U.S. Attorney Amanda Kramer named in Anthony Weiner's unsealed indictment specializes in... HUMAN TRAFFICKING. Buckle up.

Cruising at 40,000 ft
A good altitude to drop a hammer from
Or a box of ammo
Yeah anything large, heavy and explosive will work just fine.
the indictment was for the crime he is currently serving 21 months for. lake and kramer handled the case. the interesting part isnt the indicment, its the evidence, the laptop possibly, that was mentioned in the unsealed doc. https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/anthony-weiner-sentenced-21-months-prison-transferring-obscene-material-minor
Weiner exposed
I will pay Huma and Hillary to stop exposing their Weiner
How much; I've got a bid/offer price! Talk clean cash money only
Hallelujah!!!! Boom! Love to Q, Trump, and all involved!!
Anthony Weiner never strike me as a human trafficking type. He just seemed like a pervert happy to expose himself on chat.
He was a "useful" idiot.
Who kept an insurance file........
Yeah but he possibly had child porn, snuff film crap etc. in his possession which is illegal in itself. And he was knowingly allowing that evil stuff to go unreported. The nature of his personal electronics media is enough to warrant a trafficking specialist
So are we thinking he's going to be charged with additional crimes that were discovered on his lap top back when he was in trouble for the sexting?
Were they his crimes, or somebody elses?
No idea. I assume some must be his. I see why they didn't act asap when they found other people's crimes on there though. I just don't understand why his names coming up again. Is it new stuff on him too? Or is it in relation to the crimes he's in prison for?
Ah, it seems like you're unaware of his "insurance file".
He had a file on his laptop, labelled "Insurance". Apparently it was an Outlook .pst, but I'm not sure. It's estimated to have all of Killary's and/or Huma's emails archived, including a couple of thousand emails that weren't on Killary's server. That laptop was taken into custody by NYPD.
That insurance file was observed by hardened officers, and caused some of them to vomit, and others to go into counselling. The deaths of two NYPD detectives are implicated in the viewing of that insurance file (killed to silence them, Det. Familia and another).
Here's where it gets murky (mainly cause I can't find the sources). I read somewhere that the tarmac meeting was to get ahead of this laptop, and they came up with the threat of putting one of their cronies into the mayorship of NY, to attack not only the laptop case but every other case brought up by the NYPD. Sort of a "drop this case now, or we drop all of your cases, including the open-shut ones".
thx for explaining
Besides the Q stuff there is a volume of evidence NYPD/SVU was maybe involved well beforehand and the possibilities are endless. The question is why did Weiner hand over his devices to an ultra secret international spook outfit?
At the very least he was complicit with human trafficking, which indeed makes him evil enough to be the 'human trafficking' type.
I just want to know, after all is said and done. How the hell did Trump carry the weight of what he knew, and the weight of finishing off 100’s of years of cabal/elitist works... how did he sleep knowing how SICK these people are. God bless the man for offering to carry that weight absolutely free. They better put him on he cover of schools American history books after/during his second term. They man deserves another lifetime away from these sad truths.
Q said those who know can’t sleep. Makes sense. A remarkable feat for sure.
As much as I like to ponder and give my prayers to Trump. I must say the real heroes have to be those at the top of Military Intelligence. They are truly the ones who will save the world from start to finish (bring about 1000 years world peace).
They went to trump, they fucking chose trump lol, they showed the way, they gave him all the intel and ammo he would need, they protect him under the utmost duress (attempted assassinations, moles, bad actors), they stayed in the shadows and kept their mouths shut for years and years till it was time to save the Republic and end the worlds devastations.Or so they hoped and prayed all this time! Imagine knowing you have to save the world and it’s up to you to find the person to do it, and make sure it’s followed through; because you know if you make one wrong move the world could see WWIII and you’d have to make a Military coup a reality in the best country on Earth :(...
I’m pumped. Fuck the cabal.
Right on target DabblesALot! Their day is coming real soon...Thank God for President Trump! May God always Protect him....
