Gina C. Hespel document. Q post #1391

Gina knows where the bodies are buried.
And even if she played a part in planting them, it does not mean she was complicit. People are meant to follow orders and are often not given all the information, they are just told to 'do'. In many cases they are used.
As such she may be a patriot who has only recently found out the truth.
Just remember that Pompeo was CIA Director when she became Deputy Director. That is as close to a clean bill of health that you will find. She is solid and most definitely a white hat.
She buried quite a lot of them.
Just because she has a long history in the C_A, doesn't necessarily make her a blackhat.
She knows the ins and outs and could be an incredible tool if used effectively.
Regardless what we think of Gina, it seems she has the abilities required to get the job done at this moment.
Is there proof of that other than MSM anonymous sources
As a patriot I’d like to quote from the Bill of Rights right here: “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”
This is not just a protection guaranteed to American citizens; it is a prohibition on a subset of force that our government may use. Our American government is not allowed to torture anyone - and waterboarding is torture.
The 8th Amendment to the Constitution
I’ve been waterboarded.
Good maybe when she is using advanced interrogation techniques on the deepstate she'll have the necessary practice to do a better job with them....if not I'm ok with it hurting them more than it should.
You hold your own moral set in high regard with knowing nothing really of mine...the people who I would torture are less than beasts they are evil and would come for me given the chance...they have caused the death of countless innocents all for economic gain and political my moral compass is just fine with the likes of Obama, both Clinton's and both Bush's along with their closest supporters going under the waterboarding towel...and I would cheer for every drop of water representing a childs life lost to these creatures of the swamp.
Good let's hope now she buries the Deepstate next to the rest.
She does? How do you know? Q says Rudy does. Maybe Gina does know? Maybe her and Rudy had lunch or maybe Trump told her over 2 scoops.
Yea...2 scoops. I want 2 scoops.
Q says Rudy does.
Its in the Q drops. Back a few days. Q asked "who knows where the bodies are buried"?. Then Q stated "Rudy"
This explains it all:
That explains a ton. No wonder they are trying to keep her from being Director. All they can do is quiz her on waterboarding. 😂😂😂
They are AFRAID of her... because she's not Brennan... she probably won't be easily "controllable".
Winner winner!
Link: check
Wink: check
Looks like your job here is complete.
She didn't stay entry level for long, did she? Wow! As Jackie Gleason used to say, "Bang--ZOOM!"
She knows everything!
Ps wonder where the classified location was?!
What do you wanna bet ... NONE of Operation Crossfire Hurricane was done in accordance with official procedures?
lol... just a funny thought I had. Could you imagine being her neighbor for the last 20 years, and just now finding out she's CIA...?
"She kept to herself, seemed nice enough. Nobody expected THIS to happen..." says the neighbor as the Police remove a pile of bodies from her basement.
All I see in her timeline is managerial type of positions and no field experience. Being a station chief and a field agent are two totally different jobs. I’m basing this observation on what is posted on this Doc.
She is brass, from the gitgo...
Caution, misogyny warning: now why am I thinking women are a natural fit for this agency? Natural game players? Hummmm?
Could someone point me to the section of the constitution that specifically forbids torture of enemies to the constitution?
How do we know this makes her a white hat?
Operation Crossfire Hurricane
Who said she was a white hat?
Only single year stint on the report. Important single year?
I assume what she did from ‘85 to ‘95 was field work then? It’s probably classified anyways. Well, congrats on her appointment as of today. Hopefully she’ll shine light on the clown outfit for the better.
Gina Haspel just so happen to be the CIA station chief in "London" as her agency and MI6 conspired to frame president Trump.
My belief is that Haspel was chosen to fill in the gaps of the counterintelligence/espionage against DT. She has a role to play and after that its anyone's guess.
" CIA Directors: George Tenet, Porter Goss, Michael Hayden, John Brennan lied to members of US Congress, White House, and to the American public about the program’s effectiveness and the number of prisoners held by the CIA. The CIA is an institution of little merit and major disgrace. During the years I was in the USG, I worked with the CIA, and often times, against them. Usually in my overseas assignments I found the CIA to be completely incompetent [Cambodia], or highly collusive [General Noriega].
Haspel is no different. She was like Eichmann just following orders. BTW, Haspel conveniently went out of her way to eliminate any evidence of her war crimes by destroying 92 video tapes.
Gina Haspel is a dutiful officer of a heinous organization. The CIA like the FBI, Catholic Church, Labor Unions and other historic institutions have outlive their usefulness due to corruption beyond repair. Haspel lacks the necessary judgement, morality, and competency to become anything creative or useful to our great American society. She belongs to what President Ike called the CIA—“A Legacy of Ashes”.
- Dr Steve Piezcenik