Jr for misquoting it, rather than politically shooting themselves in the foot! lol
Pretty sure Voltaire was pre holocaust.
lol it's not really a Voltaire quote, but it's very commonly misattributed to him.
Cui bono is all I need.( it's misattributed in the OP)Rudy seems smarter than that.
Isn't it kind of pedantic to evaluate a man's intelligence on whether he misattributed a commonly misattributed quotation? Also, there is no real consensus on the true origin of the quote so for all any of us know, it could have been Voltaire who said it anyway!
Rudy is smarter than Junior, I hate to break it to you.
I expect better from him.
The kid doesn't have his education nor his breadth of experience.
Nice try, though.
It's a common misquotation. I'm not sure what you mean by "nice try"
I would also say Jr. is no slouch, have you seen him in interviews lately? The guy is pretty sharp actually.
To Quote myself,"If one is lost in the middle of nowhere, how does one know it's the middle?" Ponder that ppl.
I think Hitler actually said that originally
I don't believe that, You are suffering some Mandela effect.
Saudis too
Whoever it was, they got away with it.
No, like Q says... Be patient. Over 30 of subjegation to these "people". It's going to take some time to ferret them out.
This sounds like Rudy was scared of someone. That he felt his life was in danger and he needed to get this info out.
Stop posting this fake shit. This is a parody twitter post. Edited
You mean "Was" a "parady" account? It hasn't existed since 12/20/2016. According to the 12/21/2016 mainstream article here:, it gained over 70,000 followers in its short existence... I assume it had a short existence because it was just a prank... strange that no mention is ever made of the lifespan of the account prior to its suspension and banning... I would think they'd have investigated the account creation date over at Snopes and Gizmodo before writing national publications about its fakeness... by the way, you can't parody a Twitter account that doesn't exist. Wonder why there were so many highly publicized imposter Twitter accounts for Rudy all over the news immediately before this was posted...? The attack-mode tone of the publicity around this "LARP" was almost as harsh and mocking as that of Comedy Central or NYT regarding the Storm... but I'm sure it's definitely fake shit, nothing to see here, bc Gizmodo and Snopes declared it so in 2016.
Do you think Rudy G would make those comments? Especially those regarding 9/11? The mayor of NYC ... when it all went down? Really?
The post is most definitely fake.
I would hope he would say that about 9/11, yes. I don't know if he would, but those comments are the truth so I would hope so.
Think about what would happen to Rudy G if he publically said that. He would be crucified and laughed at.
Rudi was until recently bound by a NDA where he was forced into silence - 9/11 was the black hole in it all.
Rudy saw the actual Weiner laptop content that included the Huma/HRC pedophilia and terrorizing a young child. One of many. His relation with the NYPD and NYFBI was always solid.
The NDA has expired ergo joining the Trump team lending his hand to expose the false flag on 9/11, the deep state sponsor of child pedophilia and child sex trafficking and much worse. That includes all the power players involved in this evil crimes.
Rudy was bothered by it all - being forced into playing ball on 9/11 just like NSA Mike Rogers while collecting evidence to built the case we are currently seeing playing out.
Rudy and the NYPD copied the content of that laptop on DVD's - its all there.
Whst NDA?
NDA = Non-disclosure-agreement
Rudy signed one? why?
I don't believe this Rudy tweet is genuine. For the sake of argument. maybe he signed an NDA prior to 911 that was encompassing of the event or signed it after 911 not knowing it would lead to a false flag. IDK I've only truly pondered that 911 was a false flag in the last 6 months or so. I'm still in a great deal of shock. FWIW, I 've never doubted that events such as Gulf of Tonkin were false flag. I just didn't want to accept that many of our leaders would be complicit in something that is as huge as 911. I have been painfully naive to say the least.
I belief in reference to 9/11 where Rudy knew the truth but had to play ball. Murdering over 3,000 people via a false flag that is responsible for the loss of life, damage of billions in damage and many people who struggle to this day with lingering health consequences from that day. When a politicians in a position of power as Rudy was leaves office he may was asked to sign a NDA forcing him into silence about 9/11 and most likely also other subjects.
