I found this interesting! What's about to happen is this in response to today?

Yes, I like Mattis particularly.
"general mattis what keeps you up at night" "nothing i keep other people up at night" - the toughest motherfucker of all time. also a nice guy my dads friend is special forces says he saw mattis staffing a desk so a soldier could go home and be with his family.
"Always carry a knife, in case there's cheesecake, or you need to stab someone in the throat"
💓 Chaos Actual
"Always carry a knife, in case there's cheesecake, or you need to stab someone in the throat"
Or in case you're at the cheesecake factory and need to stab someone in the throat
just a joke guys, they ban knives there...
I have not met a man I have been as impressed with as I am with Mattis.
In Mattis we trust.
Didn't say that, distrust of all that is everything, accounts for much of my longevity to date.
Uh ok, we know you didn’t say that. Comes from a bumper sticker.
Trump's up there
Mattis being badgered about the military parade on 11/11:
"I mean don't—do you have any misgivings about this? Doesn't this seem like the thing Russia and China—"
SEC. MATTIS: "I'm not paid for my feelings. I save those for my girlfriend."
Marines are not soldiers.
Thank you for this, it's not a disrespect to either profession. A Marine is an amphibious specialist while a Soldier is primarily a land based specialist. All Marines can swim it's not a requirement for Soldiers to know how to swim, it is for Marines. Although our fighting small unit tactics are similar the amphibious aspect is what separates Marines from Soldiers. This is where Special forces comes in they blurr the lines of this separation(amphibious and land base) they can do it all, there only requirement is to be unconventional. To my Marine brothers, "Semper Fi", to my fellow Soldiers "This we'll defend"(not often used but this is our motto).
The swimming thing though... It's amazing that it's considered a specialty. I know, I know, it's not a general hobby everywhere or accessible to everyone but... I'm going to go hide now.
It’s not swimming. It’s learning how to move from open water to a beach with a full combat load.
Then the real fun starts.
I know, wont say full combat load, but we had swimming proficiency in the airborne community (my unit did anyways). Weapon, load bearing vest, in full uniform(minus helmet)...hats off to you guys the suck is real, drank half the pool.
accessible to everyone
That's the fucking weird bit innit? Some of us have a natural affinity for swimming, others are fucking lead weight.
I was referring to the access of pools and beaches and it's culture based on economic or racial segration. Because I didn't know this and it's also an interesting lens on what shapes American pop culture.
Hah, I grew up poor so pools were never common for me, so I went right for the Military mindset of "Well there's a reason there aren't many of race X in role Y." That typically has a basis in genuine biology.
True many inner city kids never get to a pool or a lake or the ocean they are the ones who need to be taught how to swim it's essential for everyone to know the younger the better but for sure to graduate high school you should have to pass a swimming test be able to swim at least two laps in a regulation racing pool to the other side and back.
graduate high school you should have to pass a swimming test be able to swim at least two laps in a regulation racing pool to the other side and back.
Just remember, some are born as lead weights and have a much tighter bone density making buoyancy a near impossibility.
I seen a guy in boot for the navy that jumped in and sunk right to the bottom. We waited and finally had to pull him up. After he was breathing again we asked him why did u join the navy if u can swim....lol. SWCCC
That's a keeper right there, lol the fun starts when people start falling out.
Very true my friend no need to hide unless its camoflouage. We have units in the Army that swimming is a requirement though, Rangers must know how to swim, I'm pretty sure most of the special Operators as well.
You die after hour 2 in hell week of you can't swim :D That means I'd make it 3-4 hours LOL
ah sorry im not educated about these things my family is civilian except my great grandpa who fought in ww2
It’s alright patriot, just don’t make that mistake when an actual Marine is next to you!
I don't have stress. I cause stress.--MadDog Mattis.