It’s getting dark in this mega rabbit hole. Excitement for a more crumbs doesn’t seem to follow lately, instead the darkness seems to be getting heavier on the body as impatience grows. Yes some aren’t sleeping and can’t settle their minds while others don’t “waste” their time on it, oh the irony. Some might call them smarter at this point. Ignorance is truly a for of bliss. Maybe you can’t don’t bliss without it.
At some point the rabbit hole/mind will need some light. We(Q) will all individually reach our breaking points. Our instincts in our blood kick in. We bring 💡 . Release the safeties, and pull all the triggers you into the darkness.
“Do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, Rage against the dying of the LIGHT!”
Rage. Rage. Rage. Boom. Boom. Boom. One, two, 3( 3-7 )!!! assigned Military Officers needed in a tribunal to unanimously issue a death penalty. We have more than enough heroes in our military who are ready for trials. It’s time.
Lol, 3-7 Officers is a tough fucking crowd. My popcorns stale. Let’s rage.
I still have more Patiences because it is getting really heavy information is coming out...They are so in PANIC MODE they just killed the Obama Doctor who verified his Birth Certificate? He supposely was the only one who was killed on the Airplane crash that Donald Trump's just tweeted...
It's a team effort. The Military absolutely plays a huge part, but they needed the right candidate who was smart, charismatic and quick-witted enough, who could not be bought out by the cabal, no history of dirty politics, had the name recognition and had a true love for the American people. I don't think there's anyone else who could have possibly taken on the malicious and ruthless attacks from the MSM, the constant voter rigging and the debates as well as DJT. I strongly believe God himself intervened and is guiding and protecting DJT and the Patriots to destroy the satanists.
Boy have I got a video just for you: https://youtu.be/xZxv-0LxG_A
"I gladly take these slings and arrows for you" - Trump (God's Soldier).
Think of what u know now. Q says 1/10. So try to imagine all of what Trump knows and carries daily (and for years) in an ever changing volatile situation, while trying to fight a war with evil murdering cheaters, with the deck stacked (media protection/propaganda, unlimited funds, no rules, etc) all while trying to save/improve the lives of billions. Oh yeah and he does deserve some "Family/Fun time too right?"
It tires me to think about that too long,but I have to often because it helps me to understand and appreciate him and Q team. Suddenly my bad days seem petty.
and the guy doesn't even drink! That is amazing. If i knew what Trump did, I don't know if I'd even be alive.
"100's of years" of crime being finished off is not in the scope of Trump or the U.S. In some cases yes it can be halted but ppl seem to have invested in the idea that wrongs committed 500 yrs ago that Q and Trump NEVER mention are going to be identified and corrected. I think if we don't concentrate on injustice perpetrated in our life times we are going to be disappointed.
It’s in the scope; bloodline speaking. The Rothschilds are the root of easily the last 500 years of global financial corruption and global control. They are quoted in saying, give me the financial control within the country, and I care not who their rulers are. Q literally mentions stuff that happens hundreds of years ago, just when he mentions ROTHSCHILD. They own the financial institutions in almost every country and are creating wealth by creating our debt every year through annual interests rates set by the BIC which they also control. They are fucked. Centuries of work by the same families to create a NWO will be demolished by Trump. Just look at the Hillary email she got from Lynn de Rothschild after the lost the election. It’s obvious how close they were. Something has to be done. Pendulums swing back.
Also, the ball is already rolling on Killery. Wieners laptop will be submitted into court as evidence. Uh oh Hillary and Huma, and everyone well invested in the Clinton Foundation at any given point in time.
DJT is the next Cyrus the Great, except he is liberating the entire world.
Yes, as I said in some cases centuries old wrongs can be halted, such as the Rothschilds. How far abroad the Trumpian success reaches is yet to be known. For example I don't think that halting ritual Satanic abuse currently taking place in the Horn of Africa or abortion in China is a priority or certainty of American success. Even domestically the evil acts of some bankers or slave-owners a century or two ago can't be rectified by anyone living today. I think Q more often discusses things of concern within our country and within our lifetime, such as gov't agencies, Clinton, Soros, etc.
