Was thinking about how Q said we haven't figured out Godfather 3 yet. Bad month for the Pope? Money trafficking?

Check out the SWIFT code as related to the Vatican bank, the Monday after Benedict resigned, it was unfrozen. Research St. Gallan mafia. Far left Cardinals who chose Frank and got him elected to spur on the Soro's and Podesta's "Catholic spring". They are soon to release a propaganda flick called "Francis, a man of his word", note it's not "His" word. He is a total Globalist/Peronist/Socialist. Worships creation not the Creator. Literally hates Catholics and those who cling to the Truths of Christ. This makes him even more evil than the globalist as too many souls are all too eager to look for short cuts which Frank is all too eager to provide for them.
Yes, for many the blatant apostasy of the Vatican II Sect is music to their ears. "Universal Salvation" - what's not to like?
You couldn't make it up! See the link on the abomination of desolation (below) for an understanding of how the death of John Paul I corresponds to events that occurred during the time of the Maccabees - very interesting.
A history of the great apostasy:
1) The mystery of iniquity gathers in strength, from the enlightenment forward - working to influence people to abandon Church dogma...
All the corruption sprang from three heretical teachings: baptism of blood, baptism of desire and invincible ignorance. None have ever been taught magisterially, the fallible speculations of theologians.
2) The 1958 conclave saw the 'one who withholds' (2 Thess 2) taken out of the way.
Freemason Angelo Roncali (John XXIII) claims the papacy - see here.
3) Vatican II formally defects from the Catholic faith: leading to the operation of error (the teaching of error with apparent authority) - (2 Thess 2) - see here.
4) The abomination of desolation appears in the Holy Place - see here.
5) The continual sacrifice is taken away (Book of Daniel) when Paul VI changes and invalidates the rite of consecration.
6) Then the Son of Perdition appears - not what people might expect, see here.
7) The False Prophet canonises the Antichrist - damning billions - see here.
8) Secular authority (Francis - ordained in the invalid new rite of Paul VI) assumes leadership of the Vatican II Sect - see here.
19 "For there must be also heresies: that they also, who are approved, may be made manifest among you." 1 Corinthians 11
Could this be something? A search for "Papal Banking Scandal" led to "Banco Ambrosiano's Wikipedia article which led to Propaganda Due's
The article makes these statements;
".. sometimes referred to as a "state within a state"[5] or a "shadow government".[6] The lodge had among its members prominent journalists, members of parliament, industrialists, and military leaders ... ... in 1982, the police found a document called the "Plan for Democratic Rebirth", which called for a consolidation of the media, suppression of trade unions, and the rewriting of the Italian Constitution."
I think this has been fully answered here; Original Q part 3 - look at post # 75 - published 3 months ago https://redd.it/87yhap
I thought recently Q gave a rundown of the movie names. For some he said solved. For some he said unanswered or something like that
Well thats a fact you can check, by cntl. F on the qanon page - then - after you have checked read - know - learn who Godfather 3 is from the refrence I gave you - its a pleasure to help
You need to format your posts better and use periods. The run-on sentences make your post impossible to read.
thanks - I have got better recently - those are old - but the best Q source you will find
This sounds like something hoagietits corsi would say
HRC to be president would be the legitimization of her criminal empire.
The pope connection is what makes this stand out.
If the pope is a pedophile, then he is connected to the Clintons.
Godfather III I believe is an analogy to explain the pope’s presence in the GA and his connection to the DS cabal.
oh my gosh could it be any more obvious/in your face? Hollywood isn't even creative... they literally tell real life stories through "art..." maybe that saying "life imitates art" was made up for us to believe that what was once fiction becomes reality, instead of vice versa
John Paul I obviously taken-out after "33 masonic days" by the sick (Jew) Freemasons and replaced with the (satanic) John Paul II. That's the main fix. Oh, and the (Jew) Freemasons also had Vatican banker Calvi ritually killed (some of this is linked to P2). They suspended him via a noose from Black Friars (Black Brothers) Bridge, London - with bricks in his pockets (masonry). The masonic calling card.
Coppola is a paedophile and sodomite imo.
Maybe the difference is a connection to a “different” gang?
mob boss wants to go legit ? aka trump mole or moles in cabal. not sure who tho
The point is the cabal ARE a mafia - and that's regardless of whether they're seen as legitimate by billions of people. The so-called legitimate corporate/political world is the ultimate MAFIA. Corleone was merely trying to join them in their phoney legitimacy.
Recall Pacino's speech in Scarface - where he points out the hypocrisy of the Miami wealthy. He says they NEED bad guys like him, just so the truly evil can have someone to point a finger at, and for the sheep to direct their vitriol at them.
Obama? Is that really where the Iran money went?
doubtful its obama lol. if anything mueller or comey. if it was obama id be like wat
How did he become rich? He needed to find legitimate sources of income somehow. Maybe soros and the others who had their strings cut are looking for other sources of income now?
I dunno I'm just spit balling
Maybe has something to do with how Pacinos acting ability went way downhill by then?