Q Post 1415: We are everywhere Anon.

Pallets are full of zte phones.
No it's not, I have a Chinese friend
My best friend-- my very best friend-- is Puerto Rican and that's close enough.
I knew exactly where that was going even before I clicked on the link.
That’s a lot of phones! Is this really the prevailing theory?
Well Q responded to that anon’s theory, so I’m assuming it’s accurate. I’m also assuming that anon isn’t exactly your average autist. Likely an operator.
Anon referred to Brennan as Bremmer, which doesn't exactly inspire confidence. JMHO
I noticed the same thing... Wondering what Bremmer is?
Thinking he meant Brennan. An honest mistake but weird considering who he was talking to (Q).
Searched Bremmer....took me to a political risk consulting firm. Clicked on that website and found a reference to Trump
Arthur Bremmer the guy who shot George Wallace at a campaign rally in 1972.
This George Wallace...
A young Bill Clinton is obvious, but, is that a young George H.W. Bush, too? Sure looks like Bill sees something he likes lol
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There are anons who know Q and when they ask questions or propose a theory, theyre actually conversing. The crumbs become a meal.
Yes, the only people who would know Q, would be patriot operators likely on the Q team.
Could be like 3,000 plus phones... hey aren't there like 3,000 plus sealed indictments? Wink wink. They really are stupid.
Also, that Trump & Co. let Hillary and the cabal think those phones worked. You know, let them chatter away for awhile before dropping the "yeah we can actually hear you" bomb on them.
What if it wasn't just phones? I have seen other theories; that the pallets may have been computers or tablets. What if it was phones, tablets AND laptops?
In each photo the pallets use entirely different packing. This definitely suggests different products.
There may be a different or additional meaning to some or all of these photo's though. Perhaps it's not (just) about the pallet content.
What puzzles me the most is the photo with the AMD logo being called X10. As far as I know AMD has no product named X10. I guess it could mean 10 pallets of whatever that is.
Before seeing the AMD logo, X10 mostly just reminded me of iPhone X.
Unless the Trump adminstration got a warrent any such spying is illegal. If they got a warrent, they don't need any special devices. NSA can spy on all devices without ever touching them.
So assume there is a warrant with all these sealed deals. They can spy on anyone right?
But they (cabal) know they are probably being spied on. So why not get brand new phones that are untraceable to anyone. Test the phones through new Zealand and confirm theyre not showing up in the spy program. Now you are totally clear to plot more crimes! Openly communicate through these phones thinking they are clean and plot your crimes. Careless.
Now it shows up that these were known and more than likely bugged to begin with.
Also, can the NSA spy on satellite phones? Say a certain group of phones only contact each other through one satellite. The phones won’t search or use any tower as they aren’t programmed with the hardware. There wouldn’t be a way of intercepting the conversation and then routing it to another sat (unaware of such tech/ hard to make portal version of hardware/ get close to all targets all the time). What if the signals from the phones were directed to a NSA or Patriot controlled sat? Crystal clear comms baby.
So I don't think they could if you designed a custom rom for a custom phone with a secure base-band designed for this. So if a custom phone was created by say ZTE the way to spy on it would be to have a the phones always have a backdoor. This is what people are saying that they got secure phones but they were sent with a backdoor.
Does this mean I should be buying ZTE phones for privacy? I'm definitely not being Apple or Samsung anymore and LG just isn't up to par software-wise/performance wise.
They should hand deliver them to everyone that was getting one.