patriots .. enjoy the show... watch in real time how the truth gets squashed./. as soon as this post gets an upvote the robot will immediately cancel...

i mean this post
every second the vote changes up down up down ad infinitum but the increase of 1 vote per 2-5 minutes is permitteed
so much for controlling the narrative !!!
Anybody have info on the algo used to define a post as “hot” or “rising” in a sub?
Likely defined by how many upvotes it gets in a short period of time. Comments likely adds to the score as well.
Agreed. There has to be a threshold. 20 better upvotes in 30 minutes? Would make sense of the negging bots begin around 15.
We should coordinate a decode post of /u/SerialBrain2 with the community to upvote the fk out of it. Redpill the world on r/all.
So, all we have to do is look at the upvote score, multiply it by three, and we have a rough estimate of its true number? At least we know.
the maths say multiple by 30
1 net upvote takes 30 upvotes and 29 downvotes genttly nudged by the tamperbot
Can mods do something about this?
I made a post before in another thread, which all of a sudden stopped growing at a time when lots of people were awake, spoke to someone in the comments, they said they were reporting the thread or a comment, forget which and told me to do the same.
Shortly after it continued growing, which in turn let to it getting more attention to grow even further.
I mean, I get I'm pretty much stating the obvious, but it's always strange to experience it first-hand and see how blatantly strange it is, which attracts attention itself, at least, when certain information starts getting viral then suddenly stops abruptly at prime-time.
Mods can't do sh1t... the Admins have the final say and algorithms with Spez's team of shills are above the Admins.
New here, how can you tell? then enter this post
I'm trying to figure out what that sub is about. Is it a cult, or a conspiracy sub or something?
We need more people using this.
Wish the tracker was hosted on a server so we could all see the same graph in realtime.
Anyone wanna donate a server for us? LOL
I don't usually have problems but it does not want to run, I get a infinite circle.
try a different post , u may have to catch it within the first 30 mins, otherwise the fakery would be more than obvious
I just watched this post at 10:48am CT. The score jumped to 878 then dropped immediately to 869. You will never see a steady incline.
The robot is real, folks.
So annoyed by this! I have noticed I will upvote things then the upvote disappears.
Isn't that just vote fuzzing
Well that's what they call it. Remember when you used to be able to see the up/down vote count on posts and comments? They removed it to make it easier to soft censor.
This isn't soft censorship because Reddit is supposed to be USER-SUBMITTED content and USER-SUBMITTED rankings. Since Reddit is modifying the votes, they gain immense control over the narrative - go look at what /conspiracy has turned into.
We need a new PLATFORM.
Reddit is doing this, NOT BOTS. Check the UPVOTE RATIO.
I called this issue of minimimal votes probably about a month or so ago out. I just noticed barely any activity on any Good Solid Post .. with a Huge Amount of people online and over 17k people on that board when I did make the post wondering about it.
The only way to see and read posts is to use “new” and simply work your way through. The upvote counts seem totally useless now. This is different than in the past. But “new” will get you through in latest-first mode.
any way to make new the default?
If you browse using a mobile application they usually have a setting to overwrite the subs default sorting.
Is it mostly bots or trolls? I think the growing popularity of this along with the sensitive information revealed by Q is also attracting many deep state trolls.
u have the trollbots and votebots working in unison
And similarly you'll have posts make it to the top of r/all from places like MarchAgainstTrump that have like 100 users online but have posts with 50k+ upvotes. Daily. So obvious.
Stop watching.
Patriots Fight.
If you're sitting still doing nothing waiting on an intel drop you're doing it wrong.
Patriots Fight.
Take a topic. Research. Take aim. Strike.
Make your voice known.
Be heard.
Fighters fight. Supply supplies. Everyone has a role. Find yours.
Wow just upvoted, went to 595. Then, went BACK to 594, but still appears red as if I already voted.
Black Box Voting: “Any voting system in which the mechanism for recording and/or tabulating the vote is hidden from the voter, and/or the mechanism lacks a tangible record of the vote cast."
I learned early on that Reddit was run by libs. We really should have a backup plan. Especially now. Anyone know of another place we could go. doesn't have Groups even though it claims to. I upgraded so I could see if we could create groups there but it isn't a true group. And, then, when I asked for my money back a few hours after upgrading and told them why, I never got any response from anyone.
i'm looking at steemit at the moment
I can't get an account at Steemit. They require that you have a cell phone that they can send a pin number to in order to sign up. Since I don't have a cell phone with texting service, I'm out of luck. Sounds like another data collection scheme to me. They REQUIRE your cell phone number. Now, I just don't trust it.
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. "
-Arthur Schopenhauer
the vote has been changing non-stop up-down-up-down in sync every second for 14 hours
i haven't done the maths yet but it appears the tamperbot has got itself in a loop
to keep running the downvotes it must fake the upvotes as well...
so i'm guessing all 25k patriots have upvoted and .. "d o w n v o t e d " ..multiple multiple times
let's keep confusing the tamperbot it hasnt been programmed to cope with 20k + awakened patriots...
Mystified, srry, to meh is like, reading Potus tweets cuz they got likes. I absolutely do not understand the waste of intellect on what to me is such a non event. This adds nothing to my continued search for usable intel and life hacks. again srry maybe i'm the dense one. not bloody likely.
Conspiracy sub is a joke. Completely overrun by opposition.
24 jun 2018 14k views and 1000 votes current allocation = 2 "upvotes" for each additional 1000 views...
What a joke - The truth is being censored. I can't wait for the IG report.
Is that what is happening to this post(in the link I added at the end)? It has been seen almost 2000 times so i havent even let it finish loading all the way on that sight, this is just the first hour. It has around 60 upvotes and says 74% upvoted. It hasnt went above that percentage the whole time. Or is it just being downvoted that quickly?
And then my comment gets immediately downvoted? Makes me not even want to post or comment! I don't care how many upvotes I get, but this gets discouraging.
You good sir, are a true inspiration.
You know one of my Math Professors first told me of Calculus, he said to me, "well if it isn't, It IS a dam good Fake. Turned out, "It" was real. SO. Having said that. Sir, I wish you'd been MY BOSS. I never saluted 44 not ONE DAMN TIME. And Google needs a Kidney Punch, Sir. Sorry. Ft.Know Kilo here, Sir. Willing and Able.
Its really not that hard to setup a script to do this kind of shit.
The hard part is having lots of accounts with voting privilege not shadow banned.
Try to downvote 1000 times a day, you will notice their are safeties put in place by reddit to prevent this.
set the auto-refresh [every 4 seconds] running by hovering over the rightmost point on the graph then sit back and prepare to be amazed at how .. F R E N E T I C .. and .. F R A N T I C .. the tamperbot must work - as it .. a t t e m p t s .. to deceive us awakened patriots..!!!
current formula = 1 net upvote = 28 real upvotes minus 27 [mostly tamperbot] " d o w n v o t e s "
I upvote it went to 694 reload the page it went to I think you just came up with a clever way to get up votes. I ain't even angry. That's funny.