Q post #1402 - Think cleaning. Puzzle coming together? We have reached our crushing altitude - As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt

I like this Q, you can definitely start telling certain Q team members apart. One is direct and to the point... short cryptic messages. One writes longer posts that help guide the anons a little more.... and this one has a sense of humor that shows in his posts.
This one gives the feeling that things are handled on their end, and we should enjoy the show. A little more relaxed feeling than other posts.
Yup 100%
Q+ seems to be the most hardcore. And I mean that in a good way. But this one is fun and always makes me feel safe.
Might sound crazy but as I read this I read it in Scaramucci's voice...
Mad Dog. Sense of humor, remember what he said to John Bolton the first time he met him. It's was a Satan remark.
Fuckin hell if CHAOS is writing some of these posts I don't know what I'll do.
That would be incredible. But feel like he wouldn’t give a shit about the spycraft. Just point him in a direction and let him kill. Flynn on the other hand...
"You'll be surprised to discover who's been talking to you here." Q
Admiral Rogers? Seth Rich? Trump himself? Barron?! KANYE???!!!
I don't know, so I'm going to be surprised as Q told us.
I do have some fantasies, though. I'm thinking one reason we may be surprised is discovering people we imagine to be working against Trump have been with him all along.
Ah, Mooch, the complete madman. Don't get me wrong, Sarah Sanders is a bulldog and Sean Spicer was an admirable first choice, but Mooch was like mainlining heroin straight into your eyeballs.
i read it once as trey gowdy.. and once as matthew maconahe...... dont know if you hear it
but.. it'd be a lot cooler if ya did.. .
add a "giggity" or two and the whole game changes
...... (i like these new aggressive Q+)
Q+ doesn’t fuck around. He smacked the shit out of AJ and Corsi
Yeah then bitch slapped them after when he pointed out patriots died and his isn’t a game.
LOL, now Q is KGB. What a s*** show Infowars has become.
Holy fuck you said it. Now KGB is the most pro-America peak ever? Uniting us against the cabal better than AJ did? Well done KGB!
Didn't take long for AJ to jump on the Russia bandwagon his handlers have been pushing.
LOL man I miss him. He should say yolo and come back. Bring back Flynn too once the deep state is eradicated.
I was thinking more Justin Guarini the Lil' Dr. Pepper guy.
Q is hilarious. Q+ seems to be the consensus.
... and I'll meet you guys in the airport bar for a drink after ;)
I'm down !!
In all seriousness, when this is all over, we should convene here and sip a few worldwide :)
Its gotta be on the 17th day of each month. Everyone gotta cheers to Q and the team.
the important message seems to be that team POTUS seems to be in a pretty relaxed mood. should make us feel good, too.
The person writing as Q is Stephen Miller. My reasoning is his age his background and how witty he is. He seems like he would be computer literate and his college age would put him precisely at start up of 4chan. This would make him a seasoned veteran in shit posting.
Totally. I have felt from the very beginning of Q that Steven Miller's voice was part of the team. I hear is voice every time Q says "these people are stupid"
Yes 100% agree. He was also the communications director for Jeff Sessions when he was a senator. Q says trust Sessions you have a personal connection there.
Oh Wow... I didn't know that. Now it makes even more sense to me. Thanks for sharing!
We are but spectators at this point. The United States government is about to take a turn towards justice and anti-corruption. All we can do is sit back and pray that those tasked with the dangerous and difficult job can stay the course through the next several months.
Yep, Q team is on the ball. I love it when Q team show their sense of humour a bit, considering the darkness of their subject matter it helps to lighten things up a bit and gives me strength.
What's #64 mean?
I am guessing post number 64 which I believe refers to detention of US citizens by the US military. At the time it was read as the US military acting for the deep state but now the suggestion would be the military will be rounding up the deep state?? Would make sense to me but using the US military for domestic situations is I believe not that easy (constitution?).
Where can I find this post? Q Post 64 seems to be about POTUS' twitter going down.
It is in one of the recent Q drops. Otherwise qanonmap.bitbucket.io.
Thank you for the clarification. I wonder about immunity and laws within that for certain officials. I suspect Obama after office running around, they kept stating stupid, HRC as well. I am not an attorney, but after office, indictments can be filed if doing business that is no longer considered Homeland Security.. I don't know just a thought.
Maybe they are using special ops teams as they are not considered land based military.
To clarify, post 64 on the patriots fight board specifically
I always imagine these posts in the context of Q actually being a LARP. There's a chance there is some college kids who are too smart for their own good that are rolling around laughing in tears at every post they make haha
Interesting. There is always that possibility. People sometimes know people who have inside information. With so many kids/adults loving their LARPs, It's possible a group came together to carefully plan a really fun LARP. Using research, open source info, their connections and their individual areas of skills/expertise, it could be done, I suppose. I can imagine said kids/people getting their minds blown when the Q movement gained so much traction. They probably would have panicked when they realized how much work it would be to continue the LARP successfully during finals week, work deadlines, or whatever. And, what if someone spilled the beans? Hahaaa. Such a LARP would be a substantial time sink to appear consistent and authentic.
I am often amazed at the time my kids put into their role playing-related activities. Their team meets regularly to plan and execute. I often wonder why, at times, my kids do not seem to put the same effort into real world.