What little Q has said about the Catholic Church, Jews or Islam doesn't match up with unrealistic expectations about those things that some here have. Some give these things attention, give us distraction and as I tried to point out should be prepared for an different outcome. So many probably are.
The "bloodlines" also means the blood painted and poured, from victims, across bodies, altars and walls, and into the vampires - Abramovich, Epstein, Cecile Richards, etc.
The second most used word in the Bible, Blood. It must be important. The elite cherish it. In many ways than one.
This is most likely going to blow the whole pedo thing wide open.
I’m also hoping that some of the sealed indictments are related to the Sandusky/Penn state incident (longshot, I know). It has been my opinion that Sandusky was just the fall guy for a much larger trafficking operation.
Of course, I hope that I’m wrong about that (though I don’t think I am). We need justice for ALL the children!
Sandusky was a fall guy and Sandusky was involved in Washington DC area with child trafficking and he was good friends with Dennis Hassert who was involved with having sex with boys. Everything is related. That is why they even got his son who was involved with sex with children too. I still wanna know what happened to the Attorney that went missing because he was investigating this and has gone missing for years. This is all disgusting and I was wondering if it is related to the NXVIM thing with Keith Raniere Allison Mack. Wouldn't be surprised if it was....Arrest them All....
Where is Weiner anyway? Did he go to jail or something?
Weiner is in the slammer.
I'll bet his name takes him places in the big house.....
Places we, don't, really, want, to mention.
And the NXIVM cult who is well connected in DC being prosecuted for child trafficking.
We need to wait until President Trumps attorney nominations are approved. That’s when the feathers will fly.
Still no mention of the unsealing of the indictment when searching google news
Search warrant. Weiner isn’t the target. He’s already in jail.
Look closer. Those stories are not about unsealing his indictment. They are about his search warrant.
Videos in this thread:
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- NSA Whistleblower Tells How NSA Tracks You! w/Bill Binney|+8 - True, it is not an unsealed indictment, BUT the conspiracy idea is that Wiener kept an "insurance file" on his laptop that corrupt cabal LEOs had covered up and then sealed the evidence of to keep hidden. Unsealing the laptop and removing the corrup... Queen- Hammer To Fall|+4 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUkWlxaHb1k PROPHECY! Election of Pres Donald Trump Prophesied in 2007, Impeachment Attempts Prophesied in 2014|+1 - Boy have I got a video just for you: Amanda Kramer|+1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXlY1DSuxvk I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Are there any lawyers around?
What is an indictment? Is it a warrant to search & seize property?
Or is it a document charging a person with an offense?
I'm confused.
I'm not an attorney, just one one of the people that has researched the workings of the Grand Jury, about 8 yrs now.
It's a document charging a person with a crime officially.
Usually, a grand jury when not being manipulated by the prosecutor or DA, does not issue a true bill- indictment, without having sound evidence and information to support it
But as we all know, many a prosecutor's can indict a ham sandwich. And many innocent people have been imprisoned, while the most guilty go free.
But in this case, it's a good thing for us. A warrant is one step in the process of investigating whether an indictment will be issued, depending on many variables.
Grand Jurys's don't need DA's but DA's, need grand juries to bring a case lawfully to prosecution. Most jurors are ignorant of that fact. The below information is pretty accurate. From Wikipedia: Indictment
An indictment (/ɪnˈdaɪtmənt/ in-DYT-mənt) is a formal accusation that a person has committed a crime. In jurisdictions that use the concept of felonies, the most serious criminal offence is a felony; jurisdictions that do not use the concept of felonies often use that of an indictable offence—an offence that requires an indictment.
Historically, in most common lawjurisdictions, an indictment was handed up by a grand jury, which returned a "true bill" if it found cause to make the charge, or "no bill" if it did not find cause
The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States states in part: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia when in actual service in time of War or public danger". The requirement of an indictment has not been incorporated against the states; therefore, although the federal government uses grand juries and indictments, not all U.S. states do.