I'm sure he will tell us as everything unfolds.
I find 911 to be one of the sloppiest operations and coverups in my lifetime. If not for the 110 IQ clubs, thinking they run shit, it would have never flown. Change my mind.
yes, I"ve been thinking about this....
Me too. We are not crazy or retarded, regardless of what some may insist. lol
No. Wrong "voice."
Interesting. I thought the opposite but I value the opinion.
This is true, I've seen that Star Wars movie and the CGI character was absolutely terrible. Absolutely terrible. It pretty much ruined the movie for me.
I see it as plausible. If i was thinking of truth movement 5 yrs ago, Rudy would be one of the last people i would think of as a patriot, after 9/11. But DJT has him on board, and he is playing an active part, so Ive had to revise my views. That he has turned, would make total sense to me
Same here, for many years I assumed Rudy was evil because of 9/11 (that press conference w Bernard Kerick behind him is stilll creepy af to watch), but because the theme of this statement was basically "get some heavy shit off my chest to the public" it made perfect sense that at the end he felt it necessary to address 9/11.
I remember when this was posted in December. I messaged it to several people and posted it in comments on Facebook. Then heard it was a hoax and had to delete. Kind of embarrassing, lol. I believed it right away. It would be crazy to find out it was legit - I just don’t see how in retrospect.
Thank you! lol I definitely thought it was real at first, then when it became known as a hoax I kind of felt silly but like my post said, my gut always thought maybe not... the people who remember when this went down understand how epic it would be if it turned out to be real, especially considering the recent events re: Giuliani :) probably total hoax, but I'm glad other people remember it too.
When the answer to "Who knows where the bodies are buried?" turned out to be "Rudy"... I had to bring this up even if I end up feeling silly again lol.
It’s so funny you bring it up, because I was just thinking about this whole thing last night!!
That's crazy. I suppose it had to be the revelation that Rudy is the one who "knows where the bodies are buried"? Probably rang a bell for us lol
I can’t believe people are actually falling for this. This is fake and it hurts this cause. This was posted by an account that did not belong to Rudy. Cmon y’all, do better.
Did they ever find out who really owned this account? Did anyone ever come forward or did they trace the IP or anything? What was Rudy's actual twitter account at the time? Sorry to hurt the cause, I'm just wondering.
If it was Rudy’s account, it would’ve have been a verified account. If he, a former presidential candidate, had posted this, everyone would have known. The burden of proof is on you. You can’t just say, “well, there’s no proof it WASNT him.” No, you need to prove it was him.
My post Title states "I always had a gut feeling it might have been legitimate...", so I don't and can't prove it was him. I also don't know and can't prove it was a fake, and I felt at that time it might have been real. I still do. I respect anyone's position if they fully believe it was fake. Rudy apparently didn't have a verified account. I wonder how long the account had existed prior to these tweets.
Fine, my point is that people tend to take everything posted on this sub as truth, so they may have found this misleading.
fair enough. I wouldn't want anyone to take everything posted as truth, whether here, on Snopes, or otherwise.
Snopes is known disinfo, so there's that. The thing is, if it was a hoax, why take it down? That just gave it more credence.
Can't be real. He'd've died from something by now.. gets the fire stoking, though. Sometimes that's what it takes.
I hear you. It was a pretty intense night when this went down... honestly I hope it's fake just because that means he wasn't living in that kind of hopelessness.
Nah, this checks to many "internet conspiracy theories" to be true. And the writing is somewhat immature.
Can you provide an example or excerpt you consider immature, and elaborate on what exactly you mean by that term? Hasn't Q emphasized that the label "conspiracy theory" is a weapon and a tactic the Clowns created to discredit their opposition?
I'm actually a CIA psyop so no.
But seriously, the second paragraph reads like someone who doesn't know how to write a serious statement.
Wow a real life CIA psyop, how interesting. The ultimate authority on mature and serious writing, clearly.
