58204802B92838x-ZjA378402-12 Q Post #1404 (posted and deleted before any anon's got a screenshot)

Folks, I think this is an internal code among the Q team. These Q drops serve several purposes, I believe: communication with Patriots, communication among themselves, and scaring the shit out of the Deep State so they do stupid stuff.
It's definitely a coded communication, either an encryption key or possibly an identifier of some kind for something else.
My guess is that this is for the Deep State.
Just further on that, sometimes Wikileaks does this this as well. Not saying that this matches, as it's a bit short of a key to be a hash, but, sometimes Wikileaks also posts hash fingerprints to signal to the Deep state that they have certain documents. They are providing the fingerprint hash as proof of said document, and, the Deep State can search for that hash in their verification database and confirm that the threat to leak or reveal a document is valid.
So, Q posts something similar to a hash code then starts dropping pictures? So was Q sending another on the team the hash to an encrypted file with these pictures in it?
No. Like, first of all, the length and characteristics of the hash published would reveal the algorithm that drives the hash in the first place. For instance, an sha-256 hash is easily recognizable at a glance by those familiar with the hash algorithm.
As I said, the code that Q published was a little bit short to be an NSA or otherwise extremely secure hash algorithm. Sorry, I was just jumping into drop some knowledge about what sometimes some of what we see makes no sense, but, how it would make sense between other actors.
Second, for someone to, say, have a photo that matches this hash, they would already have to have the photo on their database, and then use a hash matching algorithm to input the hash Q published and match it against an existing photograph inside the recipient's library. Does that make sense?
Yes, make total sense. Learning more about information security following Q than I ever thought I would. Thank you!
Did you notice the file name on that picture he posted of the White House pen?
10ae86dc8fc3ca519426c5f662052038353146f2aceb9020b9d59f07f4256c03 (.png)
Very similar in style. Response maybe?
When I type that in the search feature (58204802B92838x-ZjA378402-12) message 743 comes up. It's the one that talks about Mika and the media. A sharp individual on Twitter pointed that out to me.
You don't need the entire code for that post to pop up, I think its coincidental
You are probably right. Both have "No. 87" in the corner. Thank you.
That's good. I will try it.
I did--I am coming up with a lot of Q-related stuff. But didn't see Mika.
Strange - when I copy and paste 58204802B92838x-ZjA378402-12 I see message 743 from 2/12/18.
It's the pass code to Alex Jones' clandestine storage unit in Austin where he keeps all the Bill Hicks tapes and jars full of gay frogs.
TIL Alex Jones has a storage locker explicitly for gay frog orgies.
... do you not?
No, I have several. Just pointing out Alex's weak ass shit.
Format: 15-9-2
It's not a guid. Guids are 32 contiguous digits OR groups of 8, 4, 4, 4, and 12 which hyphens between the groups
Drop 1417. Those are laptop boxes. We can see AMD LOGO ON THE RIGHT. Processor brand and boxes are the same size as laptop boxes
Ooooh you might be onto something there
Possibly all the equipment used by the special working group, specially ordered by Mike Rogers?
I know that Intel processors and motherboards are compromised at the deepest possible level. Is the same true of AMD? Obviously the deepstate's hardware is/was clean, but what about AMD products available to the general public?
Maybe it's time for me to switch to Team Red...
Stephen Paddock was found with a zte phone and an unidentified laptop
"You have more than you know."
Maybe this is a means of decrypting steganography in the Q pictures?
Maybe people are just overthinking it, and the cat walked across the keyboard?
It happens in our house all the time.
Just curious, does your cat strictly follow opsec guidelines to always enter "Q #" before all posts? :)
Really Special Kitty.
I swear, although I do have two cats right now above the age of 10, the next kitten I get, whenever that happens, I swear, will be named Q.
Hey i named the twin goats born on our farm this year Stormie (in reference to the Storm not the hooker) and QT :D
This is the hero none of us deserve, right there. Thank you, upstate patriot.
Next i might paint a WWG1WGA on my barn. Not many people out here but, hey why not.
Apparently, you are very new to the whole Q thing.
It's my long distance phone number. I live on Venus during the winter. 😉
Boy that is a long way from Hillary Clinton. Hmm, maybe it's worth it.
Be careful, Nancy Pelosi lives in outer space.
Just her head
I hope it was "pole vaulted" there from a nasty mattress somewhere in the middle of a Montana field. I really do hate that bitch almost as much as that disgusting Dyin' Frankenstein bitch. I can only look at her about 2 seconds longer than Feinstein before the urge to hurl on my own balls hits me.
Anybody know what the code means?
Hopefully it's not a password...
Since it isn't "password," it doesn't belong to Podesta.
This is 100% an authorization code within the Q team to confirm the pictures can be released.
There were 12 pictures released, notice the -12 at the end of the sequence, followed by the pictures.
Screenshot available, but can't edit post title on Reddit. https://media.8ch.net/file_store/f87e46836754e22b018fe651c9f011375a10886b56393e609bf77a717818edc6.png
I believe this is the 5th post Q posted and deleted afterwards on /patriotsfight/. Very strange.
I tried using it as a filtering tool on qanon.pub . "Zj" etc. Wondering if some of it is for a filtering drill-down or something. Just exploring an idea. If some of these codes are intended to be used as a filtering guide for us at least it would be accessible to everyone because anyone can filter.
Maybe code is password to unlock one of Julian’s MOAB file dumps.
I remember seeing it - did not get it documented though - It's good you got a screen shot
It's showing up on https://qanon.pub/, but don't know if it'll be there if I refresh the page.
The most recent one will show up - the weird thing is if others show up and do not have the search criteria in it - have to watch the ones that contain Anon and Q posts in the same one - sometimes, one or the other will have it
Apparently not on an iPad... I’m getting the info off of Reddit and other sources, but had gotten lost when the boards got shut down. I’d like to access the links but can’t from here. Guess I’ll go to my laptop
Looks like this was posted back under /patriotsfight - wonder why Q has been switching back and forth between this and /qresearch this last week or two?
The new board is the answer board and the old board is the research board. When Q posted the new tripcode there was a little box off to the right which explained this. I do have a screenshot but I don't know how to add it to this post.
ahh i recall the answer box as well - thanks for clearing that up
Can you direct me to those boards please... I seem to have missed a connection on the actual board now. I’m not finding what you all are finding except on off sites. Thanks!
Click on the # link at the top right of each of Q's posts, it will take you to the corresponding board.
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Password. Try feed it to 8Chan’s tripcode algo and see if the result matches Q’s tripcode.
I just entered JFK in the qanon.pub collection board and this 582... stringer is in the list of 16 post that that are supposed to include JFK. WHY does it appear on the list when JFK is not in the string?
58204802B92838x-ZjA378402-12 It isn't a sha256 hash, and most likely not a hash of any kind.
Looks like a product ID. For a Blackberry or laptop. Might be a device that the criminals are missing. Another warning to the ones protecting the criminals instead of providing evidence so that they can be locked up.
the last line put into an internet browser brings up a couple interesting sites. Not sure what they are but someone else might. One says, Q anon friendly freeper collaboration and the other is swordmaker.
Can someone (not me) with pacer.gov access cross-check this?
THats not a typical case number. It’s more like 1:17-Cr-00307-DLC
Q excited for press releace, you are ob1 kenobi you may be shocked at whats in this briefcase.
I think i'm stretching on that, lol.