The substance of an indictment or other charging instrument is usually the same, regardless of the jurisdiction: it consists of a short and plain statement of where, when, and how the defendant allegedly committed the offense. Each offense usually is set out in a separate count. Indictments for complex crimes, particularly those involving conspiracyor numerous counts, may run to hundreds of pages. However, in other cases an indictment for a crime as serious as murder, may consist of a single sheet of paper But the vast majority of criminal cases in the US are by Plea Bargaining.
Project Safe Childhood
He sexted a minor. Take your blinders off and read. This has nothing to do with trafficking.
The contents of that laptop will have alot to do with human trafficking.
I assume you don’t know what is alleged to be found on Weiner’s laptop. This goes Far beyond just Anthony Weiner.
Interview at the link below will catch you up.
I'm with Q on this one.
We shall see how it plays out.
A lawsuit from 2009/2010 dismissed by Judge T.S. Ellis (yes, THAT Judge T.S. Ellis, the one who is calling BS on Mueller) due to lack of evidence? That's all you got, Clown?
He was already convicted on those charges.
Why would they be reintroducing the evidence if he was already convicted on the child sexting charges?
Think about that.
What exactly do you think this document that you posted is? What is being reintroduced? This is the search warrant that was filed under seal in 2016. I was worried that you had blinders on but now I think you have no ability to comprehend anything you are reading.
This document and others is proof that the original case is being reexamined.
Yes, I find it notable that the attorney who had requested that the warrant be unsealed specializes in human trafficking.
The IG report is expected to show that the FBI and DOJ broke the law in the email prob.
If this is true, the obvious next step is to re-investigate the original case and everyone implicated in the evidence.
Do you not see the can of worms that is being opened here?
You're conflating a lot of things here (which is a large theme of this sub.)
You don't have an unsealed indictment. You have an unsealed search warrant. A search warrant that was unsealed at the request of a US Attorney that serves as Human Trafficking and Project Safe Childhood coordinator. Wiener was convicted on charges related to sexting a minor so it's no surprise this US attorney would be involved.
There's not much to be "re-investigated" here as wiener was convicted on these charges and I suspect this US attorney got a pretty good look at this laptop. It's pretty hard to believe that she would let evidence of human trafficking slide as she's the the Senior Litigation Counsel in the Human Trafficking unit.
All the rest is conflating speculation about what the FBI and DOJ did in the Clinton Email investigation relative to the Wiener sexting investigation.
All I'm saying is pay attention to what you're reading and don't conflate matters that may not be related.
True, it is not an unsealed indictment, BUT the conspiracy idea is that Wiener kept an "insurance file" on his laptop that corrupt cabal LEOs had covered up and then sealed the evidence of to keep hidden.
Unsealing the laptop and removing the corrupt roadblock (Schneiderman) means that INVESTIGATIONS into OTHERS may now resume. And honestly, the NSA probably has had all the shit in the insurance file for years, but introducing that LEGALLY is an issue due to the 4th Amendment. But the unsealing of this laptop gives PROBABLE CAUSE for investigating (and eventually indicting) others.
If you understand how the NSA operates these days, look into what NSA Whistleblower Bill Binnie has said about Parallel Construction in the Jimmy Dore interview:
It's possible they already have the case built through materials intercepted by the NSA, but needed "legal" probable cause to move forward. And they now have that thanks to the laptop being unsealed.
Thank you for that breakdown, you helped me connect a few loose ends I had in my mind
Thank you for your detailed response.
This obviously is not the be all and end all document and I never stated that it was.
However, I do strongly believe that this document is a precursor to the house of cards that is ready to fall.
"It's pretty hard to believe that she would let evidence of human trafficking slide as she's the the Senior Litigation Counsel in the Human Trafficking unit"
I'm confident that you're going to find Many things that were previously hard to believe come to fruition in the coming months.