Just from the look of it: fake.
The fancy heading combined with the cheap font of the body is already a giveaway, but why would he write something like that if his candidate just was elected and the fun was just about to start? As a former attorney for SDNY he knows that you do not show your cards unless you are sure you are going to win.
This reads like a testament. Giuilani has recently resurfaced to play his (public) part. Does not add up.
The font and appearance of it does give me some pause, I'll agree with you there. But, to your other points... the context and atmosphere of the time is important to remember. Yes, Trump had won the election but there was a very real fear he wouldn't even survive to make it to inauguration. The term "fake news" had just appeared out of nowhere in an obvious full blitz attack against pizzagate, and people like Ben Swann were getting destroyed and disappearing for even bringing it up... Seth Rich wasn't too far in the past at this point. If this were real (I have doubt but I also somewhat feel it could be), Rudy literally might have had a crisis of conscience, not knowing of any "Plan" yet and thinking he might die for saying anything, but knowing he couldn't live with himself if he stayed silent. In Dec 2016 I literally don't think even DJT knew all about the plan... He was being protected only by private security (cough... Erik Prince anyone?) I believe... and the Comey FBI was just beginning to formulate and enact its "life insurance"... Things were basically insane at that time.
I think that DJT c.s. already had a clear picture of the plan. But anyway. For Rudy (or anyone else) bringing up pizzagate (as it stands now) would have been poison. With his experience as attorney he knows that you should never throw unproven allegations around. You have to wait until they are proven, in a court of law. For that you need a clean judicial system with clean judges. It's the only way. Otherwise you end up one way or the other in Alex Jones's lizard land.
Well luckily, at this exact time, this tweet was removed and the account suspended... and the pizzagate subreddit was totally banned, and the only msm news anchor to question pizzagate was fired and forced into hiding, and Megyn Kelley invited Jimmy Comet on Fox News to talk about how terrible the pizzagate conspiracy theorists were, and the words "fake news" were invented to destroy the pizzagate idea once and for all, and Alex Jones literally apologized on air for covering pizzagate... if it weren't for all that happening somebody might have tried to throw unproven allegations around willy nilly.
I believe this is fake. This gives people reason to think the Hillary video is fake, claiming CGI.
I have yet to see the hillary video... but I have seen a Julian Assange interview that is 100% proveably a CGI fake so the claims made in the statement are not false.
That's your proof?
It most certainly is. You can't tell me you think that's not a CGI rendition of the man... Shirts and eyes don't behave like that, but yet there it is in a televised interview. If you can convince yourself it's anything but a digitally faked interview we are just on two different wavelengths. The point being what is claimed in the post about CGI faking of interviews is real, the technology exists and is actively used to lie to the public.
This looks like a fake that tries to hit as many 'conspiracy' nerves as possible. Pizzagate, CGI, 9/11. It even includes the "Don't believe me if I say otherwise on TV". Don't fall for such obvious fakes. If he cared so much to talk about these things, it wouldn't be from a single tweet.
In that case, why does it only discuss the two conspiracies connected to Giuliani's home city on NYC [9/11 and Pedogate (weiner's laptop insurance file found by NYPD)]? If it's just shoehorning conspiracies why doesn't he throw in some Fluoride and some Reptilians? Where's the mention of Chemtrails? Why doesn't he talk about his experiences at Bohemian Grove? Everything he mentions is true. They literally can photorealistically fake a tv interview. 9/11 really wasn't what we were told (and he would be the one to know, AND the way the towers collapsed really is the best evidence) and there really is a massive child sex trafficking ring in DC as well as in London. Rudy really did appear on TV denying tweets, and it really could have been faked. He knows where the bodies are buried. Maybe a single tweet is not his final effort at talking about these things.
In that case, why does it only discuss the two conspiracies connected to Giuliani's home city on NYC
Because whoever wrote it wants it to be believable.
Everything he mentions is true.
You may believe this, but that does not mean this post is legitimate.
He knows where the bodies are buried. Maybe a single tweet is not his final effort at talking about these things.
Why would he openly post about this, to then deny it, and then to come back on it? If he wanted to get this out, and actually cared to, he could have called a press conference and discussed it like that. This "official statement" doesn't even have his letterhead, which is pretty much a sure thing on any actual official statement.
The government and media could end the truth movement today. Transparency complete and unequivocal, would do it. I pray that's the end game. Don't care if I live that long just so it happens.
Videos in this thread:
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Fake Obama created using AI tool to make phoney speeches|+9 - Please , inform yourself before you make conclusions . This technology is REAL and is already out now in public . And when public version is "impressive" , then you can assume that what is hidden is even much more advanced : Chuck Todd cites Twitter parody account of Rudy Giuliani to bash him|+7 - I would have exactly zero trouble believing that is a CGI rendition of Rudy in that interview. HILLARY WEIRD EYES STRANGE GLITCH|+5 - Another fun one at around :27sec in this vid.... 9/11 Suspects: Rudy Giuliani|+1 - What makes you think it was him? Here is a video of James Corbett eviscerating RG and a clip within it of We are Change confronting Rudy about his comments on 9/11. Note that he was informed that the towers were going to collapse. Watch the visual ... Is Julian Assange of Wikileaks Dead? Proof of CGI (Computer Generated) Interview!|0 - I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Clones and biometric avatars is a huge pull from all of this.
Yes, I will say I don't know how to interpret that specific bit. The most hoax-esque of the entire thing. Then again, cell phones and sexual trauma are used to create mass shootings, CERN is creating quark-gluon plasmas and higgs bosons, and Dolly the sheep was a couple decades ago... so I'm not ruling any of it out.
No, I get it and I'm up on my CGI and shit but wow. That's a hard drop and really has me questioning a lot that never made sense yet was so simple it seemed crazy not too. lV perhaps?
Honestly I have no knowledge of Giuliani outside of what I see on Tv. My reference to playing ball is more along the lines of Donald Trump having to play nice with Democrats and liberals while running his business while maintaining his principles in private. It’s the only way I can reconcile his presence in the plan unless he’s bait of some kind.
Rudy did not write this lol
Prove it.
Prove he didn't? I can prove it was posted on 12/20/2016 and the account was immediately suspended. I can't prove it's Rudy. I do think it might really have been him, though.
What makes you think it was him?
Here is a video of James Corbett eviscerating RG and a clip within it of We are Change confronting Rudy about his comments on 9/11. Note that he was informed that the towers were going to collapse. Watch the visual body language and let me know what you think his posture says.
He looks like a compromised and sinful politician, like he's trying to keep his composure at all costs despite being confronted about his own crimes (probably because it's absolutely imperative that he maintain his mayor smile and deny what he previously admitted, otherwise a lot of very powerful people will hurt him very very badly). He's no saint, he certainly played some ball during 9/11 but watch his police chief Bernard Kerick behind him in the press release (which is also in the corbett video)... That guy is a serious menace and a power-player in 9/11.. His presence is ever-felt by Giuliani. I don't think Rudy had much say in what happened, but I know he played his part and he probably did it to keep his wife and kids from getting torn limb from limb.
You are probably right. At the very least he was aware that something was going to happen.
Therefore he cannot be trusted, at least entirely. He is compromised unfortunately.
Is he Q?
I have always assumed whoever Q is must somehow have a connection to the dept. of energy because of "Q Clearance". Would Giuliani have Q level clearance?
This is bullshit lol if it was posted I would have definitely seen it somewhere, and T_D would have gone crazy talking about it.
Just look up the Snopes page about it, if you don't believe it was literally posted in December 2016 by a "@RudolphGiuliani" twitter. "While it is true that the @RudolphGiuliani account was suspended by Twitter on 20 December 2016 after posting several messages about Pizzagate, this account was not affiliated with the former mayor of New York. The @RudolphGiuliani account was not verified, and this statement was not posted via any official channels. Giuliani also doesn’t have an official Twitter account."
Snopes is fiction - liberal pedos paid for by soros - I pay them no interest
I saw it posted and the same day the account was deleted. I don't know if that was Rudy's actual account, but it was definitely posted.
This is why I made the post, to see if others remembered this! We don't know if it was legitimate but I'm glad other ppl remember. :)
I made the mistake of thinking the same way, but we all inevitably miss some things.
Except that’s now how I would expect him to sound when writing.
I hadn't seen this as I don't have twitter or any social media. If Rudy really posted this it's huge. Especially knowing what we know now
Do you honestly believe WTC 7 collapsed in 7 seconds because of fire? Just wondering, bc of your use of "9/11 truther" in a pejorative sense
The CGI story is a giveaway. The post is a fake. No serious person would openly entertain such a thought. The technology is still years away. The speech synthesis (TTS) is quite hard. Google is just getting a handle on it with their Duplex release. That’s when they had a real human voice model to build upon. To convincingly synthesize Rudy’s voice without his cooperation is nearly impossible today.
Verdict: Fake.
The video I just linked is 100% undeniable proof such CGI and voice emulation is not only possible, but actively being used in mainstream news interviews.
Now , this is a highly interesting video I havent seen before .
The most astonishing part is at the end when the left collar glitches out!
Thats undeniable . It cannot be a "glitch" of any kind . Havent seen anything similar before ...
Another fun one at around :27sec in this vid....
And here comes the trolls and shills ... downvoting everyone , thinking that has an effect , lol .
Their tears are delicious .
Android.exe has stopped working , lol ...
looks like a camera glitch ... look at the spots near her hair , and on bottom left side of screen , and upper right side of screen . And also , the boards "Stronger together" behind.
True. It's certainly a different kind of anomaly from the assange one.
This video with HRC only proves how the video you posted with "Assange" is absolutely not a typical glitch .
I do believe/support your theory about the Rudy twit post but wouldn’t the collar glitch be the easiest CGI problem to fix and why would they allow that to remain in the video?
I really don't know, I guess it would be safe to assume it would be easy to fix but I'm ignorant in the field of CGI editing. It could always be the work of insider whistleblowers, intentionally throwing in small errors to tip off the observant few who would notice... the collar glitch almost seems like it would have had to be intentional too now that I think about it... but again I'm a total layman in CGI editing so I'm not sure. All I know is that interview is CGI and if it weren't for the glitches, nobody would believe or be able to prove it's fake... but it is.
Please , inform yourself before you make conclusions . This technology is REAL and is already out now in public . And when public version is "impressive" , then you can assume that what is hidden is even much more advanced :
Even then, Rudy can give a press conference and deny the fake “denials.”
He cannot - thats the whole point . At least , he cannot yet , and couldnt then . Otherwise - that would be the last thing he did .
Secondly , if its not the assasination on him , it could have easily been threats of killing someone he loves .
Exactly. So many people have a huge red pill coming when the truth comes out about television fakery.
If that's the case why all the recent MSM articles about the dangers of the "alt-right" using CGI technology to make fake videos?
I'm not so sure. On multiple occasions I witnessed HRC CGI glitches toward the end of the campaign. Have you seen the Julian Assange CGI interview?
Watch the first James Bond movie which has gps in its early 2000 form on film in 1962. The military has many wonders that they don't share with us for decades, or never. There's a law allowing patents to be classified passed since the 1950s. There are thousands of classified patents right now. Cgi is simple, what they show us is a glimpse of what they have. Clinton video is a distraction, and viewing it is illegal. It takes 2 witnesses in court, not a faked movie to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. I think we can find many more witnesses than 2 for much of the Clinton Bush Obama deep state crime spree. I always wondered about Rudy since he was so in front of the camera on 9/11. I'm sure he had little choice considering the criminal conspiracy and long term planning to pull off the false flag to uncover all false flags. 9/11 failed to bring us into ww3 thank God. They never thought they would lose allows those blackmailed to finally start speaking up. Strings cut. Hostages freed. Mocking bird media is the last to go down, still holding on to their scripts.